...on the world wide web.
If you arrived at this page directly, please visit Uncle Semite for an introduction.
<< Shitler's List 6 - Shitler's List 8 >>
84000. | Larry Kalmanson | This is a dangerous world when being Jewish and proud is no longer a freedom |
83999. | Laurence Farbstein | |
83998. | Donald I. Pearline | |
83997. | scot merves | |
83996. | Cathy Doomernik | |
83995. | Moris Eskinazi | |
83994. | J Klein | |
83993. | Harvey Papush | |
83992. | Marie Byrne | I object to the terminology and want it removed |
83991. | Theodore E Frumkin II | Please remove immediately |
83990. | Michele Lellouche | |
83989. | Robert DAHAN | |
83988. | Cheryl Shour | |
83987. | Barry Lehrer | |
83986. | ingrid edery | |
83985. | Dan Blumberg | Disgusting |
83984. | margie elstein | |
83983. | Cheryl Proval | I will not use google until this site is removed. |
83982. | Ari Corman | It would be very commendable for google.com to act immediately on this issue. |
83981. | Steven G. Maier | |
83980. | Dov Gottdiener | |
83979. | C Friedman | |
83978. | Lisa Cohen | |
83977. | Sarah Conlon | |
83976. | Michael Saslawsky | |
83975. | HeleneWeissDesign | Promotes hatred |
83974. | j g | |
83973. | D Newman | |
83972. | Maggie Collum | Please, there is more than enough hate in the world. Please don't make this hate spewing website available via Google. Thank you. |
83971. | Claudio Borger | |
83970. | Sandy Bell | |
83969. | Ariel Broch | |
83968. | Anina Gerchick | |
83967. | Rose | |
83966. | Ami Kestenbaum | |
83965. | Dean Vegosen | |
83964. | janice ballard | |
83963. | Jerry Lieberman | |
83962. | Bruce Ellman | |
83961. | Joseph Ludwig | |
83960. | S. Ruben | |
83959. | Stuart Rayvid | |
83958. | Dr David Bachrach | This should not have been necessary |
83957. | Neil Benson | disgusting |
83956. | Lisa & Jeff Strahl | PLEASE REMOVE JEWWATCH.com ASAP!!!! |
83955. | Bevelry Waldman | |
83954. | dov hertz | |
83953. | Sherri Masler | |
83952. | donna feinberg | |
83951. | dara smith | |
83950. | amy coccodrilli | |
83949. | Judy Goldman | |
83948. | Matthew Goldman | |
83947. | Philip I. Waganheim | |
83946. | Valerie Shaw | horrific |
83945. | K.Elizabeth Bricker | This is too sad to believe - but I do believe it... WHAT is WRONG with those people?!?! |
83944. | Carol Stav | |
83943. | Michael Belasky | |
83942. | avi pollack | |
83941. | hedy berman | |
83940. | Pat Hadnagy | |
83939. | jody dickman | |
83938. | Judy Ginsberg | |
83937. | Jack Yachbes | |
83936. | Donna Greenspan | |
83935. | jane osborne | |
83934. | Lauri B. Regan | |
83933. | howard Simmons | |
83932. | j kozack | |
83931. | ralph joseph | |
83930. | Ella Zelichonok | |
83929. | Kathleen Zimpleman | |
83928. | Ben Segal | |
83927. | S. Berry | JewWatch should not be the first reference displayed when the word Jew is typed in your search engine! |
83926. | max bocchiola | |
83925. | Steve Rosner | |
83924. | Steven Eisen | |
83923. | Tova Fink | |
83922. | Steve Schaffer | |
83921. | Michael Hoffman | |
83920. | Jeffrey Rosenzweig | |
83919. | Juliet | |
83918. | caroline david | |
83917. | Boris Spektor | |
83916. | Amy Hessler | |
83915. | Oleg Kremiansky | |
83914. | gail sicilia | |
83913. | edith shulman | |
83912. | Sue Glick | |
83911. | I. Sanford Forman | |
83910. | Sue | |
83909. | Greg | |
83908. | Stan Zipkin | |
83907. | Ph. H. Klein | |
83906. | Sam Steinberg | There is no good reason for Google to support anti-semitism |
83905. | Marshall G. London | Even technology needs to be seasoned with a dash of ethics & morality |
83904. | Chaya Edelkopf | |
83903. | KELLY SIEGWALD | |
83902. | Randi Ryterman | |
83901. | Lou Cohen | |
83900. | yudi friedman | |
83899. | hilik | |
83898. | Ron McCracken | |
83897. | Chani Edelkopf | |
83896. | r. goldman | |
83895. | Dorit Harati | |
83894. | Guily Hanono | |
83893. | Barbara Rosenzweig | |
83892. | eva tashman | |
83891. | WALT ER ZIMMERMAN | |
83890. | gayle | |
83889. | Craig Rubin | |
83888. | Laurel Gruenwald | |
83887. | steve nagy | |
83886. | Lewis H. Denbaum | |
83885. | Martha | |
83884. | Berkowitz Leah | |
83883. | Carol Brandwein | |
83882. | DaKaSh | please consider removing this to lower place |
83881. | arielle gross | |
83880. | Syoma | |
83879. | Andrea Mesh | stop the hate,learn to live together |
83878. | joe | |
83877. | alvin Vinitsky | |
83876. | Gary Friedman | |
83875. | Gary Cohen | |
83874. | George H Leon | |
83873. | A.J. Siegel | |
83872. | gary zakem | |
83871. | Linda Levine | |
83870. | nathan | |
83869. | Hamid Khorsandi | Its an embarasment to google to put this hate material on the WEB |
83868. | Bela Greenbaum | |
83867. | p gosselin | thanks for removing site |
83866. | Carl Mink | |
83865. | Lindsay Garfield | |
83864. | Jan Rybeck | |
83863. | Lisa D'Asunta | Very disappointed in Google |
83862. | Margarita | |
83861. | Jeff Klein | Please make the change. It's clearly the right thing to do. |
83859. | Martin A. Morgenstern | The JewWatch site is the best remembrance of nazi demagogic strategies |
83858. | Alan Broude | |
83857. | Wolf Krakowski | Â |
83856. | Laura Landy | |
83855. | Vickie Smith | |
83854. | Barbara Weisman | Get this off!! |
83853. | Henry Inselstein | |
83852. | Robin L. Nickolls | |
83851. | L. Kaufman | |
83850. | Andrea Mesh | |
83849. | Rabbi Sandy Bogin | |
83848. | Ron Milo | |
83847. | sheldon kravitz | |
83846. | hillel zori | |
83845. | menachem Kaplan | |
83844. | Perry Alter | |
83843. | Norma and Robert Siegel | |
83842. | SAM WARSOFF | |
83841. | Susan Kravitz | Please remove this hateful site. |
83840. | Mayor Greg Muller, PhD | not appropriate to insult those of Jewish faith |
83839. | leon heiman | |
83838. | loretta p. veney | reemove jewwatch.com from the google |
83837. | Jean M. Nickolls | |
83836. | Suzanne Schreiber | |
83835. | Gabriel Horowitz | |
83834. | Kim Lessner | |
83833. | Fran Rituno Morrison | Any site that encourages hate and racism should not be allowed on the internet |
83832. | allen nightingale | |
83831. | Florence Lustig | Just one more "BLOT" to get rid of! |
83830. | Mark Dubinsky | All hate web sites must be eliminated! |
83829. | Sylvia Levine | |
83828. | Kay Sherman | |
83827. | linda pulitzer | |
83826. | Gil Klemperer | |
83825. | jared kushner | |
83824. | Barbara Weinstein | |
83823. | Mike Isco | |
83822. | Baruch Knei-Paz | |
83821. | wilma bernstin | |
83820. | Ivor R. Moskowitz | This is no place for this foul and hateful site. |
83819. | mandraik | |
83818. | Allan M Selznick | This is dicusting and must be removed from the internet on this or any other site. |
83817. | gene viglione | |
83816. | Yitzhak Peleg | |
83815. | sue | |
83814. | Jerold Goldman | |
83813. | Marilyn Kane | promulgating hate is not a cause |
83812. | Cheryl Giddens | |
83811. | Anne Kirchner | |
83810. | Salvatore Alhadeff | That site promotes hatred and anti semitism and should be shut down |
83809. | Susan Cioffoletti | |
83808. | Fran Rituno Morrison | |
83807. | Douglas Schustek | |
83806. | mark kogan | |
83805. | Arthur Sharenow | |
83804. | David Funt | I'm not sure in a free society it should be removed totally, but I think it shold definitely be far down on the list assuming that most people typing in the word are not looking for hate-based sites. |
83803. | Drake Zimmerman | |
83802. | Joshua Natale | |
83801. | Lisa Grunebaum | |
83800. | Mike Lipson | |
83799. | Patricia Brown Specter | This is hateful and unAmerican |
83798. | Judy shafron | |
83797. | Joe Fass | Please remove asap |
83796. | Jonathan Krass | |
83795. | Bobbi Norwitch | |
83794. | Roxanne Schwartz | |
83793. | Morton Garellek | |
83792. | Deborah Carver | "Do No Evil" - I have always respected this mantra of Google's. Make it right, Google. You didn't cause the problem, but don't let it be perpetuated through you! The only thing it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing. |
83791. | Denise Arjmand | |
83790. | Lyn Cherry | Please Remove |
83789. | Zelda Wildman | |
83788. | Eugene Elkin | |
83787. | M. Cohen | |
83786. | Irene Salm | |
83785. | Lester M. Lobel | |
83784. | norman krasnow | don't abet vicious lies |
83783. | george | |
83782. | arthur feinberg | |
83781. | JANET KALUP | |
83780. | Larry Frenkel | |
83779. | Julia Elkind | |
83778. | Herb Limsi | |
83777. | Arnold M. Freeman | |
83776. | M. Dubs | |
83775. | Mark Landau | |
83774. | david | |
83773. | Maurice Silberman | |
83772. | John | |
83771. | Philip C. Cohan | It's hateful and offensive. |
83770. | Andrea Amonick | |
83769. | Moshe Vasselzam | |
83768. | Edith Penzner | |
83767. | Helene FEffer | Totally distressed I use google daily. |
83766. | Haim | |
83765. | kerry painter | |
83764. | Rick Winward | |
83763. | Sandy | |
83762. | mary ousley | |
83761. | Robert B. Ligon | Google should be ashamed. No reputable organization would permit such a thing. Users should contact Google's advertisers and raise hell about it. |
83760. | Ilan Kirkel | |
83759. | beverly benedikt | |
83758. | Rivka Vasselzam | |
83757. | Roberto Strauss | NO ROOM FOR SITES LIKE THIS !!! |
83756. | Saul Perlmutter | |
83755. | Ron Hoffmann | disgraceful! |
83754. | Ethel Reznik | |
83753. | Suzanne Rotbert | |
83752. | Daniel Rubin | Anti-Semitism must be stopped at once!! |
83751. | melissa pearlman | |
83750. | Rise Kaufmann | |
83749. | Mel Marcus | |
83748. | Michal Moses | |
83747. | Morgan Borins | |
83746. | bob benedikt | |
83745. | Janis Swartz | |
83744. | Andrea Rodgers | |
83743. | Elaine Farbenbloom | |
83742. | JO ANN WOLTZE | |
83741. | Denise | |
83740. | Jessica | |
83739. | Johanan Moses | |
83738. | kbguttmann | |
83737. | Dorothy | |
83736. | Elliot M. Kaplan | |
83735. | Kenneth Tolchin | |
83733. | STERNBERG | |
83732. | Judy Gabai | This is a disgrace!!!! |
83731. | Marilyn Moses | |
83730. | RJ Dorian | |
83729. | Jason Epstein | |
83728. | Jim Merson | Though this site does not always come up first on your website search, it still is prominent and offensive. |
83727. | Andrew Rudick | |
83726. | Donna H Geller | |
83725. | Leeron Mazor | |
83724. | Linda Horowitz | |
83723. | Sarah | |
83722. | Randy Bond | Jew Watch was second - An article on herpes was first. This is disgusting! |
83721. | roberto luis | |
83720. | Gaynor | |
83719. | heather trotter | |
83718. | jan kaplan | this is ridiclous |
83717. | Pamela Braus | There is no reason for Google to keep this!! |
83716. | Cheryl Cohen | |
83715. | Samuel | YUK!!!!!!!!!! |
83714. | allen freilich | |
83713. | michelle kolling | |
83712. | Ron Romaner | |
83711. | Sharon Fishman | |
83710. | Phyllis Scheck Labott | |
83709. | Tamar Hermesh | |
83708. | Reuven R. | They need a fricking petition to remove it?! |
83707. | Joe Shamie | |
83706. | James K. Cochrane | |
83705. | sharon | |
83704. | Steve Argintaru | |
83703. | Andrew Edwards | |
83702. | Edward Ghazal | |
83701. | Lawrence Levy | |
83700. | brahm Silverstone | |
83699. | Phyllis Burg | |
83698. | Rich Levin | |
83697. | Richard Couzens | |
83696. | Renie Hotz | |
83695. | oded | Â |
83694. | David Cohen | |
83693. | Davina Bakerman | |
83692. | Ira Litman | |
83691. | Barry White | |
83690. | Judy Gold | |
83689. | Alain Taylor | |
83688. | Philip Jackson | |
83687. | Dr. G. Baram | |
83686. | CARL ALLISON | |
83685. | Roberto Strauss | NO ROOM FOR SITES LIKE THIS !!! |
83684. | Terri Leyton | |
83683. | Rosalie Simeone | |
83682. | Martin Riger | |
83681. | Larry Sperling | |
83680. | A.Lichter | |
83679. | SHULIE KLEIN | |
83678. | CARL ALLISON | |
83677. | Bernard Bliman | this is America not Natzi Germany |
83676. | Phyllis Nathan | Stop the hate. I will no longer support google advertisers until this is stopped. |
83675. | Andrea Feldstain | |
83674. | Michael Jayes | |
83673. | SHULIE KLEIN | |
83672. | Rebecca Hornstein | |
83671. | Darryl Marcus | |
83670. | shira | |
83669. | henry feinberg | |
83668. | max braude | |
83667. | Robert Cohen | Start on a positive about Jews |
83666. | Janis | |
83665. | Marcelo Steinfeld | |
83664. | jack gordon | |
83663. | Marshall S. Frumin,M.D. | please change Google's policy for accessing such searches |
83662. | Harvey Diamond | |
83661. | Jenni Cohen | |
83660. | claudia abae | please take this seriously and act! |
83659. | M & B Braun | |
83658. | George W. Lankton | |
83657. | Florence Kessel | |
83656. | Larry Korn | |
83655. | Teri Saurer | |
83654. | Deanna Stolberg | |
83653. | Lynne | |
83652. | Laura Uhr | |
83651. | Judith Lebowitz | |
83650. | Y Ben-Dat | |
83649. | Sheila Rose | |
83648. | B. Rothman | Do it now- please! |
83647. | Marge Gordon | |
83646. | Colin Lederman | |
83645. | David Wise | |
83644. | Ariel Leibovitz | I expect better from Google |
83643. | Vadim Yudkovsky | |
83642. | craig silverman | |
83641. | Amy Yelin | |
83640. | Kelly Luck | |
83639. | Jay Pearlman | |
83638. | yechiael Lander | |
83637. | Pamela Baril | |
83636. | lucille rosenstock | |
83635. | laurie r | very disturbing |
83634. | Bernard Kalb | remove that vile site |
83633. | Nechama Heachter | |
83632. | Eileen Martell | |
83631. | Mara Schenk | |
83630. | ira reiss | |
83629. | Michele Fredman | Even if the constitutional right to free speech protects this, it should not be afforded any priority on Google. Please relegate it to the back burner, at least! |
83628. | Rosalind E. Gorin | |
83627. | Linda Ginsburg | |
83626. | Bill Feldman | |
83625. | Brian S. Katz | |
83624. | K A Arrowsmith | |
83623. | nili | |
83622. | Sarah Peters | |
83621. | Maria Rado | |
83620. | aaron m. singer and miriam lehman | shame on an otherwise reputable and reliable outfit |
83619. | robert grossman | |
83618. | Paul Waldman | |
83616. | Gregory L. Cartine | |
83615. | blanche sherman | |
83614. | Martha Beebe | |
83613. | Karen Phillips | |
83612. | Roy | |
83611. | harriet sobol | how did this happen? |
83610. | Deborah Pleasant | |
83609. | marcia koven | |
83608. | Douglas S. Hough | |
83607. | Steve F | |
83606. | Meryl Wexler | |
83605. | Diane Fernandez | |
83604. | Joshua Zagorsky | I can't stand intolerance |
83603. | HelenMoskowitz | |
83602. | shelley krapes | |
83601. | Arnold Millan | If Google can accommodate Chester, England officials, you can accommodate the wishes of millions of Jews worldwide. |
83600. | Caryn Bark | |
83599. | Tanya Simoes | |
83598. | marc r. wagshal | |
83597. | Sol Ross | |
83596. | Martin Samson | |
83595. | Mary Greene | |
83594. | hal ufberg | |
83593. | Scott I. Pollack | |
83592. | Adina Steiman | |
83591. | jen | |
83590. | Gary Fischman | |
83589. | Mark Likhovetski | |
83588. | Eric Hilman | |
83587. | Gerry Bullon | |
83586. | Myndi Kronick | |
83585. | Graziella Pilo | |
83584. | sanford raihill | |
83583. | Shifra Schwartz | |
83582. | Rebecca Spokony | |
83581. | Maria Rado | |
83580. | greg seinfeld | |
83579. | Cathy Hough | |
83578. | Adam Isenberg | THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! |
83577. | Yasin | kill arafat |
83576. | ERICA SCARPATI | |
83575. | Carl H. Kaplan | |
83574. | Amy Holtzer | |
83573. | William M. Kelly, Ph.D. | |
83572. | Ann Goldman | Your eliminating this entry will testify to your not being a part of increasing hatred in this world!!! |
83571. | Rochelle Sauber | Sinply move the site much lower on the search. It's not as if I love the fact that there's a hate-ful site coming up on the search, but it certainly shouldn't be the first site to come up on the search. |
83569. | Ron-Michael Pellant | |
83568. | Yonatan Katsman | |
83567. | shalom Noury | |
83566. | Adin Samson | |
83565. | Lori R. Schwartz | please remove this site |
83564. | erwin j. shustak, esq. | not removing this will hurt your corporate image |
83563. | Carl Goldbaum | Free speech is one thing, but this a call to violence. |
83562. | estee | GET OVER IT |
83561. | Miguel Singer V. | |
83560. | Geoffrey Kirshner | |
83559. | Susanne Rubinstein | You should be ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
83558. | Isabelle | This is repulsive. |
83557. | Edith Toledano Querub | |
83556. | gidon cohen | do the just thing |
83555. | Mark Rosenthal | |
83554. | Joseph Ader | |
83553. | darryl | |
83552. | Geela Spira | Do the right thing!!! |
83551. | Zinaida Chernyak | Â |
83550. | Mark Levin | |
83549. | Dr. Mark Cheren | please take this petition seriously. Thanks |
83548. | Ellen Buchine | |
83547. | shlomit | |
83546. | Tom Rado | |
83545. | Michael Woland | |
83544. | lisa tannenbaum | please remove anti-semetic web sites from google |
83543. | Dana Ruggiero | |
83542. | Ran Kedar | |
83541. | Dr. Nancy K. KLein | REmove Jewwatach from Google Immediately!!! |
83540. | Nori Goldsmith | |
83539. | mark roseman | please be more vigilant about indexing hatred |
83538. | asher dash | |
83537. | Louis Hirsch | |
83536. | Lenny Alper | |
83535. | Janice Smiley | |
83534. | Michelle Lombardo | This is horrible, remove this site!!! Stop the spread of hatred. |
83533. | Brad Ross | |
83532. | Susanne Lisker | I think it's disgraceful that you allow such a site |
83531. | Jennifer | |
83530. | Jan Lawless | |
83529. | Daniel Rubin | |
83528. | Adam Goldschmidt | |
83527. | david | |
83526. | moshe | |
83525. | Simon Obel | |
83524. | Marilyn Zweig | |
83523. | Robin Schwartz | |
83521. | Robert Gans | |
83520. | Dedrian Clark | |
83519. | Reva Hanzman | |
83518. | marlene herman | |
83517. | elana tremblay | |
83516. | abe edery | |
83515. | Dr. H. Siegel | |
83514. | ezra sher | |
83513. | Sergio Orellana | |
83512. | elihu shannon | |
83511. | Laura Toch | |
83510. | Stefan Brozin | |
83509. | Richard Weinsieder | |
83508. | lou goldstein | i can't believe google would have allowed this type of web page to begin with |
83507. | Joyce Reisman | |
83506. | James Kasch | |
83505. | Robert Fischbein | |
83504. | Marcy Becker | |
83503. | Dan Ginsberg | |
83502. | tikka smiley | Please remove JewWatch from your search engine as soon as possible! |
83501. | Reuven vodovoz | you should have known better than to even to have to told this |
83500. | Moti Zarbiv | |
83499. | george | |
83498. | Ira Lubin | |
83497. | David Hennes | Whoever started this site is a rotten S.O.B. |
83496. | debbie michelson | |
83495. | Nancy Ruttenberg | |
83494. | Ruth Rosengarten | |
83493. | karen felter | The jig is up on your double standards - aka anti-semitic policies. Better to admit you're wrong now than face the consequences |
83492. | Adam Dicker | I am disturbed by this |
83491. | joshua eller | |
83488. | Julie Roth | |
83487. | Emily Chan | |
83486. | Nancy Lewis | |
83485. | G. Dranoff | |
83484. | Ruth Lynton | |
83483. | Harry Pizer | this is reprehensible overt anti-Semitism |
83482. | Daniel I. Lubetkin | |
83481. | Wanda Barsano | |
83480. | Carl E. Auvil | |
83479. | judi Barbarosh | |
83478. | Ronnie Raymond | |
83477. | Nicola Miller | |
83476. | Pearl | |
83475. | Robin Jacobs | |
83474. | Louis Dvoretzky | |
83473. | Gilberto A.Schmidt | |
83472. | Fran Oscar | The situation is intolerable |
83471. | Janice Ditkowsky | this is a disgrace to the jewish population. |
83470. | Ann Novick | |
83469. | Mayer Kramer | |
83468. | Daniel S. Firestone | |
83467. | Carol Whitmore | |
83466. | Lynne Rozen | |
83465. | Aryel Ashe | |
83464. | Daniel Etra | |
83463. | Stephanie Friedland | |
83462. | ROMAN RYTERMAN | |
83461. | donald gerard | Jew Watch is nasty,dishonest and evil! |
83460. | Judy Wolfberg | |
83459. | Jamie Minkin | |
83458. | HR Simon | |
83457. | Katy Fendrich | Please remove JewWatch.com from your search engine listings |
83456. | gil lang | |
83455. | Shuli Waitzman | |
83454. | sasha greif | |
83453. | Mona Thompson Innes | |
83452. | Bryan Shane | a shameful abuse of an information service! |
83451. | Prof. Shalom Rosenberg | |
83450. | Robert Doran | Google, you should remove it by your own volition. What's wrong with you. I will be using another search engine until you do. |
83449. | Pierre Lemieux | |
83448. | Rosemary Grainger | |
83447. | ayelet price-givony | |
83446. | Lois Banks | Please delete this web site and all other racist websites and anything that brings negativity to the world. |
83445. | Voronov | |
83444. | Betty | remove remove |
83443. | Louis Gordon | |
83442. | Feigenblat E. | |
83441. | Shira Wolch | |
83440. | Sherry Williams | Why do you need 50,000 signatures to do what's right? |
83439. | Lesley Andrews | |
83438. | Ziva Bar-Nnavon | |
83437. | Arline | |
83436. | David Bullard | |
83435. | Michael Kushner | |
83434. | Janice Dehn | |
83433. | R. Brenner | |
83432. | Paul Oscar | This situation is totally unacceptable |
83431. | Matilde Simmons | Its a disgrace in this day and age . |
83430. | Zeev Sela | |
83429. | Rise Gerber | |
83428. | Anny Burdman | |
83427. | Owen Grainger | |
83426. | Lois Banks | Please delete this web site and all other racist websites and anything that brings negativity to the world. |
83425. | r watman | |
83424. | Jeffrey L Lewisohn | While I am a staunch believer in first amendment rights, carrying a site where the specific intent is to foster anti-semitism is inexcusable. |
83423. | Michael Altman | |
83422. | Carolyn Schwarz | |
83421. | laura aflalo | |
83420. | Leonard Gryn | |
83419. | Michael Rosenbloom | |
83418. | Allen Sutherland | |
83417. | sharon friedman | |
83416. | joshua cohen | |
83415. | Michael Bercun | |
83414. | Sandra Falone | |
83413. | Jay Rose | |
83412. | joseph leighton | |
83411. | Noam Seelenfreund | |
83410. | Shirli Singer | |
83409. | Tal Reichert | |
83408. | RENE H. ROTH | |
83407. | Adin Stamelman | |
83406. | Sarah Levy | |
83405. | Jacqui | |
83404. | Jeff Rosen | |
83403. | ADINA HANO | |
83402. | Randi Pollack | Â |
83401. | Corey | |
83400. | Zoe Trilling | |
83399. | Cindy Klein | |
83398. | marlo kravetsky | |
83397. | Thomas Hardin | |
83396. | ami amir | |
83395. | Eileen Schneidman | |
83394. | Susan Friedman | just heard a story on behind the scenes search engine tweaking on NPR this morning, obviously Google can choose what comes up first |
83393. | Dan | I am appalled that Google is party to this. |
83392. | Taryn | |
83391. | robyn | |
83390. | ZoAnna Scheinfeld | |
83389. | Cindy Aten | |
83388. | Alyssa L. King | |
83387. | B Gluck | |
83386. | Gail Gould | |
83385. | andrea simon | horrified to find this out! |
83384. | Katie Froelich | horrible that this exists!!! |
83383. | Eric Schaffer | |
83382. | Arnold Berman | |
83381. | peter | |
83380. | Gail samson | |
83379. | Jennifer Kinberg | |
83378. | David Streltsoff | |
83377. | justin | |
83376. | Liliane Abitbol | REMOVE THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!! |
83375. | S. Kowalsky | |
83374. | howard share | |
83373. | C. Topol | |
83372. | Stephanie | |
83371. | Debbie Colton | |
83370. | Lauren Fine | |
83369. | jerrold ziman | |
83368. | Phyllis Shapack | What have the Jews done to Google to cause such a web site that only creates more hatred? |
83367. | Gillian M. Scott | |
83366. | cheri levin | |
83365. | Ann Aronson Martin | |
83364. | Barbara Litrell | |
83363. | Curtis Bernstein | |
83362. | Craig Rhodes | There should be no need for a petition to do what is right. Google managers should be ashamed. |
83361. | Anita Brause | |
83360. | Zwicky Kratz | |
83359. | Shari Cohen | |
83358. | Steven Pond | |
83357. | jonah arnold | |
83356. | Ricardo Goldschmidt | |
83355. | Janos Pataki | |
83354. | Nancy Leichenauer | |
83353. | adi | |
83352. | Michael Preis | |
83351. | Yael Zelinger | |
83350. | Gillie Nevel | |
83349. | Leonardo Pollach | |
83348. | Etan Frankel | |
83347. | Brigitte Dayan | |
83346. | Betsy Hecht Summer | Please remove this blight on YOUR good name immediately. |
83345. | Shifra Yosef | I would like this sent to all US Legislators/Judges/other public persons |
83344. | Elliott Linsky | Get rid of that site |
83343. | J. Traub | |
83342. | Norman Szychter | |
83341. | kiran sarkin | |
83340. | Michelle Crompton | |
83339. | Eileen Williams | |
83338. | Brooke Ingram | |
83337. | jill burstein | |
83336. | Daniel H. Callahan | |
83335. | David Froelich | |
83334. | Nilo Berlim | |
83333. | Ran Zilca | |
83332. | Asher Weissman | |
83331. | Natalie Segall | Remove this site from your search engine! |
83330. | Aaron Ivener | |
83329. | to david harisson | to david harisson, hate sites are bad. its a hate site against the jews. jews have the right to live like everybody else have it! |
83328. | Ruth Freedman | |
83327. | Morton West | |
83326. | Nick | |
83325. | Debbie | SHAME ON YOU!!!! |
83324. | Jennifer Willig | |
83323. | Lillian Steinberg | |
83322. | Vladimir Cuperman | |
83321. | Stuart Kaufman | |
83320. | Eyal Bressler | |
83319. | yaacov | Please, remove the site off the internet. |
83318. | Suri Poulos | |
83317. | judi scott | |
83316. | Brenda Alberico | |
83315. | B. J. Gordon | People who want this information will find it; Google has no obligation to in essence promote it by giving it prominence. I have been listening to NPRs recent series of stories on search engines and am more than ever convinced of just how much control you do have over exactly what appears and how, so please don't patronize us with the "it's just the way the algorithms work" story you have posted. |
83314. | Barbara Milrod | |
83313. | Alysa Kogan | |
83312. | syd broer | |
83311. | Jon | |
83310. | Dan Braun | |
83309. | Esther Moscatel | Disgusting |
83308. | Ruth Sefton | |
83307. | zilberstein elias | it's a shame for the 21st Century |
83306. | Rick | repulsive |
83305. | Darcy Lowell | |
83304. | Barbara Miller | |
83303. | Carol McCall | no option - hate sites should not be allowed |
83302. | simon berman | |
83301. | Deborah Blaiberg | |
83300. | Bob Levinstein | |
83299. | Randy Chambers | |
83298. | melissa Keehn | |
83297. | Jed Peretz | |
83296. | Charles Langnehs | Remove this hate |
83295. | Benjamin K. Fisher, M.D. FRCP(C) | |
83294. | DAVID ROGOVIEN | This is disgusting. |
83293. | Ron | |
83292. | kevin halpern | |
83291. | Fern Schwartz | |
83290. | Osama bin Laden | Google is great for anti-Semites! |
83289. | Marvin Goldberg | |
83288. | Rabbi Binyamin Walfish | Google is probably the most respected and used search mehanism. It should not permit its name to be sullied by being used for anti semitic propaganda |
83287. | pat waldeck | |
83286. | Yakov Becker | |
83285. | B. King | If the first site listed upon doing a search on African Americans was derogatory, it would be removed in seconds. Double Standard. |
83284. | Ted Bolak | |
83283. | Marci H Talisman | |
83282. | Monika Urban | |
83281. | Bryan | |
83280. | Jon Wilson | |
83279. | Eileen Wohlgelernter | |
83278. | Ruth Bernstein | |
83277. | Ezra Cohen-yashar | |
83276. | Deborah Sakai | |
83275. | A.E. Tishman | |
83274. | Jon | |
83273. | Steven Varhola | |
83272. | Charles Apotheker | |
83271. | Herb Burd | |
83270. | Nevin Mindlin | |
83269. | Peeters | |
83268. | sandi | |
83267. | Reta Martin | |
83266. | Sarah | |
83265. | todd b | |
83264. | Jonathan G. Bressel | |
83263. | sharon goodhart | |
83262. | Carole Shapiro | |
83261. | Diana Schutt | |
83260. | Marcia Sokol-Anderson | |
83259. | jana englander | |
83258. | Melanie Steier | |
83257. | Aviva | |
83256. | Peter Moore | Have standards |
83255. | HAL STEINFELD | |
83254. | Norm Schwalm | Save Google's good name...remove Jew Watch.com |
83253. | Joseph Frenkel | |
83252. | s | remember the holocaust! |
83251. | Denise Hendricks | |
83250. | Judy Lobo | |
83249. | Harold Engel | |
83248. | Gregory A. Bayer | Please remove the offending site |
83247. | Nicole Feldman | |
83246. | Bernice Spitzer | |
83245. | Steven Sandler | please remove this search site |
83244. | dorothy gordon | |
83243. | Seth Horowitz | |
83242. | Tammy | |
83241. | Bruce Shapiro | |
83240. | DIKLA | |
83239. | David M. Rube, MD | |
83238. | R. Z. Rush, DC | demented, angry pea brains who now have a digital voice |
83237. | Wm. Solomon | Apple's Safari has built-in Google. Now I won't use it. |
83236. | Kelley Riggio | |
83235. | Michelle Albert | |
83234. | gary ambrose | |
83233. | Cheryl Rosenthal | |
83232. | Judi Hines | Hate sites of ANY kind should NOT be tolerated |
83231. | Deidra Payne | |
83230. | lindsay | please turn the world right side up |
83229. | Bruce Feldman | |
83228. | Howard Lichstrahl | |
83227. | Susan Bronstein | |
83226. | Wendy Lee | |
83225. | Paul Gamer | |
83224. | Ferne Epstein | Too many to list |
83223. | Bruce Landau | |
83222. | michele collins | |
83221. | Cindy Friedman | |
83220. | Jonty Brandon | |
83219. | Debora Oriolo | please remove now |
83218. | Gareth Myer | In this modern day it is a disgrace that there are still such people around. The site should be removed in its entirity, nevermind just off the Google Search Engine. |
83217. | Marty Cohen | please remove jewwatch from the engine, or at the least, take it off the top |
83216. | Philip | |
83215. | Dave Gottesman | |
83214. | steve engel | |
83213. | Ken Stone | Apathy is not an option ! |
83212. | larry&madeleine steinbach | |
83211. | Bernard Lee | |
83210. | Leslie McCrea | Act now, please! |
83209. | Marilyn Gozansky | |
83208. | lulubell | |
83207. | Amanda Dale | |
83206. | Jerry E. Bailey | |
83205. | James Farrell | |
83204. | andy pesky | It is a disgrace & shameful! I will not use Google again. |
83203. | S Laifer | |
83202. | Lynne Konstant | enough of these mumsers! |
83201. | Gayle Bielech | PLEASE REMOVE THIS HATEFUL SITE |
83200. | Jeff Katzen | |
83199. | Steve Susman | please delete this site |
83198. | linda sidel | |
83197. | eyal toueg | |
83196. | sylvia landau | |
83195. | Myrna Schkolne | |
83194. | Tal Brown | Terrible. |
83193. | Danielle Luck | pls remove jewwatch.com |
83192. | Peter M. Braswell | I am outraged |
83191. | Ginger Wiegand | |
83190. | jerry pollak | |
83189. | Karen Landman | |
83188. | david silverberg | |
83187. | Matthew Nussbaum | |
83186. | james levi | |
83185. | Valerie Katz | Hate group should be removed |
83184. | Steven Hoenig | |
83183. | David Harrison | Hi again, I'm a closet anti-Semite who's already signed as #72245 with a pro-Jewwatch comment. Please drop that signature from this petition. Sincerely, |
83182. | Michael O'Shea | |
83181. | Alexis M | |
83180. | Susan Cusner | Please remove |
83179. | Elvira Nadin | Google is assuming responsibility for this kind of misuse of the search engine! |
83178. | Helene Press | |
83177. | Allison Caplan | REMOVE IMMEDIATELY! |
83176. | carol saal | |
83175. | Joy Rubenstein | |
83174. | Lauraine Jaeger | |
83173. | François Béland | |
83172. | Sava Chernomordik | |
83171. | rachel sultan | |
83170. | Lapid Amir | |
83169. | Joan Beck | |
83168. | Elisa Schneider | |
83167. | Aliza Gordon | |
83166. | mark | |
83165. | ELAINE SNOWBELL | |
83164. | william green | |
83163. | Renate Krakauer | |
83162. | roy hoffmann | |
83161. | Beth Hall | |
83160. | Lisa Zarkower | there are plenty of other search engines out there. |
83159. | Bradley W. Dick, MD | |
83158. | martha denton | |
83157. | jerry pollak | |
83156. | T. Allison | |
83155. | Stanley Schwartz | |
83154. | Danit Mishani | |
83153. | BETTY BALAILA | curb hate crimes |
83152. | Barbara Vilkomerson | |
83151. | Rick Bobron | |
83150. | Karen Flores | While I appreciate freedom of speech, misrepresentation should not be a part of Googles fine reputation. |
83149. | john | You really think that it's moral? |
83148. | W Friedman | |
83147. | marvin riesenbach | |
83146. | William Britton | |
83145. | cheryl joss | |
83144. | Mike Vaccari | |
83143. | Kay Caruso | |
83142. | Valerie Scherer | |
83141. | susan kestenbaum | |
83139. | Joann Kobin | Remove at once. No hate-mongering. |
83138. | Sheila Sigman | Remove that website |
83137. | Ilana Lewin | |
83136. | Leslie Smyth | |
83135. | Daniel Berman | |
83134. | Andrea Eisenson | |
83133. | Gary Rosenblum | |
83132. | Mark Taylor | |
83131. | Robin Kash Savitz | |
83130. | Eligoulachvili | I just hope on day it will stop and not be utopic |
83129. | hugh victor | |
83128. | Diane | |
83127. | Jon Coby | |
83126. | Lorraine Riesenbach | disgusting! |
83125. | Vincent Vareton | |
83124. | Marcus Z. Shar | |
83123. | Mark Unger | |
83122. | Elizabeth Taylor-Mead | there is no "them" - it's all "us". |
83121. | Dusko Stampalija | |
83120. | shmuel greenhaus | this is totally unacceptable and allowing this to be listed is an endorsement of it's content and intent. I will not use google any more until this is removed. |
83119. | m | m |
83118. | Judy Furjanic | |
83117. | HARVEY EGHERMAN | |
83116. | Jay L. Ross | |
83115. | Jake Halpern | |
83114. | d.h. weil | |
83113. | Brandie Lerner | |
83112. | ami sagan | |
83111. | joyce kaimowitz | |
83110. | James Ballard | |
83109. | Rena Attar | |
83108. | Natalie Shalom | |
83107. | craig greenberg | |
83106. | Matthew Sadinsky | Hate mongering groups should not enjoy the same rights as everyone else |
83105. | William Abrams | |
83104. | Michael Seggev | |
83103. | Barbara Hochberg | |
83102. | Barry T. Woods | |
83101. | annie roboff | hatred should not appear as the number one hit of a name of peoples. Hatred needs to be followed up by law enforcement. |
83100. | M. Fixler | |
83099. | Tad Campbell | |
83098. | Michael J.Robinson | |
83097. | Molly Schneider | |
83096. | lauren brenner | |
83095. | Reuben Rohn | |
83094. | Joyce Rangen | |
83093. | Ornitte | |
83092. | Amy Sklut | |
83091. | RALPH | |
83090. | Julio Weinsas | |
83089. | Neil & Marjorie Forgosh | |
83088. | Richard M Dale | Shame on Google |
83087. | Jack F. | |
83086. | Murray Leffler | This websight is an outrage |
83085. | Darren Mervis | |
83084. | Paul Israel | |
83083. | Steven Yankiver | |
83082. | mbeely | |
83081. | Laura Kampmeyer | |
83080. | Ilan Serman | Thornhill, ON |
83079. | Joel Grafman | Thank you Steven. Unfortunately anti-semitism still exists in this country and it needs to be stopped! Shutting down this website is a step in the right direction. |
83078. | .C .R. SLOANE | |
83077. | Terri L. Gordon | |
83076. | Lauren Strickler | |
83075. | Jordan | This site must be removed immediately, or further action will take place. |
83074. | stuart fine | |
83073. | Harry Kanner | Please remove this bigotted link. |
83072. | Michael Tawil | |
83071. | Suzann O'Koon | |
83070. | Alan Pearlman | |
83069. | JOEL B. HIRSHFIELD | |
83068. | Robert Ascher | |
83067. | akiva nachshon | |
83066. | Daniel Rabbie | |
83065. | allen l rivlin | remove now |
83064. | Roxana | |
83063. | Gene Winterman | Do the right thing |
83062. | barbara lewis | this site promotes hate. please remove it. thank you. |
83061. | Harriette Arkin | |
83060. | D Allen | |
83059. | Julius Edlavitch | |
83058. | Aviva Miller | |
83057. | Marcos Roffe | |
83056. | Yara Bergad | |
83055. | Martin Kapelner | |
83054. | Jennifer Sheridan | This is an outrageous site and Google should be ashamed to host it. |
83053. | Lindsay Rosval | |
83052. | Stanley Stein | |
83051. | Larry Maslow | The U.S. has hate laws in place |
83050. | Irma M. Lampert | |
83049. | Simon Weiner | I advertise via Google Adwords and will discontinue if this site continues |
83048. | james francis | |
83047. | Pat R Sinervo | |
83046. | Steven Leonard | |
83045. | Daniel D | |
83044. | G. Kopansky | |
83043. | David Neiburg | |
83042. | Bill Gabovitch | |
83041. | Joan and David Sloan | Google has become a major disseminator of ifnormaiotn and there is absolutely no reason for it to highlight the heinous issue of anit-semitism in the world |
83040. | duke lancaster | |
83039. | Elana | |
83038. | Stanlee Rubin | |
83037. | Mary Lou Hruska | |
83036. | Laura Orzy | Remove this disgusting site NOW |
83035. | Lester Fox | |
83034. | Neil Gershman | |
83033. | Stanley Stein | |
83032. | Allison Becker | |
83031. | David Maidenberg | Clean up your algorithms |
83030. | yosef aaron kaweblum M.D. | it is a shame to allow this kind of activity to take place |
83029. | benben zion enlander | |
83028. | Michael Kirschner | |
83027. | Nancy Hiller | |
83026. | Leon Goldberg | |
83025. | Regina Bromberg | |
83024. | David Weiser | |
83023. | LWOLMAN | |
83022. | Howard Moscovitz | |
83021. | L. Lenna | |
83020. | Alana Hughes | Please remove it |
83019. | steve gottlieb | "you should know better" considering a new search engine |
83018. | Seth Friedermann | |
83017. | steven temares | Despicable on your part! |
83016. | sheila | |
83015. | Marc Geller | |
83014. | Marcia Wake | If you are knowingly promoting violence and lies, you can't claim you are just doing your job. I would prefer a system that lists all sites, but flags them for the percentage of truth: lies. |
83013. | eli reidler | |
83012. | jacob silverstein | would google list a KKK website first when "African-American" was searched? |
83011. | Marc Zingler | |
83010. | Jake Blanchard | Google is just as evil as they are if this is not removed! |
83008. | Patricia A. Lawler | |
83007. | Paul Zwiebel | |
83006. | Jessica Alex | |
83005. | daniel yuval | |
83004. | Jill Marks | |
83003. | David L. Mittelman | |
83002. | L. Smits | 50.000! And counting.We''d make a nice army right! |
83001. | Ruth Rohrlick | |
83000. | Devorah Rich | |
82999. | stanley fass | I think its disgusting that google permits such blatant hatred to be on its site. |
82998. | Carrene Sarkin | Please remove JEWWATCH ASAP!!!! The only way to spread peace is to not involve ourselves with the various factions that have predjudices against others for whatever reasons - be it religion, gender, colour, ethnicity. When do we learn? |
82997. | Menahem | |
82996. | Alexander Opper | |
82995. | Meir Ben Natan | |
82994. | Nancy Beck | This is ridiculous |
82993. | jonathan herpel | Just like Chester, England |
82992. | Erika | |
82991. | Barbara Steinberger | |
82990. | Yakov Fellig | |
82989. | Prof. Raphael Goren | Google should not be involved in any kind of anti-semite action, more specific to remove Jewwatch.cm from its search engine |
82988. | Herb Jurist | |
82987. | Abigail Glass | |
82986. | e polakoff | |
82985. | Madeline Harris | |
82984. | Shoshana Eisenberg | |
82983. | stanley j goldsmith | |
82982. | Jayne Goldstone | |
82981. | Barak Hamou | |
82980. | Helene Remer | Please remove this hateful site. |
82979. | michal | |
82978. | A Samuels | |
82977. | Sam Olshan | |
82976. | Robin Barr | |
82975. | Arthur Bloom | |
82974. | Lori Wishne | Horrendous! I realize that these people pay to be listed top in the search engine, but you should be much more discriminating on where your dollars come from! |
82973. | Seymour Kaufman | |
82972. | Pat Harris | |
82971. | Lee Kamenitz | |
82970. | jo ann timb | This must be removed, please! |
82969. | Darryl Dworkin | |
82968. | Robin Adams | |
82967. | CAREY ROSENZWEIG | must be removed immediately |
82966. | Jason Bokor | |
82965. | Charles F. Boatright | |
82964. | Yvonne Shashoua | |
82963. | Mace Broide | This is more than press freedom involved. |
82962. | sam gutmacher | this is a disgusting site |
82961. | Z.ANGEL | |
82960. | Peter Golub | |
82959. | Izabella Zeldich | |
82958. | C Jaffe | |
82957. | Sue Schiller | |
82956. | Adam Ziff | |
82954. | Patricia Blondheim | Free Speech is not hate speech. |
82953. | Harriet Tarnofsky | |
82952. | scott | good work |
82951. | chesley lightsey | |
82950. | Martin M. Cielinski | |
82949. | Ursula M. Boatright | |
82948. | Raymond Hodell | |
82947. | Ian McLeod | |
82946. | Jackie Goldman | |
82945. | David Goldman | |
82944. | Clive Stillerman | |
82943. | sheldon cohen | |
82942. | Brad Pollack | |
82941. | Lesley Pearl | |
82940. | Sherwood Goffin | |
82939. | Ilse | |
82938. | HARVEY STRAUSS | |
82937. | Maxine Feingold | |
82936. | Shiri | |
82935. | Gene Amromin | |
82934. | Phil Rosenbaum | the excuses google has given so far for failing to remove jewwatch from the top of the search are bogus and insensitive. |
82933. | Tamara De Silva | |
82932. | Richard and Carol Halula | This is an outrage! |
82931. | alvera | |
82930. | Marni Gordon | |
82929. | Deborah Krisbergh | This is terrible and inexplicable. I will not use Google until this is corrected. |
82928. | Eric Silverstein | |
82927. | B. Robert Anderson | |
82926. | Ronen Avinir | |
82925. | Amber Nevens | We must put an end to this hatred. |
82924. | Karen Budahazy | |
82923. | Artie Friedman | |
82922. | Lilyan Frank | Get rid of it! |
82920. | Stanley Saltz | |
82919. | Erika Elisabeth | Hate and discrimination of any kind is uncivilized and should not be tolerated |
82918. | Dan H Kagan | with all the technology out there there is no filter in place for this uneducated garbage the lack of responsibility makes me ill |
82917. | sarit edelshtain | remove this from google |
82916. | Tanna Brodbar | |
82915. | Jane M. Skogstrom | |
82914. | Daniel Hill | |
82913. | Caryn Leonard | |
82912. | Lauren Matus | |
82911. | Polly Rutenberg | Google Has A Moral Responsibility to Stop the Perpetuation of Hate |
82910. | James Whitley | |
82908. | Ilana Green | |
82907. | Joseph Harris | |
82906. | Asix | JEW RULEZ |
82905. | mark rosenblatt | |
82904. | Shauna Singh Baldwin | |
82903. | Barbara Scheinberg | |
82902. | joan augustine | |
82901. | Oren | |
82900. | jerome brownstein | |
82899. | julie | |
82898. | Salomon | |
82897. | Susan Fine | |
82896. | Jennifer Ecker | |
82895. | Michael Paul | |
82894. | Jeannete Broussi | |
82893. | Herbert I. Horwitz | |
82892. | JoAnne Crair | |
82891. | E Berkovich | |
82890. | Mildred Vargas | |
82889. | Yonat Shemer | |
82888. | Phyllis Appel | |
82887. | Deborah Ebert Long | |
82886. | Jonathan Daich | |
82885. | Jerrold Fine | |
82884. | L. Sherman | |
82883. | Alexander Bekker | |
82882. | RONALD BLOOM | |
82881. | susie housman | |
82880. | kathleen alhart | |
82879. | Susan Merianos | |
82878. | Lucie Spungin | |
82877. | susie housman | |
82876. | les gamza | very biased and anti semetic |
82875. | dana meline | |
82874. | Mark Kashetsky | |
82873. | Charles Spungin | |
82872. | Rina | |
82871. | ilya | i am shocked |
82870. | Martin Wiederkehr | |
82869. | Laurie Hummel | |
82868. | Marsha Massey | Ê |
82867. | C Isaacs | |
82866. | Joanne Steinberg | |
82865. | rich reiter | you need to be more careful and politically correct |
82864. | Frank Williams | |
82863. | David Naar | |
82862. | RF Lang | |
82861. | Barry N. Lyons | goggle should monitor all sights on a regular interval |
82860. | Judy Kossoff | |
82859. | Lenny Bulbin | Please remove JewWatch from Google! |
82858. | Carol Love | I believe it would be responsible for Google to remove JewWatch.com from it's hit list. Google should not knowingly support a hate group. |
82857. | Eric Vekstein | |
82856. | Eric Todd | |
82855. | Yoed Tsur | |
82854. | PETA G | |
82853. | Dray | |
82852. | Colin Flax | |
82851. | yan | |
82850. | Lyn Steinberg | google should know better! |
82849. | henry moss | |
82848. | Roger Rose | |
82847. | steven gordon | |
82846. | Brenda Hausler | |
82845. | Jack Pomeranc | |
82844. | Marsha Massey | Ê |
82843. | randee bell | |
82842. | Daniel Abayev | |
82841. | Barbara A. Kraskin | |
82840. | terry stieglitz | |
82839. | Leslie Radus | |
82838. | ronit betzalel | |
82837. | Miles Wong | |
82836. | Judi Garfinkel | Please remove this hate-mongering website! |
82835. | Abby Pelcyger | |
82834. | Jane Rushefsky | I am outraged!!! |
82833. | Graham | All websites that encourage prejudice towards any race, creed, colour or faith should be removed from the www. |
82832. | Robyn Flax | |
82831. | Fred Fuchs | |
82830. | something good | YES! THE JEWWATCH.COM SITE IS DOWN!!!!!!! |
82829. | Barbara Kauffman | it's outrageous |
82828. | Andrew Wagner | |
82827. | Brenda | |
82826. | Warren R. Gleicher | |
82825. | Allan Krupnick | |
82824. | marcelo | |
82823. | shoshana feiner | |
82822. | Fern Schiff | |
82821. | Abraham Tesser | |
82820. | Robert Hirsch | remove it |
82819. | Terry nevas | |
82818. | Lew Borman | Take action |
82817. | Helene Meyer | |
82816. | lena rabinov | |
82815. | Carrie Hymowitz | |
82814. | Alyce Mariam | |
82813. | Mimi Levine | There is no place for this kind of misinformation |
82812. | Bobby Freed | |
82811. | Andy Gerard | I'm all for the 1st amendmant, but this is hate speach and lies... |
82810. | andrew bilzin | |
82809. | Einav | |
82808. | D orit Rosenfeld | |
82807. | ronen | |
82806. | Joel Goldman | |
82805. | Barb Broadbent | You ought to be ashamed |
82804. | Dorothy Z. Cohen | |
82803. | H Silver | |
82802. | Marian Kromberg | |
82801. | Sam Webster | |
82800. | D.Weinerkap | |
82799. | suzanne barash | |
82798. | Judy Gordon | |
82797. | Hillary Fraenkel | |
82796. | Betty Ruth Manney | shame on you for this type of anti-Jewish link! You will never be used by myself or my son again. I am a Jew by adoption into the family of Jesus. WAKE UP!!! |
82795. | lee weiss | this site should be taken off the search engine's radar |
82794. | Andrey Bitkin | |
82793. | Jay Proctor | |
82792. | Tal Shikler | could you try to make sure that the second item won't be the same... |
82791. | B. Weiner | |
82790. | Renê Astigarraga | |
82789. | Bruce Zinaman | |
82788. | karina | |
82787. | PAULA PAPPAS | |
82786. | Michael Aaronson | |
82785. | Daniella Flax | |
82784. | Jimmy Cygler | |
82783. | T. Wright | |
82782. | dana devonshire | |
82781. | sharon h. lendvai | Google got paid to have this site #1, it MUST be removed |
82780. | Diane Simms | |
82779. | Audrey Shecter | |
82778. | Annette Glassner | |
82777. | Barbara Morrison | This Google Search is disgraceful. |
82776. | friedfeld | |
82775. | Robin Zinaman | |
82774. | Auerbach | |
82773. | oren rubin | |
82772. | Rachel Schulman | |
82771. | Kenny Preiss | |
82770. | Gabe Borman | |
82769. | ronni tjelta | |
82768. | Eric Lowin | |
82767. | Laura Webster | |
82766. | jake meatman | |
82765. | Susan Swartz | |
82763. | ellen rothberg | |
82762. | Howard Kurlandski | |
82761. | Ariela Szarfman | |
82760. | Judy Zaretsky | |
82759. | Susan Stoehr | One wonders how Google can justify this |
82758. | Arvy Mack | |
82757. | William Hill | Business is not a value-neutral activity |
82756. | mike cohen | |
82755. | Debra Reiter | |
82754. | judith cummins | |
82753. | David Schoenbaum | |
82752. | margot tolchinsky | |
82751. | Beverley Granat | |
82750. | Gerry Goldstein | |
82749. | Andrew Roberts | Please remove! |
82748. | richard berg | |
82747. | E. Jane Melendez | It is extremely important that we weaken the hate groups operating in our society. |
82746. | Lamers Benjamin | |
82745. | Elizabeth Segal | |
82744. | Sherryll Kraizer | |
82743. | David Solomon | |
82742. | Linda Freedman | |
82741. | l daly | can't we ALL just live in peace!!! |
82740. | Robert Hollis | |
82739. | David Sacks | |
82738. | Vanessa Bentley | |
82737. | Lilian Kress | REMOVE for MsSnapon |
82736. | shelly | even if you are not jew send your signature! |
82735. | Leslie Baer | |
82734. | Jeff Schwartz | this is very imortant! Thank you- |
82733. | Ellen Muchnick | |
82732. | Leonard Rudin | |
82731. | Evelyn K. Hickman | Something has to be done about Google's prioritizing of sites |
82730. | V Lawrence-French | |
82729. | melina | |
82728. | sergio rozenblum | |
82727. | Jack Butler | |
82726. | Michelle Edelman | |
82725. | Martha Steinmetz | this is NOT free press this is hate-mongering |
82724. | neil cooper | |
82723. | Mary & Fred Weintraub | |
82722. | Bari Shaffran | I'm shocked Google hasn't done anything about this already! Have you actually read all the information on this site? Its totally FALSE and unbelievably offensive. I hope I am not forced to use another search engine. I quite like Google and hope I can continue to use it. However, how can you support this information? |
82721. | j. liss | disgusting |
82720. | Helene Rivlin | Please remove the above google contact from the search engine! |
82719. | Robert E Preece | I wish to support this petition if it helps to reduce racism. |
82718. | liat levin | |
82717. | Uziel Kowit | Remove this web site! Hate is something that cannot and should not be tolerated. |
82716. | Jonathan | You guys really shouldn't be affiliated to such an organisation, let alone allow it as the first link displayed! |
82715. | David Mann | |
82714. | Alexander Mishory | |
82713. | Dr. Lisa Brodsky | |
82712. | Carol Wank | |
82711. | liat levin | |
82710. | April Rivkin | |
82709. | David Schwartz | There is enough bias in the world. The Internet is no place to spread hate! |
82708. | Bill Goldman | It is atrocious that a well known and respected company, like Google, would place an anti-semitic site as the number one search result for "Jews." I have lost respect for Google and should this site continue as number 1, I will move my searches to another site. |
82707. | Dena Bain Taylor | |
82706. | vivien frenkel | |
82705. | rob | |
82704. | david | |
82703. | Sheila Kowit | Please stop the perpetuation of hate. Remove this site and send a message that these attitudes will not be tolerated! |
82702. | jack kusner | |
82701. | moish | |
82700. | v. m. glaser | |
82699. | sergei pevzner | |
82698. | heidi shuster | |
82697. | T Folus | |
82696. | Avi Markus | UNREAL!!! |
82695. | Eileen Kaufman | |
82694. | Ruth M. Horowitz | |
82693. | Shari Nadelman | |
82692. | Shari A. Lindenbaum | |
82691. | Claire Satlof | |
82690. | Cynthia Fuller-Kling | |
82689. | Leonardo Kantor | |
82688. | Kim Smiley | |
82687. | lara m rios | |
82686. | Joan Ellis Cruz | remove this site and any like it immediately |
82685. | v. m. glaser | |
82684. | debbie reghini | |
82683. | Jill Blumenthal | |
82682. | david albert | |
82681. | Karen Rookwood | |
82680. | Debbe Hopkins | |
82679. | michael gottlieb | Freedom of ex[pression does not mean you have to publish blatantly offensive material. |
82678. | Robert Hamma | |
82677. | Nurit Gershoni | |
82676. | l miller | |
82675. | SHULIE REIF | |
82674. | Matt Rose | Please remove this website. |
82673. | Paula Berger | |
82672. | richard uditsky | |
82671. | Dr Harold E. Smith | |
82670. | David Silver | |
82669. | Herbert Horwich | |
82668. | Sally Bloostein | |
82667. | Marilynn Jacobs | |
82666. | rita epstein | |
82665. | Heather Prince | |
82664. | judy berg | good luck in this endeavor |
82663. | Jennifer Bender Berz | thank you for promptly removing this site |
82662. | Anne Mirsky | remove it NOW |
82661. | Deb | |
82660. | Baruch Kfir | |
82659. | Robert Merlin | |
82658. | Ilana Garber | |
82657. | Beatrice | Let's not return to the dark ages!! |
82656. | elizabeth molinski | |
82655. | S. Rosenbaum | |
82654. | Sylvia Horwich | |
82653. | Jill | |
82652. | J. Guerron | |
82651. | gail kushner | i no longer use google i use yahoo instead |
82650. | pedro raij | |
82649. | Robin | DIsgusting |
82648. | Andr Silf | |
82647. | Alex Barnes | |
82646. | rachel Berner | |
82645. | Jackie Rosenberg | |
82644. | Nikki Lee | |
82643. | sara bleemer | disgusting and offensive! |
82642. | Susan Campbell | |
82640. | N Nadav | |
82639. | Kathy Heinemann | |
82638. | Marlene Denenberg | |
82637. | Stacy Davis | |
82636. | saul | |
82635. | Michael Thaler | |
82634. | Tara Benson | |
82633. | Paul S. Edelman | |
82632. | s levitt | |
82631. | sds | sdsd |
82630. | Allen Lenard | |
82629. | Diana Demarest | Very bad of you Google! |
82628. | Matthew Markowitz | I will not use Google again until this site is removed from your list. |
82627. | Peter Ellis | I shall not use your service and will petition others to stop until JewWatch.com has been removed |
82626. | Chris Copeland | |
82625. | Debbie Weinstein | |
82624. | Ezra Katz | |
82623. | Moshe Politis | Help eliminate ignorance that leads to bigotry! |
82622. | Inna Orlianski | |
82621. | David B. Bookless | Be responsible and don't fan the flames. |
82620. | Paulo Ricardo Levacov | |
82619. | Larry Sinagub | |
82618. | william Perta | |
82617. | Marjorie Schorr | |
82616. | Merryl O'Rork | Remove JewWatch.com from the Google Search Engine. |
82615. | Joyce Lempert | |
82614. | Debra A Caruso | these sites are disgusting |
82613. | Rotem Liss | |
82612. | Linda Steinberg | Remove immediately! |
82611. | Gary Schuster | |
82610. | Jim Borman | |
82609. | Erin Hammer | |
82608. | Raul Wapnir | |
82607. | Leslie Benjamin | |
82606. | orna | propaganda like those used inNazi Germany hurts all people in the long run... |
82605. | Leonard Freeman | totally inappropriate to have "hate" sites featured on your search engine |
82604. | Caryn Nadler | |
82603. | Nachum Loss | |
82602. | Darlene Walker | |
82601. | daryl levin | |
82600. | Rony | |
82599. | IS Langsam | Get this disgusting smut off the Internet |
82598. | lynn silverman | |
82597. | Dana Katz | |
82596. | Richard Schluger | |
82595. | marc lubner | |
82594. | leora birnbaum | |
82593. | Carlos Estrada | |
82592. | Lisa DiPaolo | |
82591. | yael | |
82590. | B WISE | |
82589. | amir | |
82588. | marilyn adams | Please expunge the cached page, too. |
82587. | Yuri Sasson | |
82586. | ben neuberg | |
82585. | Herb Silverman | |
82584. | Andrew Bateman | |
82583. | Paul Naphtali | Google should have the conviction to use its discretion to remove inflamatory and racist web sites. I am not a proponent of censorship by any means, but blatant racism is a decent place to draw the line. |
82582. | rachel ozman | |
82581. | William Null | |
82580. | A. van Hoogdalem-Terlaak | |
82579. | Dana Shenhar | |
82578. | OHAYON EVA | |
82577. | Ronnie Masliansky | It's abhorent |
82576. | G.M.STEIN | |
82575. | Pam Hunt | |
82574. | Ilene Ratner | |
82573. | Sheri Kruger | |
82572. | esther slubski | |
82571. | Isabella Schwartz | |
82570. | miryam | |
82569. | helaine fox | |
82568. | garrett levy | |
82567. | Lata Sasson | |
82566. | Ishai Rosen | please remove jewwatch.com from the google |
82565. | Robin Adams | |
82564. | Ken Elliser | |
82563. | karen W. Berry | |
82562. | Arley Sasson | |
82561. | jay bernstein | |
82560. | L. Kach | |
82559. | Linda Haves | |
82558. | Jane Orgel | |
82557. | hagit | |
82556. | s.jona | it's about time-thank you ! |
82555. | N Eisen | |
82554. | Renee Sasson | |
82553. | Michael Birnbaum | |
82552. | Andrew Bottner | |
82551. | Molly | jewwatch is anti-semitic, and hateful |
82550. | Henry Feld | |
82549. | Nicole Kramer | Disgusting that you require 50,000 names on a petition to remove what legally and ethcally should not be there in the first place |
82548. | Allison Cuba | |
82547. | Dianne Wilson | |
82546. | Sandra Kosminsky Qualls | |
82545. | sam oz | |
82544. | C.B. Mewham | |
82543. | shmuel lewis | |
82542. | marcus kline | |
82541. | Kate Terry | |
82540. | Renee Moscona | |
82539. | Maggie Katz | |
82538. | aaron cohen | |
82537. | debbi Feldstain | |
82536. | Sareen Gerson | |
82535. | ERIK | |
82534. | Nesim | To make everything possible, cannot save you.... |
82533. | Helene Karo | |
82532. | pauline jaffe | |
82531. | Gail Schor | |
82530. | Lynn Pearl | |
82529. | maurice | |
82528. | Edward Greenspan | |
82527. | M. Annau | Dislike singling any race, religion or group for purpose of hate. Too much hate in this world. |
82526. | Hildie Lipson | |
82525. | Drew Schwartz | TAKE IT OFF!!! |
82524. | J. Merryman Kemp | |
82523. | Jeremy Cohen | In this day and age, you should be ashamed of yourselves! This must be removed immediately! |
82522. | Jeanette Preis | |
82521. | Robert N Corriel | |
82520. | richard ainsberg | |
82519. | Emil Drubetsky | |
82518. | Ellen Nocera | This is disgusting. I will not use Google if this is the type of sites they allow. |
82517. | Marvin Stockel | remove this hate message! |
82516. | Dan Schreiber | |
82515. | Lesa Semaya | |
82514. | amy | |
82513. | Dan | |
82511. | sandy w | |
82510. | Felecia Berger | |
82509. | Howard Solomon | |
82508. | Marla Lewis | |
82507. | Arthur Silber | let's get rid of it now |
82506. | Brenda Gordon | |
82505. | Ilan Barashi | |
82504. | William Bleich | |
82503. | Sharon Mass, MD | |
82502. | Nancy Solomon | |
82501. | L Katz | The sooner it is removed the better off the world will be |
82500. | Bernard D. Canarick | |
82499. | louis gurman | |
82498. | EDWARD SICKLES | |
82497. | Kim Kaveberg | |
82496. | ken wells | there are 50,000 signatures, why is the site not gone? |
82495. | Janet & Mike Bornstein | |
82494. | Madelyne Greif | |
82492. | Paul Ehrlich | |
82491. | bruce lynn | |
82490. | Mitchell Federman | |
82489. | Yehuda Fromowitz | |
82488. | remove jewwatch!!! | |
82487. | Ann Anthony | |
82486. | Michael Banashek | |
82485. | Martin Levine | get rid of it NOW !!! |
82484. | melissa kerner | |
82483. | sylvia chapman | Please remove this terrible site |
82482. | Debra Rubenstein | |
82481. | Barry Zagdanski | |
82480. | Sami L | |
82479. | David Zetler | |
82478. | Ira E. Cohen | get rid of this site - and stop spreading hate messages |
82477. | Simon Greene | |
82476. | Mark Roth | |
82475. | Dale Birdoff | |
82474. | Owen Bubel | |
82473. | Ari Roitman | |
82472. | Lisa Winward | |
82471. | Asher Goldberg | Who are you helping by making this hateful information easily accessable |
82470. | Jessica Lorden | The site encourages destructive views |
82469. | Walter Rubenstein | Disgusting |
82468. | A. Cutler | |
82467. | Steven Kendall | |
82466. | Steven Cohen | Your explanation is not sufficient! |
82465. | Tami Press | |
82464. | Fannie Levinson | |
82463. | Michael Feldman | |
82462. | Simon Garfield | Please remove this vile anti semetic hatred |
82461. | Bonnie Adler | This must go |
82460. | sheryl sarezky | |
82459. | Michele Moscovitz | |
82458. | Alice S. CArter | |
82457. | Linda Hammack | |
82456. | Sue Brady | |
82455. | rhonda margules | |
82454. | Peter Goldsmith | |
82453. | Suzanne Tolpin | |
82452. | Bruce Lux | |
82451. | Pam Cooks | |
82450. | Abel Cancino | is like we put a web page saying: www.kill-sergeybrin.com...let see what he say in this case...is a free site isnt it? |
82449. | carolyn Nassi | |
82448. | pearlgoodman | |
82447. | Fran | Please eliminate hatred from your site. |
82446. | Gerri Robbins | |
82445. | Robyn | DISGUSTING SITE! |
82444. | Matthew aboulafia | |
82443. | Carlos Garmandia | |
82442. | Sandra Jones Ireland | |
82441. | scott margules | |
82440. | A. Rosenfarb | |
82439. | Shira Isenberg | |
82438. | Rhea Harris | Google has a responsibility to explore the facts |
82437. | melissa morgan | this site facillitaes more than an opinion, but dangerous actions |
82436. | Debbie | |
82435. | ephraim | Goebles could NOT havedone better. SHAME on Google |
82434. | Sophie Bousso | |
82433. | Matt King | |
82432. | s halpern | |
82431. | Paul Blatter | |
82430. | tina pavez | |
82429. | Jon Megibow | |
82428. | Iliana de Abbo | |
82427. | aharon eshel | |
82426. | Monica Schwartzbach | |
82425. | Joyce S. Anderson | Get rid of it ASAP!!! |
82424. | Marvin Zimble | |
82423. | Debbie Rosalimsky | |
82422. | mr ira gladstone | |
82421. | Stanley Finger | |
82420. | Rachel Black | |
82419. | Rico Arrastia | |
82418. | Janet Schultz | |
82417. | Laura P. Liss | remove this site ASAP |
82416. | Ben Greenbaum | |
82415. | Louise Tolbert | disgusting and antil-Semitic |
82414. | Greg Goulet | |
82413. | Judie Kavala | Hate information should not be on a website recommended by Schools and with easy access to children...it sends the wrong message |
82412. | Andrew Kirsch | |
82411. | Itamar Zuroff | |
82410. | Karine Kushnir | |
82409. | marvin stirman | |
82408. | Julie A. Gordon | |
82407. | Tony Burdin | |
82406. | Michele Grossmna | |
82405. | Farage | |
82404. | Andrew Karpman | |
82403. | Alan Grevler | |
82402. | John Penn | |
82401. | cj wohlreich | this is offencive |
82400. | Shimon Lev | |
82399. | Justin Samuels | |
82398. | Hanan Terkel | |
82397. | Elaine Weisberg | |
82396. | Brigitte Wilson | The first pogrom in Poland and Russia started already around the year 1911. Jews were been slaughtered. My father left Poland for that reason before WWII and so did thousand of Jews. If Russia was so well dominated by Jews how do you explain this mass exodus? |
82395. | Alex Kushnir | |
82393. | Ryan M. VanOsdol | |
82392. | uri berger | |
82391. | Edwin M. Higginson | This heading is totally unwarranted! |
82390. | I. Ben | |
82389. | Brenda Shapiro | |
82388. | Brian Kaplan | |
82387. | Jane Douglas | This is a disgusting site. Please remove |
82386. | Peter Donaldson | |
82385. | susan bee | disgusting |
82384. | D Paull | |
82383. | molly oneill | |
82382. | Roni Horowitz | |
82381. | Sara | |
82380. | Daniel Volper | I am against censorship of any kind, but apparently anti-semites have a concerted campaign to hit this site as many times as possible to get it in a favorable position. |
82379. | Stephen Gaffin | |
82378. | Eleanor Rubin | we must get rid of this inciteful garbage |
82377. | Barbara Humphrey | |
82376. | Donna Ray | |
82375. | Pam Isaacson | |
82374. | Barbara Laibson | |
82373. | JoyceMiller | |
82372. | Susan S. Shlanger | |
82371. | Karen Rand | |
82370. | Alan Zion | |
82369. | Susie | I pray for love, understanding & compassion |
82368. | Russ Aaron | |
82367. | Jacob | |
82366. | Nancy Bergen | please remove this disgusting information |
82365. | Yehuda Neve-Bar | |
82364. | Edward Strauss | |
82363. | Mark Miller | |
82362. | C. Silver | This has got to be stopped |
82361. | Vilma Zion | |
82360. | Daniel Altshull | Freedom of speech is one thing - endorsing hate mongers is something completely different, and I know 6 million reasons why you should drop this site. |
82359. | Bruce Sussman | |
82358. | Andrea Dinner | |
82357. | Myron Metzger | remove your remarks its in bad taste |
82356. | ruth cohen | |
82355. | Joe Scholl | |
82354. | Rob Rochkin | |
82353. | Lillian G Collens | |
82352. | Ilan Gat | |
82351. | Beth Francis | |
82350. | Kathy Brooks | |
82349. | tomer | good luck! |
82348. | Jessica Pearlman | |
82347. | Harvey Borkin | |
82346. | DOV COHEN | |
82345. | Mayer Smith | distorted and hate engendering |
82344. | Irma G. Fiedler PhD | |
82343. | shahar | move |
82342. | Janine Grimaldi | |
82341. | Jacqueline Wygoda | |
82340. | Jason Sternburg | |
82339. | Harvey Douglen | |
82338. | abitbol | |
82337. | Maurice Cusnir | |
82336. | L. Berman | |
82335. | daniel simanovsky | |
82334. | Donna Kierman | |
82333. | judi kerzner | |
82332. | stuart kalman | |
82331. | Henry Katz | None |
82330. | Dimka | The site is harming us |
82329. | Ilan Riess | |
82328. | Eran Melamed | |
82327. | Phillip G. Soroky | |
82326. | Larry Grafstein | This is an outrageous comment about Google's hierarchical search technology and should be removed to preserve Google's reputation |
82325. | Harvey Sirota | |
82324. | Beatriz Wasserman | |
82323. | Marsha | Horrible, horrible |
82322. | Sandra Sundel | |
82321. | Joel Goodman | Australia |
82320. | Donna Hoffman | |
82319. | marcy glicksman | |
82318. | sylvia kestenbaum | |
82317. | albert kline | |
82316. | Raj Venugopal | |
82315. | Teri Davis | Remove this! |
82314. | Lynn Reiss | |
82313. | srt | |
82312. | Mike Lachman | |
82311. | Angie Zeff | keep me inform |
82310. | Perry Shapiro | |
82309. | penny kraus | |
82308. | Dr. Joyce Silberstang | |
82307. | Barak | |
82306. | Annie Friedman | |
82305. | marina weinfeld | |
82304. | Jonathan Taub | |
82303. | Moshe Shapsa | |
82302. | Joel Palley | |
82301. | ofir inbar | long live israel! |
82300. | Joe Ninio | |
82299. | Sarah Belanger | |
82298. | Pamela Mann | |
82297. | kobi levi | |
82296. | Seymour Zwick | |
82295. | Mike Harrison | |
82294. | Debra Oaks | |
82293. | Inna | |
82292. | Marieke Samson | |
82291. | Robin G. Mangino | |
82290. | Cheryl Rabenstein | |
82289. | Gale Dillman | |
82288. | Andrea Keehn | |
82287. | J Spear | |
82286. | Marie-Aube Laniel | |
82285. | Julianne Stein | |
82284. | Justin Mullins | |
82283. | Shoshana Arthur | |
82282. | Adrianne Sklar | |
82281. | fintzi tilda | |
82280. | Yanay | it is a shame !!! |
82279. | Lori | |
82278. | Judy Gold | |
82277. | mark freedman | |
82276. | Jack Lehmann | Please remove |
82275. | Debbie Fields | |
82274. | rob caplan | filth |
82273. | Arthur Bangel | |
82272. | bonnie ritt | please help to stop hatred |
82271. | Alisa Jassinowsky | |
82270. | Renee Spiegel | |
82269. | Tali | |
82268. | Jane Katz | |
82267. | jacquelyn doell | remove jewwatch stop antisemitism speak the truth |
82266. | Lior | |
82265. | Maggie Brandt | |
82264. | mark freedman | |
82263. | Hal Marcus | |
82262. | Josephine Eisenberg | unbelievable take this off your search |
82261. | adam covitch | |
82260. | Les Beck | |
82259. | Faigie Horowitz | |
82258. | Marty Kestin | integrity is more important than money |
82257. | Ricardo Lambert | |
82256. | Marjorie Roemer | |
82255. | sam milstein | This sight is a disgrace |
82254. | Paula Liska | My service provider blocks anything that is racist and hateful - and this site is blocked! |
82253. | H.S Klevansky | |
82252. | Melinda Bieber | |
82251. | tal | |
82250. | Timothy Wolff | |
82249. | Lyle Beefelt | |
82248. | roslyn | |
82247. | Nahum Schnitzer | I like you folks - don't disappoint! |
82246. | Rodney Epstein | |
82245. | Paul and Sheila Horwitz | |
82244. | Walter Sztajnberg | I am representing myself and our ANAJUBI-ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE ADVOGADOS E JURISTAS BRASIL-ISRAEL, as a President. |
82243. | Wala Benuit | |
82242. | Alice Gingold | |
82241. | Norma Gómez | Este y los otros sitios en donde se hace alusión a la discriminación, tanto racial como religiosa, deben desaparecer. |
82240. | Gabriel Marcos Jarczun | |
82239. | Stanwood & Dorothy Portnoy | |
82238. | Jennifer Lipkins | |
82237. | alan svonkin | |
82236. | Adam Sloan | remove all such sites |
82235. | Cary Schwartzbach | |
82234. | Benjamin J. Lookofsky | |
82233. | Jeremy Edelston | |
82232. | mario rozenberg | |
82231. | Carol Bloom | |
82230. | Judith G.Cramer | |
82229. | allyn white | |
82228. | Anita Cohen | |
82227. | Dr Daniel Mann-Segal | |
82226. | Susan Hammond | any web site that incites hatred is wrong |
82225. | Sheryl Latzen | |
82224. | sarita hendelman | this is discusting |
82223. | Robert H. Goldberg | |
82222. | Steven Selden | |
82221. | Konstantin Ehrenberger | Please, take responsibility and remove this site! |
82220. | Richard K. Wittcoff | |
82219. | g | |
82218. | Lynn Kaplan | |
82217. | Lyndsey Jade | Disgusting! |
82216. | Stephen Sadow | |
82215. | Lévy Janine | |
82214. | Martin Gopman | |
82213. | Ronen Heled | |
82212. | Miriam Brodkin | |
82211. | Sharon Damsker | You're refusing to remove this site because is not "illegal" is disgraceful. Although sad to have to admit, there needs to be different rules for the ever growing internet than other media. It shapes young minds at a click of a button. An 11 year old doing a school report would see that site, take it for truth, and form his opinion of Jews. It is irresponsible of you to top rank this site, or even to allow it to be listed at all. |
82210. | amir gissin | |
82209. | D Levine | |
82208. | Ian Gross | |
82207. | Lara Nehman | |
82206. | Joseph Bruno Levy | |
82205. | Judith Conrad | |
82204. | Jack Ditkofsky | |
82203. | Allison Kohll | please get it off |
82202. | David Dubin | |
82201. | Donna Holzinger | |
82200. | Robert Kaplan | |
82199. | helen reiter | |
82198. | mark wineck | |
82197. | David Samuels | |
82196. | F. Skolnick | If it's not removed, many people will stop using Google |
82195. | henry v guindi | |
82194. | marsha bart | shame on you!! |
82193. | Maria Hornung | This is a pathetic and inflamatory web site. This is not an exercise of freedom of speech. This is an exercise in stereotyping to cause hatred. |
82192. | Arnold Reifer | |
82191. | Raphael Sack | |
82190. | Barbara Tabachnick | |
82189. | Brenda Wilder | |
82188. | Dr Galia Yablonski | |
82187. | Arline Bernstein | |
82186. | Eileen Freilich | |
82185. | Sara W. Fishman | |
82184. | mira vaysh | |
82183. | E. Feldman | |
82182. | Lisa Cohen | |
82181. | elie | |
82180. | Yuliya Mazur | Â |
82179. | LEsley Brooks | |
82178. | Esther Miller | |
82177. | daniela raskin | |
82176. | Sid Silvert | |
82175. | Claus Enøe bentow | |
82174. | Jacqui Gecelter | |
82173. | Karen Jackman | encitement to hate is not protected by 1st amendment |
82172. | Amy E. Neuman | |
82171. | Risa Goldberg | |
82170. | fortuna kopel | |
82169. | naomi | |
82168. | Jacqui | |
82167. | James Levine | Google, do the right thing! |
82166. | David Harwood | |
82165. | Sue Henderson | |
82164. | yaffa hahn | |
82163. | Leslie Appelbaum | |
82162. | barry cross | |
82161. | Michael Steinitz | |
82160. | Ronald Himmelman | |
82159. | Gayle Green | |
82158. | Barbara Aviva Greenstein | |
82157. | Mihaela | |
82156. | R. Gerson | |
82155. | Lyor | |
82154. | Lois | this is horrible |
82153. | irene gustat | |
82152. | david | |
82151. | Andrea Sheflin | |
82150. | John Zisman | Obvious |
82149. | Jacqui | |
82148. | Mary Block | |
82147. | Robert | |
82146. | Pesia Gesua | |
82145. | S Platt | |
82144. | David Tessler | |
82143. | Ricky Weinstein | |
82142. | ilan | |
82141. | Menachem | get rid of that jew-hating site! it's disgusting |
82140. | Eli Berkofsky | |
82139. | Rebecca Brenda Wiener | Imperative to remove |
82138. | Chrystia Mycyk | |
82137. | Harvey Sirota | |
82136. | Edward Waldman | |
82135. | Margo Edlin | |
82134. | Alain CARENCO | |
82133. | melissa banin | |
82132. | Liz Roemer | |
82131. | adam | |
82130. | Robert Wordes | |
82129. | Lyn Sirota | Remove |
82128. | saul lever | |
82127. | Brenda Wiener | |
82126. | Herbert W. Sherry | |
82125. | Susan Nichols | |
82124. | Stefani | |
82123. | Guy | |
82122. | Grundwald | Down with antisemitic sites ! |
82121. | Ezra Saar | |
82120. | Judith Neumark | |
82119. | bonnie koff | Having seen the website...we impolore you to remove it!!!!! |
82118. | L Singer | |
82117. | Alberta Pierce | I question your integrity re what you allow on your site. |
82116. | Shmulik Karsch | |
82115. | larry cholden | |
82114. | Claudio Benadiva | |
82113. | Martha Ward | |
82112. | sylvia osoffsky | |
82111. | Alexandre Oelsner | |
82110. | marcy klapper | |
82109. | Marisa Mandrea | |
82108. | Assaf | Even eBay.com refuse to Nazi products |
82107. | Howard Mednick | |
82106. | Gideon Frishman | |
82105. | A. Singer | |
82104. | Galia Glasner | |
82103. | Nechama Novick | |
82102. | Laurie Alber | |
82101. | Karolyn Aaron | |
82100. | Catherine Glover | Thank you for your vigilance! |
82099. | Julie | |
82098. | matt doltis | |
82097. | George Shaler | |
82096. | Ricardo Rabotnicoff | |
82095. | Andrea R. Brody | |
82094. | Nathan Relevy | Freedom of Speech does NOT include inciteful speech, and respectable search engines like Google should not allow their services to be used in an ABUSIVE manner. |
82093. | Howard Mehr | |
82092. | Marvin R. Mandelbaum | |
82091. | Nathan Reich | |
82090. | Yevgeniy | |
82089. | JBittker | |
82088. | sandy straus | |
82087. | fred turnofsky | |
82086. | Joe Klein | |
82085. | susan mehr | |
82084. | Colin Bulka | |
82083. | L. B. Lomasky | I think that it is disgusting that the first site a person sees concerning Jews is one that is directed against the Jewish people. |
82082. | J. Diana Ryson | |
82081. | amnon hadas | |
82080. | Greg Galla | |
82079. | Amy T. Martin | |
82078. | robin hutchins | there is enough hate in the world, please comply with our request |
82077. | matt lippitt | |
82076. | beth | |
82075. | Robin Stuelpner | |
82074. | robyn rosen | |
82073. | SIDNEY DECOVNY | |
82072. | avi dorra | anti jewish propaganda in it's best! disgusting!!! |
82071. | Joel levy | |
82070. | A. Altman | |
82069. | Robin Gross | |
82068. | Paul S. Cowan | |
82067. | Roy Feigenbaum | |
82066. | Doris Bloch | |
82065. | Tedd Koren | |
82064. | Maurice Heitt | Add this to my previous correspondence on this subject. |
82063. | Yuly Makovoz | |
82062. | Sara D | |
82061. | R Shternzis | this is not the way a search engine should work! |
82060. | Sharon | Please remove this site from your search |
82059. | Brenda Edison | |
82058. | Ellen C. Lipshutz | Remove JewWatch.com from google search engine |
82057. | Christine Kelly | |
82056. | Mark Cohen | |
82055. | Barbara Roth | |
82054. | Ruth Steinberg | |
82053. | Joel levy | |
82052. | Lauren Ebel | |
82051. | Natasha | I think it's unnecessary to put ideas into people's head and there should be a stop to things so negative being put on the web - it can only cause trouble!! |
82050. | ricardo mora | |
82049. | Valentine Taylor | |
82048. | Alison Kur | |
82047. | Dan Adams | |
82046. | Gail Simhon | |
82045. | Scott Greenberg | |
82044. | Ellen C. Lipshutz | Remove JewWatch.com from google search engine |
82043. | Jennifer Robson | |
82042. | Michelle Serkes | |
82041. | Barbara Maniker | the only email address I have is at work and do not want to receive lots of emails regarding this. |
82040. | evan goldstein | |
82039. | Neal Gritz | |
82038. | Jordan S. Berson | |
82037. | Bobbie Goldman | |
82036. | phyllis luftschein | |
82035. | Jain Lauter | |
82034. | Eric Merrill | |
82033. | Susan Loubser | |
82032. | Kiril Yershov | |
82031. | T. Menning | |
82030. | Joanne Valentine | |
82029. | sol kline | |
82028. | Cathy Yohay | š |
82027. | Scott Saltz | |
82026. | martha segman | why? |
82025. | Petra A. Fisher | |
82024. | Marge Richman | |
82023. | dan | |
82022. | Paul Kleinman | Why does it need a petition? What is the world coming to? |
82021. | Wendy Levy | |
82020. | Saundra Koenigsberg | |
82019. | Maurice and Helene Fireman | |
82018. | L. Friedman | |
82017. | Stacy Imyak | |
82016. | George Barbarossh | thank you for the petition |
82015. | yuval levin | |
82014. | Adelle Berzon | |
82013. | Deborah Adelman | |
82012. | Gary Sender | Shame on Google |
82011. | stephen harrison.com | |
82010. | diana goldman | |
82009. | Evan Goldstein | |
82008. | Michele | |
82007. | Ellen Vargas | |
82006. | Buzz Swartz | |
82005. | Ariel Fintzi | |
82004. | Robin Scari | |
82003. | k heller | remove jewwatch from google |
82002. | Paul M. Brite | Any and all racial, religious or gender "hate" sites should not be considered for listing on GOOGLE. |
82001. | Michelle Berman | Please remove this offensive site |
82000. | Isaac Smilovits | OUTRAGEOUS!! |
81999. | Joan Pistone | |
81998. | Ben Stern | |
81997. | Emily Goodwin | |
81996. | lenny stein | |
81995. | marc | |
81994. | cathi robinson | |
81993. | shira | |
81992. | Alex | More human sensitivity is expected from IT/HiTech enterprises |
81991. | mary ann sacks | |
81990. | Julie Penn | |
81989. | W. Isaacs | |
81988. | Burt Salk | |
81987. | Steven Saidman | |
81986. | JOnathan kanze | |
81985. | Micol | |
81984. | Joshua Stocker | You shouldn't require 50000 names to remove this hateful site, five should do. |
81983. | Jonathan Bergner | |
81982. | David Smulowitz | Get rid of it. |
81981. | Hugo Chichotky | |
81980. | Lindsey Hodes | |
81979. | louise ponticello | |
81978. | Jerome M. Baraz | |
81977. | marilyn grunewald | |
81976. | Michael Ellman | |
81975. | Saf | |
81974. | charles reiss | |
81973. | Charles Lefkowitz | |
81972. | robin edelstein | |
81971. | harry wagner | search your network for other anti semetic sites |
81970. | john magnus | |
81969. | wendy | |
81968. | Robert Emmer | |
81967. | Trevor | |
81966. | Ellen Schafer | |
81965. | sarah Goldberg | |
81964. | Dana Kelman | |
81963. | Trisha McClellan | |
81962. | Z. Haas | Please remove JewWatch.com |
81961. | Jackie Summers | |
81960. | Janice Harrison | very anti-semetic |
81959. | yves mory | |
81958. | Terri Schwartz | |
81957. | miriam bloom | |
81956. | Nachum Vered | |
81955. | Spencer Klein | |
81954. | laura | |
81953. | a. heffler | |
81952. | Stuart Chimkin | |
81951. | Karen Kesner | |
81950. | marilyn nadler | |
81949. | Rosalyn Galin | |
81948. | Deborah McTeer | |
81947. | Esther Ben Zvi | |
81946. | Sapira Israel | |
81945. | Denise Tanner | |
81944. | Melanie Schwartz | |
81943. | yossi sela | |
81942. | Rita Chiverton | |
81941. | Mauro J. Nadvorny | |
81940. | Jayne Lemli | |
81939. | Mark Ford | |
81938. | sue green | |
81937. | M. Grossman | I used to Google, now I know better! I Yahoo... |
81936. | Ralph Kern | Offensive material should be removed |
81935. | fabio | |
81934. | Julie Ann Sosnick | |
81933. | Roberta Feinstein | |
81932. | Yoav Eshel | |
81931. | jack spiegelman | disgusting website please remove |
81930. | Sherwin Ray | |
81929. | JD | |
81928. | adam mallerman | I'm disgusted this site exists, and I'm more disgusted that Google need a petition to remove it!!! REALITY CHECK!! |
81927. | JoyceGartenberg | |
81926. | lori ann burd | |
81925. | susan traub | |
81924. | Judith Feller | |
81923. | Harlan Masters | |
81922. | Toby Gutwill | |
81921. | Mark Meshulam | we must eliminate hate and lies from the internet |
81920. | Alexander Feierman | |
81919. | DR. E.O. GOLDSTEIN | |
81918. | Vince | |
81917. | anne Mangus | hate sites should be abolished |
81916. | Vadim Volovoy | |
81915. | BILL MCNEILL | |
81914. | garrett bergman | |
81913. | Alberto Sapir | |
81912. | Ofer | |
81911. | Cassia Lazar | |
81910. | Bill | |
81909. | Leo and Nona Fine | this web site must be removed |
81908. | Laurie Mugan | |
81907. | Claudia Nelson | |
81906. | Yitzhak Fischer | |
81905. | wendy cinnamon | |
81904. | SHERRY CHAIT | Please remove JewWatch.com |
81903. | Martin Stahl | It is an insult to good common sense and the morality of all Americans that Google requires 50,000 signatures, before they will do the right thing and eliminate a hateful reference and website from their search. Shame on you "google". |
81902. | Mark Feder | |
81901. | Ilana Davidov | |
81900. | Monica Segal | |
81899. | Randy Smookler | |
81898. | José Papo | |
81897. | Fernanda Pacheco | yo creo que la gente debe poder elegir libremente lo que quiere leer o visitar, sino para que dicen que USA es un pais libre de libre expresion? es todo una falsedad y seamos honestos, los judios no han sido unos santos en la historia del mundo... |
81896. | JUDITH N. GOLDSTEIN | |
81895. | Sachlav Stoler-Liss | |
81894. | CHRIS KURTZMAN | |
81893. | Leslie Perreault | |
81892. | Edward Green | Google should remove this offensive site without any petition |
81891. | Jack Leifer | |
81890. | Marcelo A T Silva | |
81889. | Bonnee Shafner | |
81888. | J.L. Saunders | |
81887. | lynn glyn | |
81886. | Rachelle Cohen | Enough is enough |
81885. | D Rotenberg | |
81884. | Jeremy Ecker | |
81883. | Teresa Samuels | |
81882. | Harold Rubenstein | |
81881. | sj bowers | |
81880. | Lisa Mitchell | |
81879. | Allouche | |
81878. | Talia Meltzer | |
81877. | Rose M. Mula | |
81876. | Mel S. Citrin | I am appalled and revolted!! |
81875. | victor schubsky | |
81874. | Lois Boreen | Please don't foster anti-semitism. |
81873. | Dov Grajcer | |
81872. | fred segal | |
81871. | Lorrie Klein | |
81870. | Joseph Silverstein | |
81869. | boyd mayover | get rid of it |
81868. | Joni Forman | |
81867. | Jeff R | unbelievable |
81866. | Syvan | |
81865. | Abitbol | |
81864. | Lynda Schnier | |
81863. | Michele Taplinger | |
81862. | a.egenberg | |
81861. | Amber H Harris | |
81860. | Michael Goldfinger | |
81859. | CER | |
81858. | jeff kessler | |
81857. | Stuart Zaikov | |
81856. | Benjamin Gentin | |
81855. | sheri friedland | |
81854. | B ROSE | |
81853. | Adele Gentin | |
81852. | Diane King | |
81851. | Kerri | |
81850. | Jo | Repeating Names! … That is good idea |
81849. | Yair Etzion | |
81848. | Judy Clifford | |
81847. | Shannon Mantell | |
81846. | simon | |
81845. | Lior A. | |
81844. | Juan Bursztyn | |
81843. | Jennifer A. North | |
81842. | Lori L. Roth | |
81841. | Alex Ramati | Sadly, this garbage stopped shocking me a long time ago. |
81840. | Ann &Joe Berkman | |
81839. | sidney rubin | respect, thats all !!!!! |
81838. | marci rapp | |
81837. | Gelena Akhenblit | |
81836. | natalie hamuy | esto no se puede creer, saquenlo ya, es una verguenza para todos |
81835. | Jon Posener | |
81834. | Vera Klein | |
81833. | gary.setzer | |
81832. | Itay | |
81830. | Victoria | |
81829. | Ofri | |
81828. | HAROLD KESTON | |
81827. | Romy | |
81826. | sara | |
81825. | dan | |
81824. | Nola | |
81823. | Nola | |
81822. | tzachi nachum | |
81821. | Beryl Rabbi | |
81820. | Daniel Goss | |
81819. | Peter Holland | very unexpected from Google and very bad. |
81818. | Richard K | |
81817. | moshe ftehi | |
81816. | Robin Markowitz | This is untenable! |
81815. | Roberta L. Brilliant | |
81814. | mstrin | please do the right thing |
81813. | Howard Gerrin | |
81812. | Paul Zatz | |
81811. | Trevor Shattuck | |
81810. | diane | |
81809. | Anneta Halpern | |
81808. | Justin binko | This is discusting and neo-nazi in content |
81807. | Riva Schwartz | |
81806. | Ruth M. Melnikoff | |
81805. | Sheila E. Traum | |
81804. | Michelle Costanza-Weis | |
81803. | S. Tisdale | |
81802. | Jeremy R | |
81801. | Jayson Roberts | |
81800. | G. Weil | |
81799. | Robert Halpern | |
81798. | Allison | |
81797. | Chana Baror | |
81796. | Dirk Alkema | |
81795. | Brian Trager | |
81794. | sue strulowitz | |
81793. | Robert E Ellis | |
81792. | Mark Silverman | |
81791. | Linda Kaufman | |
81790. | Monica Groshaus | |
81789. | Lorraine Cohen | |
81788. | robert burz | |
81787. | Scott Hollander | While I appreciate your concerns, there are limits at which decent, rational people must draw the line |
81786. | D Werth | |
81785. | corey goldstein | |
81784. | Cynthia | |
81783. | liav | |
81782. | M. Grossman | Isn't it time to stop making excuses for Anit-Semitism! |
81781. | Marcia Sugar | disgusting website-get rid of it!!!! |
81780. | David | |
81779. | Silvia Borges | If it had been another minority (such as Afro-Americas) it wouldn't have lasted a day! |
81778. | gail white | |
81777. | Jeannine Pearsall | |
81776. | Helene Levin | |
81775. | Ronit Goldstien | |
81774. | Daniel A. Kiceleff | |
81773. | Avner Solomon | |
81772. | Lauren Ptito | |
81771. | Nicole Seiler | |
81770. | yuval | |
81769. | James Bernstein | |
81768. | Joan F. Wolpert | |
81767. | L Cohen | |
81766. | H. Teitelbaum | |
81765. | Lawrence Shore | |
81764. | vignette christiane | |
81763. | Albert Silberman | |
81762. | M Davis | Please remove JewWatch from the Google search engine. Thank You. |
81761. | Rita Wessan | Please remove blatant anti-semitic Jewwatch.com from Google search engine |
81760. | Dinah Levine Harmon | |
81759. | Maurice Hartley | |
81758. | Elyse Endy | |
81757. | Naama Forsrup | Urk! |
81756. | Herbert Steinberg | It is disgraceful |
81755. | gal | |
81754. | Chana Karden | You should be more selective whom you allow on your website. |
81753. | Mirko Jerrentrup | |
81752. | Ryan Ostilly | |
81751. | Galit Kedem | |
81750. | David Jankelowitz | |
81749. | Felice Miller Baritz | |
81748. | Jill LaVant | Google - be more responsible! This is disgusting and incomprehensible! |
81747. | Shirley | |
81746. | Tamara Cohen | |
81745. | Steven Bernknopf | |
81744. | Marcy Davidson | |
81743. | Jason Ratner | |
81742. | robert sacks | |
81741. | Fern Wilson | |
81740. | Daniella Levin | |
81739. | Chaim Forst | |
81738. | Estelle Breines | |
81737. | jeffrey n. cohen | |
81736. | KAS | |
81735. | Jay Goldmintz | |
81734. | Sharon Morgan | |
81733. | Doron Kristal | Please remove this offensive site from your listings |
81732. | Michele Miller | |
81731. | Sheila Danowitz | |
81730. | Jeffrey Beaumont | There is no room for hate in this world, and free speech is different from a deliberate hate canpaign with intent to destroy the welfare, saftey and happiness of all |
81729. | Salomon Ernesto Bersusky | |
81728. | Helen Jambor | |
81727. | Stephen Lyall | |
81726. | Bruce D. Gelb | |
81725. | nhecht | |
81724. | daniel | |
81723. | Jules Levine | |
81722. | Les Tobias | |
81721. | David Mishkin | |
81720. | Carol Nelson | |
81719. | Lycette Sofer | |
81718. | Eduard Weissmann | |
81717. | MARTIN RIELL | |
81716. | Art | |
81715. | Marion Zalk | |
81713. | Craig | |
81712. | Wendy Sharp | |
81711. | M Burdett | one small step at a time |
81710. | Sandy Carlin | |
81709. | Mirjam Tau | |
81708. | francesc mestres | |
81707. | googlesucks | googlesucks |
81706. | Asaf Reindel | |
81705. | Bernice Marinucci | |
81704. | Charles Marlin | |
81703. | Arlene Mendelson | |
81702. | krasuk | š |
81701. | Carolyn and Robert Kelman | |
81700. | simone freedman | |
81699. | Tania | hate only generartes more hate |
81698. | Yulia | |
81697. | Susan Levy | |
81696. | Estelle S. Beckerman | |
81695. | Margie Davis | |
81694. | Stefan C. Reif | |
81693. | eileen sharff | |
81692. | galit hasen | |
81691. | A Gluckman | |
81690. | john sullivan | |
81689. | Carole | |
81688. | Fay Clauder | |
81687. | Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schiff | this should not be allowed, very upsetting |
81686. | Peter Baldwin | thank you |
81685. | Shirley Ackerman | |
81684. | Fehler Family | |
81683. | Duncan Ratnayake | |
81682. | Lisa Goren | |
81681. | Robert | |
81680. | sarit | |
81678. | daniele sullivan | |
81677. | Steve Bruner | |
81676. | Amy | It is horrid - whaty have we ever done to them? *cry with determinded look on face* |
81675. | Daphne Levin | |
81674. | Raanan Bracha | |
81673. | David Bates | |
81672. | david hoffman | |
81671. | Yigal Edrey | |
81670. | Michael Schwartz | |
81669. | Avidar | |
81668. | Carole | google should know better, please remove |
81667. | Shalhevet Moshe | |
81666. | Darryl Milstein | |
81665. | Jeremy Fogel | "Love is the only engine of survival" (L.C.) |
81664. | Michal Weissman | |
81663. | Carolyn Kanoy | |
81662. | Alan N. Levine | |
81661. | Laura Johnson | |
81660. | Hilary Israch | Uncivilized! |
81659. | gs bomes | |
81658. | Avner Leon | |
81657. | Deborah Musher | PLEASE!! |
81656. | Steven Johnson | |
81655. | Michael Johnson | |
81654. | Sarah Binley | |
81653. | Keith Johnson | Please remove JewWatch |
81652. | Gloria Marconi | Do you know who is behind this? |
81651. | joshua kahan | |
81650. | A. Janco | |
81649. | Itta | come on google, do your share of good in the world, there is alot more to the Jewish Nation than being Anti them... |
81648. | itay | |
81647. | marcy cuttler | |
81646. | Robert Boxer | |
81645. | Trevor Shaff | NEVER AGAIN!!! |
81644. | Ellen Johnson | Please remove Jewwatch.com from Google! |
81643. | t. fernandez | |
81642. | Shahar | |
81641. | Gail` | |
81640. | Bombino Episimos | |
81639. | Linda M Slomowitz | |
81638. | Lionel Feiglin | This site is inappropriate to a respectable search engine such as Google. |
81637. | Alan Rosenwasser | |
81636. | Ilai Hendin | |
81635. | p.kletzkine | |
81634. | barbara binzen | |
81633. | Judy Caruso | get a grip |
81632. | w.kletzkine | |
81631. | Ruth Rautenberg | |
81630. | Patricia Harvitt | |
81629. | howard tradonsky | |
81628. | Rebeca Perli | |
81627. | danielle kiriati | |
81626. | alex okun | |
81625. | norman Pieters | this website shouod be offensive to all |
81624. | Stephen Saperstone | The site JewWatch is inflamatory, totally biased and repulsive |
81623. | alona ludmir | |
81622. | Michael A Smith | Please Remove JewWatch from Google |
81621. | Heather Stein | Responsibility comes with the job! |
81620. | Edna Schrank | |
81619. | John T. Smith | |
81618. | MLambrechts | We are in an era of globalisation and sharing, of many things, including information, and our cultures. It is such a shame that there cannot be more understanding and tolerance amongst members of a species that are supposed to be so highly evolved. Its development is my wish for mankind in the future. |
81617. | eva galgano | |
81616. | nick gold | |
81615. | Ellen Bohn Gitlitz | |
81614. | Judith Mensh | Please remove this clearly anti semitic site |
81613. | m.braverman | |
81612. | robin goldstein | |
81611. | Charles Lisa | |
81610. | Hagay Ben-Elie | |
81609. | Sharon Bacher | |
81608. | Hannah Komy | |
81607. | Paul Ereira | |
81606. | Saul N. Kramer | |
81605. | W. Bearman | Remove this hate site |
81604. | Peter Silver | It is illegal in the UK to incite racial hatred, google could be guilty of aiding and abetting this crime..Beware! |
81603. | Ira Silverman | Hate sites are part of terrorist network |
81602. | Lawrence Cohen | |
81601. | Louise | |
81600. | David Abisch Mehlberg | |
81599. | leah goldberg | |
81598. | David Seligman | |
81597. | Antony | Get rid of Jew Watch Immediately |
81596. | suzanne lipson | |
81595. | howard moher | |
81594. | david ben dor | |
81593. | Spiegel | |
81592. | Craig J. Orchant | |
81591. | babe meyers | |
81590. | Alain Soriano | |
81589. | david | |
81588. | Harvey Hames | |
81587. | Rina Rosen | How dare you write such anti-semitic things? Why don't you wrtite this about the Moslems who are killing mercilessly the world over???? |
81586. | Felipe Woichejosky | |
81585. | Louise Link Saruk | |
81584. | yael elka | |
81583. | Bernice Krantz | The world learns nothing is living side by side with our own beliefs too much to ask. |
81582. | DBryan | |
81581. | Tal Nitzan | |
81580. | Bruce Sholk | |
81579. | sabine | |
81578. | Susan E. Orchant | |
81577. | Steve Kress | |
81576. | gayle brill mittler | |
81575. | Jason Greenspan | |
81574. | mpb | |
81573. | Robert E. DiNardo | |
81572. | Gloria Ariel | |
81571. | Maureen Sher | |
81570. | Yaron Feinberg | Terrible!!! |
81569. | roberta silverstein | |
81568. | Lynne Conroy | |
81567. | Andrew Gradus | |
81566. | G. Zero | If Google Accept your strange request.. That's mean Google must response thousands of requests like this tomorrow, for Ex. I want Google to remove all Sep.11 horrendous Photos from Image Search!!!!!!! |
81565. | Rabbi Edward Rettig | |
81564. | LTourjeman | |
81563. | Robert Badgett | |
81562. | shari s. | |
81561. | Peter Cooper | |
81560. | Tamar Meisel | |
81559. | Jody Littman Check | |
81558. | kobi barnea | |
81557. | D. Friedman | |
81556. | E. Gerrish | |
81555. | Liora | |
81554. | Sharon Saffitz | |
81553. | Ruth Sklar | |
81552. | Ken Katz | |
81551. | Ariel Aslan Hamoui | |
81550. | Rachel Adar | |
81549. | Cindy Rachmilowitz | |
81548. | APRIL AKINS | BOO to you GOOGLE! |
81547. | merav | |
81546. | PHM RAMAKER | |
81545. | Kamal Persaud | |
81544. | MARLENE ZERKEL | |
81543. | richard mann | |
81542. | Elzbieta Jaszek | |
81541. | Barry Gordon | Please remove JewWatch |
81540. | zvi stern | |
81539. | hb gilmour | |
81538. | Jakob Garal | |
81537. | Myles Kaplan | |
81536. | Jill Solomon | |
81535. | Dana Friedman | |
81534. | Alana Gordon | Please remove JewWatch |
81533. | H. Goodrich | |
81532. | Mario Schteinman | |
81531. | shimron zeno | remove it!!! |
81530. | Eilam Pagy | |
81529. | Robin Margo | |
81528. | caryn eliasov | |
81527. | Alexander Pribush | |
81526. | mazor dalia | REMOVE!!! |
81525. | Candace Medina | |
81524. | Parrot Mom | |
81523. | emanuel stein | |
81522. | Dalia | This is terrible!!!!! I can't imagine using google, if this is they don't censor anything. How do we know what else we can trust??? |
81521. | Coby | |
81520. | Myra Marshall | |
81519. | Drora Ohayon | |
81518. | carl levine | hateful |
81517. | sandi bails | |
81516. | Lloyd P. Tyler | |
81515. | Ellen Hassman | Surprising that it surfaces among the top 10 searches for Jewish |
81514. | Jacques Vogel | |
81513. | patricia weinberg | |
81512. | sztrymf andré | from now i suppress 200 connects to google in my enterprise! |
81511. | Sandra Cohen | |
81510. | peninah kanovsky | |
81509. | Jeffrey Goldenberg | |
81508. | Pini Farkash | |
81507. | diane yacob | |
81506. | Radoslava Stoimenova | |
81505. | Andrea Ades | |
81504. | Caroline Graham-Ofstein | |
81503. | Raanan | |
81502. | Ian Caley | |
81501. | Paul Lewis | kindly remove this website, please. |
81500. | Abby | shame on you |
81499. | Chava Kassierer | |
81498. | lea dror | outrageous even criminal - this needs to be removed |
81497. | Nick Goldring | |
81496. | irving babner | get rid of it! |
81495. | Marc Rudoltz | |
81494. | Karin | |
81493. | tsafrir negbi | |
81492. | Andy Schmeltz | |
81491. | charles goldstein | |
81490. | Lev Gordin | |
81489. | c. pshaenicchr | |
81488. | Shawn Carter | |
81487. | Alan Margolis | There's enough hate in the world and the terrific search engine of Google should not be used to spread even more. |
81486. | Marla Scott | SHAME ON YOU |
81485. | N.BRUCKNER | |
81484. | Nava | |
81483. | kedar | |
81482. | marilyn ratner | |
81481. | Melissa Tiffon | This is HORRIBLE and should be removed |
81480. | Chris Davis | Google, remove site from search index. At the very least, demote it from 1st spot. |
81479. | Eran | |
81478. | Myles Krieger | |
81477. | Natasha Brookner | I think your first reference to be an anti semitic is disgusting. I use you as my preferred search engine but if this continues I will find a different search engine. |
81476. | Warren Bomsztyk | |
81475. | Glaser | |
81474. | DALIA | |
81473. | Carol Donohoe | |
81472. | Cathy F. Breitman | Very disappointed that Google will not remove because it is an inappropiate site |
81471. | Fred Salomon | |
81470. | E Levenson | |
81469. | ù | ù |
81468. | Ken Heart | |
81467. | robert august | |
81466. | Michelle Roth | |
81465. | Sophie Thorens | |
81464. | Bryan Fine | |
81463. | Elin R. Cohen | |
81462. | Jon Kaye | Its disgraceful that such a reputable organisation should allow this on their service |
81461. | Alan Rubin | |
81460. | FRED PELTZ | |
81459. | Rabbi Cyril Stanway | Do the right thing |
81458. | Ginette Peterfreund | |
81457. | Gina | |
81456. | Doris Kuperman | |
81455. | Lior Weinberg | |
81454. | Bridget Chase | |
81453. | Jesse jacobson | |
81452. | Nancy Berg | |
81451. | Lauren Isaacs | i think its a discrace for such a big search site to have any sort of hate race sites, theres enough hatred already without it being so available on the internet! |
81450. | Martin | |
81448. | Jack Kirkland | |
81447. | Alex Levy | An equal opportunity hater. The site is also anti-black. . . |
81446. | Renee Bruck | |
81445. | Lois Wurzel | This site offends me |
81444. | Mikhail | |
81443. | Rachel | |
81442. | didi | |
81441. | mike | please remove this antisemetic link from google |
81440. | Paula Boze | |
81439. | Peter E. Bloustein | |
81438. | Tali Bashan | |
81437. | Yoel Schreiber | thanks for arranging all this! |
81436. | Uzi Baraam | |
81435. | Arnold Rosenthal | |
81434. | Janice Aibel | |
81433. | Sam Reich | |
81432. | Dina Liora Manieri | |
81430. | A Kubie | |
81429. | Niccita Glass | |
81428. | Stephen Ungar | |
81427. | Irene Rifken | |
81426. | Deborah Basser | |
81425. | Simone K. | |
81424. | Eric Rosdol | |
81423. | Arlyn Grant | |
81422. | barak | |
81421. | David B Appel | |
81420. | J D Faith | |
81419. | Stephanie Ulrich | |
81418. | Ofek Birnholtz | Google is liable to whatever it publishes. It has the capabilities to confront the crime of racism and spread of hatred - and thus it must. Calling racism and antisemitism "politics" legitimizes it, and sides with it. Google must side AGAINST hate-crimes, and must remove this link. |
81417. | James Harris | |
81416. | Gila | |
81415. | Andrew | |
81414. | mitchell rose | |
81413. | Stuart Panensky | |
81412. | Rachel Furst | |
81411. | shirley fuchs | |
81410. | Daisy Gee | |
81409. | Yon | |
81408. | Gennady Nogin | well, it just shows that we are still not liked, internet is just a small part of a huge problem... |
81407. | eran | |
81406. | Noam Sagi | |
81405. | nati | remove the web site |
81404. | Pamela Goldstein | |
81403. | Alex Lowenthal | |
81402. | Maarten Borghans | |
81401. | Hadassa Meyers | Please remove as soon as possible as to limit the hatred. |
81400. | Samuel Kraus | |
81399. | avner korman | |
81398. | Jon Terkel | Free speech yes, but no reason this should be the second website to come up for people interested in learning more about Jews/Judaism |
81397. | Tania Maclean | |
81396. | cohen moti | |
81395. | Jennifer S. Vinik | |
81394. | Renee Phillips | |
81393. | Leigh Sherman | |
81392. | Danny Piler | |
81391. | adam | |
81390. | Mark Felix | |
81389. | Jacob | |
81388. | Arthur Greebler | |
81387. | liad | |
81386. | Cees | this can´t be allowed..! |
81385. | peter meresz | |
81384. | D. Franklin | |
81383. | leor klein | |
81382. | Scott Copeland | |
81381. | Myriam Iusim | |
81380. | tal shenhav | Â |
81379. | Sharon Levy | |
81378. | J Levinson | |
81377. | Kevin Lang | |
81376. | D | |
81375. | GARCIN HUBERT | |
81374. | Robin Mandell | |
81373. | Isaac Iusim | |
81372. | Jon Posner | |
81371. | melissa meir | |
81370. | avi | |
81369. | Sam | |
81368. | Fred Feinberg | here is no need for a website such as this to exist, let alone be the first item that pops up |
81367. | Sol Rabinowicz | |
81366. | Julie Krumholz | |
81365. | tal | |
81364. | Ruth Traub | |
81363. | david belogus | |
81362. | Eileen Wiggs | |
81361. | Catherine Harcourt | |
81360. | oren | |
81359. | J. Gonsenhauser | Such a pity that people waste time an energy on hatred. |
81358. | LAURENCE M. STONE | |
81357. | Janet Nagourney | |
81356. | Susan | |
81355. | Berkowitz | remove |
81354. | Omer | |
81353. | hoba | |
81352. | Brenton Walshaw | |
81351. | avi | |
81350. | Eduardo | |
81349. | harvey bourne | |
81348. | David Ross | |
81347. | Mitchell | |
81346. | Jay Novetsky | |
81345. | Barbara Hill | |
81344. | R Weisberg | |
81343. | anat | |
81342. | SHIRLY HOS | |
81341. | sharon carson | |
81340. | N.M. Davies | |
81339. | ilan | |
81338. | LEVY Alain | |
81337. | DAVE SYLVESTER | |
81336. | Baruch Gerszewski | Your refusal to eliminate JewWatch.com from your search engine is untenable. |
81335. | Helena Felix | This site stirs racism and should not be permitted |
81334. | Miriam Feigenbaum | |
81333. | Ithamar Rosen, Lt. Colonel (Rtd) | There should not be any connection to racial ideas in a site whose purpose is to pass on impartial information as a public service! |
81332. | Sarit | |
81331. | Joan DellaValle | |
81330. | Hannes Stein | |
81329. | Tom Slomovic | |
81328. | Yaniv | this site should have been hacked already |
81327. | Jason | |
81326. | Harold Rosenberg | |
81325. | Larry Zinn | |
81324. | van den Bergh, E | |
81323. | bensoussan | pas de haine |
81322. | Dr. G. Charles Rump | |
81321. | Marcelle S. Rosenberg | |
81320. | Adam Fine | |
81319. | brenda | |
81318. | Samuel Bleicher | |
81317. | David Weiss | |
81316. | Jeremy Leigh | |
81315. | Jake D Shepherd | |
81314. | steve w | |
81313. | gaurav goel | Should be done immediately... simply on human grounds. |
81312. | Charles Blumkin | |
81311. | Jaimee B. Wilans | |
81310. | Kathy Parker | |
81309. | Morris Maram | |
81308. | Marlene Cohen | |
81307. | Ilan Stermer | |
81306. | jonathan lief | |
81305. | yoni | shame! |
81304. | Joel Teret | |
81303. | Sharon | |
81302. | Carol Wikoff | |
81301. | susanEpstein | |
81300. | yeshaya | |
81299. | Laura Brown | |
81298. | Harris Frazer | |
81297. | Sandra Olivera | |
81296. | ore | |
81295. | Karen Nyman | |
81294. | Rebecca Hayes | |
81293. | Tamir Goren | |
81292. | Martin Freeman | |
81291. | H Aronowitz | |
81290. | Sandra Feeney | |
81289. | Ilyrion | |
81288. | temple jazac | |
81287. | Steven Meyerson | Move this site to the BOTTOM of the list. |
81286. | Jill | |
81284. | Sarit | Unacceptable display of anti-semitism and biased subjectivity |
81282. | Tony Goldman | Ê |
81281. | nir sherman | |
81280. | Rony | |
81279. | lweil | |
81278. | Merav Peleg | |
81277. | Michael Goodman | I cannot believe in today's so called 'politically correct' climate, filfth like that is still allowed. If it was directed against any other group or religion, the writers would already have been indicted. |
81276. | RONEN | |
81275. | Dr. Jose Fosman | A shame to have such site |
81274. | Kathy Abbott | |
81273. | GERMAIN Lucienne | |
81272. | harold cohen | |
81271. | reinart gelzayd | REMOVE |
81270. | BENICHOU Claire | |
81269. | Susan Melcer | outrageous to have a site like this at all! |
81268. | daniel dangoor | |
81267. | Donna Lili | |
81266. | jackel | |
81265. | d rose | |
81264. | Tricia Rosenstein | |
81263. | Ariel Margolis | |
81262. | sharon | |
81261. | VICTOR | please remove |
81260. | BENASSAYA | |
81259. | Michael Smolensky | This Web site is atrocious and ridiculous. |
81258. | Lindsay Hatzenbuehler | |
81257. | oliver | The site is blocked on ourschool computers, but i guarenteee it is disgusting |
81256. | CHAD | Hi again... please remove my earlier signature that appears now as #68182. I'm just a hate consumed and disturbed NAZI... |
81255. | Rachel | |
81254. | adi raveh | Â |
81253. | Matie Hazan | remove! |
81252. | hadas h. | |
81251. | susan sawicki | |
81250. | Allon Raiz | |
81249. | Benattar | |
81248. | Natalie Adrienne | |
81247. | Barbara Spivack | |
81246. | Jack Hoch | |
81245. | Ivor | |
81244. | Jeremy Levy | |
81243. | Mazigh | |
81242. | Dana | |
81241. | Vicente | From Seville-Spain |
81240. | stef | |
81239. | Boublil | |
81238. | Evelyn Krygier | |
81237. | Sharon Sacks | This is awful! It should have never gone on in the first place. |
81236. | dean suchard | |
81235. | Daniel Hassan | |
81234. | Craig Vijver | |
81233. | mimoza meholli | |
81232. | Allon Benzakein | |
81231. | Etta Livneh | |
81230. | L GLASSMAN | |
81229. | Tanya Freedman | |
81228. | David | |
81227. | Elisa Cook | |
81226. | Yonatan Hammel | |
81225. | Mandy Berkowitz | |
81224. | Michal Alkalay | |
81223. | Olivia Keen | |
81222. | Hedy Rutman | |
81221. | irene weiner | google needs to be more careful |
81220. | Ian | Remove please this site is offensive in the extreme |
81219. | Jeremy D. Sher | |
81218. | David Lissauer | |
81217. | eugenia Rozenberg | |
81216. | David Goldwasser | |
81215. | Anthony Gerson | |
81214. | Miriam Shatsky | |
81213. | Celia Tadmor | |
81212. | Eric Watnik | The site is horrible! |
81211. | Yair Andegeko | |
81210. | Suri Levy | I want you to remove this from your search engine |
81209. | Juliet Collins | |
81208. | jean | |
81207. | Bernie Slotnick | Stop evil people!!! |
81206. | Eva Plourde | This is a shame. There are enough problems in the world today so why should we look for more!!!! |
81205. | leonard kallman | |
81204. | Marianna Eyzerovich | |
81203. | Lauren Soriano | |
81202. | Meir | |
81201. | donna samuel | |
81200. | Gribe Annie | |
81199. | Harris Kerker | Remove Jew Watch from your site |
81198. | Herbert Posner | Google should be ashamed of itself |
81197. | Freema Algrably | |
81196. | Zohar Zigelman | |
81195. | yossi Adi | |
81194. | Marlene Hamovitch | |
81193. | reut | |
81192. | james carson | |
81191. | Robert Reiner | Â |
81190. | Tracy Cohen | |
81189. | Gary Freedman | |
81188. | david kolieb | |
81187. | Eli Ovsyshcher | |
81186. | Gil Pondak | |
81185. | B Meyers | |
81184. | paul trisk | |
81183. | richard | REMOVE |
81182. | Osnat | |
81181. | Jacqui Freeman | |
81180. | Anthony Silverman | |
81179. | Aaron Zubaty | Please remove jewwatch |
81178. | Joel Rutman | |
81177. | Sylvia Goldberg | |
81176. | Henry Schwartz | |
81175. | Eliel BenDavid | |
81174. | Hedy Rutman | |
81173. | Richard Cohen | Google should do some monitoring of its own to prevent prioritizing of hate sites. |
81172. | Amir Gal | |
81171. | Jonathan Lederman | |
81170. | Doris Goodman | Disgustingand frightening |
81169. | joel cohen | |
81168. | Dr. Herbert Loebl | In Britain, the author of the JewWatch webside would be considered guilty of a criminal offence |
81167. | momola | |
81166. | Mira | |
81165. | Peter Worsley | I grew up among the Jewish community of North Manchester and regard them as my friends. The current anti-Semitic campaign is abhorrent to me and all like-minded Christians. We should be far more concerned about the Islamic fundamentalists. |
81164. | aaron J | |
81163. | Dr.Jacobson | |
81162. | Terri Cherbite | |
81161. | Alex Hertman | |
81160. | Charles Kaplan | |
81159. | Avigail Hesp | The Website is disgraceful and must be removed |
81158. | Stephan Pfluger | |
81157. | Ilanit Nadel | |
81156. | rb | |
81155. | Chris & Arthur Berman | |
81154. | zali | |
81153. | Steven Krantz | |
81152. | Sandra Samuels | |
81151. | Lynn Hotz | |
81150. | Sherryn Roth | |
81149. | Dennis Levene | |
81148. | Alan Karp | |
81147. | Israel Stein | |
81146. | Varna Ben-Zion | |
81145. | Adam | |
81144. | Keith Benjamin | |
81143. | Moti | |
81142. | Moshe P. Mann | thank U for cooperating ;) |
81141. | Miriam Brahams | |
81140. | LARRY ROSENMAN | |
81139. | ALBERT COEN | |
81138. | Ilan Glazer | |
81137. | Yoni | |
81136. | fiona palmer | Please remove this disgusting and offensive site |
81135. | Boris | Please notice that the text of the petition has a spelling error: anti-semetic instead of anti-semitic. |
81134. | eli maymon | remove !!!!! |
81133. | hagai greenspoon | |
81132. | Erica Cohen | this is APALLING |
81131. | S. Van | |
81130. | L.F. SCHNUR | |
81129. | David Feifel | Removing this site is the right thing to do |
81128. | Wilma Nyhout | |
81127. | Duba Kellermann | |
81126. | Dr. Richard Benkin | |
81125. | Sheila Levy | |
81124. | Richard Sadove MD | |
81123. | Ronald Nyhout | |
81122. | Bruce Caudill | |
81121. | Uri Kellermann | |
81120. | Anita Weiner | |
81119. | mike | |
81118. | Marcella Balin | |
81117. | Mandy Yachad | |
81116. | eti | |
81115. | Christiaan Boermeester | |
81114. | Thomas Bab | |
81113. | thomas mcpherson | |
81112. | p | "Remove JewWatch.com from the Google Search Engine!" |
81111. | Ian Martin | |
81110. | Marvin Gornish | |
81109. | Howard E. Daniel | Don't be hypocritical; you removed the "Chester molester" site! |
81108. | miriam wingrin | |
81107. | israel brosh | |
81106. | Dmitry Shmulevich | |
81105. | Yaron Berkowitz | Disgusting!! Racist and hatred site. |
81104. | Alex Sacker | Remove this filth along with the open forum pages as well please |
81103. | Karen Gutmann | |
81102. | C Benjamin | |
81101. | joanne bartone | |
81100. | Ruth Fish | |
81099. | Elise Nahum | |
81098. | avi | |
81097. | meir porat | |
81096. | Eitan | |
81095. | Yaakov | |
81094. | Zoe Silverman | |
81093. | nava | |
81092. | Yoram Wolberger | |
81091. | Adam Gardner | |
81090. | Moisex | Please, remove! |
81089. | tammy avida | |
81088. | nadri carmit | |
81087. | mike | a search engine like google should be ashamed of those sites and remove it. |
81086. | Rodney Hobbs | |
81085. | Melissa Lehrer | |
81084. | Dean | I'm disgusted |
81083. | Miles Fallman | |
81082. | Shimon | |
81081. | Johan Pronk | |
81080. | Trin | |
81079. | Jolande Drop | |
81078. | Liora Engler | I use Google an awful lot but I'm mostly hurt to learn about the wrong information that your search engine gives to the word "Jew" |
81077. | Gal | |
81076. | Charmaine Harris | Remove JewWatch.com from Google Engine |
81075. | Rochelle | |
81074. | Joe Gettinger | |
81073. | Bruce Wolpe | |
81072. | ronen | |
81071. | steven sher | |
81070. | Colin heyman | |
81069. | lauren kessel | |
81068. | B. Straten | |
81067. | Andrew Stein | |
81066. | debbi stark | |
81065. | devorah friedman | |
81064. | avi milder | |
81063. | martin wagner | |
81062. | Leah Brand | |
81061. | David Faull | |
81060. | Assayag Eva | |
81059. | J MAN | |
81058. | Ofrit Cohen | |
81057. | Susan Jacobi | |
81056. | Francine Goodman | why would this require 50 000 signatures? Is it not obvious? |
81055. | Jonny Wolf | |
81054. | Melissa | |
81053. | arnoldo rossi | |
81052. | Emma | |
81051. | Nicholas Cronin | |
81050. | david suurland | |
81049. | Tammy Manor | |
81048. | camille | abolish hatred |
81047. | Louis Hamos | Â |
81046. | G RENTLEG | |
81045. | farid | |
81044. | Nicola Josephs | |
81043. | Meirav | |
81042. | Itzhak Belenky | |
81041. | Robert Wyner | |
81040. | Julia Senton | |
81039. | Ross Goldberg | They should weed out their database completely! |
81038. | Peter D Rosenbaum | |
81037. | Emma Golding | |
81036. | Julie Widmonte | |
81035. | RONIT DOTAN | |
81034. | Andrea Solomon | |
81033. | Jackie Jacobs | this website is directly linked to a US white nationalist web site called stormfront.org which should also be viewed. |
81032. | Paul Endelstein | |
81031. | Brett Keyser | |
81030. | Paula Arfin | |
81029. | Frances T. Cohen | |
81028. | Moishe Rosenberg | |
81027. | rhona | |
81026. | uriel birnbaum | |
81025. | fiona wallace | its hard to believe that in this so called age of enlightenment ignorance and hatred can still flourish this way. Lets hope that the day will come when we can all live without the fear of persecution for our beliefs. |
81024. | hgghg | fdfd |
81023. | amit corren | |
81022. | Debbie Cohen-Abravanel | |
81021. | c. wagschal | |
81020. | Eva | |
81019. | TESSIER | |
81018. | Shuki Wolfus | |
81017. | agnes gancz | please remove this offence |
81016. | Jade Jaffit | |
81015. | JANE BERG | |
81014. | David Hirschowitz | |
81013. | Avery | |
81012. | Marlene Shacham | |
81011. | Louis Goralsky | |
81010. | Ira M. Cohen | |
81009. | Larry Hirschowitz | |
81008. | Elly | Anti-semtism should be wiped out becuase of the pain and fear associated with it! |
81007. | Darren Sher | |
81006. | hubert weiner | shame this petition is needed |
81005. | Lisa Graham | |
81004. | Zvi | There's no shortage of irony in the fact that many a contributor on sf.indymedia.org -- an ultra-leftist lunatic fringe site whose editors (especially the dominant rabid anti-Zionist & crypto anti-Semitic editor known as "nessie") enable and help promote anti-Semitism -- froth at the mouth against Google and often claim it's both a Zionist propaganda vehicle and a Jewish tool for maintaining world dominance... I bet such idiots would have had a slight change of mind knowing that Google has inadvertently served their cause... |
81003. | Ronit Hirschowitz | |
81002. | Leron Bernstein | |
81001. | david cohen | |
81000. | Marc S. Cohen | |
80999. | TESSIER | |
80998. | david spalter | |
80997. | rob salter | |
80996. | Enid Silverstone | |
80995. | DANIEL DUBINER | |
80994. | Tamar Ish-Horowicz | |
80993. | petrik obstbaum | |
80992. | joe lazarus | a bad smell in the nose of humanity |
80991. | Samson Spanier | |
80990. | Yanai Krutman | krutman@netvision.net.il |
80989. | marshall shapiro | |
80988. | Nadine | please remove it |
80987. | iakov arouch | |
80986. | Stephen helman | |
80985. | TAMAR ABOUD | |
80984. | Dovrat Gottfried | |
80983. | Candice Martin | |
80982. | jan-erik levy | |
80981. | David silvern | |
80980. | Laugier-Werth | |
80979. | Edward Kessler | google.com should know better |
80978. | Doron Amir | y won't we put some jew drinking christian child's blood to go along with this site's link??? |
80977. | Eran Agon | |
80976. | Bernard | |
80975. | daniel | |
80973. | Anthony Field | |
80972. | Mark Sable | I dated an anti-semite, and even I want this site off google. |
80971. | Levy Daniel | |
80970. | C.B.Th.V.Walet | |
80969. | Eric Cohen | |
80968. | Gerald Kruglik | |
80967. | sami eisbart | remove JewWatch.com please ! |
80966. | Alex Ragen | |
80965. | Robert Simmons | |
80964. | Sharon Gleek | |
80963. | Katie-Emma Lee | |
80962. | stuart freeman | |
80961. | Barbara Bottner | |
80960. | Michael Kennedy | |
80959. | Mike | |
80958. | sami eisbart | remove JewWatch.com please ! |
80957. | M Herst | |
80956. | Peter Gordon | |
80955. | Annabel | |
80954. | Dov Shuman | |
80953. | Ellie Temple | I am sure that there is away to remove the website, even if it means binding over backwards. |
80952. | Michal M | |
80951. | Moshe | |
80950. | Zoreh Kohan | |
80949. | Lara Salem | |
80948. | yoni | darn nazis r everywhere |
80947. | Sharon Roockley | |
80946. | chani | its a sickening site |
80945. | Tamar Stermer | |
80944. | Inbal Cohen | |
80943. | Philippa Jacks | |
80942. | Marcelle Keen | |
80941. | Leyla | |
80940. | amiel | |
80939. | BRIAN COWAN | |
80938. | miri iwler | |
80937. | Elinor L. Abend | |
80936. | Jackie McRae | Outrageous |
80935. | Craig Sherman | |
80934. | Michelle Kay | Please remove the JewWatch.com site from t he Google search engine |
80933. | loretta cohen(Mrs) | |
80932. | Rhona | vile, sick, disturbing, evil, website, poison to NOT have removed |
80931. | Timothy Wallace | |
80930. | itay ben horin | |
80929. | Mark | respect |
80928. | Nathalie Lewkwowicz Mellen | France |
80927. | jess talbert | |
80926. | Esther Binker-Dahlén | |
80925. | David Morris | |
80924. | claudiagrau | |
80923. | Nigel Greenberg | |
80922. | Noele Nelson | |
80921. | Lynda Court | |
80920. | Michal Beck | |
80919. | Ben Arram | |
80918. | Dan Joffe | |
80917. | samantha lustig | |
80916. | Andre Friedman | |
80915. | Yehudah Ben-Dov | |
80914. | Ivan Fleisch | Nip it in the bud! |
80913. | maria finlay | |
80912. | r.j.polak | remove jewwatch.com !!!!!! |
80911. | Diane Kahn | |
80910. | Ohad Ninio | |
80909. | Sasha Baker | |
80908. | Leah Mory | |
80907. | Jason Cotsen | |
80906. | Yoav Zilber | |
80905. | Hila Barcas | |
80904. | charles mintzer | you should delete this hateful site |
80903. | Brenda Bacon | |
80902. | Valerie Lee | Please show a concern for moral values by removing this |
80901. | castro | |
80900. | Vasily Pupkin | |
80899. | Prof. Gavriel Salomon | |
80898. | M Ffactor | Anything that promotes racial trouble ,hatred and is a danger should not be allowed to be able to use Any form of media or communication services to propogare their viscious messages. |
80897. | Jill Kaye | |
80896. | Yoav Kimelman | |
80895. | Helen Hassan | |
80894. | Arie Spokoiny | |
80893. | maureen wilton | time to fight back against islamist propaganda |
80892. | Eileen W. | Google is our first site for research. Having this so available is a sad commentary on the state of the world today. |
80891. | Maurice Levy | I beg of you to remove "THIS" from the site |
80890. | rafi | |
80889. | Hassan H | |
80888. | Kate Green | |
80887. | rachel | |
80886. | Ralph Stohn | |
80885. | alex t | |
80884. | Sam Shaerf | |
80883. | Nadia Palmer | I am horrified at the content in this site. Remove it hastily. |
80882. | shani | |
80881. | A Klein | |
80880. | Ed Offenbach | |
80879. | Toni C. Johnston | |
80878. | Marcel Dayan | |
80877. | Amos | It is rediculus and insulting to get that site for the seach word "Jew" |
80876. | Miki Porat | |
80875. | Avital Madeson | |
80874. | Ivan Shaw | Please remove JewWatch.com from the Google search engine |
80873. | A.HAAS | |
80872. | Alida Fehily | |
80871. | Nicole Selby | |
80870. | Keri Buhai | |
80869. | Fred D. Fletcher | |
80868. | Benjamin J Friedmann | Please remove jewwatch.com as your first link when typing in 'Jew' |
80867. | nicole cash | |
80866. | Diego Lijtmaer | |
80865. | Efrat Geffen | |
80864. | Heidi Brauer | |
80863. | Ruth Aarons | |
80862. | Jodene Glass | |
80861. | Jared | despicable |
80860. | Neil Dembo | |
80859. | Helen Kurtz | outrageous site |
80858. | Jeremy Gubin | |
80857. | Lawrence L. Shapiro | Go for it! |
80856. | Ruth Berren | |
80855. | Ilana Segal | |
80854. | Paul J. Jeschor | |
80853. | David | |
80852. | neter | |
80851. | Martin Kroll | |
80850. | Shimon Tourjeman | |
80849. | Jo-Anne Dembo | |
80848. | Jeff Altman | |
80847. | Paul Glass | |
80846. | Miriam Levin | |
80845. | Shlomit Golan | |
80844. | sasha | |
80843. | Shaun Teichner | |
80842. | A.West | This is unacceptable anti -semitism |
80841. | Tali | Remove this shame |
80840. | Glenn Selby | |
80839. | David Garb | |
80838. | A. Caplan | This website is truly awful |
80837. | Philip Lozowick | |
80836. | H Russell | |
80835. | Bruce Bornstein | I am a PROUD JEW! |
80834. | Claire Jeffcoat | |
80833. | Shachar Ardi | |
80832. | Brett and Cori Oxman | |
80831. | Yann Bensoussan | |
80830. | Louise Scodie | |
80829. | Robin Kratz | |
80828. | rosalind lurie | |
80827. | Fleur Star | |
80826. | Jerome Cohen | Definitely remove it |
80825. | Hazel Goodman | |
80824. | Jacobs | do we need to breed another holocaust ? |
80823. | Ruti Abarbanel | |
80822. | Alex Eshed | |
80820. | Y Rubin | |
80819. | Bruce Charles Hartnett | Google, this is an important issue, even to non jews because who will exploit your engine next time around |
80818. | Dr. M Eisenberg | |
80817. | Anne Goldstein | |
80816. | Daniel Ghadamian | |
80815. | Denise Ross | |
80814. | Beverley Rowland | JewWatch.com is a disgusting website that should have been removed long ago |
80813. | Juliet Cohen | |
80812. | Michael J. Malach | |
80811. | jevon | |
80810. | Paul Wisenberg | |
80809. | Amir | |
80808. | natalia berger | |
80807. | David | Google should promote only professional sites, no racist sites should be allowed |
80806. | Linda Robinson | I can't believe that this is tolerable in this day and age |
80805. | devin tanchum | Grow up America!!!! |
80804. | Yair Shtessman | |
80803. | Dave Novick | |
80802. | Alan Angel | |
80801. | Tamar | |
80800. | m lieberthal | get this anti semetic rubbish of the net |
80799. | Bill Abramson | Please do the right thing! |
80798. | Daniel Gordon | |
80797. | dan | Remove JewWatch.com from the Google Search Engine |
80796. | Hila | Stop the Anti semite |
80795. | Judith Angel | |
80794. | Mike Viviers | Google is such a stunning search engine, why spoil it with such a DISGUSTING site?? Don't call it "freedom of.......", because that would be the irresponsible cop out! |
80793. | Warren Buhai | |
80792. | Karin Kratz | |
80791. | Robert Goldschmidt | |
80790. | Tanya Burkeman | |
80789. | Jamie Cooke | |
80788. | Steven Walder | |
80787. | Valentina | |
80786. | Gemma Buckland | |
80785. | Michelle Dunn | |
80784. | Claire Yacobi | Israel |
80783. | Nurit Raich | |
80782. | Chaim Müller | |
80781. | Susan Goodman | |
80780. | Tzvia | This site is racist and should not have the freedom it has on line! |
80779. | naomi benari | |
80778. | Konijn Abraham | there is no place for anrisemitic sites on Google |
80777. | Ellen Dunn | |
80776. | Harold Finkleman | |
80775. | Berit Levy | |
80774. | Nikki Dunn | |
80773. | Kajsa | |
80772. | Isaac Gerstman | |
80771. | John Parker | I have read the google defense so what |
80770. | Judy Diamond | |
80769. | Ben Gladnikoff | |
80768. | Jeff | |
80767. | Debbie Bezalel | |
80766. | stewart brill | |
80765. | yoni | |
80764. | howard | |
80763. | R.Danny | It's absurd the ingorant peoples make site like this |
80762. | Ben Harris | |
80761. | Dave | Israel |
80760. | A. Sjerp | |
80759. | ronit temes | |
80758. | Izzy Waser | we will stop using google! there are other soluitons |
80757. | ari | |
80756. | Arnold Rubinstein | If we want to advance in this world as a comunity, hatered sights and proganada machinery of it's kind only send us back |
80755. | Batia Kotler | |
80754. | Judith Ehrlich | |
80753. | yolande sinder | this is completely unacceptable |
80752. | Jean | |
80751. | Janet | |
80750. | Nina Elazar-Wolff | |
80749. | Moshe Levinas | |
80748. | David Nordell | |
80747. | JOHN SAFFER | |
80746. | JL Tipograph | |
80745. | P.Grodan | |
80744. | Leo Givorshner | |
80743. | H Goldsmith | |
80742. | N. Earley | |
80741. | Yaniv Almog | |
80740. | rachel summerfield | |
80739. | MArk | Site Offensive |
80738. | Brian Imber | Disgusting and abhorrant!! |
80737. | Dr. Alan Edel | |
80736. | Sydney Kanichowsky | |
80734. | David Marshall | |
80733. | Hagit Faigenboim | |
80732. | moshe zlotnik | |
80731. | Sharon Strassfeld | you at Goggle have an obligation to make sure that your site is not used for political purposes or to disseminate hate. All the more so if you expect shortly to be a public company. We have many good examples in America of public companies that are protective of American values; you might try seeing that as your business model rather than "it's not our business" as yours. |
80730. | Ronny Levitan | |
80729. | Mary Baum | |
80728. | W. Arik | |
80727. | JUDY TABACHNICK | |
80726. | Thomas Dunlap | |
80725. | meyrav | |
80724. | Beni-Reuben Levy | |
80723. | liron Levy | Â |
80722. | Matthew Yeager | I have read the explanation Google has given for this unacceptable behaviour, and find the reasoning even more disturbing than the search returns! Which side are you on, guys? Grow a spine and take a stand for what is right and stop pandering to the anti-semites. Given credence to them only encourages furture attacks. |
80721. | Dana Yerushalmy | |
80720. | al spilman | |
80719. | ROBERT KRATZ | |
80718. | Chen | |
80717. | Raelene Tradonsky | |
80716. | jason bryden | |
80715. | Ruth Wilson | This return to antisemitism is outrageous |
80714. | Susan Sicklin | this should be removed immediately |
80713. | Mark Jacobs | |
80712. | Michelle Osowicki | |
80711. | Berel Dov Lerner | |
80710. | adam bradley | please introduce anti racist |
80709. | sandra benoziyo | |
80708. | Dr. Simon Barak | |
80707. | sarah | |
80706. | magoo | |
80705. | Hannah Laura Levene | |
80704. | BAUM | |
80703. | lorna moore | Jewish people MUST act together |
80702. | laurence curtis | |
80701. | Stephen L. Janoff | |
80700. | Joy Good | |
80699. | Karen Lindemann | |
80698. | Robert Pinsly | Do this ! ! |
80697. | Mike | This is too crazy for words |
80696. | Edward | |
80695. | Justin | take it off |
80694. | Colin Vice | |
80693. | GARY HEARST | |
80692. | Judith D Airey | |
80691. | sara | |
80690. | ralph chandaran | |
80689. | Raymond Domnitz | |
80688. | Jeremy Rose | |
80687. | Chan | this petition should not need to exist, google should have used their discretion. clearly not. |
80686. | L.D. LEVY | |
80685. | Sheryl Abbey | |
80684. | Malka Pinsly | This is very important! |
80683. | Clarisse Pifko | |
80682. | ross b | stop the hate against all religions |
80681. | Michael Maurice | A responsible organisation such as Google should not be hosting racist sites |
80680. | Graham Berkman | |
80679. | Clive Rose | |
80678. | Adam Hyman | REMOVE THE SITE |
80677. | Dafna | |
80676. | Barry Goodman | |
80675. | Bob | |
80674. | Larry Stevens | |
80673. | David Grant | |
80672. | shira | |
80671. | Miles Levy | |
80670. | michael | This is disgusting. I would stop using Google on principal if it is not removed.. |
80669. | Amit Leibovich | |
80668. | Claire Lipman | |
80667. | Irving Schreiber | |
80666. | Roni Litvak | |
80665. | Stacy Sandler | |
80664. | Jonathan smith | |
80663. | m | |
80662. | arona maskil | totally inappropriate for a national site like yours to have JewWatch as your first enty on the site. |
80661. | James A. Sampair | |
80660. | naomi schacter | |
80659. | r bialac | |
80658. | Maite van Koutrik | |
80657. | E Cramer | |
80656. | Avril Fine | |
80655. | Chanda Gray | just do this - you know it's the right thing to do |
80654. | vladimir | |
80653. | deb schechter | |
80652. | Sharon Horowitz | |
80651. | joel greenwald | |
80650. | Dr. Scott Lawrence | |
80649. | S Katz | |
80648. | Sebastien | |
80647. | jacob doron | |
80646. | j.a.rose | |
80645. | melanie Shaw | It is a disgrace and should be removed immediately, the world has enough hatred, in it already. Do we need more of this!! |
80644. | merav kargman | |
80643. | Michael Saltman | |
80642. | David Marks | Dangerouse site full of lies |
80641. | R. Ruckenstein | |
80640. | Bryan Diamond | |
80639. | Ely | |
80638. | Shimon Terdiman | |
80637. | Gershon Levitz | |
80636. | Michael Lieberman | |
80635. | Michael Green | |
80634. | David Marsh | |
80633. | Aubrey Horwitz | |
80632. | yann chetrit | favour peace and inter-cultural website |
80630. | chagit chaimi | |
80629. | Zollinger Robert | |
80628. | Chaim | |
80627. | Gill Lewin | |
80626. | yaakov | |
80625. | rachelle vovsy | |
80624. | V. Moses | |
80623. | Batsheva Y. Lerner | |
80622. | Mike Lewin | |
80621. | judith gilbert | |
80620. | David Danzer | Google is usually my first choice for searching the web, but I will use another search engine if Google refuses to remove this offensive site. |
80618. | Eric Furman | |
80617. | David Lichtenstein | |
80616. | Nancy Mayer | |
80615. | gogui | |
80614. | Sylvia Marks-Barnett | |
80613. | sddym | |
80612. | Rivka Feuchtwanger | |
80611. | Jimmy Buckland | |
80610. | Anthony Licht | |
80609. | Maurice Phillips | |
80608. | ubogi | |
80607. | Yaacov B | |
80606. | Gil Zigelman | |
80605. | avitalsive | |
80604. | Sheila Spivack | |
80603. | M Weissbraun | it should not take 50000 sigs to remove |
80602. | Jackie Saunders | Hi again...please disregard the comment accompanying my previous signature (#80002) and drop it from this petition. Sincerely, |
80601. | Tomer Silverman | |
80600. | Irwin Norman Jaeger | REMOVE! |
80599. | Eyal Ilsar | |
80598. | Steven Ruddell | |
80597. | Peter Baars | |
80596. | tamar koton | |
80595. | Tzvia rubin | |
80594. | Daniel Monsowitz | |
80593. | Jonny Leeb | This is very sad |
80592. | Nurit Kaiser | |
80591. | Ben-El Berkovich | |
80590. | Doudova Hana | |
80589. | uzi abraham | |
80588. | einat sohar | please donot send me e mails |
80587. | James Cees | |
80586. | larry epstein | |
80585. | Nimrod Schatz | |
80584. | noa | |
80583. | Lois Agran | |
80582. | biedner ben zion | |
80581. | Neil Orris | |
80580. | Michael | |
80579. | hana polachek | |
80578. | Earle Friedman | |
80577. | brandon | |
80576. | Richard Lee | |
80575. | Jean Dayan | |
80574. | Peter Levitan | The rise of anti-Semitism (as noted in the April 10, 2004 news stories regarding the results of the recent Pew Research Center study documenting the significant recent increase in anti-Semitic attitudes across America) is an appalling phenomenon that we must all address, and that the media must take responsibility for -- in this case, Google as well. This phenomenon is especially dangerous because anti-Semitism has been made to appear a legitimate social attitude -- and it's actions ranging from Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" (which the Pew researchers attribute as a primary factor of this increased anti-Semitism) and Google's inadvertent blunder that give comfort to anti-Semites that their views are countenanced (if not shared) by society at large. Google must take social responsibility and decide not to be inadvertently part of this blight in American public life. |
80573. | Ilan Sela | |
80572. | Hana Castel | |
80571. | hila | |
80570. | Mabel Sánche | |
80569. | May | |
80568. | A J Berman | |
80567. | Martin Laing | As a public service Google must do their bit to discourage racism and hate |
80566. | Lisa Beinin Ratz | |
80565. | Santiago Aparicio | |
80564. | Alex Butterman | |
80563. | Susan Freedman | |
80562. | Jack Kazan | |
80561. | Sandra Kaplan | I am currently using Google, but intend to cease if this offensive site is not removed! |
80560. | W Bernette | |
80559. | Osnat Eldar | |
80558. | PETER GROSSMARK | |
80557. | elliot lowy | |
80556. | Urri Rubin | how sick can one get? |
80555. | erez | look at the past and see what things can lead to do you whant to part of it and if so who's next to come ? |
80554. | Jacob Kaufman | |
80553. | Hadasa Lev | |
80552. | Henry Caganoff | |
80551. | nigel lawrence | |
80550. | Jason Joffe | |
80549. | Kathleen Whitefire Felkner | |
80548. | Michael Lebens | |
80547. | Gary Cowen | |
80546. | Dr Zev Gerstl | |
80545. | Orit Uziel | |
80544. | atir avigail | |
80543. | ceseli josephus jitta | |
80542. | Heather Jacobson | |
80541. | Ran Y | remove the link ASAP |
80540. | Barbara | |
80539. | Liliana Ziemiak | |
80538. | peter glanz | |
80537. | Isaac Kahen Kashani | |
80536. | l. heller | |
80535. | leon rudd | |
80534. | dudu Toledano | |
80533. | ron | |
80532. | Ronen Zion | Do what is right!!! |
80531. | Nurit | |
80530. | andrea halley-wright | |
80529. | stavi | |
80528. | kylie eisman-lifschitz | I am surprised that this requires a petition... it should be clear what google's responsibility is here... |
80527. | ephrat | |
80526. | Irit Cohen | |
80525. | Lionel Rose | Remove this offensive piece of work now please |
80524. | Naomi Gelbart | |
80523. | shelly | |
80522. | Adam Isard | That site is offensive to everyone, not just Jewish people |
80521. | Faye Pollock Cohen | |
80520. | Paul Marco | |
80519. | Michal | |
80518. | marisol benhorin | |
80517. | Ronit Jacobs | |
80516. | Michael Friedland | |
80515. | Nourit Moore | the world will be a better place without this site |
80514. | Noy Dotan | |
80513. | Bernard Hotz | |
80512. | Eli Shifman | |
80511. | Avner Sander | |
80510. | Tony Ziegler | |
80509. | Renee Smith | |
80508. | Yekutiel Gershoni | |
80507. | Jenna Parkins | |
80506. | keren | kkk |
80505. | Zeev Zimerman | |
80504. | Stefan Brocke | |
80503. | Kathy Levinson | |
80502. | Gail Mezrow | |
80501. | Michelle | |
80500. | David R. Forte | |
80499. | Ortal BAREL | |
80498. | Ari Sobel | |
80497. | Emily Tabachnick | |
80496. | Chaim Shimon | |
80495. | Lawrence | |
80494. | Alan Bloom | |
80493. | Matthew Pollishuke | |
80492. | Assaf Sinvani | |
80491. | Jeremy Rich | |
80490. | Hadassa Ben-Itto | |
80489. | David | |
80488. | Deganit Kidron | |
80487. | Lindsay Bert | |
80486. | Edward Kaplan | |
80485. | Eli Horenczyk | |
80484. | orit diamant-ozer | |
80483. | Brian Lerner | |
80482. | Irene | |
80481. | David Hyman | |
80480. | Phil | |
80479. | David Nordell | |
80478. | Ben Fuchs | |
80477. | Ann Avron | |
80476. | Ruth Weinberger | |
80475. | Ethel Rausch | |
80474. | l raber | please remove this site ASAP: it is so sad that you allowed it in the first place |
80473. | Elie Beit-Yannai | |
80472. | Beverly Benaroya | Definately should not be allowed |
80471. | Daniel King | |
80470. | Jonathan Benjamin | |
80469. | Adi | |
80468. | dvora waysman | The word "Jew" is a proud title, and should not be perverted to aid the world's anti-Semites. |
80467. | aviva eichler | |
80466. | yael tapoohi | |
80465. | Haim Goldblum | Go to... |
80464. | Robin Starr | |
80463. | Marcia Rodd | |
80462. | weinstein | |
80461. | guy shlomo | remove it immediatly |
80460. | Noa katz | |
80459. | Andrew R. Baron | This a disgrace |
80458. | Lisa Harris | |
80457. | Melissa Cross | |
80456. | Sasja Martel | |
80455. | Lemberger Freddy | |
80454. | Naomi Roff | |
80453. | P. Weizman | Â |
80452. | Garfinkel Yair | |
80451. | melanie miguel | please remove jewwatch! I'm deeply offended by this sight! |
80450. | Daniel Ezro | |
80449. | Harry New | |
80448. | S.I.Isaacs | |
80447. | Leslie Rosenthal | |
80446. | Dr. Ramy Lidor-Hadas | |
80445. | adam adam | |
80444. | Terri Podolsky | |
80443. | Loli Tekanawa | Jews will go on existing but the empire of Google will be shatered and burned. May them be erased soon from the WEB |
80442. | Loli Tekanawa | Jews will go on existing but the empire of Google will be shatered and burned. May them be erased soon from the WEB |
80441. | Loli Tekanawa | Jews will go on existing but the empire of Google will be shatered and burned. May them be erased soon from the WEB |
80440. | herbert markus | |
80439. | Andrew Silver | Please fix this immediately |
80438. | daphne Banai | |
80437. | Uri Gridin | |
80436. | STEVE FIHRER | |
80435. | ari kaniel | |
80434. | Aydin Konan | |
80433. | KJS | |
80432. | yuyu | |
80431. | Leon Raff | |
80430. | Gillian Emergui | disgusting site |
80429. | Sol Pavlosky | The sole purpose for JewWatch is anti-semetic! With such sub titles as jewish-zionist-anti-American spies; Jewish Communisy rulers and killers; Jewish Terrorists; Jewish Controlled Press; Jewish Atrocities etc. It is obvious it is the purpose of including this reference to demonstrate an anti-Jewish attitude. |
80428. | Michael Lawson | |
80427. | Elise M. Vandervelde | |
80426. | Irit Sela | |
80425. | Aimee Birnbaum | |
80424. | sharon | |
80423. | Meyer Toblib | |
80422. | Michael Jacobson | Ê |
80421. | Stanley Gordon | Remove Jewatch from Google |
80420. | Yair Spanier | |
80419. | Jennifer Johnson | |
80418. | Jodie Asaraf | |
80417. | Sam Laser | |
80416. | Abraham Peliowski MD FRCPC FAAP | |
80415. | Ronald Browne | |
80414. | Denis Vandervelde | |
80413. | Obogaire | these are sick people - clearly pagans |
80412. | Cindy Katz | |
80411. | S. Offer | |
80410. | Luis Kramarz | |
80409. | Linda Wehrli | |
80408. | Sharon Chorost | |
80407. | Noelle North | |
80406. | Ben Filippini | Google's support of removing "Chester's Guide to Molesting Young Girls" but not "JewWatch.com" is both hypocritical and terrifying. I have always been a fan of Google.com; oftentimes I type "google.com" habitually even if I intend to go to a completely different page altogether. I am afraid that I may just have become a Yahoo user. |
80405. | david rudzyn | disgusted to see this as first item |
80404. | Susan Smolen | I feel this anti-semitic site should be removed |
80403. | Merv Abramson | It's Abhorrent |
80402. | Nedim Eskinazi | |
80401. | Colleen Suttner | |
80400. | David Yach | |
80399. | Adah Lappin | disgusting; shocking! |
80398. | judy steinberg | |
80397. | Clive Cohencl | |
80396. | Nurit | |
80395. | Marjatta Gottfeld | enjoy google but not antisemitism therein |
80394. | robert chanin | |
80393. | Melvyn Carter | |
80392. | Michael Eisenbach | |
80391. | nadine goodban | |
80390. | Rabbi Paul S. Laderman | |
80389. | Edna Lapidot | |
80388. | Albert J. Bick | |
80387. | Arthur Lyons | |
80386. | Ian Suttner | |
80385. | Robert Youngworth | |
80384. | Harold Leinwand | |
80383. | Todd feder | |
80382. | Hari Rashiba | |
80381. | Dr Shulamit Laderman | |
80380. | Boaz Avron | |
80379. | Andrew Lockwood | |
80378. | stefan gottlieb | |
80377. | Bela Lev | |
80376. | Nati Bloch-Damti | |
80374. | naomi reem | |
80373. | Iris Bincovich | |
80372. | Lawrence N. Fuchs | |
80371. | Rosie Weinstock | |
80370. | Melissa Jones | This website is disturbing and promotes violence and hatred. This should not be promoted on a prestigious search engine like Google. |
80369. | Eric Olivencia | |
80368. | Merilyn Israel | |
80367. | Galia Barkai | |
80366. | Michael Dror | |
80365. | RJM | |
80364. | Micha Kushner | |
80363. | Susan Curelop | |
80362. | Herzog | |
80361. | carly winderbaum | |
80360. | shalom berman | |
80359. | E Kaplan MD | Zero Tolerance for eHate! |
80358. | shana barbieri | |
80357. | Al Spiewak | |
80356. | Alan Jankelowitz | |
80355. | Sue Reiss | Google, you should recognize the difference between freedom of speech and promotion of hatred |
80354. | Paul Grant | |
80353. | corinne | |
80352. | Terry Leibman | |
80351. | Gregory Yom Din | |
80350. | Peter Drettel | |
80349. | GameRanger | |
80348. | E Kaplan | |
80347. | Searle Brajtman | š |
80346. | Dr. Larry Hirsch | Shame on Google for not having enough morals to recognize hate-mail and ban its dissemination |
80345. | ROCHELLE DISHLER | Please REMOVE JewWatch.com from the Google Search engine |
80344. | Don Hochman | |
80343. | Karine Nizard | |
80342. | Alberto Bierman | Su posicion "imparcial" tiene un trasfondo tipicamente anti-judioi. Boicotearemos su pagina. |
80341. | Ellen Burke | There is free speech and there is hate speech - this is hate speech. |
80340. | jodine blumenthal | |
80339. | Dima Hociyanov | |
80338. | Dr Howard Ross | |
80337. | AARON | |
80336. | dell morley | Until February 2003, a user searching for a guide to the English city of Chester would have been presented with "Chester's guide to molesting young girls" as the second entry. After officials from Chester complained, Google removed the site. |
80335. | Jessica Azizi | |
80334. | yoni | |
80333. | jak ferman | |
80332. | Shirley Barnett | |
80331. | Ken Ross | Google should have removed it on their own. |
80330. | Sara Schaffer | |
80329. | Jeffrey Arsht | |
80328. | Kostin Dinovski | |
80327. | Lena Novack | |
80326. | Boris | |
80325. | Daniel Hurley | Google, why are you allowing your liberal bias to creep back into your search engine? |
80324. | B Frankel | |
80323. | Joseph Borensztajn | |
80322. | Marvin | |
80321. | Douglas Mennin | |
80320. | anne keller | |
80319. | Ron Emerling | |
80318. | Syd Rabin | the world is rampant with ignorant swine |
80317. | Madeline Cohen | |
80316. | Gerald Cohen | |
80315. | Natalie Tsigelman | |
80314. | Daniela Brodsky | |
80313. | Leiserson | |
80312. | Haim Guy | |
80311. | Tzvi Kol | |
80310. | shmuel ben-bassat | |
80309. | Naomi Meyerstein | |
80308. | stephen jacobs | |
80307. | Lance Berger | |
80306. | Moshe | |
80305. | Nili Broshy | |
80304. | Tsvi Sivan | |
80303. | Ephraim Tsoref | there is no place for antysemitism in this world. |
80302. | eran | |
80301. | B Schrott | |
80300. | Jaima Shiessen | remove such disrespect.. |
80299. | Amir helfan | |
80298. | lisa | |
80297. | Judy Metter | |
80296. | DT Levy | |
80295. | Luba Zuk | |
80294. | Ernest and Stephanie Davis | Lies and hate must not be allowed |
80293. | Jeri Turkel | I am shocked that educated people are so prejudiced. |
80292. | D Hornstein | Too bad Google needs this effort to "do what's right!" Very disappointed in Google's management and judgment! |
80291. | Brigitte | |
80290. | sandy rake | |
80289. | Ryan Kohn | |
80288. | Mark Jankelowitz | |
80287. | PICCIONE Genevieve | |
80286. | Behnoud Beroukhim | |
80285. | Nancy Muller | please remove JewWatch from Google. Google is the first and only engine I use. |
80284. | Gary Sinclair | |
80283. | Danny Stern | |
80282. | Raz Ron | |
80281. | Cathy D. Mujadin | |
80280. | Ariella Bartuv | |
80279. | Amnon Hadar | |
80278. | bruce liebovich | |
80277. | Alfred D. and Anita Geto | Remove it now!!! |
80276. | Renee Lewis | |
80275. | Kathi Barnhard | Obviously an oversite on Google's part |
80274. | BERNINE JOSEF | |
80273. | Arron Z | |
80272. | Rachel Yossifon | |
80271. | Rick Horwitz | |
80270. | Leslie Lobel | |
80269. | Simon Ross | |
80268. | Craig Coel | |
80267. | Richard Wolf | |
80266. | Harold Winard | Absolutely no excuse for this!!! |
80265. | A.J. Brown | Just remove it |
80264. | Janice Stone | |
80263. | Felice Taransky@msn.com | |
80262. | Roy Marshall | |
80261. | carmit zofy | |
80260. | Shula L. | Forget Google. Go to: A9.com -- Amazon's new search engine |
80259. | Clara Behar | Somos un pueblo que deseamos vivir en paz; porque historicamente tanto nos han maltratado ? |
80258. | Sarona | |
80257. | Ryan Friedman | |
80256. | Craig Arenson | |
80255. | hillel vardi | |
80254. | Diana | |
80253. | heather berg | |
80252. | Daniel Sudilovsky MD | |
80251. | Maureen Pearlstone | Please remove anti-semitic materials |
80250. | Scott | |
80249. | Cira Terra | |
80248. | Ronia | |
80247. | Avishy Dafni | |
80246. | Zohar | The site links to another funny MLK site (jews support blacks to kill all whites). Should be terminated as well. |
80245. | Lori Frankl | |
80244. | merse hurlburt | |
80243. | Gary Lamb | |
80242. | Lucy Les | |
80241. | Boris | Hi, Google. I don't think the site in question has #1 in popularity. But you can make it so. Heil Google? |
80240. | LIZ BERKOVITCH | |
80239. | Edward Weber | |
80238. | nancy grando | |
80237. | Skip Kotkins | |
80236. | zvika haberman | š |
80235. | Moshe B. Fuchs | Shame ! |
80234. | iliana glovinsky | |
80233. | Goldi | Do the right thing and remove this URL!! |
80232. | Reuven and Mirjam Viskoper | |
80231. | greta rosenberg | |
80230. | Meir Deutsch | |
80229. | Robi S. | you can kiss my jewish ass |
80228. | Ashley | the site, Jewwatch, does not open |
80227. | Eleazar Eskin | |
80226. | Yosef Goldman | |
80225. | Yehuda Ben-Dor | |
80224. | JACOB I ZUBER | |
80223. | Alan Becker | |
80222. | Sharon Ra'anan | I use Google every day, and I would appreciate your sensitivity to this matter. |
80221. | Camila | shame on this site!!! |
80220. | Monty S. Robbins | |
80219. | sharon levy | |
80218. | Russell | |
80217. | Beverley Auerbach | |
80216. | nicolette mishkan | |
80215. | Bonni Lesser | |
80214. | Jane & Motty Hoch | |
80213. | Dr. Mina Fogel | |
80212. | Linda Yec | |
80211. | rami nov | |
80210. | C Kantor | please take that out. jewish people are great |
80209. | Oren | |
80208. | Carmel | |
80207. | Aviva Oshri | |
80206. | Judi Pellin | |
80205. | GAbriela Sedlakova | |
80204. | yuriko.goto | |
80203. | Sarah Goodwin | |
80202. | Seth Cohen | |
80201. | Deborah Leeman | |
80200. | natalie lenn | |
80199. | Jordan Glassner | |
80198. | Barbara Pergament | It's horrible to know that this exists - on Google no less |
80197. | Tirzah Margolin | |
80196. | Barry Sonenfeld | |
80195. | limor sandler | |
80194. | Michal Hershfinkel | |
80193. | Nancy Wald | this site is a distortion and an insult and ought to be removed immediately |
80192. | Marilyn M. Schaefer | |
80191. | Alon Grotas | Israel |
80190. | Olga Zobkov | |
80189. | Yulia | |
80188. | Josh Hassall | |
80187. | Shirley Lapa | |
80186. | Gregg Shanberg | |
80185. | beth | |
80184. | Regina Wilson-Seppa | |
80183. | GREG GAST | |
80182. | aviel sidi | |
80181. | Trossman Alex | |
80180. | Estee | |
80179. | Nathalie Cohen | |
80178. | Rita Welsh | |
80177. | Lisa Lutwak | |
80176. | lior | |
80175. | Wendy | |
80174. | Laura Margules | |
80173. | Jayne Hirsch | |
80172. | Lindsay Korotkin | |
80171. | Henry Somerfeld | |
80170. | inbar | |
80169. | Amit | |
80168. | Paulette Light | |
80167. | Bahman Shimiaei | |
80166. | BARUCH | |
80165. | Norma Jeanne Abright | I only wish that I could sign this petition 50,000 times myself so that this dreadful anti-Semitic site would be removed from your search engine as quickly as possible. Was it not absurd propaganda such as this that led all too many of the German people to condone and support, even if passively, the heinous crimes of the Nazis? Must history always repeat itself, or can we use the knowledge that was gained at such a horrific price to recognize dangerous actions at their inception and proactively take steps to neutralize them? I fail to see why Google should have any compunction at all about refusing to lead internet users to a site that defames and foments hatred against any group of people. Do the right thing! |
80164. | Jeff Rubin | |
80163. | kevin | get it off! |
80162. | June Shalev | Thank you for acting on this new anti-semitic attack. It seems that nothing has changed in the least. |
80161. | Olga | |
80160. | Varda | |
80159. | Molly Yates | |
80158. | Gayle Nordin | |
80157. | Michael Hooker | |
80156. | Daniel Grosz | |
80155. | ALVIN M. PANZER | |
80154. | daniel | |
80153. | Sura Jeselsohn | Hatemongers cannot hide behind the First Amendment. |
80152. | Michal Bardarian | |
80151. | Robert Holland | |
80150. | Marshall Stitz | |
80149. | Eduardo Hubscher | Â |
80148. | Samantha | |
80147. | Felicia Levy | |
80146. | Feller Debbie and Gadi | |
80145. | maurice kurtz | The site is disgusting, and hateful |
80144. | Joel S. Steinberg | |
80143. | Berku | Please remove the anti-semitic site |
80142. | Brian Richard Allen | Until February 2003, a user searching for a guide to the English city of Chester would have been presented with "Chester's guide to molesting young girls" as the second entry. After officials from Chester complained, Google removed the site. -- There does seem to be something amiss with Google's priorities when the complaints of Jews objecting to anti-Semitism carry less weight than those of "officials from Chester." -- WSJ Online -- Any Other Questions? |
80141. | joey sellem | cant believe it |
80140. | Livia Lebovic | |
80139. | MIRIAM MEYERSON | |
80138. | Mike Sandler | |
80137. | GAVIN POPLAK | |
80136. | Jeremy Dunkel | |
80135. | Yitzi Cohen | |
80134. | bradley lever | |
80133. | fred davidowitz | do the right thing |
80132. | Barry Tinkleman | |
80131. | moran amikam | |
80130. | Katy Lusson | |
80129. | mindy | |
80128. | Sue Bubis | |
80127. | Danielle Biber | Disgraceful |
80126. | Peled Ronit Ph.D | |
80125. | Mark Razin | |
80124. | John Robert Medlin | there some sick perves out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
80123. | Richard Monheit | Hopefully this contributes to bringing down this site |
80122. | Susan Goodwin | |
80121. | machek | |
80120. | Gloria J. Youngblood | |
80119. | Avigayil Simpson | |
80118. | Joseph Molho | |
80117. | Bilha Allon | |
80116. | Stanley Goldstein | I will use yahoo from now on... |
80115. | Hugh Lachmoo | |
80114. | Judy Edmond | |
80113. | Debra Rudolph | |
80112. | Peter Kogan | This is Wrong |
80111. | margaret levine | |
80110. | Nancy Handwerger | antisemitism is ugly and hateful |
80109. | ayala | |
80108. | GAIL KERBEL | |
80107. | danny kedma | |
80106. | Jerry & Fay Schwartz | |
80105. | Avi Zirler | |
80104. | Abigail | |
80103. | David Braun | Hate hatred |
80102. | Aran Tanchum | |
80101. | Ilanit Melszenker | |
80100. | T Rudzyn | |
80099. | FLORENTIN | |
80098. | arye sokol | |
80097. | Dena Sneider | |
80096. | Ken Roberts | What the hell prompted you to let this inane and harmful crap on the net? |
80095. | erika | |
80094. | Jill Anderson | |
80093. | oran dorel | |
80092. | Sergey | |
80091. | Garson Foos | |
80090. | Jonathan Smith | This site is a disgrace |
80089. | Tsipy Zeiri | |
80088. | Erik N. | Yet another example of the despicable dark side of free speech |
80087. | Lisa Krule | |
80086. | Sylvia Greenberg | |
80085. | Linda Engelsiepen | |
80084. | Shelley Rubin | Fight the haters! Join JDL! |
80083. | Limor Henig | |
80082. | Susan Abbott Rogge | |
80081. | Samach Noon | Diss Gots to go yoo hea? |
80080. | Roberta E. Di Maio | |
80079. | Ben Waldman | |
80078. | Dr gartner | |
80077. | Eli | |
80076. | L Reyna | |
80075. | Mauro | |
80074. | Alla Babushkina | |
80073. | jeffery goldberg | |
80072. | Marijke Schoemeijer | |
80071. | yumi | |
80070. | Pat Lockhart | |
80069. | Stanley | If you want me to google, take it off your site |
80068. | Mary Rait | This is a very disturbing fact and I believe immediate action to remove jewwatch from the search engine should be a top priority. |
80067. | dan Harvitt | |
80066. | M.C.Sachs | |
80065. | koresh | |
80064. | Doreen | |
80063. | Your Activity Is Stupid | -- |
80062. | laurence | please remove JewWatch from Google ASAP - it is most offensive |
80061. | Elaine Brandon | |
80060. | Naomi Ellenhorn Davis, M.D. | |
80059. | Jackie Saunders | Thank you for making this available. |
80058. | NAVA BEN HORESH | |
80057. | Zvika Golos | |
80056. | Russ Baleson | |
80055. | Patricia Bobroff | |
80054. | Howard Surdin | Remove Hate |
80053. | Steinberger Y | |
80052. | Judy Bogen | |
80051. | Warren Lent | |
80050. | Farrell Spungin | Excellent idea |
80049. | Liat Murat | |
80048. | moshe | its not good |
80047. | ofir k. | |
80046. | Mark Oberferst | |
80045. | Mayumi Wakabayashi | |
80044. | Judith Rapke | |
80043. | Gershom May | One can either feed the flames of hate, or remove the substrate that's burning. |
80042. | yaffa sharon | |
80041. | susan kahn | |
80040. | Lucie Reisch | |
80039. | Bernice Pillemer | |
80038. | Kevin Bear | |
80037. | david | |
80036. | Faye Plum | |
80035. | MAUREEN FENTON | |
80034. | Samantha Levin | highly offensive and abusive, please remove information it is not necessary to spread or promote hatred as displayed |
80033. | l. siegel | |
80032. | Jay Stern | |
80031. | Sandy Schuckett | Remove this racist, deplorable site. |
80030. | Benjamin Pashkoff | |
80029. | rafi G. | |
80028. | Orna Stein | |
80027. | Izzy Ginzberg | I thought they said that if you get enough sigs they would remove it! |
80026. | Milo Azerad | |
80025. | keren riber | |
80024. | Michal Finkelstein | |
80023. | Moshe Marlov | |
80022. | Joy D. Marshall | |
80021. | Uri Finkel | |
80020. | Ellie Stern | |
80019. | chasya nudelman | |
80018. | ELIAS | |
80017. | uri | |
80016. | Steve H. | |
80015. | Jacky Ben-Haiem | |
80014. | Chanan Dayan | |
80013. | effi | |
80012. | Edward Alexander | |
80011. | Danni | If google continues to allow this website to be displayed, the public should assume that their views are consistent with these vulgar anti-semites, and should boycott google accordingly. |
80010. | Oren Bernheim | |
80009. | Mark Siegel | Ê |
80008. | natalie | how disgusting |
80006. | David Rivera | Just Do It |
80005. | Joyce & Harold Baker | Google should not tarnish it's excellent reputation by promoting "hate" webb sites |
80004. | asher m stern | STOP THE HATE! |
80003. | tal | please remove all hate. |
80002. | peter ziemba | |
80001. | Marc Cohen | |
80000. | dianne tayar | |
79999. | Stephanie Laster | |
79998. | Spencer I. Neufeld | |
79997. | dani schwartz | |
79996. | jessica intrator | i am signing this, not to be against free speech and media, but if school children or anyone wants to innocently do a search to learn more about the Jewish people, and they take jewwatch for a valid source... Well that is a pretty scary thought. |
79995. | liana meyers | |
79994. | Roger | Disgusting |
79993. | Pouyan Golshani | I read the website and cannot believe the things that are on there |
79992. | gilat rotkop | |
79991. | Allison Targoff | |
79990. | Ron Okman | |
79989. | Talia Eldar-Geva | |
79988. | Eli Batalion | |
79987. | Jeff S | |
79986. | Alex Mallory | |
79985. | A. Katz | it is time to get rid of these kind of pages with just promote hate. |
79984. | william goldenberg | |
79983. | Tuiva Hoffman | |
79982. | rhona jacobs | |
79981. | Simone Singer | |
79980. | Donald Vealicello | |
79979. | peter ziemba | |
79978. | Aviva Woodland | |
79977. | Melissa Ripp | |
79976. | Greg H | This can NOT be tolerated |
79975. | peter ziemba | |
79974. | Erick Weidmann | Anti-semitism racism sexism and oppression must NOT be tolerated. |
79973. | Rhoda Schochet | |
79972. | Yehudis Rosenthal | what a world we live in |
79971. | Vanessa Laredo | |
79970. | Delores Adoff | |
79969. | carolyn raffo | |
79968. | Tanya Arons | |
79967. | David Abouav | |
79966. | Doug Baldinger | get this site outa here |
79965. | George Robinson | |
79964. | gavin kotkis | |
79963. | G. G. Sibold | remove jewwatch from Google |
79962. | Jeff S | |
79961. | Zack Taylor | |
79960. | asher m stern | |
79959. | moshe gerstenhaber | |
79958. | Rick London | found my own name on their site as a jew in the entertainment biz (to watch)...am unitarian. lol. probably run by high school skinheads. lol. google needs to get a grip. |
79957. | Rick London | found my own name on their site as a jew in the entertainment biz (to watch)...am unitarian. lol. probably run by high school skinheads. lol. google needs to get a grip. |
79956. | Dan Gottesman | Stop spreading anti-jewish falsehoods |
79955. | Dan Gottesman | Stop spreading anti-jewish falsehoods |
79954. | guez | |
79953. | Dan Gottesman | Stop spreading anti-jewish falsehoods |
79952. | Pam Paul | |
79951. | Wendy | |
79950. | Carol Rubin | |
79949. | Igal | |
79948. | Andy Gryll | |
79947. | Shalom Shapira | |
79946. | Regina | |
79945. | Jay Paul | |
79944. | Abe Wax | |
79943. | Christina Baker | |
79942. | joel lang | remove this site |
79941. | Bernard Warschaw | |
79940. | Myron Buchman | |
79939. | David Valentine | |
79938. | Penina Chinitz | |
79937. | Tali Orner | |
79936. | Judith Isaacs | Â |
79935. | Rita Lehman | |
79934. | Annette Weil | |
79933. | Harry Guterman | |
79932. | Dena Honig | |
79931. | Thomas Kaplan | |
79930. | Steve Rubin | |
79929. | Lisa Guterman | |
79928. | Adam Phillips | |
79927. | Danielle Gleitman | |
79926. | Harvey Kasdan | |
79925. | Evelyn Elliott | It is shocking to learn that Google gives this site a priority. So much for using Google again until this has been changed. |
79924. | Rudolf Lublinsky | |
79923. | Phyllis Kopp | Please remove this disgusting site |
79922. | Ben Weitzenkorn | |
79921. | Joseph Del Bourgo | Jewatch is a disgrace to EVERYTHING America stands for |
79920. | Barry Weisz | |
79919. | Mike | |
79918. | Carol Zbriger | |
79917. | Steve Lewis | |
79916. | Caroline | Remove that site |
79915. | Leesa A. Shem-Tov | Please act immediately! |
79914. | Thomas J. Walsh | There is no excuse for this. |
79913. | P | |
79912. | Robin Bersiks | |
79911. | r solomon | |
79910. | Candace Weisz | |
79909. | Gail Carp | Jewwatch.com must be removed |
79908. | Gennady Zitser | |
79907. | Marcia H | |
79906. | Beverly` | |
79905. | Malcolm Robinson MD | |
79904. | Ruth Fox | |
79903. | charlotte kuritzky | |
79902. | Jay Paul | |
79901. | Stas | |
79900. | Ian Madfes | |
79899. | Gabriel Ehrenstein | |
79898. | Gila Katz | |
79897. | Alexandra Hass | |
79896. | Mindy Shepard | |
79895. | james tyler | |
79894. | David Jacobson | Google definately knows the long term damage a site will invoke when it promotes slander and lies |
79893. | Donald Zeidler | |
79892. | Gerald and Ruth Siegel | |
79891. | Joy Millman | |
79890. | Scott | jeez, thats sick :-( |
79889. | Sid Carp | remove JewWatch.com |
79888. | norbert schloss | |
79887. | Rosally Saltsman | |
79886. | Robin Denison | |
79885. | Raquel | You've done it for other less important reasons in the past!!! |
79884. | Adrienne Hope | |
79883. | Joshua Katzan | This sight is an affront to reality |
79882. | Lisa Z | |
79881. | Dr. Richard Leeds | note: TWO names |
79880. | zvi picowski | remove it |
79879. | Judy Harris | |
79878. | audrey ehrenstein | |
79877. | martin gelb | |
79876. | Lawrence I. Stern | |
79875. | Kobi Wimisberg | How dare you to give a hand to such a thing? |
79874. | Gilmour | |
79873. | Cory Kahn | |
79872. | William @joan Satt | |
79871. | Arnold Gelb | |
79870. | Yochanan Ben Avraham Bell | |
79869. | Nina Raff | |
79868. | Arnold L. Rosenberg | |
79867. | Alexandra | |
79866. | Wendy Scott | Can't we all just get along???? |
79865. | harry builder | |
79864. | Elizabeth Memel | |
79863. | David Beck | |
79862. | Barie Spiegel | |
79861. | RQ | |
79860. | Lindsey Honari | Please consider for removal |
79859. | Gerald Lassow | |
79858. | Peter Reisman | |
79857. | Matthew | |
79856. | Joel Reif | |
79854. | Lynda Berman | |
79853. | linda hazony | |
79852. | Elissa | |
79851. | Gloria Sklerov | |
79850. | Jake Meyer | |
79849. | David Derrickson | REMOVE IT. |
79848. | Ett | |
79847. | Olga | |
79846. | Joel Shorten | |
79845. | arlette Smith | This is important! |
79844. | Dorothee von huene Greenberg | Please remove JewWatch.com from your Google search engine. Thank you. |
79843. | Luna Lugassi | |
79842. | Edythe Greenberg | |
79841. | allyson | |
79840. | Rachael Gordon | |
79838. | meital | |
79837. | Estelle Korn | i find it very disturbing that a search engine such as google would condone anti semitism |
79836. | Mr. Lewis Harris | |
79835. | Myrna Goldenberg | |
79834. | Eliahu Ariel | |
79833. | Albert Einstein | |
79832. | Jana Tubinshlak | |
79831. | Donna Lazarus | |
79830. | Brad Herman | |
79829. | gareth | |
79828. | Lewis R Voils | This is obscene |
79827. | L. Cohen | |
79826. | carole lerman | |
79825. | Michael Berns | |
79824. | Morton Greenberg | |
79823. | bisberg | |
79822. | Asa Greenberg | |
79821. | Gary Dankner | Disgraceful |
79820. | Michelle | |
79819. | Marina Goykhman | |
79818. | Israel Majchel W. | |
79817. | Christine Pollack | |
79816. | Gloria Nathan | |
79815. | Rachel Heinrichs | |
79814. | Richard Pollack | |
79813. | Eliot Malomet | |
79812. | David Horowitz | |
79811. | Roberta Karasch | |
79810. | Polly Shindler | disgusting |
79809. | elad goldenberg | |
79808. | michele soble | |
79807. | Arnold Bloch | |
79806. | Harry Levey | |
79805. | Allan Woods | Please remove this nasty site |
79804. | Jonathan Polansky | |
79803. | Mura Cousin | I am shocked that google would even require signatures to remove such disgusting anti-Semitic garbage--it should recognize that it is wrong and ought not be "partnering" with this evil in the first place |
79802. | E. Keydar | |
79801. | Jeff Bender | |
79800. | Lindsey Levit Honari | Please look into this and help to stop spread hate |
79799. | Laura Johnson | |
79798. | Joyce Ortman | |
79797. | Robert Rose | |
79796. | ingrid apter | |
79795. | mark kupfert | |
79794. | Muriel Schwartzapfel | I think that this is disgraceful |
79793. | tali harpaz | |
79792. | masada siegel | |
79791. | Mura Cousin | I am shocked that google would even require signatures to remove such disgusting anti-Semitic garbage--it should recognize that it is wrong and ought not be "partnering" with this evil in the first place |
79790. | Geraldine A. Schaarschmidt | |
79789. | erez | |
79788. | Sprintzer Hecht | Mutilate those who support JewWatch.com |
79787. | N Bernstein | |
79786. | RONALD M. SUSSMAN | |
79785. | julia hill | this is terrible! |
79784. | shirlee stern | remove |
79783. | Tani Schwartz | |
79782. | Lynne Holzman | |
79781. | jbloumis | The site is most offensive |
79780. | Fawn Brass | |
79779. | Beth Brody | |
79778. | bridget | |
79777. | alyce desrosiers | |
79776. | Danielle | |
79775. | Tali H. | Remove JewWatch.com from Google Search Now! |
79774. | yaron feldberg | |
79773. | Linda Solomon | |
79772. | Lucille Calabro | |
79771. | Nancy Young | |
79770. | Matt Dennis | |
79769. | Martin H. Karasch, MD | Thank You for taking action against the viscious, mindless bigotry and the default and subtle anti-semitism that promotes it. |
79768. | lily neumann | |
79767. | Barry Cohen | |
79766. | jan Crossley | This is a disgusting site |
79765. | Jodi Groberg | |
79764. | selda steinberg | |
79763. | Marco Granados | |
79762. | Jane King | |
79761. | Adam Ziskin | disappointing to say the least |
79760. | Rhonda Litt | |
79759. | David Sandberg | |
79758. | Lisa Pinhas | |
79757. | Ruth Resnikoff | |
79756. | MARTIN SCHAPIRO | |
79755. | J. Drescher | If the jews control the media, why is this here? |
79754. | Gerald Laskey | |
79753. | Lindsay Anne Rosenthal | |
79752. | Debbie Sirlin | |
79751. | Daniel | |
79750. | Barbara Canter | |
79749. | Richard R. Levine | Please remove this most disturbing site from your search engine. |
79748. | Pat Cobb | |
79747. | Ann S | |
79746. | Alicia Moore | |
79745. | Ron Wynne | |
79744. | Monique Rodrigues Balbuena | |
79743. | Carole Lipkin | |
79742. | Derek Witner | I have stopped using Google in my company |
79741. | Daniel Ostro | |
79740. | Maggie Freeman | |
79739. | Lida Esfandi | |
79738. | Noa Rabinowitch | |
79737. | Gerson Bernhard | |
79736. | Wendy Tan | HOW CAN YOU BE SO MEAN??? |
79735. | Mark Schiff | not nice what's going on |
79734. | terri dokovna | |
79733. | Gail Pelc | How would you feel if it was your religion? |
79732. | Andrew Feldmar | |
79731. | Nate | there are already 79000 plus signatures, shouldnt something be done. somebody better hack that website loud and clear |
79730. | Ellen Levy | |
79729. | Toni Silver | |
79728. | Max Yarmovsky | |
79727. | Steven Bram | Please remove. |
79726. | M. HASEN | DISGUSTING |
79725. | Dr. Steven Maness | |
79724. | Eli Eban | |
79723. | Judy Heber | |
79722. | Susan Gabriel | remove jewwatch from google |
79721. | Florence Shustack | |
79720. | Dalia Segoly | |
79719. | Susan Dressler | |
79718. | Ellen Shanberg | |
79717. | Jerry White | |
79716. | lance foreman | |
79715. | James Gibbs | |
79714. | m and p nashen | listen to the public... |
79713. | Torreh Pearl | |
79712. | Daniella Ben-Dat | |
79711. | Wendy Roth | |
79710. | Jeff | Remove that site ASAP! |
79709. | Linda Lord | |
79708. | Julius Leiman-Carbia | The website is disgraceful. |
79707. | Norm Williams | |
79706. | Tay Aston | Hate speech is NOT free speech! |
79705. | Peter Berkowsky | |
79704. | Netta Phillet | |
79703. | Jason Freed | |
79702. | Keren Erdberg | |
79701. | Richard Hart | |
79700. | kroeber | |
79699. | Sharon Brown | |
79698. | Melissa Neumann | |
79697. | Vivian Berish | thank you for this effort |
79696. | Esther Maimon | |
79695. | Ester Zeitlin | |
79694. | Robert Matson | Remove this trash, it is horrendous |
79693. | Margery Cohen | |
79692. | Pamela Arkin | |
79691. | Elliot H Goldberg | |
79690. | Greg | All bigotry weakens the fabric of humanity |
79689. | Debra Gold | |
79688. | Ralph Maimon | |
79687. | abe slawner | |
79686. | Peter Gonshor | |
79685. | Gary Patterson | |
79684. | Gabi Barat | Remove the site |
79683. | Linda | Why would a great search engine allow such a terrible site! |
79682. | George Thomas | Unacceptable! |
79681. | Adriana Nodar | this is outrageous |
79680. | Lillie Epner | Google has made some mistakes before, but not one that is so obviously wrong that a blindfolded visually impaired individual could see it. Google, this is beneath you and poor business |
79679. | Shannon O'Brien | |
79678. | Michele Friedlich-Pollock | |
79677. | Dorothy O'Hanlon | |
79676. | Lynne Matson | This is the most disgraceful site I have ever seen. |
79675. | Madeline | |
79674. | Teri D.Bernstein | I love Google, but this jewwatch website is scary! |
79673. | fred cohen | |
79672. | Jeanette Shine | |
79671. | Vanessa | |
79670. | A. J. Garfield | |
79669. | Sandra Alpert | This disgusting website goes beyond freedom of speech - it just spreads hate. |
79668. | Faith Minen | |
79667. | Dan Baumgarten | Thanks for paying attention. Let's show these hatemongers that Jews also influence the internet search engines. |
79666. | Robin Rothman | |
79665. | michael katz | thanks |
79664. | rebecca woolis | |
79663. | Allan Mirwis | |
79662. | Robert Turbow, M.D., J.D. | Please help to stop the spread of hatred. |
79661. | sheila spencer | I am against the denigration of any group of people. |
79660. | Yaron Arbel | |
79659. | Marjorie Poe | |
79658. | thelma ganz | Quite horrible. |
79657. | ALBERT KESNER | |
79656. | David Siegler | |
79655. | Laura Kurtzman | |
79654. | Anastasia Zheleznaya | |
79653. | M. Cohen | |
79652. | Daniel Romano | |
79651. | Kate Brophy | |
79650. | Joanne Kay | |
79649. | Abraham Zighelboim | Even the first amendment will not accept such difamatory language. |
79648. | Menachem | |
79647. | eduard ilyayev | lets end this antisemetic nonsence once and for all |
79646. | Peter Westphaelen | this is just awful |
79645. | david grey | |
79644. | A. Haarburger | |
79643. | shoo shoo blum | |
79642. | Jacques Katz | Google's arguments for not removing the site are bogus. From the New York Times: Until February 2003, a user searching for a guide to the English city of Chester would have been presented with "Chester's guide to molesting young girls" as the second entry. After officials from Chester complained, Google removed the site. |
79641. | Juan Rodriguez-Tafur | |
79640. | Bernard Gold | |
79639. | justin opert | equality for all |
79638. | Libby Fischer | Remove JewWatch.com from Google |
79637. | Jody and Steve Levin | |
79636. | LEE GERTNER | |
79635. | lana lipkowitz | |
79634. | Kathy Keane | |
79632. | Said Rahban | It is disgusting to see such a site on google! |
79631. | Stu Ackerman | This is a terrible thing! |
79630. | Sylvia Liwerant | |
79629. | Sue Hess | |
79628. | Abdula Merkesh | Stop the hate! Do what is correct! |
79627. | Joni Sand | |
79626. | Walter Sherr | |
79625. | kyle ranauro | |
79624. | Natan Green | It is too bad that we have to sign a petition for a company like google to do the right thing to begin with. |
79623. | karen polinsky | |
79622. | KaeLyn Rich | š |
79621. | Craig R. Sweet, M.D. | Please shift out of the first 10 places |
79620. | Ina Nechamkin | This site is very offensive & must be removed. |
79619. | Gordon Levine | |
79617. | Ira A. Blitz | |
79616. | BobStyles | |
79615. | Lilian Bier | |
79614. | L Boudreau | |
79613. | Paul Lebeau | It is unconscionable that you would link to this site as the #1 site for information about the word jew. |
79612. | Alex Stotland | You have removed offensive references before (Town of Chester), now remove the Nazi site |
79611. | Barbara D. Morgan | |
79610. | Adam Berns | |
79609. | Carlos R.Cukierblat | THIS IS AN ABOMINABLE SITE |
79607. | Terri Helfand | |
79606. | sally saunders | |
79605. | ADRIENNE COLVIN | despicable! |
79604. | Eric Bloch | |
79603. | Matt W. | I cannot believe that the search engine which I trust most would have such a horrible feature. Remove it. |
79602. | Andrew & Monika Simon | |
79601. | M. Zweiban | |
79600. | Laurie Nussbaum | |
79599. | R.H. Blank | |
79598. | Barry Helfand | |
79597. | Joshua | |
79596. | Sari Stern | |
79595. | Vera Gottlieb | Shame! |
79594. | Rena Goodvach | |
79593. | Jeffrey Baefsky | |
79592. | carol hinkis | |
79591. | Julie | |
79590. | Arnie Shaw | |
79589. | mert isaacman | |
79588. | rich hausler | |
79587. | Greg Lula | remove this website from "Jew" and refile it under "racist" and "antisemitic" |
79586. | Chris Webber | |
79585. | ADAM DOLLINGER | |
79584. | raymond saperstein | |
79583. | Rifki Zable | |
79582. | Dolores Beckmann | |
79581. | L. Sherman | Jewwatch is now second on Google. Remove it entirely! |
79580. | Dina Cohan | |
79579. | Jim Bernstein | |
79578. | Steven Wenograd | |
79577. | Samuel Goldberg | surprised at google allowing anti semitism on their site |
79576. | Marlene Walker | |
79575. | cuca | |
79574. | Jodi Diamond | It's hateful, evil and inhumane - Remove it! |
79573. | Ric Ben-Safed | |
79572. | Hymie & Claire Nates | |
79571. | Lucia Anato | Remove JewWatch.com from the Google Search Engine. |
79570. | dorit | Why 50,000 ? |
79569. | Sue Saffir | |
79568. | E. Standell | |
79567. | Dr. Yoseph Shoub | Private |
79566. | Naomi Odes | |
79565. | Deborah Mervitz | |
79564. | neil aronson | |
79563. | Leonard L. Kleinman | |
79562. | Elise Peretz | |
79561. | Beverly Sylvan | |
79560. | Charles D. Moore | You removed one for Chester!!! |
79559. | Lisa | |
79558. | Meryl Perlman | |
79557. | Lauren | |
79556. | Beth Solomon | jewwatch is a terrible site--please remove it |
79555. | Anatoly | |
79554. | ROBIN FINE | |
79553. | Donald L. Bornstein | |
79552. | Elihu D. Stone | |
79551. | Sara Shoub | Private |
79550. | Elizabeth Hauler | |
79549. | PAIGE KORMAN | |
79548. | Rob Rosen | |
79547. | Elizabeth Thummel | |
79546. | Erin Gilmore | |
79545. | mIchael Levine | |
79544. | M.Rosanes-Csuka | |
79543. | Eugene B. | |
79542. | suzy zail | |
79541. | Sheldon Rothenberg | |
79540. | Joan L. Bornstein | |
79539. | Ryan Rogers | |
79538. | simon b. gluck | |
79537. | Val Vaysberg | |
79536. | Broncha Berger | |
79535. | s.brewster gluck | |
79534. | Andrea Share | |
79533. | jane buchsbaum | an embarrassment for all americans |
79532. | Ron Duneman | |
79531. | Jenya Steinberg | |
79530. | Bertram Heisman | |
79529. | Daniel Goldstein | |
79528. | Shoshana Shamberg | |
79527. | R.M. Glass | |
79526. | Ruth Glasser | |
79525. | David Gorney | |
79524. | Robert Moszenberg | |
79523. | miguel | |
79521. | grace | google should weigh the morale of their business decisions before lettng this hate organization buy its way into being #1 on such a search |
79520. | mike klasner | |
79519. | Steve Korolnek | |
79518. | harry strenrded | i thought you would stop this nonsense already! |
79517. | Ron Glov | |
79516. | Yevgenya Mitelman | |
79515. | Gerald S. Rosenberg, | google is a disgrace to American Business |
79514. | Esther Tina Pesah | |
79513. | stanley morris | |
79512. | Mark Gordon | |
79511. | Jenna Mitelman | |
79510. | Yael Swerdlow | |
79509. | harold schonfeld | this is a disgrace, clean it up or I'll boycott google |
79508. | bill buchsbaum | a disgrace in this kind of action... |
79507. | David | pls remove the hatefull link from ur site or ill never buy ur stock |
79506. | Janet Lipman | |
79505. | Adam Nidler | |
79504. | Arielle Kallus | |
79503. | Ken Munzesheimer | |
79502. | Shelley Adler | |
79501. | M | |
79500. | Elaine L. Meltzer | |
79499. | Ali Wiener | |
79498. | Myra Goeller | |
79497. | Desiree Davidowitz | |
79496. | JON SHARE | |
79495. | I. Schoengold | |
79494. | Beverly Dunn | |
79493. | beatrice morris | |
79492. | chaya greenberger | |
79490. | Laura Klein | im an avid user of google. not for long if it doesnt change |
79489. | stacey | |
79488. | Lawrence Baumwall | Get a life. |
79487. | B G Karyo | |
79486. | Bruce Frank | |
79485. | sheeva lapeyre | |
79484. | nicole johnston | |
79483. | Sandra Wegman | |
79482. | Dale Kahn | |
79481. | Andrew Monfried | |
79480. | marcia fritz | |
79479. | julia wiles | Please help stop antisemetic websites from spreading hatred |
79478. | Evelyn Rubel | |
79477. | Ariel Halpern | |
79476. | Judy Hilton | |
79475. | William Wolf | |
79474. | Sharon Binder | |
79473. | Jeff Vaupen | |
79472. | JON SHARE | |
79471. | leslie socol | |
79470. | W.S. Weiss | |
79469. | Autumn Eve Savo | |
79468. | marcy bern | |
79467. | Steve Wollock | |
79466. | carol rudy | |
79465. | wellington f. berghoff | |
79464. | galit silberman | don't add to the problem |
79463. | Harry Friedland | You shouldn't need 50 000 signatures to know what's right and what's not |
79462. | robert stupell | get rid of site |
79461. | ali vallocchia | google sure stepped in this dogpile |
79460. | Phyllis | |
79459. | Gilda Korman | |
79458. | Jeffrey Spiegel | |
79457. | Danielle Bergman | |
79456. | f share | |
79455. | Leslie Sanders | |
79454. | paul bloom | |
79453. | D. Schreiner | Doesn't matter if they paid, it's offensive |
79452. | Reuvein Scharf | It is unbelievable that in this day and age such disgusting human behavior still exists in this fine country of ours. |
79451. | Karen Rosenthal | Google has refused to remove "JewWatch" from the top of their list in searches for Jew. The claim that even a petition of 50,000 names will not sway them. Perhaps it is time to BOYCOTT Google if they refuse to remove this HATE site from their searches. |
79450. | Ned | |
79449. | isabel schwartz | |
79448. | Luisa Aviv | |
79447. | FRANCINE lEVY | |
79446. | Anne Wall | |
79445. | Mel Rankin | |
79444. | Alissa Friedman | Remove the site now! |
79443. | Kyla Gruen | |
79442. | myrna turek | |
79441. | Cheryl Minkoff | |
79440. | A C SHARE | |
79439. | Elana Haik | |
79438. | dorothy cohn | |
79437. | Paulina Kopeloff | Check the spelling of the petition. |
79436. | Lisa Messeri | |
79435. | Rebecca | please remove site |
79434. | Bonnie Hernandez | Considering how carefully Google.com monitors all it's commercial vendors, I find it TRULY reprehensible that Google allows this type of hate site to be foremost on such a search. |
79433. | linda schwartz | |
79432. | Sylvia Weiss | Google needs to take action to tag and remove hate sights |
79431. | Max Bruck | |
79430. | Jane Barrow | |
79429. | howard bruch | |
79428. | Steve Green | I believe in free speech but am against stirring up hate and inciting violent actions. Please, Google, you have a lot of influence. Don't support bigots and racist idiots. |
79427. | MARIO ZARITZKY | |
79426. | emmanuel | |
79425. | DAVID NEIMAN | |
79424. | Mary Siegel | |
79423. | Lynne Neft | |
79422. | Ellie Mirman | |
79421. | Paul Hunter | |
79420. | carly Schwartz | |
79419. | Ron Berant | |
79418. | Earle B Kaufman | |
79417. | David Levinson | Grrrrr |
79416. | tania jones | remove immediately |
79415. | Yanny Hecht | |
79414. | jason schwartz | |
79413. | yael Lander | |
79412. | Lauren Bronstein | |
79411. | Howard Susman | |
79410. | m harnick | |
79409. | Vera Oye Yaa-Anna | The world as it is, is full of hate. Please do not add to it. |
79408. | Howard Neft | I won't use google until removed |
79407. | Michael B. Honig | |
79406. | Joely Bernstein | |
79405. | Michelle Lewis | |
79404. | Eric S. Goldman | |
79403. | beverly Saylor | |
79402. | Doron Friedman | |
79401. | nicole | |
79400. | roy randall | |
79399. | Betty R. Cutler | please remove it..it is dangerous |
79398. | michael schwartz | |
79397. | D. Krigstin | Please remove immediately. |
79396. | Lesley Schwartz | |
79395. | Honey Brooks | |
79394. | Muriel Rosenthal | Google does not seem too worried about what Jews like or dislike |
79393. | Ellen Cervantes | |
79392. | Michael Solomon | |
79391. | Leslie Daley | Do something or I'll have to "search" elsewhere |
79390. | Dana Markowitz | |
79389. | Fred Rothstein | |
79388. | ben | thats messed up |
79387. | Karlie Stanton | |
79386. | Jordi | This is really disgusting - get rid of it. |
79385. | Karlie Stanton | |
79384. | LOUIS GOLD | |
79383. | Jon Markell | |
79382. | Debra R. Polack | |
79381. | Susan Litenatsky | |
79380. | dan besikof | |
79379. | k c | this is despicable and must be removed |
79378. | Christine Brewer | |
79377. | shaya | |
79376. | Eugene A. Kestenbaum | Remove JewWatch.com from google |
79375. | Cheryl Yaffa | |
79374. | Andrew Frank | |
79373. | Jasmine Kelly | OMGosh! I can't believe this! |
79372. | Glenn Richter | Google's stubborn position against removal of JewWatch is disgusting |
79371. | Joshua Charlat | |
79370. | Marilyn Green | |
79369. | C.L. Shelby | |
79368. | arye mayer | |
79367. | Barbara Feeney | |
79366. | Eli T. Ross | Fight hate |
79364. | Linda and Fernando Calderon | |
79363. | Leon Fasrber | |
79362. | Joel Chaiken | |
79361. | Charles & Anne Marie Martinez | This is horrible, Remove it asap. |
79360. | Jennifer Zwiebel | |
79359. | Eli | |
79358. | Maya Benmergui | |
79357. | steven gross | it is just dispicable |
79356. | Wally Klinger | This needs to be removed from google immediately! |
79355. | Janet K. | |
79354. | Jonathan Singer | |
79353. | L Botfeld | |
79352. | Edria Jeffs | Outrageous in this day and age!! |
79351. | Steven Nar | |
79350. | Jonathan Yoken | |
79349. | Pete Hanby | |
79348. | Joshua Elkin | |
79347. | David | |
79346. | William W. Dodson, M.D. | I find Google's excuse for doing nothing " because the site is not criminal" to be a specious argument. Hate crimes are illegal in all 50 states. The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. |
79345. | Bill Josephs | |
79344. | Bobbie Mathews | |
79343. | Michelle Nar | It is amazing that his was even allowed to begin with |
79342. | Wendy Woods | |
79341. | Joey Kline | |
79340. | Bill Josephs | |
79339. | Cynthia Brown | This is the kind of thing that promotes hatred and incites wars. |
79338. | Natalie Berman | |
79337. | lesley rosenthal | |
79336. | Gerald R Segal | |
79335. | Howard Shatkin | |
79334. | Rosalyn Kimerling | |
79333. | genia godelewicz | |
79332. | judie goodman | |
79331. | sam stern | |
79330. | Adina Sheroff | |
79329. | Jody Naiberg | |
79328. | Clive Dembo | Thank you for correcting an unfortunate oversight |
79327. | Francine Gordon | |
79326. | Sam Levy | |
79325. | Julian | |
79324. | T. Jew Pepping | Go Jews! Down with anit-Semitism! |
79323. | nan | |
79322. | p. isenberg | |
79321. | Bernardo Johr | |
79320. | Douglas Jeffs | The name of this site is disgusting! |
79319. | Mr and Mrs Tom Bonham | It is absolutelydisgusted, please remove it |
79318. | Joe Newmark | Do it! |
79317. | Roger Schulman | |
79316. | Ina T. Pomeranz | Â |
79315. | ron kastner | |
79314. | Ken Richmond | |
79313. | Vida Cohen | |
79312. | Robin Abeles | |
79311. | Mark Lerman | |
79310. | william tanenbaum | |
79309. | Elaine Arontik | Just another ploy |
79308. | Cheryl Sperber | |
79307. | Marian Hirsch | |
79306. | Sharon Kaufmann | This is not the first nor will it be the last, however if we do nothing it will continue. Thank you for posting. |
79305. | Me | I am with you, but don't you think that by doing this you are giving free advertisment to the website? |
79303. | Marc Dwek | |
79302. | Meryl Rosenbloom | |
79301. | Edward Katzin | |
79300. | john maeglin | get rid of the trash |
79299. | betsy michel | |
79298. | Yael Shapira | |
79297. | DZ | wtf |
79296. | Richard Martin | |
79295. | Matias Wengiel | |
79294. | Aaron Lazar | |
79293. | leah cohen | |
79292. | Mitchell Feder | |
79291. | Steven Walfish | |
79290. | elliot g levy | please remove that website |
79289. | Sylvia Blumenthal | I have great sdmiration for Google. When I learned that a research source based upon hatred and intolerance was listed in your service, I was shocked and disappointed. Please remove this, there is far too much ignorance being purported by enemies of Israel, the Jewish people and the United States. |
79288. | Robert Cutler | |
79287. | Carolina Wengiel | |
79286. | Carol Hyman | |
79285. | Harvey Silverman | |
79284. | Peggy Chudd | |
79283. | Randy Barr | |
79282. | Janis Dodson | |
79281. | j.lazar | |
79280. | a. kaye | |
79279. | Margo Klein | |
79278. | Erin Wood | |
79277. | Yosef Atzulit Lopez-Hineynu | |
79276. | Janice Weisman | Great idea and essential |
79275. | Lisa Cliff | |
79274. | Dr. Mitzi Schepps | |
79273. | Henry Krybus | |
79272. | E. Goldberg | |
79271. | Ineed Privacy | that site is a travesty!!! |
79270. | b.greenberg | |
79269. | Saul O. Grysman | |
79268. | Jorge Wengiel | |
79267. | Mark Jacobson | I believe that hate sites should have as many barriers as possible to their dissemination |
79266. | Leon Ospovat | Disgusting pack of hateful untruths /distortions |
79265. | Ben Feldman | |
79264. | Griffin Harris | |
79263. | Liz Kalman | The rise in the number of anti-semitic acts in the past few months is alarming. I am against current Israeli policy, and would like to see the Middle Eastern disasters rectified. But it is disastrous to confuse anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. |
79262. | richard greenberg | |
79261. | Robert Davidson | |
79260. | Ryan Reyes | I will discontinue use of google as my search engine if they fail to deal with this blatant anti-semitism. |
79259. | Dima | |
79258. | Ron Friedman | |
79257. | Iris Podolsy | This must be removed at once! |
79256. | Steven Kaplan | |
79255. | S. Kaz | |
79254. | Michelle P. Lester | |
79253. | joanne kaye | |
79252. | Ben Feldman | |
79251. | Sharon Rubin | |
79250. | David Collier | |
79249. | kathy | |
79248. | Samuel Blitz | |
79247. | Helen Stark | please remove website |
79246. | Grant Schwartz | |
79245. | Patricia Kagan | |
79244. | Francine Harris | |
79243. | JAne Myers | |
79242. | S. Finestone | |
79241. | phillip ramati | |
79240. | Marsha Z. Dollinger | |
79239. | Carol F Knoll | |
79238. | louise adler | get rid of it NOW!! |
79237. | Jack A Schwartz | |
79236. | James Acuna | |
79235. | Ron Ranson | Another hate site from the cesspit of our minds. |
79234. | Paul Dreyer | |
79233. | Toni S. Mayer | It is appalling to have this hate-site come up when "Jew" is searched. |
79232. | Sarai G. Zitter | What an outrageous site - especially in these times of rampant antisemitism! |
79231. | Malka Edery | please remove this website at once and substitute for a one that's based on love, tolerance, Torah , Avoda and G"mach |
79230. | Mathew Lederman | |
79229. | Julie Saltwell | |
79228. | Rafael Wurzel,MD | |
79227. | Steve Cohen | |
79226. | Karen K. Real | |
79225. | chaya | |
79224. | Allan and Mary Ellen Torobin | We appeal to your sense of decency, but this unacceptable insult to Jews everywhere could also have bottom line consequences. |
79223. | Narnia | I do not understand why to remove is more difficult than to spread hate |
79222. | jack schwartz | |
79221. | Barbara Center | |
79220. | Joyce Kleinman | |
79219. | A Weinstein | please remove this inappropriate website |
79218. | Hal Joseph | |
79217. | Jennifer Roth | |
79216. | Lynda Schwartz | This JewWatch site is reprehensible and is not protected by free speech as it incites people to violence. |
79215. | Lorna Rosenstein | |
79214. | Bruce scheckowitz | |
79213. | Barbara Cummins | |
79212. | dan guttman | |
79211. | Richard Allman | |
79210. | Ari Kaplan | |
79209. | R Lax | get rid of it |
79208. | lspector | |
79207. | Janet Gindin | What a sad commentary on our society. |
79206. | GEORGE WEXLER | |
79205. | Hy Holz | no way |
79204. | Howard Solomon | |
79203. | Eli Shaff | |
79202. | Erika Wagner | |
79201. | David L. Alexander | |
79200. | Leon Bortnick | When will anti-semitism cease!!!! |
79199. | Michael Sweeney | JewWatch has been removed from Google's German search engine. Please remove JewWatch from the American search engine. It's the right thing to do. |
79198. | Timothy M. Egan | |
79197. | Joshua Strulowitz | Please remove jewwatch.com from your search engine, it is offensive to me and all Jews around the world. |
79196. | fran Lasker | |
79195. | Ryan Brodovsky | I think that this is hatefull that the first thing you see is hate please change it |
79194. | Jane Robbins | |
79193. | Marilyn Feder | |
79192. | mannette shapero | |
79191. | William I. Schuchman | |
79190. | Joel D. Davidson | Anti-semetism has no place on the web. |
79189. | charles wiesel | |
79188. | Bruce Andrew | If you could do it for "Chester," you can do it for the Jewish people and mankind. |
79187. | Eliza Shefler | We think it is abominable for such a major search engine as Google to host any website promoting hate and stirring up fear and resentment against anyone. It would seem this website is not only anti-Semitic, but anti other minorities as well. |
79186. | Debby Dix | |
79185. | M Gotfrid | |
79184. | Benjamin Zivyon | |
79183. | adriana griner | |
79182. | J. London | Must remove |
79181. | Ruth Kesslin | |
79180. | Lloyd Spalter | |
79179. | m. randel | |
79178. | Meyer Katzper | |
79177. | Mark Lawrence | I will boycott Google until this is removed |
79176. | Boris Goldin | |
79175. | Rivka | |
79174. | Stewart Given | |
79173. | Leeza Kronick | |
79172. | Marjorie Abrams | |
79171. | Jordan Perlow | |
79170. | Irena | REMOVE THE WEB SITE |
79169. | Diane Roosth | |
79168. | George Kraus | |
79167. | Carla Laiman | |
79166. | susan manners | |
79165. | Andrea Abrams | |
79164. | Carol S. Ginsburg | |
79163. | Jonathan Kessel | |
79162. | John DeTolla | remove |
79161. | Isabel Jones | jewwatch is very horrible |
79160. | George W. Bush | GO GOOGLE! |
79159. | arielle | |
79158. | Bonnie R usinek | |
79157. | Gayle Solomon | Spewing hate and ignorance should be enough for google to remove the website. It is offensive not only to Jews but to people of other religions. Do the right thing! |
79156. | Lona Stein | |
79155. | Matt Lawson | Stop the Hate |
79154. | Cheryl Etting | |
79153. | A. S. Klawsky | |
79152. | Alberto T | |
79151. | B Fleishman | The JewWatch site is hateful,disgusting and full of lies. It must be removed forthwith |
79150. | Herbert Strickstein | |
79149. | jána howard bagg | |
79148. | Bonnie Losick | |
79147. | paul hausner | |
79146. | MARIO JORGE RUBIN | |
79145. | naomi stoffman | |
79144. | Ellie Rosen | |
79143. | jackie klein | |
79142. | Hannah Jones | |
79141. | Peter D. Stewart | |
79140. | Mariano T | |
79139. | kim nethercutt | |
79138. | Joe Fisch | I will boycott Google until they remove this crap. |
79137. | Richard Hammer | |
79136. | marina | |
79135. | Steven Meincke | Racism should be fought in all its forms. No matter if you agree with the Sharon government or not to blame all Jews for the actions of a few is at the heart of what racism is |
79134. | M. Hyman | Prominence fuels anti-semitism |
79133. | debra | |
79132. | Leonard Chernos | Please help to eliminate anti- semitism |
79131. | John Busso | |
79130. | David Holzer | |
79129. | Charlotte Spalter | |
79128. | Gerry Rosen | |
79127. | Zina Josephs | |
79126. | E. Goldberg | |
79125. | John Kane | Please remove this hateful site! |
79123. | Myron J. Sachs | |
79122. | Martin David | |
79121. | lisa mactas | |
79120. | Bradley Sabin | |
79119. | Diane Levine | |
79118. | Charlene Boyle | |
79117. | Sol Tanne | Google would have a lot going for it except for its lack of common sense and insensitivity to human feelings. |
79116. | Tanya Leibovici | |
79115. | Laura Corbett | |
79114. | Rise B. Goldstein | |
79113. | Stuart Pomper | Please remove that from Google |
79112. | Michael Bradford | We must continue to fight anti-human hatred wherever it festers |
79111. | Aliza Friedenberg | |
79110. | marvin maskowitz | |
79109. | Diane Bernstein | loose it! |
79108. | michael keschner | |
79107. | Tom Cooper | An anti-jew website being #1 is dumb. |
79106. | richard soto | |
79105. | Judy Levine | |
79104. | charles a. blumenfeld | please correct your listing |
79103. | Jack Torbiner | |
79102. | Eric Peterman | |
79101. | Manny Mendelson | Please remove Jew Watch |
79100. | Greg Rowe | |
79099. | David W | |
79098. | Andrew Saul | |
79097. | Leana | |
79096. | Jeanne Zamutt | |
79095. | Lois Price | remove all hate sites |
79094. | Stacy Dean | |
79093. | Dee Becker | |
79092. | Diane Rosenthal | shame! |
79091. | David Wintman | |
79090. | NORMAN | |
79089. | Jonathan Harkham | All we need is more crap to feed the world! |
79088. | Alexander Donder | |
79087. | Pam Amundson | |
79086. | joan odes | |
79085. | Marla Mondschein | |
79084. | Stacy Gragg | I thought days like this were over. |
79083. | Stanley Giffis | |
79082. | Linda Covette | |
79081. | Susan Holley | |
79080. | haia aviram | |
79079. | Milton Schlesinger | |
79078. | Diana Levacov | |
79077. | erickazoll | please remove from google |
79076. | Henry Bempechat | I have removed the Google Search Engine from my computer! |
79075. | Jeffrey Kahn | |
79074. | Leon Shulkin | |
79073. | Natalie Taback | |
79072. | Daria Redel | |
79071. | gary minkoff | |
79070. | les schneider | |
79069. | morley sirlin | Remove offensive item |
79068. | Joel Shulkin | |
79067. | Rebecca Green | |
79066. | mario jason , madeline jason | |
79065. | arlene and saul lipton | |
79064. | Murray Manoy | |
79063. | Ilana | |
79062. | annelie | |
79061. | Ryan Loss | |
79060. | Carol Freeman | |
79059. | danyela schupak | |
79058. | Sandy Peller | Remove JewWatch the sooner the better. |
79057. | Cissy Lenobel | |
79056. | Saralyn Wasserman | |
79055. | sharon zuckerman | |
79054. | Melanie Hoffman | |
79053. | Ethel Pila | |
79052. | Susan Desmond | inaccurate portrayal of Jewish people |
79051. | Sheryl Eisenhard | |
79050. | Russell Atkind | |
79048. | Cima | |
79047. | Barbara D. Sussman | |
79046. | Anna Paller | I think this site is disgusting we shouldnt be tolerating hate but peace |
79045. | Jeffrey S. Edell | this is extremely upsetting and needs to be stopped! |
79044. | Marisol Elena Siegel | |
79043. | margaret lemberg | |
79042. | jennifer teitelbaum | |
79041. | Anna Klovsky | |
79040. | Helen Bauer | |
79039. | Casa Millner | |
79038. | Donald Kraft | |
79037. | Dolores de Manuel-Kraus | |
79036. | susan marks | |
79035. | Paula L. Grossman | |
79034. | Andrea Weinstein | |
79033. | wendy | |
79032. | Cynthia Alessi | |
79031. | George W. Barlow | Not in this day and age |
79030. | Jack Kaminsky | site must be removed or google will not be used anymore |
79029. | Mara Kaplan Hahn | |
79028. | bonnie & george newman | |
79027. | Elaine Edell | |
79026. | ARNOLDO | |
79025. | Rebecca Gitlin | |
79024. | Eileen Gassman | |
79023. | Dr Peter Eizenberg | As a Jew, I am personally offended at the listing of an anti-semitic website in the search lisiting for 'Jew'. |
79022. | Mira Valencia | |
79021. | Francine | |
79020. | David Orloff | there is no place in this world for blatant irrational hate |
79019. | G. A. Dolman | This is not an informational site about Jews. It is a site that is clearly xenophobic, and racist. |
79018. | B Barshay | |
79017. | D Abrams | |
79016. | Herb Milich | |
79015. | Julia A. Battersby | |
79014. | Joan H. Cole | |
79013. | Hanna Hill | |
79012. | daniel weiss | |
79011. | Alumah Rudolph | |
79010. | Stacy Lipschutz | |
79009. | linda | "" |
79008. | Jacqueline Chaise | |
79007. | Yacov Ishay | |
79006. | Michael Bradford | |
79005. | S. Rosenberg | |
79004. | ellen abraham | |
79003. | Lisa Reid | |
79002. | Marcia Cohen | hate sites should be removed immediately and not require petitions signed by thousands of people |
79001. | joey ullmann | a disgrace to our country to have these bigots |
79000. | Betsy Cohen | |
78999. | Alli Meyer | |
78998. | Ashley Ward | |
78997. | anita cohn | |
78996. | Shirley Kronzek | |
78995. | Bruce Colton | |
78994. | debra weiss | |
78993. | JOEL DICKMAN | |
78992. | Tuvia Lwowski | |
78991. | Shirley Talbot | Too Anti-semitic |
78990. | robin elaine | stop the hate |
78989. | Linda Perlman | |
78988. | J. Mfichael Dzuba | |
78987. | Mara Rozin | |
78986. | J Madan | |
78985. | Karen Korn | |
78984. | Nardy Certilman | |
78983. | Norman Mendel | |
78982. | Bob Levine | |
78981. | Gale Wexler | |
78980. | Alison | |
78979. | Arthur Pitt | get it off *Never Again* |
78978. | Heather Mendel | |
78977. | Letícia Iolovitch | |
78976. | lauren7388 | |
78975. | Michelle Lewis | |
78974. | barton inkeles | |
78973. | TRISH | STOP THE HATE |
78972. | Beth Lappen | |
78971. | Randy Merker | |
78970. | KK | |
78969. | dr sanford meltzer | |
78968. | Gabelman | |
78967. | Irving Cohen | |
78966. | gail farrell | |
78965. | Barbara Chestney | |
78964. | Judith Parker | There are enough problems in this world without this spreading of hate |
78963. | Tammi Weiss | |
78962. | Roger Lewis | |
78961. | cliffie rosenberg | |
78960. | David Klapholz | |
78958. | Maria Meylikhova | |
78957. | Carol Yosafat | |
78956. | gail Litwak | |
78955. | Jean Schoenleber | |
78954. | boris katsnelson | |
78953. | PHYLLIS KATZ | |
78952. | Leah | |
78951. | Lucille Kanstein | outrageous |
78950. | Alex Rozin | |
78949. | J Paint | |
78948. | F. Sibony | |
78947. | Claudia Volk | I am all for freedom of speech, but we don't need this to be the top site on a google search in times like these. |
78946. | Eileen Kohn | this is an anti semitic web site. Please remove. It is offensive. |
78945. | muriel bartell | I find it appalling that 50,000 signatures re required to remove this from google |
78944. | Aaron Fajgenbaum | |
78943. | Joann Hulkower | |
78942. | Bernard Gershen | |
78941. | EZ Wilson | |
78940. | Barbara Lazar | |
78939. | Shelley Smith | |
78938. | Ahmed Ibn Saud | |
78937. | Ron Silberberg | |
78936. | Robin Spear | |
78935. | Michelle Hershkowitz | |
78934. | LARRY SIMMS | |
78933. | LEONARD SACKS | |
78932. | Jerry Gonen | |
78931. | Bruce D. Sabin | Please remove this disgusting website from the google search engine. Thank you. |
78930. | Vivian Shnaidman | |
78929. | Michael Mays | |
78928. | Miriam Chanin | |
78927. | Marilyn Young | |
78926. | arlene magar | |
78925. | L Serling | |
78924. | ROGER & HELEN MORRIS | |
78923. | Jennifer Singer | |
78922. | Sondra Schlesinger | |
78921. | Ilana Edery | |
78920. | thomas keister | |
78919. | Dick Aronson | |
78918. | William Elhai | |
78917. | Sarah Stewart | I am shocked that this site is available in the google search. I will not use google untill this site is removed. |
78916. | Albert Safaradi | |
78915. | Mandy Haponski | |
78914. | Jill Dellerson | |
78913. | Marlis Winter | |
78912. | dvora kanegis | this is foul..please remove |
78911. | Inna Vinokurov | |
78910. | Keith Trainor | |
78909. | Michele Floyd | remove jewwatch.com |
78908. | Judith Goldner | |
78907. | Paul Neumann | |
78906. | Joanne M. Medak | please rectify this wrong! we need peaceful co-existence in the world, not intolerance |
78905. | Susan | |
78904. | Angela Schiska | I hope my signature helps |
78903. | irv frishman | |
78902. | alvin stillman | |
78901. | Ali Lavine | |
78900. | Maerav | |
78899. | Jill | |
78898. | Josh Land | Please remove the site from the search engine |
78897. | Nancy Franzen | |
78896. | Bob Cohen | |
78895. | Jo Manriquez | |
78894. | ann guerrero | |
78893. | Joanna Goldstein | |
78892. | Benezra | Disgusted!!!! |
78891. | Mark Dorf | |
78890. | ANDRE FREEMAN | Nazi's have no place in America!!! |
78889. | nadine worst | |
78888. | Shlomo Stemmer | |
78887. | Judi Locke | |
78886. | LAURIE AMRAM | |
78885. | Jerry Manriquez | |
78884. | morty katz | get these basterds |
78883. | janet surowitz | |
78882. | Maurice | |
78881. | Aaron Henkel-Kinder | |
78880. | Max Morton | |
78878. | Jonathan | a disgrace for Google |
78877. | Ann Freeman | |
78876. | Marcy Albert | A site dedicated to hate only encourages violence. Let's eliminate this hate. |
78875. | evelyn rothschild saile | this is shameful...remove jewwatch now |
78874. | jerrold siegal | |
78873. | Stephen Warner | |
78872. | Mauricio Bitran | |
78871. | B. R. Warner | |
78870. | Brandon Lindsey | |
78869. | Lisa Lerman | |
78868. | Barry Spinka | I know that money buys preference; but money isn't integrity. |
78867. | Jason | |
78866. | Gary Schumann | Please remove this vile and hateful site |
78865. | Arthur J. Oster | |
78864. | Michael Tarlowe | |
78863. | janet & stuart brenner | |
78862. | B.J. Lindsey | |
78861. | Dr. Shamay Zinger | |
78860. | Yael Goldstein | |
78859. | chaya meira | Since AOL promotes Google, I will change my server - AOL- for another, unless Google sees that what it is doing is wrong. |
78858. | Dr. Gerald H. Smith | |
78857. | Leonard Rubin | This is an anti-semitic site. Remove it. |
78856. | Caroline Warner | |
78855. | harrison cohen | |
78854. | PAULINE KOLPAN | |
78853. | Ann Lindsey | |
78852. | Neal J. Greenberg | |
78851. | Karen Glass | |
78850. | Ruth Falbel | |
78849. | Sydney Rubin | |
78848. | Shirah Rubin | |
78847. | Laurie Alexander | |
78846. | Tim Connelly | |
78845. | Joanne | this is antisemetic... how dare google let antisemetic groups on internets. i don't care whether black, arab, jew christian , red , yellow this is totally wrong |
78844. | faye eisenberg | I will never again use your website, if this is not removed. For shame!!! |
78843. | Marlene Leitman | |
78842. | Linda Sumrall | |
78841. | Ross W Fishbein | |
78840. | Naomi | |
78839. | yaniv shaya | anti-semitism should not be tolerated, EVER! |
78838. | Dan Frank | |
78837. | T.WEISZ | SUPPRISED |
78836. | Kelly Feig | |
78835. | J. Messeca | |
78834. | Sharon Fishman | The name google should not be associated with something so vile! Delist it immediatly!! |
78833. | Helene Davis | |
78832. | Lori Plotkin Blum | |
78831. | a. spector | |
78830. | Scott Alevy | this hateful site should be eliminated |
78829. | Margaret Odem | |
78828. | Menachem Groner | |
78827. | Lawrence A. Sanders | Totally anti- semetic. Its insulting |
78826. | Stacey Abenstein | |
78825. | Mara DHF | |
78824. | Audrey Ward | Please remove jewwatch from your search engine |
78823. | Craig Zim | |
78822. | Anne Weiss | |
78821. | Ariel | |
78820. | Glen Morosohk | |
78819. | Ilana Shippony | |
78818. | Mark Halston | |
78817. | Steven R. Nyburg | Plaese ban blatantly racist material |
78816. | Erika Zim | |
78815. | Jill MHF | Please do not support any type of prejudice, including antisemitism |
78814. | leor levi | |
78813. | Marshall Glasser | How did this site get to be in the number 1 position? |
78812. | Carol Schwartz | get rid of this horrible site |
78811. | marci kulberg | |
78810. | Marsha Schwartz | |
78809. | Ilana | |
78808. | Eli Pinhas | |
78807. | Robert Frankl | |
78806. | Mildred Yarbrough | |
78805. | yael wolynetz | Â |
78804. | Hope Rajesky | |
78803. | Tanya Miller | |
78802. | Rita Forbes | I am shocked that this still exists... |
78801. | Carol Rolowicz | |
78800. | Lorri M Robinson | Either we will learn to live together or we will perish together |
78799. | Joyce Leslie | Please help fight racism and hatred |
78798. | Guy Sirton | |
78797. | Charles Kronberg | |
78796. | Rhea Frankl | |
78795. | Royce Nation | |
78794. | Maya Bloom | Any anti Semitic should be immidiatly removed from the media |
78793. | drew isserlis | |
78792. | Stephen Wilshinsky | |
78791. | Richard Stren | |
78790. | Paul Aaron | |
78789. | Sheldon Kasdan | |
78788. | Michael L. Schneider | |
78787. | Mancy Camry | To the people on this petition: Get a clue and stop trying to curtail free speech because you see something that you don't like. |
78786. | claire boudov | |
78785. | Shirley and Bill Sklar | |
78784. | jack sweetman | remove all hate sites from the Net |
78783. | Julie Liss | This is an outrage! We must get rid of this site immediately! |
78782. | Nell Nation | |
78781. | Batsheva Kasdan | |
78780. | Herzl Melmed MD | |
78779. | David B. Tick, M.D. | |
78778. | jema mendelsberg | |
78777. | JoyAnn Keener | |
78776. | arnold cohen | |
78775. | Elaine Bernstein | |
78774. | James Freedman | Please remove this hateful site |
78773. | Neil Borman | |
78772. | Jay Eisenberg | |
78771. | C. Richards | |
78770. | J. Livni | |
78769. | Rebecca Grafstein | |
78768. | Zahava | |
78767. | Bernice Greene | |
78766. | Stacie Lawley | |
78765. | Steven Leitman | |
78764. | Marvin Beckerman | |
78763. | Wendy Ruby | This website is despicable! |
78762. | Sheryl Petchenik | |
78761. | Ian Jankelowitz | |
78760. | Audrey Loder | |
78759. | jeffrey c kasch | |
78758. | Sylvia Weiner | |
78757. | Marcelle F | |
78756. | Linda Cassell | It is a shame that in todays times a company like Google allows an anti-Semitic sight on their search engine. |
78755. | karen | |
78754. | Elizabeth Shwereb | |
78753. | RONALD SLUTSKY | |
78752. | ken DEITCHER | remove jew watch |
78751. | Melvyn D. Sacks | |
78750. | James M Hayes | |
78749. | Maury Fertig | |
78748. | joe cepeda | Stop your racist attitude google |
78747. | Len Block | |
78746. | Marc Harris | |
78745. | Lisa Rozental | |
78744. | Lisa Rozental | |
78743. | Wendy Ruby | This website is despicable! |
78742. | nancy levy | |
78741. | Harry Shlinger | |
78740. | Norman Fox | NEVER AGAIN |
78739. | nancy levy | |
78738. | Warren Adamsbaum | |
78737. | Sonja Rogers | |
78736. | Yury Meylikhov | |
78735. | Florence Barad | |
78734. | L. Rosenbaum | |
78733. | Linda Eisenberg | Shame on Google! |
78732. | Chaya Meira | It is time to switch my internet server - AOL , which promotes Google - to a different server. Google's refusal is inexcusable! |
78731. | Shirley and Ron Moritz | |
78730. | Michael Gefers | |
78729. | Bernie Kozlovsky | |
78728. | David Sand | |
78727. | Trina Kaplan | |
78726. | Mary Ann Hayes | |
78725. | Carlton Watson | Please remove JewWatch.com from Google search engine |
78724. | debby yablow | |
78723. | Marianne Rosenbaum | |
78722. | Uriel Warszawski | If I could, I'd buy Google just to close it. Don't use it anymore! there are a lot of different alternatives to make a search. |
78721. | Alice | |
78720. | Steven | |
78719. | edward schneier | include another fro Fay Schneier |
78718. | Adam | |
78717. | Barbara Schwartz | |
78716. | miriam mennin | |
78715. | paula merovitz | |
78714. | Leslie Hirschman | |
78713. | Chaya Meira | It is time to switch my internet server - AOL , which promotes Google - to a different server. Google's refusal is inexcusable. |
78712. | Ron Avni | |
78711. | cheryl geller | |
78710. | Kerri | |
78709. | Marsha Levine | |
78708. | Alma Spry | This is a bigoted site that should not be listed |
78707. | Robin Elliott | |
78706. | Andrey Levin | |
78705. | debby yablow | |
78704. | Marianne Rosenbaum | |
78703. | C. Barry Klein | |
78702. | morris alkes | please remove jewwatch.com |
78701. | Joe Levitt | Please stop the hatred |
78700. | Bernie Recht | |
78699. | lonny bardash | they will remove child porn sites , however find jew hating allright |
78698. | elizabeth sasson | Please Remove jewwatch.com at once.. |
78697. | Tali | |
78696. | Sheldon C. Freedman | this is a racist web-site |
78695. | Fran Rothstein | |
78694. | Barbara Paley | |
78693. | Jake Polan | |
78692. | Natalie Pelavin | |
78691. | Bernice Stern | |
78690. | Marvin Charen | |
78689. | Phyllis Barasch | |
78688. | beth sher | |
78687. | Mary Fowler | |
78686. | Nancy Newman | |
78685. | Aleck Schleider | |
78684. | steven baggish | |
78683. | Toby Eisenstein | |
78682. | David Smith | If google takes some web pages off (i.e. the Chester incident) the results, it should this one out |
78681. | Kathryn Shaw-Cutter | |
78680. | Carol Hirschfeld | |
78679. | Yuli Kertznus | |
78678. | Sarah Rolnitzky | |
78677. | ronald s elkus | |
78676. | Tiffany Nasca | |
78675. | Sylvia Goldstein | |
78674. | Hayley Kuperholz | |
78673. | Tod Cooperman, M.D. | |
78672. | Vladimir Savikovsky | |
78671. | Dana C. Clarke | Jewwatch is disgusting and inexcuseable |
78670. | PAUL SILVERMAN | |
78669. | Brenda Grober | |
78668. | GT Gold | |
78667. | Karen Mia | I will stop using Google from now on since it prefers to foster hatred, and will now use Yahoo and other search engines. |
78666. | Roy Katz | ÿ |
78665. | John Doe | |
78664. | Wendy Washtien | |
78663. | Jake | |
78662. | Bernard Green | disturbing,glad there is an alternative in yahoo |
78661. | Brenda Krantz | |
78660. | Ann | glad someone was sharp enough to start this |
78659. | Jonah Lebov | |
78658. | len york | |
78657. | leonard feldman | |
78656. | bernard schanzer | |
78655. | Kathy Smith | This is outrageous! We must stop all the hate! |
78654. | Evan Gordon | |
78653. | Brooke Bell | |
78652. | Beverly Klein | |
78651. | Tim Connelly | |
78650. | Evelyn Horn, M.D. | outrageous |
78649. | Brandi | That is just wrong |
78648. | Peter Kraus | |
78647. | Michael Assaraf | |
78646. | Harold Heaster | |
78645. | RON CAGAN | |
78644. | ann marie flynn | Wasn't WWll enough suffering |
78643. | Karen Mia | |
78642. | danny karp | |
78641. | Esther & Ray Paine | |
78640. | Tara Morgan | REMOVE |
78639. | Levi Afrah | |
78638. | Steve Fradkin | |
78637. | Edward Kirschner | |
78636. | esther gordon | this is a disgusting and damaging site. |
78635. | Barbaree Heaster | |
78634. | Pam Rubins | |
78633. | Leslie Silver | |
78632. | Judy Weiner | |
78631. | Freda | Please remove this offensive site |
78630. | Ilene Koenig | |
78629. | Andrea Goodman | |
78628. | marjorie possick | |
78627. | Tonya Kronzek | |
78626. | Gila T. Wellman | |
78625. | Michael David | This is an outrage! Google has a responsibility to not participate in hateful behaviour. |
78624. | Ashley Stanley | we need love and tolerance |
78623. | Miriam Tier | Google is the search engine of choice, and needs to keep careful watch to eliminate bias. |
78622. | Bonny Kirschner | |
78621. | Joy Hurwitz | |
78620. | Danile R. Spokony | |
78619. | Dina Moskowitz | |
78618. | chaya | |
78617. | Eve | |
78616. | Elaine Proujan | |
78615. | Ellen Geisler | |
78614. | Nancy | |
78613. | Ronnie Roisman | I m amazed that Google has allowed anti-semitic remarks it is a sight that I have always used as I had in the past found it to be free of racism and would think that Google would remove that site as it is most offensive s eems no religion or race of people are safe on Google what a shame |
78612. | Edythe | Please remove this offensive site |
78611. | Myra Watnick | really surprised |
78610. | Hilton Hack | Google is being manipulated for obvious politcal ends. |
78609. | Sarah De Arakie | |
78608. | Aida Ender | |
78607. | B. Lechner-Klein | |
78606. | Fay Prince | Let's not promote hate! |
78605. | Sheila Schmeltz | |
78604. | Debi Weisman | |
78603. | Michael Friedman | |
78602. | Laura Weisbrodt | |
78601. | Luther Carter | |
78600. | bcm | |
78599. | Bec | |
78598. | Beryl | |
78597. | rene kane | |
78596. | Jill Pollock | |
78594. | ruth f. cohen | |
78593. | Lenore C. Garon | |
78592. | Larry Keller | |
78591. | Dr Bernard Hyams | |
78590. | Arnie Glassman | |
78589. | Ethel Malek | |
78588. | Sylvia | Please remove this offensive site |
78587. | Jeremy G | |
78586. | Susan ZIlberman | |
78585. | lisa | |
78584. | Tanya | |
78583. | Arnold Miller | |
78582. | Sharon Dashow | |
78581. | karin artinian | |
78580. | Sharon | |
78579. | Mario Kogan | |
78578. | Gary | |
78577. | Keith Jackson | |
78576. | Gabe Solomon | |
78575. | Robert Haley | This site is not about spin or alternative points of view - it is active muckraking that takes information out of context and makes specious pairings based on dubious logic. It is not a credit to google to point people to this kind of intellectual dishonesty. |
78574. | JoAnn Flood | |
78573. | Fred Knobloch | |
78572. | Roz Odin | Please remove ASAP |
78571. | Kamuti | |
78570. | susan stumer | How could you support this site? |
78569. | sherrie thomas | offensive. where is the accountability |
78568. | Kenneth W. Marvet | |
78567. | Carl M. Kirsch MD | I will not use google again if not removed and switch to Yahoo |
78566. | Ronnie Greenberg | |
78565. | Susan J. Salpeter | |
78563. | Richard Vognild | |
78562. | Carol Cedar-Applebaum | |
78561. | jeffrey pliskin | |
78560. | Brian Rosen | |
78559. | Bruce Weisburd | Search Engines should not promote HATE. |
78558. | Tyler Hill | |
78557. | Marvin Waldman | |
78556. | elaine sarfati | |
78555. | Nina Lopatin | |
78554. | Norman Greenberg | |
78553. | Carl M. Kirsch MD | I will not use google again if not removed and switch to Yahoo |
78552. | Lillian Katzman | Remove this hateful, bigoted site...... |
78551. | Peter Pivko | sick! |
78550. | ruth m | God bless the jewish peoples |
78549. | Nir E. | Is this a joke?? |
78548. | Fred | please delete this site ASAP |
78547. | charlotte nd larry milowitz | truly surprised at the attitude of the people at google |
78546. | erika ades | |
78545. | steve rose | |
78544. | Marsha Rayman | |
78543. | Paul Schwartz | |
78542. | SN Janin | |
78541. | Danielle Bertran | |
78540. | Jacqueline and Burton Wilner | |
78539. | Dawn Berney | |
78538. | Charles Ronen | |
78537. | David Balkin | |
78536. | Wendy Jones | |
78535. | jeff feinberg | |
78534. | Stanley Bergman | |
78533. | kurt rath | |
78532. | zina ravvin | |
78531. | Kathy Marks | |
78530. | Carol Eisenberg | |
78529. | Mark Hurwitz | |
78528. | igal | |
78527. | faber | |
78525. | David Kolin | |
78524. | alan lefkowitz | |
78523. | jack fettman | |
78522. | amy Schwartz | |
78521. | Sharon R. Monat | |
78520. | Abe Goldberg | |
78519. | David Allen | |
78518. | Diane Victor | |
78517. | Alexander J. Rubin | |
78516. | David | |
78515. | Stanford Lubeck | |
78514. | Marion Bergman | |
78513. | Alisa | this is disgusting |
78512. | LeRoy Weber | |
78511. | Myrna Davis | It is imperative that your remove JewWatch.com from your cite |
78510. | Peggy Garson | |
78509. | M. Levy | |
78508. | Gary Harad | |
78507. | jeffrey alan | š |
78506. | lidar Omri | |
78505. | Chloe Schwartz | why did the google spokesman say that a petition would not help, but your site says you need 50k? |
78504. | Adam Scherr | Screw'em |
78503. | Emily Wiseblatt | |
78502. | Dr. Harry Hafner | |
78501. | Rich Shane | I find web sites like jewwatch.com to be completely offensive. They exist to spread hate. |
78500. | Sandy Cytrynbaum | |
78499. | Judy Kupferberg | |
78498. | Michelle Blye | |
78497. | Elsie Fisher | Please remove this site from Google |
78496. | illanajoseph | |
78495. | Woody Davidow | |
78494. | Glenn Levine | |
78493. | Michael G. Lichtstein | |
78491. | karyn parker | thanks |
78490. | Jill Kronfeld | |
78489. | jesse viner md | stop hate now |
78488. | sharon inkeles | |
78487. | Jennifer DeJohn | |
78486. | jeffrey felder | |
78485. | charles miller | |
78484. | robert salgado | Absolutely horrible! |
78483. | Suzan Sloyan | Hatred is not a family value...What is Google thinking to support a link of hatred!?!?! It is a shame and a disgrace to even have to address these issues here in AMERICA!!! |
78482. | arthur zaltz | this is a racist sick disgusting site "jewWatch" |
78481. | Talia Lidar | |
78480. | Sara Inbar | Â |
78479. | SUSAN EDLAVITCH | |
78478. | Howard Kornstein | |
78477. | joyce friedman | |
78476. | Ivo Horak | |
78475. | John Vossos | Jews are not good, but great citizens of any country that is smart enough to let them do what they do best. They are a brilliant race and we could learn a lot from them. They are us! |
78474. | e feldman | |
78473. | Barry Birdoff | disgraceful |
78472. | Julie Dollinger, M.D. | |
78471. | Theresa Levy | |
78470. | Marat Shkandin | Legality is never more important then Morality |
78469. | les | change it |
78468. | Stephen J. Reese | |
78467. | Tom Harary | |
78466. | Richard Wyatt | remove jewwatch.com from search engine |
78465. | jason unger | |
78464. | Bernardo Stein | |
78463. | Charles A Ratner | |
78462. | ariana popik | |
78461. | Ivan Camargo Ortiz | Its an offense no tonly to the jews but to the world, we have not learned yet that we need each other to survive. |
78460. | Matty Sod | Google should be removing this site from their search engine without needing a petition! |
78459. | Judith Kellner | |
78458. | inahs takhmus | |
78457. | cindy burg | |
78456. | Laura Smith | |
78455. | J Heller | |
78454. | Irving Handelsman | |
78453. | Ilana Horowitz Ratner | |
78452. | eli | |
78451. | Alexandre Bronstein | |
78450. | Richard James | |
78449. | Ann M. Reese | |
78448. | Mr. Larry Spenceley | No GOOGLE services will be utilized while any anti-semitic or other bigotry remains. |
78447. | Leslie Maerov | |
78446. | Erika Pardes Schon | |
78445. | Lebenstein | |
78444. | Lorrie b. Winnerman | sick |
78443. | E A Hofstetter | I like the idea of changing the home page away from google. |
78442. | John Given | |
78441. | Karen Cohen | |
78440. | diana lerner | even if Google won't change search, they need to hear how abominable the JewWatch website is. Their disclaimer comment is commendable |
78439. | ron | |
78438. | faith friedman | |
78437. | Norman Cohen | |
78436. | Tammy Astor | |
78435. | Ron Levin | |
78434. | ShellyBerman | |
78433. | Jacob Lowenthal | |
78432. | Seth P. Cohen | |
78431. | Irene Sholk | |
78430. | Harold Goldwasser | |
78429. | SOLOMON BEAVER | it should definitely be removed |
78428. | Steve J Lord | |
78427. | Helen D Myers | |
78426. | Gail and Fred Zeifman | Please don't spread hatred |
78425. | jessica | |
78424. | Stephanie Golub | |
78423. | Jessica Simmons | |
78422. | m. Cydulka | |
78421. | Trevor Goldberg | |
78420. | Beverly Gordon | |
78419. | Leila Simon | |
78418. | Gail Kushner | |
78417. | Alan Kaufman | |
78416. | Sophia F.Chatov | This is a HORRIBLE WEBSITE!!! |
78415. | Sharon J. Ricciardi | Remove this nonsense |
78414. | Cyrus Appell MD | This is outrageous facilitation of bigotry, please make this change |
78413. | Robert S. Tintner | Remove |
78412. | Phillip H.Bookman | |
78411. | Robert wagner | |
78410. | Iordanskaja Lidija | |
78409. | Howard Stern | |
78408. | Carla Dias | |
78407. | Veronica E. Peinado Alonso | |
78406. | robert miles | |
78405. | P N Pearson | |
78404. | Adam Berlinger | |
78403. | NORMAN A. BROOKS, M.D. | |
78402. | Hilary H. Evers | |
78401. | Leo | I'm never using Google again and I've changed my hompage to Yahoo. I urge others to do the same and use other search engines! |
78400. | Miriam Fischer | |
78399. | Marion Forrester | |
78398. | Debbie Bastacky | |
78397. | Abby Fox | |
78396. | Arthur L Cohen | |
78395. | patricia tidwell | |
78394. | Rebecca | |
78393. | Debra Howard | |
78392. | LESLEE S. BROOKS | |
78391. | cherise cooke | |
78390. | Barb Maison | |
78389. | José Luis | |
78388. | Sheryl Miller Hosey | |
78387. | Abby Friedman | |
78386. | Linda S. Kantor | |
78385. | Ruth Mann | |
78384. | annette burke | |
78383. | ruth tatz | |
78382. | Rachel Stevens | |
78381. | Reesa Feinstein | |
78380. | Harry J. Heiman | |
78379. | cintia bonder | |
78378. | bernice bock | disgraceful |
78377. | Roslyn and Irwin Borchew | Jew-haters abound; fight them where you find them. |
78376. | Sarah | |
78375. | Lynn Balshine | |
78374. | Karen Jacobs | |
78373. | Ira Friedman | |
78372. | Caryn Goldszer | !!!! |
78371. | Natalie Melamed | |
78370. | Paula E. McGill | |
78369. | royal miller | sickening |
78368. | Tom Shiovitz | |
78367. | Larry Gomberg | |
78366. | ben tripp | |
78365. | Miriam Grossman | never again |
78364. | Ron Balshine | |
78363. | samantha | |
78362. | Stan Schoenbach | |
78361. | jesse holland | |
78360. | Nathan Shuster | Get this scum off the internet! |
78359. | Lee ginsberg | |
78358. | Marc Kravitz | |
78356. | Kimberley Stajer | |
78355. | Aaron Szafer | |
78354. | Dorit Hochbaum | |
78353. | Carly Peselnick | |
78352. | Shar Labow | |
78351. | Howard Sanderson | Freedom of speech is different from promotion of HATE. Google it is time to wake up. |
78350. | Evan Schoenbach | |
78349. | angela brown | it is important as citizens of this country that we fight the sick and deprived minds that disseminate hate and violence |
78348. | Lynn Weiner | |
78347. | Rosalie Oliff | |
78346. | Zelpha Long | As a daily user of google.com I'm appalled at this. Please correct this. |
78345. | Allan Marks | |
78344. | Nancy Caplan | |
78343. | m lande | Please remove JewWatch.com |
78342. | Jay Joffe | |
78341. | Dawn Shelley | |
78340. | Tyler Vincent | |
78339. | Howard Kazen | will notify eveyone I know of this site |
78338. | Eliane Schoenbach | Outrageous and dangerous |
78337. | Kayla Rochkin | |
78336. | Rose Schecter | |
78335. | Ruth Levi Zindeluk | |
78334. | Jacqueline Drak | |
78333. | lynda gotlieb | |
78332. | jordan oppenheimer | |
78331. | Vivian A Goldman | |
78330. | Chris C. Broome | |
78329. | Herman Thomas | |
78328. | Beth Whittaker | |
78327. | Lisa Dorman | |
78326. | herbert shernoff | |
78325. | Ory Sandel | |
78324. | Carol | disgraceful |
78323. | Brook E. Mantia | They're not just anti-Semetic, but un-Christian as well -- what hypocrits! |
78322. | Marilyn Soglin | |
78321. | Kathy Livingston | |
78320. | cml | |
78319. | Yoni | |
78318. | Martin Osipov | |
78317. | ron wolf | |
78316. | Kelli Weiner | |
78315. | Leon | If the vilification was dircted at Mulsims and black people, then immediate action would be rightly and justifbly taken - the site would be removed. However, if it was a question of Nazi propaganda consisting of racist sterotypes against Jewish people, conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial, then its paraded arounded as 'free-speech.' Political correctness has come a long way |
78314. | Nicole Held | |
78313. | Jonathan Schwartz | |
78312. | Pinky Wall | |
78311. | Marina Kandinov | |
78310. | nita hill | |
78309. | Herman Thomas | |
78308. | Autumn Udell | |
78307. | Helen Buzinkai | It is the year 2004 already! You would think we would have evolved past these things ! |
78306. | Leon Kofmanky | If the vilification was dircted at Mulsims and black people, then immediate action would be rightly and justifbly taken - the site would be removed. However, if it was a question of Nazi propaganda consisting of racist sterotypes against Jewish people, conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial, then its paraded arounded as 'free-speech.' Political correctness has come a long way |
78305. | Patty Franks | |
78304. | Paul Roud | |
78303. | Donese Mayfield | |
78302. | Sergio Weintraub | |
78301. | Dan Turner | |
78300. | John A. Goldsmith | |
78299. | Noushin P. Harrar | I am so surprised with google and so disturbed to view a site like google to advertise such obsene accusations. At this day and age this is too much to phathom from sources like Google which you tend to trust |
78298. | Blanche Perlmutter | |
78297. | Scott Beach | |
78296. | Erika Davis | |
78295. | Leslie Krupel | |
78294. | Sharon Gelfand | |
78293. | Chaim Zions | |
78292. | perkins | shocking |
78291. | Aviva Kaplan | |
78290. | Padraic Keeble | |
78289. | Frimi | |
78288. | Pat Kaufman | disgusting. Will never use google again |
78287. | rachel federman-morales | |
78286. | Sasha Gottfried | |
78285. | Cindy Novak | |
78284. | Ned Schoenfeld | |
78283. | Roberta Kahn | I'm sure you didn't realize that your quantitative methodolgy has promoted a virulent anti-semetic jihad, neo-Nazi-type site that promotes hatred and misunderstanding for individuals looking for information about Judiasm. Thank you. |
78282. | Martin & Faythe Neier | |
78281. | R. Gordon | |
78280. | Steven | |
78279. | Jill Partner | Please remove. Thank you. |
78278. | Bonnie Gordon | |
78277. | Barbara Caplan Azizo | |
78276. | marvin diamond | |
78275. | Paul Neufeld | |
78274. | Ruthie Zaionz | This site should be removed promptly |
78273. | Railey | |
78272. | Luella Rainbow | |
78271. | Michael Berman | |
78270. | Marina Kalish | |
78269. | Ron Finkel | |
78268. | Danielle Landau | |
78267. | Leor Jivotovsky | absolute nonsense |
78266. | james goodman | |
78265. | Stephen Sullivan | |
78264. | howard popper | disgusting and vile |
78263. | Robin Black | |
78262. | G hillman | |
78261. | richard eisenberg | |
78260. | Jerome Weissman | |
78259. | Eric Saibil | |
78258. | alana | I LOVE JEWS! |
78257. | Katie | |
78256. | Lisa Ben-Moshe | I am never using google again |
78255. | karen | |
78254. | Lois Gamiel | |
78253. | RONALD L. COHEN | |
78252. | Ivan Nadler | |
78251. | Marcie | Clean up your search engines remove JEWWATCH from your site |
78250. | Carol Fritsch | |
78249. | Elliott Kirshner | |
78248. | Marty Walsh | |
78247. | carla jacubec | |
78246. | stacey | |
78245. | Donna Rempel | |
78244. | Erin Searle | |
78243. | Lori Sokol | please remove site |
78242. | Ethan | |
78241. | Danielle | |
78240. | Judith Stern | |
78239. | George Wachsmann | |
78238. | Dan Goldberg | |
78237. | Sabine B. | |
78236. | R Woodman | |
78235. | Jamie Triplett | |
78234. | Deborah Factor | |
78233. | Gerry | |
78232. | myra judd | |
78231. | Valerie W. Rosenberg | |
78230. | Paul Litwack | |
78229. | Tommy Gallant | |
78228. | Marvin J. Tick | it is insulting to have "jew watch" as your first hit. Please remove it |
78227. | Debra C. Margolis | |
78226. | Linda Rabinowitz | |
78225. | Marianne Bonner | |
78224. | mindy bloom | |
78223. | OEP | |
78222. | Erica Schwager | |
78221. | Ryan Tuller | stop the hate |
78220. | sophie | |
78219. | MURIEL M. GARDNER | This is outrageous |
78218. | steven rubin | |
78217. | joanie klayman | |
78216. | Avi Navah | |
78215. | A. Cooper | |
78214. | Diana Friedberg | |
78213. | Richie Gallant | |
78212. | Judy Rachelle | |
78211. | jmalapira | Racial bias is morally wrong no matter what the ethnicity is. |
78210. | Pearl K. Perlmutter | |
78209. | IAN KATZ | |
78208. | Adele Lawton | It is very offensive and in this day and age unacceptable to advertise a site on anti-semitism of any type. |
78207. | suzette kalatchi | |
78206. | Robyn Weisman | |
78205. | Jennifer Alper | |
78204. | Susan Wardell | |
78203. | N. J. Sherman | |
78202. | Amy Gallant | |
78201. | Daryl Schaefer | |
78200. | Hava mendelberg | |
78199. | Tori Roth | |
78198. | Phyllis Safdieh | |
78197. | Elizabeth Frey | |
78196. | Tasha Kheiriddin | Please remove this offensive site. It promotes hatred and serves no legitimate purpose. |
78195. | Karen Arrington | |
78194. | David Blasher | |
78193. | Gail L. Dener | How can you in good conscience list this site at the top of your search list? PLEASE, please rectify this |
78192. | Sheila | this is a disgrace |
78191. | Ricardo and Dolores Gonzales | |
78190. | Shari V. | |
78189. | daniele veroli | Please remove this racially biased site |
78188. | Daniel Egozi | |
78187. | Marvin and Klare Spinner | |
78186. | myrna and marvin schaffman | |
78185. | Fred Gottlieb, M.D., | |
78184. | marcia sz | |
78183. | Elizabeth Hawkins | |
78182. | Sheryl Sober | google says they will not remove this site! |
78181. | Warren Grossman | |
78180. | Joseph Egozi | |
78179. | Jeffrey Feigenbaum | |
78178. | Ilana Zalika | |
78177. | Carol Cohen | get rid of this site and its hate message |
78176. | Josh Tilsen | please remove this site from google |
78175. | Teresa Gordon | Do It PLEASE! |
78174. | Peter Weinberger | |
78173. | V. Hart | |
78172. | Michelle Russo | |
78171. | Harriet Brodsky | |
78170. | Wendy Brasecker | |
78169. | Michelle | |
78168. | Evelyn Lipschitz | |
78167. | Joel Schneier | |
78166. | Ann Wild | |
78165. | Shermanator | |
78164. | Joyce Amico | |
78163. | SPENCER | |
78162. | B Komarov | |
78161. | Kenneth Berris | Remove JewWatch.com from Google's search results...or else maybe we should boycott Google and use another search engine. One of the founders of Google is Jewish and should be ashamed of his participation in this anti-semitism. |
78160. | Alisa Shapiro | |
78159. | Susan Haber | disgusting |
78158. | cathy schreiber | |
78157. | Michael Lefkowitz | |
78156. | Gary Bramnick | |
78155. | Esther Cohen | |
78154. | BERNARD KUNE | |
78153. | Bert Orlov | Signers should NOT blame GOOGLE--it's NOT anti-Semitic |
78152. | Anna Meltzer - Markus | It is hard to believe that this sort of anti semitism still exsists. I wish you great success |
78151. | ELLEN | |
78150. | Philip Haimm | |
78149. | Leon Egozi | |
78148. | Jordan Cait | |
78147. | Stacey Mor | |
78146. | Jean Lane | |
78145. | Amanda MacIntyre | |
78144. | Phyllis Sloan | |
78143. | Mihaela Schiffer | |
78142. | Ellen H. Goldberg | |
78141. | Susie Egozi | |
78140. | lynne morris | a useless, hateful website. |
78139. | Stewart Saphier | Requiring 50,000 signatures to remove an obviously anti-semitic website is itself anti-semitic and disgusting |
78138. | J Charnow | |
78137. | diana barliant | |
78136. | Barry Markus | |
78135. | Robert Deutsch | |
78134. | Daniel London | |
78133. | Shari Silver | |
78132. | Jon | |
78131. | Shiela Pardee | |
78130. | jamie burak | this is horrible in this day and age!!!!!! |
78129. | David Cooke | |
78128. | mputterman | |
78127. | Denise rothberg | |
78126. | Dina Far | |
78125. | Serafima Roll | |
78124. | Talia Traub | |
78123. | M. Katz | |
78122. | nowell wisch | |
78121. | The Rev. Karen Mosso | |
78120. | ruth paul | |
78119. | Laurie Corey | google's creators certainly do not want this site! |
78118. | malki ben-david | |
78117. | Joel Friedman | |
78116. | nancy belasco | take it off! |
78115. | Gloria Shiver | I am not Jewish but I find this highly disturbing. |
78114. | jeff graber | please |
78113. | Katy Sonnenstein | |
78112. | Dan Sugar | |
78111. | marlene newell | |
78110. | sandy alon | discusting |
78109. | Dr. Daniel R. Raichel | No quarter should be given to promulgators of hatred |
78108. | david shaul | |
78107. | Erin Demont | |
78106. | Ina Singer | |
78105. | Anne Irgo | |
78104. | Sara Egozi | |
78103. | ellen katzen | remove antisemitism from word search |
78102. | jeff | |
78101. | REBECCA | |
78100. | Gerald Lewis | I agree completely with the request |
78099. | Michele Blitz | |
78098. | Jan | Please remove this site ASAP |
78097. | AdrienneSabora | |
78096. | Rachel Rotenberg | |
78095. | Joyce Sokolic, MD | |
78094. | T. Stern | |
78093. | eddie schweky | hatred should not be tolarated |
78092. | Marlene Miolich | |
78091. | Maxine Solomon | |
78090. | periel aschenbrand | my family was slaughtered in the holocaust. enough said. |
78089. | benjamin good | |
78088. | Josh Greenberg | |
78087. | Marla Ross | |
78086. | Nysa Pilbrow | |
78085. | Anne Ivanhoe | |
78084. | Charles W. Sones | discusting |
78083. | Andrea Bacal | |
78082. | Reba Mesh | remove Jewwatch |
78081. | Joseph Hendizadeh | |
78080. | Jan tras and peter tras | |
78079. | rivka abramson | must be removed |
78078. | Saul M. Kaufman | Please remove Jew Watch from your key search engine. Thank You |
78077. | Joseph Hendizadeh | |
78076. | Dana Rosenfeld | Please remove JewWatch from Google! |
78075. | Ira Libov | |
78074. | linda zalla | please remove any anti-semetic sites |
78073. | Robert Coven | |
78072. | JERALD SINAY | |
78071. | Anne | I will hold you responsible for any injuries arising from the scandalous and provocative material on yhour website |
78070. | Carole M. Irgo | |
78069. | Daniel Varon | |
78068. | sheryl tepper | REMOVE THIS. |
78067. | Alison Levy | |
78066. | Pamela Segal | |
78065. | Mark-Alan Whittle | Google, heal thyself! |
78064. | Ariel | No more Antisemitc Web Sites |
78063. | Valerie Goldstein | |
78062. | Rose Pattavina | |
78061. | David B. Soll, M.D. | This "JewWatch" site should be removed immediately! |
78060. | Nadia Polukhin | |
78059. | Ira Abrams | I teach Intellectual Property law and am a staunch advocate of Free Speech. However, Google is facilitating a fraud on the public by listing the anti-semitic website JewWatch.com at the top of your list when one clicks on the search word "Jew". It's hateful, misleading and should be removed from Google's database. Google should not remain merely a passive conduit in this instance. An uncaring attitude on Google's part will surely fuel the fires to regulate the Net, a result noone wants. |
78058. | DORIS H. GOLDSTEIN | |
78057. | Aarón Warszawski | |
78056. | aliza neuwirth | |
78055. | saul edelstein | |
78054. | Martin Mikelberg | |
78053. | chana zdanowitz | |
78052. | Ron Reisman | get rid of this site |
78051. | Kenneth W. Baron | Disgraceful |
78050. | Abramoff | |
78049. | Debbie Weiss | |
78048. | susanne fein | you have your signatures. kindly take care of this ASAP |
78047. | Ketzia Shapira | |
78046. | Sue Esterman | |
78045. | JOHN G. WRIGHT | It is abhorrent and cannot be removed too soon! |
78044. | HERB BLOOM | |
78043. | Michael Straus | |
78042. | June Malina | |
78041. | Ellen Passov | |
78040. | rita charthower | |
78039. | periel aschenbrand | my family was slaughtered in the holocaust. enough said. |
78038. | KenTalbot | |
78037. | Lynne Drazen | |
78036. | David Kahn | |
78035. | ina nelson | |
78034. | Bernard Model | |
78033. | Shahin | |
78032. | Maya Rosenblum | š |
78031. | Robin Reisman | it is disgusting that you demand a petition to remove this site |
78030. | Daniel T. Gross | Where is the Mosad when you need them |
78029. | Deena Rosenzweig | |
78028. | Robert Goodwin | |
78027. | Ron Liberman | |
78026. | Elaine Ziff | |
78025. | Shoshana Schwartz | |
78024. | Patricia DeNisco | |
78023. | Ian B. Copnick | |
78022. | Susan Allen | I find this website misleading and frightening. |
78021. | Wendy Kaslofsky | |
78020. | Michael Lewkowitz | |
78019. | aaron borenstein | enough is enough |
78018. | Phyllis Kornicker | There is enough trouble in the world; we don't need any zealots to help make it worse. |
78017. | Alberto Chame Dwek | |
78016. | Judith B. Pittel | Take that vile website off the internet. |
78015. | Klara Bourne | |
78014. | Hazel Orpen-Talbot | |
78013. | Marlene V. Sandberg | |
78012. | allison cole | |
78011. | Jerry Schecter | |
78010. | Anita lavie | |
78009. | David Ruiz | |
78008. | Adam Saks | |
78007. | stephanie madonick | |
78006. | Tsivya Weisgrau | Google should act responsibly |
78005. | Frank Quinn | |
78004. | Alla Gozun | |
78003. | Gary Barkin | |
78002. | Jennifer Schultz | terrible that this even exists in the first place |
78001. | ellen cohen | |
78000. | sandra smolen | |
77999. | Beth Cohen | |
77998. | David Segal | It is a sickness to be an antisemite or a rasist. |
77997. | Edward Davidson | |
77996. | L. Stein | |
77995. | JG | Remove from your seach engine! |
77994. | Linda Ellentuck | |
77993. | E. G. Weisbord | Kindly remove immediately |
77992. | Steven Spenceley | Please remove this site |
77991. | David Samson | |
77990. | Alan Goodstein | |
77989. | Doron Evans | |
77988. | Myra MacCuaig | |
77987. | Karen Reichgott | |
77986. | Matthew Albert Harris | I'm 7 and I know this is bad! |
77985. | Hedi Sandberg | |
77984. | Albert M. Baril | You should know better than to put such a site on your search engine. Have you no sense of decency or do you not know right from wrong? |
77983. | Saul W. La Kier | Free Speech should not include Hate mail just as it doesn't include yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre!! |
77982. | Hilary Davidson | site is disgusting |
77981. | Gary M. Krasna | |
77980. | Sye Mincoff | |
77979. | nancy cook; dan ziembo | Let's rid ourselves and others of misinformation |
77978. | mitra hakimi | |
77977. | Rena Weisberg | |
77976. | Lisa Aufox | |
77975. | lawrence | |
77974. | sherrie sicam | |
77973. | Dr. Charles R. Bender | this is one of the most vile and anti-semetic sites on the internet. |
77972. | Daryl Moss | please remove this hateful site |
77971. | Naila Bourne | |
77970. | John Kleinbaum | remove JewWatch please |
77969. | Steve Kurland | Please remove immediately |
77968. | lisa rubenstein | |
77967. | Jeffrey Miller | I am an adverrtiser with adwords at Google and will consider removing my ads unless this site is taken down |
77966. | Benjamin David Harris | |
77965. | Suzanne Schry | |
77964. | Sharon Hauschildt | |
77963. | cliff fruithandler | |
77962. | Frances Baylson | Must be changed |
77961. | MARK POLIS, M.D. | |
77960. | Annette G Burst | |
77959. | Aliza Sandberg | |
77958. | eileen appelrouth | Google is my search engine of choice, I am shocked to find this hate site as the first listed. |
77957. | eileen appelrouth | Google is my search engine of choice, I am shocked to find this hate site as the first listed. |
77956. | rachel barash | are profits this crucial? |
77955. | Stephen Pazitka | |
77954. | Misha Klein | |
77953. | Anahid Beauvoir | |
77952. | ariel | |
77951. | Joshua Harold Harris | |
77950. | Sherry Rendel | PLEASE remove this! Thank you. |
77949. | Sheldon Feingold | |
77948. | Rachel Bixler | |
77947. | g survis's | |
77946. | David E. Strahl | |
77945. | Matthew | please remove anti-semetic lies under the heading Jew |
77944. | sheri ann lowe | |
77943. | Jason Kaminsky | |
77942. | Arlene Rosenbaum | |
77941. | Avi Bessin | |
77940. | Heather | |
77939. | Briana Cockrell | |
77938. | michael leopold | |
77937. | Lewis Baylor | None |
77936. | Steven Horwitz | |
77935. | Jacob Staub | |
77934. | Michael Fromm | |
77933. | Lawrence Flesh | |
77932. | geraldine shatkin | |
77931. | rev. cindy jean saul | |
77930. | Elisa I. Milkes | |
77929. | Helene Gabai | |
77928. | James Geiger | |
77927. | Howard S. Pactor | |
77926. | payam | |
77925. | larry goodman | |
77924. | michael leopold | |
77923. | K Nolletti | |
77922. | Marvin Voskuhl | |
77921. | Deborah Anne Harris | |
77920. | julian gutman | |
77919. | gerald riemer | |
77918. | Susan Samuels | |
77917. | ralph werth | |
77916. | S. Leibovitch | |
77915. | Joav | |
77914. | sam romirowsky | |
77913. | Heinz Herz | |
77912. | Kathryn Hancock | |
77911. | irving klein | If Google can control searches to under age porno sites,it can control this type of perversion as well. |
77910. | Sandra Weber | |
77909. | Kenneth Black | |
77908. | Jaci Leibovitch | |
77907. | Patricia S. Gordon | |
77906. | nancy mitchell | |
77905. | Rita S.Rubin | |
77904. | Gail Lane | |
77903. | Iris Lampel | |
77902. | Meredith Kramer | |
77901. | Perla Rittigdtein | |
77900. | Jerry Lane | |
77899. | Katia Mesel | it's good that there are people taking care of this |
77898. | Rose Lipman | |
77897. | Albert E. Babbitt | |
77896. | Phyllis Ziman Cutler | |
77895. | Landy Gobes | |
77894. | emanuel sklar | |
77893. | Estelle Miller | |
77892. | Amy Schottland | remove jewwatch! It is terrible! |
77891. | gail kelner | |
77890. | Cliff Burke | |
77889. | Alberto | |
77888. | Hal D. Schlenger | |
77887. | Nina Lane | |
77886. | Donna Gewirtz | |
77885. | Dean Flinkier | |
77884. | Harry Leibson | Totally UnAmerican |
77883. | Emom | remove site or we stop supporting google |
77882. | Terry S. Baltimore | |
77881. | Regina Ray | |
77880. | Mark Gothelf | |
77879. | Joetta Schneider | |
77878. | Jennifer Dwyer | |
77877. | Shirley Ross | |
77876. | Clara | |
77875. | stephen Milstein | |
77874. | Saul Bergad | Please don't foster intolerance. Remove JewWatch.com from the Google search Engine. Please do this immediately!!!!!! |
77873. | Ellen Spinner | Please remove this hateful site |
77872. | Diane Leifer | |
77871. | stephen soll | |
77870. | Larry Shemen | |
77869. | D. Noman | |
77868. | Sammy Tree | |
77867. | Pamela Shrago | |
77866. | JT Kantor | |
77865. | Melanie | |
77864. | Sherry Kraft | |
77863. | JC RECCA | |
77862. | n. scheyer | |
77861. | William Goldberg | |
77860. | Evan Rosen | |
77859. | Herb Schlesinger | |
77858. | lisa | please remove this immediately |
77857. | zelig landau | the search on google for the word "jew" lives me breathless |
77856. | Stan Katz | why does it take 50,000 emails to remove? |
77855. | Harold Gurian | |
77854. | Mark Kram | |
77853. | Josh Guttman | Must be removed; outrageous |
77852. | Elizabeth Cheslock | I can't believe this is what America learns on the Internet. Please remove!!! |
77851. | Robert Leifer | |
77850. | Bruria Rimoni | |
77849. | Charna Young | |
77848. | alice gottlieb | |
77847. | Wally Kaplan | |
77846. | melody sudry | |
77845. | Eduardo Menos | |
77844. | C. Diamond | |
77843. | Dennis G. Koch. LMHC | Please take this anti-semitic site from Google |
77842. | Claudia Stumpf | |
77841. | Alan Scheimer | |
77840. | Butterfly Wings | I will never use google again |
77839. | A. J. Reisman | This type of insensitivity is the major cause for many of the problems of the world, irrespective of personal beliefs |
77838. | Sheila Gross | |
77837. | Gerald Fine | |
77836. | terry kieserman | |
77835. | Stephen Silverstein | |
77834. | Eugene Berman | If not now, when? |
77833. | nancy bell | |
77832. | Eugene Berman | If not now, when? |
77831. | Hymen Bregar | |
77830. | Tiger | |
77829. | terry kieserman | |
77828. | Paul R Carbino | Please correct this vile situation. It's truly un-American. |
77827. | Leslie Solomon | anti semitic propaganda, hate literature |
77826. | Agata Frankowicz | outrageous! |
77825. | peter salzer | |
77824. | karen Rosenblum | |
77823. | jeffrey Lipschultz | Its a hate filled site and should be removed. |
77822. | malka | |
77821. | Aron Lederman | |
77820. | Kim Klabacha | |
77819. | Gerald Silverstein | |
77818. | Rachel | You're doing a good thing. I'm glad to know there's people that care enough about their beliefs to do something about it. |
77817. | Charles Meltzer | |
77816. | Luba Grossman | |
77815. | Eric J. Walk | |
77814. | Leah Weisburd | APPAULING!!! |
77813. | Alan Goldstein | |
77812. | Mike Mersky | |
77811. | Ben Recca | |
77810. | Chavi Lederman | |
77809. | Gary Israel | |
77808. | Ellen Yager | |
77807. | Fran Lash | what a truly disgusting and lying web-site! |
77806. | M. Aratow | |
77805. | Art Segal | I cannot believe that you would tolerate this! |
77804. | Leni Ebgels | |
77803. | Marc Jurble | "The absence of any means for circulating and heating the air-gas mixture in cellar rooms which were supposedly used for mass-murder in Auschwitz is strong and clear evidence that the extermination claims, at least with regard to Zyklon-B, are sheer nonsense.5" (-- Holocaust Denial, what next? Blood Leibel?? |
77802. | Arnold R. Shifman | |
77801. | Mike Taitz | |
77800. | ellen bienstar | |
77799. | Sylvia Baxt | Please remove the above offensive website immediately! |
77798. | Sheila Deutsch | |
77797. | june newbauer | Ê |
77796. | Ury Weiss | I am disgusted. Why would we need so many signatures ro remove something so obscene. |
77795. | Janet Gewirtzman | |
77794. | Tzivia Lederman | |
77793. | arie | |
77792. | Robert Barnes | |
77791. | Stuart Evans | |
77790. | Lorraine Brooks | |
77789. | joy shultz | get rid of this terrible website. |
77788. | david lurie | |
77787. | Henry Dickman | Please keep this trash off the internet |
77786. | Laura Silverman | |
77785. | Edith Meyers | |
77784. | Susan McCusker | |
77783. | Wendy Levinson | |
77782. | Rose Clancy | |
77781. | LUDMILLA KROCAK JONES | Please remove Jewwatch.com !! |
77780. | Oded Hilu | |
77779. | Sheldon Gordon | |
77778. | norma wasserman | |
77777. | Sheila Schedneck | |
77776. | Stefanie | |
77775. | max lapushin | |
77774. | Nancy Rosengard | |
77773. | A. Rezzonico | Prejudice is poison to the minds and souls of humanity. |
77772. | Tamar Chansky | here's a chance to do the right thing, to take a step towards eliminating hatred in our world at war. Thanks for taking that step. |
77771. | Mark Snow | |
77770. | Erwin Edelman | |
77769. | AMNON KELEMEN | |
77768. | Michele Vogel | |
77767. | Franklin Gaylis | |
77766. | david m. yousem | intolerance is unforgiveable in this era |
77765. | David Berman | disgusted that Google would have to wait for a petition before removing this odious website. |
77764. | Jeff Frager | |
77763. | Ernest Rosenfeld | Do you have a ChristianWatch.com? |
77762. | PHILIP PELLER | |
77760. | Mark Freud | |
77759. | Joy Kurtz | |
77758. | Morley Conn | |
77757. | Diane Koven | |
77756. | F.A. TEPPER | |
77755. | Stephan Levy | |
77754. | jamie haines | |
77753. | Herbert M. Meyers | |
77752. | Danny Lamensdorf | Ê |
77751. | Henny Rappaport | |
77750. | Elizabeth Bywater | |
77749. | Maxine Solomon | |
77748. | amir hemmat | did not expect this from google |
77747. | Harold Kurtz | Urgent |
77746. | Ronald I. Hyatt | |
77745. | Andrea White | I would like to believe this sort of garbage wouldn't be acceptable towards any ethnic group, religion, minority.... |
77744. | Dan Goodridge | |
77743. | Robert Davis | |
77742. | Ruth DeJule | |
77741. | Rena Zweben | |
77740. | Arezou Berghoff | |
77739. | irv sharf | |
77738. | Sol Koenigsberg | |
77737. | A. Stopol | |
77736. | Liz Diamond | |
77735. | John Chittley | |
77734. | esther | |
77733. | Brian Dubrow | |
77732. | Barbara Feller | Remove Jewwatch |
77731. | Sacha Kopin | |
77730. | jamie perrello | |
77729. | Elissa Davis | |
77728. | MARK | |
77727. | W. Douglas Kahn | |
77726. | Sanford Shapiro | |
77725. | Lon J. Satnick | |
77724. | Arrash Kamran | |
77723. | David Monson | |
77722. | L Duncan | |
77721. | Diana Collum | This site is unacceptable! |
77720. | Laura Fried | |
77719. | Debra Shapiro | |
77718. | matt davidson | |
77717. | Betty Cornelisen | I have confidence Google will correct this terrible error. |
77716. | Darlynn Fellman | |
77715. | Beth Greenbaum | |
77714. | boriis4488 | |
77713. | joan prager | |
77712. | Paul Sussman | |
77711. | helen somerstein | |
77710. | Ann S. Cohen | |
77709. | Svetlana Krakova | |
77708. | eric fayner | |
77707. | Ellen Kraftsow-Kogan | Google should be incensed by this site and remove it immediately. Requiring 50,000 signatures makes Google an enabler of the spread of anti-Semitism |
77706. | Narbey Savadian | |
77705. | Valerie Mendelsohn | |
77704. | Benjamin Flom | Justice |
77703. | Robert Gardner | |
77702. | Amy Furman | |
77701. | Michele Lang Palter | |
77700. | Sharon Madel | |
77699. | Virginia Prudence | |
77698. | debbie schwartz | you too are anti-semitic?!! |
77697. | Ivan Nelson | |
77696. | Ruth Levine | How disscuting that you would have this on your web site |
77695. | Roy Shvartzapel | |
77694. | Jack Bordan | |
77693. | Tracy Sorcek | |
77692. | Alan Deitel | |
77691. | Sue C. Finkelstein | |
77690. | Allison Schwartz | |
77689. | Gillian Benning | Jesus forgave.it's been 5000 years!.let it go. |
77688. | Eric Mack | |
77687. | allan perlmutter | |
77686. | jonathan Levy Wolins | |
77685. | Eve Oster | |
77684. | Arlette Alexander | |
77683. | harvey guttman | |
77682. | Moses Patel | |
77681. | Phoebe Lavitt | |
77680. | Erica | |
77679. | Mary Hampton | |
77678. | jeff manheimer | |
77677. | Beatrice Skydell | We have enough prejudice in this country already toward all kinds of people. Enough is enough. Let's love everyone. |
77676. | Suzanne Jeffrey | |
77675. | RG Rose | |
77674. | Marcia | I think this website is disgraceful |
77673. | Linda | |
77672. | rafi engelhart | rasicm is what prevents world peace |
77671. | Leonard Kravitz | |
77669. | Robert Postman | |
77668. | elizabeth levit | |
77667. | Carla Brooke | Â |
77666. | Josh Mellits | what a shame that the most trusted search engine has such anti-semitic views |
77665. | scott | |
77664. | Miriam Shapiro | |
77663. | kate whittley | |
77662. | Beth Gould Crotty | disgusting that such a thing exists |
77661. | dr burt | |
77660. | Kelsey Mills | |
77659. | Paul Goldman | |
77658. | Irwin Stich | |
77657. | Harry Kaplan | |
77656. | Eileen Graub | |
77655. | Carol Taragano | Remove that hideous antisemetic hate inspiring word please. |
77654. | Linda Van Grover | |
77653. | Howell Cohen | |
77652. | joe | bbginfo@aol.com |
77651. | L. Marinoff | This is a big disgrace |
77650. | Lisa Swimmer | |
77649. | janice abarbanel | |
77648. | Elise Dolgow | |
77647. | william ash | please remove this vile website |
77646. | moreah Love | |
77645. | joe cavanagh | |
77644. | Einat Liebenthal | |
77643. | julie lozovsky | you suck jew watch |
77642. | Lisa Cohen | |
77641. | ruth & melvin grosky | |
77640. | Ina Hoffman | |
77639. | Trudy Weiss | |
77638. | susan jaffie | |
77637. | amy feigelman | this is repulsive |
77636. | Lynne Hoskins | |
77635. | melanie komlos | |
77634. | William Mills | |
77633. | Bruce Hammer | |
77632. | Dan | Please remove this terribly dishonest and hateful site from your quality search engine. |
77631. | David Forman | You WERE my primary start site--NO MORE I see several hundred patients each week and will do my utmost to have ALL of them shun your product |
77630. | Harvey E. Goldberg | Very important to be able to combact hate material on internet |
77629. | Evelyn Hirsch | |
77628. | Edgar Gresores | |
77627. | irit naymark | |
77626. | Pat Stein | the site is most offensive |
77625. | Linda Makler | |
77624. | Mark Gluckman | |
77623. | Gabriel Saslafsky | Although I do believe that the First Amendment is extremely important to protect, this kind of discrimination should not continue. |
77622. | ROy Levit | |
77621. | howard gold | |
77620. | Larry Meyerson | |
77619. | Glenn D. Mandel | I wholly support this petition |
77618. | Judith Helfman | |
77617. | steve komlos | |
77616. | bruce ross | removing this site will benefit Google ethically and commercially |
77615. | Charles Weisman | |
77614. | yoni kaplan | |
77613. | Rodger Krouse | |
77612. | hans jonas | |
77611. | Melvin Linden | |
77610. | Robin Lash | |
77609. | Adam K. Levine | |
77608. | Adam Grundmann | |
77607. | Rebecca Wanatick | |
77606. | William Kramer | |
77605. | Roy Levit | |
77604. | miriam komlos | |
77603. | Rose Mahern | |
77602. | Paul Bressler | Please remove!!! |
77601. | S Silver | |
77600. | Gail Sefner | |
77599. | Jessica Overstreet | this website is disgusting |
77598. | Jeff Goodman | |
77597. | Omid Youabian | |
77596. | David A Kachuck | |
77595. | Corrine O'Hara | How disappointing and sad that Google would have this as the first site. What were you thinking? |
77594. | Beryl Sachs | |
77593. | Zach C | remove anti-semitic material that is unjust. |
77592. | kathy hansen | |
77591. | r yuditsky | |
77590. | Lori Snow | |
77589. | Ben Weiss | |
77588. | Dean Feldman | |
77587. | Jackie Lichtman | |
77586. | Jack King | |
77585. | Jeffery Coleman | |
77584. | Jeremy Paster | |
77583. | Dennis J. Lafer | |
77582. | Gary Braunstein | |
77581. | carole altman | |
77580. | S | |
77579. | Karyn Drewnowsky | |
77578. | Mark Snow | |
77577. | Debbie Lis | |
77576. | Beckey Siegel | |
77575. | Allison Buchalter | Please remove this offensive site. |
77574. | Marc Dorfman | |
77573. | Michelle Cook | I will not use google until this offensive site has been removed. It has every right to exist under the protection of free speech, but for it to be the #1 search result is unacceptable. I would like to think that Google has higher moral values than to so openly promote hate. |
77572. | Neiman | |
77571. | Clara Fraschetti | |
77570. | Anita Citron | |
77569. | BF Schweitzer | |
77568. | Brenda | |
77567. | Philip and Iola Caplan | |
77566. | D.O.Bander | |
77565. | Daniel Wenger | I love Google anyway :^) |
77564. | Janet Kleiner | |
77563. | Ronnie Sanders | |
77562. | Vera Deckelbaum | |
77561. | Mort Weisberg | |
77560. | Karen Zager | |
77559. | amy & Howard Singer | this is offensive, no need for 500000 sigs |
77558. | Beth Samel | |
77557. | Miriam Lichter | |
77556. | David Caplin | |
77555. | J. Mendelson | |
77554. | Yair | |
77553. | Jackie Wildfeuer | |
77552. | Meryl Schneider | JewWatch is vile anti-Semitism |
77551. | Kimberly Binion | |
77550. | Amy Tuchler | |
77549. | Howard | |
77548. | Sérgio Storch | Google has to face up to its social responsibility! There's no neutrality acceptable toward bigotry or complacence regarding hatred |
77547. | christen Mark Adams | |
77546. | karen Lerner | |
77545. | Avi Gil Dorin | |
77544. | Ariel | |
77543. | paul scott | |
77542. | julius erdstein | |
77541. | Leonard Kreisman | |
77540. | ed aharony | I use Google all the time but was very dishearten that that result pop up on the Google search engin! |
77539. | Marvin Melnick | |
77538. | Philip Glaser | |
77537. | Morry Sztainbok | Given that Google is reluctant to alter its search engine, how hard would it be to create a site that poimts mutually to enough world sites, to supercede Jew-watch as #1? It's current #1 status means that its hit record is augmented artificially, as many people simply searching for info about Judaism will hit on it first, without realising what it is about.s |
77536. | Leslie Levine | |
77535. | barry simon | |
77534. | Egon Kahn | Thank you for setting up this website |
77533. | Ariel Rogson | |
77532. | sara gelfand | |
77531. | B. Fisfer | |
77530. | george miller | |
77529. | Barbara Brown | |
77528. | David Chasin | |
77527. | Ben Levin | |
77526. | aliza | |
77525. | Carol Glazer | PLEASE REMOVE ASAP |
77524. | steven grauer | very disappointed in yor organization |
77523. | Robert Ducharme | |
77522. | A. J. Daitch | |
77521. | Alan Amster | I am going to start using another search engine. |
77520. | Larry Nussbaum | |
77519. | Randee Romanoff | |
77518. | B. Fisfer | |
77517. | Rena Trestman | |
77516. | bruno borenstein | |
77515. | Richard W Planer | Google is better than this |
77514. | don spiegel | This is not just P.C. It is asking for common decency. |
77513. | Shirley Kramer | |
77512. | Denise Gerber | |
77511. | Leon Taub | |
77510. | Lauren | |
77509. | Uri | |
77508. | Shari Nocera | |
77507. | Bob Rosenfield | |
77506. | Ella Lewin | It is regrettable that a hate site gets the most hits! Your relevance criteria should be revised! |
77505. | Deanna | |
77504. | R Agus | |
77503. | Carol Peskoe Schaner | |
77502. | Helene Rude | |
77501. | JORDAN SIEGEL | Remove all forms of hatred and bigotry! |
77500. | Matt Neely | |
77499. | Michelle Moser | |
77498. | Celia Hecht | |
77497. | Sol Goldstein | |
77496. | Maxx Finkelstein | |
77495. | Harry Portman | |
77494. | Gayle Erickson | |
77493. | Harold Talisman | |
77492. | Pearl Zinner | |
77491. | Robert Hirschman | |
77490. | Erica Hoffman | |
77489. | Susan Disbrow | |
77488. | Susan R. Strom | |
77487. | roslyn muhlrad | |
77486. | Lissa Manoy | |
77485. | keri levy | this is not right |
77484. | Sandra Kleiman | |
77483. | Sid Moskowitz | |
77482. | Jennifer Berkowitz | |
77481. | David Arden | Ask jeeves from now on! Down with Google |
77480. | sharon lebovic | |
77479. | Jennifer Abrams Thompson | |
77478. | Jill Weinberg | |
77477. | Tal Aviram | |
77476. | Felicia P. Zieff | I support this petition. I am currently Vice-President of Descendants of the Shoah - IL. We must stop this hatred wherever and whenever it is possible. |
77475. | Laurie F. Reed | |
77474. | Carole Stern | |
77473. | pj maybruck | How hurtful and hateful |
77471. | Beth Goldberg | |
77470. | Blythe Walker | Do it because it's the right thing to do |
77469. | Paula Weitzman | I urge Google as a Moral Imperative to remove ALL websites which promote hatred and intolerance, INCLUDING jewwatch! |
77468. | karen levin | |
77467. | Ari Toderovitz | Â |
77466. | Naomi Fields | |
77465. | Michael Siegel | |
77464. | Jeffrey Isbrandtsen | Profit is fine, but this is just way too offensive. Come on guys, get a grip on your capitalist fever. |
77463. | Judith M. Todd | |
77462. | Janice Zur | Please remove jewwatch.com from Google Search Engine |
77461. | Ruth Plotnik | I am surprised that you have Jewwatch on your web sight as the first thing you see |
77460. | zev mekler | discusting web you should be ashamed |
77459. | Jake Weintraub | Blatant Discrimination |
77458. | Mitchell Kinzer | |
77457. | Helen Paiauis | Remove JewWatch |
77456. | bILL bAROS | |
77455. | Elizabeth J. Kessler-Gore | |
77454. | Shane Rabin | |
77453. | Sam Sheyn | |
77452. | Margaret Newman | |
77451. | Sherrie J. Kramer | Remove that site. It's very offensive |
77450. | Richard Sigesmund | sick site |
77449. | berl eckstein | |
77448. | Beatrice Horowitz | |
77447. | John L. Silletto | |
77446. | Clara Levine | |
77445. | B.ROSENFELD | |
77444. | James M Bell | I am not Jewish, but abhor the violence that is perpetrated by sites such as this one. As a regular user of Google I hope you take this social responsibility seriously. |
77443. | Elaine Stevens | this is NOT ok to have this as the first listing. |
77442. | Ruth L Kaplan | JewWatch probably funded by Mel Gibson's father. This tripe is beyond the 1st amendmant. |
77441. | scott frank | |
77440. | sequerra | remove jewWatch |
77439. | Gil Naveh | |
77438. | Barbara Perkal | |
77437. | Laura Chasin | |
77436. | :Prof. Louis Becker | Hate speech is not free speech! It is like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater. |
77435. | Sherry | |
77434. | K. Purcott | |
77433. | Molly Rushefsky | |
77432. | ALANA BERGER | |
77431. | Tema Stein | |
77430. | L. Huston | |
77429. | Sharon Dembinski | remove jewwatch.com from google! |
77428. | joan | |
77427. | Irwin Drangel | |
77426. | Jocelyn F. Chait | This site is a disgrace to the principles of the U.S. Bill of Rights and to the U.S. Constitution. The preaching of this type of hatred is unacceptable and utterly deplorable. This is not free speech. This is morally and politically unacceptable. |
77425. | kate | |
77424. | Jodi Rowles | |
77423. | JoAnn Solov | Let's not spread any more hatred. |
77422. | vyacheslav kozhebrodskiy | |
77421. | Ayelet Prizant | |
77420. | Tamir Rogson | |
77419. | Susan Katz | Too bad this needs to be done |
77418. | HOLLINGER | |
77417. | Judith R Manz | |
77416. | bruce rattner | |
77415. | Jennifer armstrong | |
77414. | Gerald Sutofsky | |
77413. | Gwen Derse | |
77412. | Fran Stern | |
77411. | Jenifer Kasten | |
77410. | Ira Weiss | Another pathetic site to induce hatred and bigotry. Makes you wonder what they do in their spare time. |
77409. | Lauren Fishman | |
77408. | Becky Benzaquen Abrams | |
77407. | Gerald Raichman | As distasteful as this site is, my preference would be for it to have a much less prominent position. |
77406. | karen elias | |
77405. | Michael Roach | Horrible |
77404. | dan feder | |
77403. | Rosalind Cohen | |
77402. | Dawn Rodman | |
77401. | Wendy Walker | |
77400. | JILL MARTINEZ | |
77399. | Gladys Fichbein | |
77398. | R Berlin | |
77397. | P Sparks | |
77396. | Ruth Bergad | It is very sad to learn that Google has an antisemitic web site. I have always looked to Google for good things but not this. Please remove JewWatch.com from the Google Search Engine!!!!! |
77395. | Marlene Cohen Wilkoff | |
77394. | Dan | This is a gross and blatently anti-semitic depiction of history |
77393. | Barbara Taub | |
77392. | pam teitelbaum | |
77391. | Jean Horne | |
77390. | Alan Albert | |
77389. | Sam Klein | |
77388. | Margot Greenberg | |
77387. | Evelyn Begas | |
77386. | Jack Madden | I am surprised and upset. Being responsible is your "responsibility". Correct your error. |
77385. | Sion Shellim | |
77384. | Ken Danberg | |
77383. | Kim fischer | |
77382. | Joe Goldberg | This site needs to be moved down on your priority list if not removed completely. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. |
77381. | Leonard Ginsburg | |
77380. | debbie dorfman | |
77379. | Julia H | |
77378. | Ellie Moser | disgraceful |
77377. | David Kurtzman, DDS | It may be a 1st amendment thing, but top billing? Honestly... |
77376. | Lawrence Slavin | |
77375. | Andrew Mazurak | How can people be so absolutely disgusting. |
77374. | Chari and Milton Kronick | |
77373. | Linda Durakis | |
77372. | Melissa Wind | |
77371. | larry may | |
77370. | yosi mizrahi | |
77369. | B. Schechter | |
77368. | Gail Danberg | |
77367. | Darren | |
77366. | Ann | |
77365. | Ruth Levine | |
77364. | Alan Richman | |
77363. | Lini Fronen | |
77362. | Karen Makarewicz | |
77361. | Eve;lyn Kruger | |
77360. | Linda Mullen | Get this site off the internet |
77359. | Jane Graham-Roberts | |
77358. | Laura Hemly | |
77357. | DÈBORA | |
77356. | Eileen Chimerine | |
77355. | Brenda Gerwin | |
77354. | daniel appelrouth | |
77353. | Mike Smith | |
77352. | Ann M. Albert | |
77351. | Joshua Sandler | |
77350. | Burt Benoliel | |
77349. | Irene Jefferson | |
77348. | Harry Sonnenschine | |
77347. | Jill Weiss | I just read a comment saying that google wouldn't put up with a website bashing African Americans. If you look at the bottom of the Jewwatch.com page, you will find a link that bashes Martin Luther King. Apparently, they are equal opportunity slime. |
77346. | shimon bazdetni | |
77345. | Howard E. Negrin | |
77344. | Susan Berlin | I don't care if it's not removed but it should be lower in ranking |
77343. | scott hummel | why do we need a petitoin to remove a site of hate and lies google should be shut down along with the site. |
77342. | Ben | |
77341. | Lori Goldstein | |
77340. | Debra Davis | |
77339. | Claudia Seligmann | |
77338. | Nina Kramer | |
77337. | Sima Taranto | |
77336. | karen hart | |
77335. | Sara Eisenberg Bleier | |
77334. | Jak Amado | |
77333. | Joyce Greenberg | |
77332. | Andrea Kats | |
77331. | Sophie Frishkopf | |
77330. | Minda Katz | please remove JewWatch.com from Google |
77329. | sara mizrahi | |
77328. | sam schnoll | |
77327. | C D Ratson | |
77326. | Derek Manoy | To Google - please care, one person can make a difference |
77325. | lisa | |
77324. | nieves alvarez | |
77323. | Nathaniel Silon | |
77322. | Edward Sanders | For Shame |
77321. | Lenny Grossman | Unbelievable! |
77320. | janet l kaminsky | terribly upsetting - that this web site can exist. |
77319. | navid kiaee | |
77318. | Lawrence Goldschlager,M.D. | |
77317. | M.E. Bechtel III | |
77316. | joshua musher | |
77315. | Moshe Nahir | |
77314. | Jeff Waldman | |
77313. | Sam Gold | |
77312. | Marlene Dodes-Callahan | |
77311. | Bob Rosenbaum | |
77310. | David | |
77309. | Dorie Melville | |
77308. | Jay Wolitz | |
77307. | Harold Hessel | This filth is illegal in Germany and France, etc. Does Google reach these countries, thus violating their laws? |
77306. | Nancy Feldman | I'm surprised this requires 50,000 signatures! |
77305. | Aline Rathsmill | Please remove this hateful site |
77304. | Ray Brand | |
77303. | D. Levine | |
77302. | Ram Boaz | |
77301. | isaac mizrahi | |
77300. | Carole Lasser | |
77299. | Ilana | |
77298. | Donald Sargent | |
77297. | Jeff N | evil |
77296. | Michael M. Ference | |
77295. | Jessica Zager | this is a discrace |
77294. | Sheila Brand | |
77293. | Sandy Hoffenson | |
77292. | Allan Cohn | |
77291. | Cecille Taylor | |
77290. | Lorrie Frishman | |
77289. | Albert Schmelzer | |
77288. | W. Hellen | Canada |
77287. | Matthew Haiken | |
77286. | Henry Schmelzer | |
77285. | May Chernick | Disgusting,and should be removed immediately |
77284. | Randie Siegel | disgusting, unacceptable from any source |
77283. | Vicki Zimmerman | The prominent position of this anti-semitic site makes it too easy for anti-semites to fuel their fires of hatred. |
77282. | Molly Maurer | |
77281. | Daniel Newman | |
77280. | Marta Perez | I'm asking for corporate responsibility. Think about it. |
77279. | anne aharon | |
77278. | Claire Salomon | Get a life. If you can't beat them, then join them. |
77277. | David Stern | |
77276. | Meri Testori | Go For It |
77275. | Michael Feldstein | |
77274. | Helen Lander | antisemitism must be stopped |
77273. | Marvin Kupfer | |
77272. | Bernice G andal | |
77271. | Nancy Leopold | |
77270. | Richard Reiter | shame on you! |
77269. | Robert L. Shugart | |
77268. | Brian Hoars | |
77267. | Jenny Bernstein | |
77266. | joseph peretz | Remove or Arrange it nicely! First religion of the world.!!!!! |
77265. | helenablum | |
77264. | Abby Potash | |
77263. | M.B. HARRIS | |
77262. | David Cohen | Prominent business, like Google, need to be more aware of what is on their site, and more responsible for obliterating hatred & ignorance. Isn't that what Google is all about? - The source of learning for the masses! |
77261. | Bette Gladstone | |
77260. | Clay Chambers | |
77259. | Irene Matiatos | |
77258. | Jay Nog | Don't Hate, HATERS |
77257. | Ray Feuer | |
77256. | Jake Gredy | |
77255. | Yoon Shin | |
77254. | Ed Tuchler | |
77253. | Marcy Gekoski | |
77252. | Don Gandal | |
77251. | Craig Bergman | |
77250. | S Greenspon | |
77249. | Terry Walker | I'm a regular user of Google, please remove this from your site |
77248. | Jacques Nicolas | Google Must Act |
77247. | Stephen Grabelsky | |
77246. | carol z congedo | |
77245. | Gail Katz | |
77244. | neil | |
77243. | Nellie | |
77242. | Mark Voskoboynik | |
77241. | nathan potaznik | |
77240. | Gadi Shapira | |
77239. | Laura J. Robinson | |
77238. | Ellen | |
77237. | Alex Kelman | it is offensive and should be removed |
77236. | david w james | |
77235. | Nati picovsky | |
77234. | Armen Donelian | |
77233. | LARRY KALTMAN | |
77232. | monique peretz | Learn to write well about any religion, otherwise I would rather write that the christianism is a derive of Jewish religion and this is true and you know it, and therefore a second class religion! Believing in statues everywhere kissing them (like athees). |
77231. | Debra Siegel | |
77230. | Richard Venezky | |
77229. | lisa cohen | shame on you!!! |
77228. | Sharon Gerber | |
77227. | David Shinder | |
77226. | D. Mandell | |
77225. | JOHN LUPU | |
77224. | irvin berjansky | |
77223. | diane barshop | |
77222. | T.Lyons | |
77221. | diane sweet | |
77220. | Bob Lessler | |
77219. | Elise Gichon-Strauss | |
77218. | Michle Newmark | |
77217. | Helen Schmidt-Sutton | I was very upset to see your description |
77216. | Gayle Elias | |
77215. | Haim Silber | |
77214. | Bernard Horowitz | |
77213. | Judith Lee | this is reprehensible |
77212. | paula potaznik | |
77211. | ZAK TAMMAN | |
77210. | patty belkin | |
77209. | Mendy Hart | |
77208. | Larry Dobosh | |
77207. | clair brody | Please remove as soon as possible. |
77206. | Donna Andonian | |
77205. | Lori | |
77204. | Martin Davidowitz | |
77203. | Ms. R. A. Radd | |
77202. | Candace Vinke | |
77201. | Sherrie Stern | |
77200. | SALLY CROCKER | |
77199. | Juliette Hamilton | |
77198. | mich kass | |
77197. | Michael Batky | |
77196. | harley mackoff | |
77195. | T.Lyons | |
77194. | Carole Mantell | |
77193. | Alan Newmark | |
77192. | Florence Neuberger | |
77191. | Irv Patankin | NO WAY THEY'RE GONNA DO THIS TODAY! NO WAY! |
77190. | Robert P. Blumenthal | |
77189. | karen g. shreeman | |
77188. | Daniel Flam | |
77187. | Lemuel A. Tarshis | |
77186. | susan | |
77185. | Linda Morganstein | |
77184. | Dana Arons | |
77183. | Jessica Berson | |
77182. | A. Michael Kaplan | |
77181. | Stuart Perlik MD JD | |
77180. | Harold Erdley | |
77179. | Steve Steinhart | |
77178. | ANN STRAUS | |
77177. | Steve Matyas | |
77176. | linda friedman | |
77175. | Melisa | |
77174. | Melissa f | Please! |
77173. | Mira Linton | |
77172. | Dr Kent HayGlass | |
77171. | Carol | |
77170. | Wendy Freedman Patrick | |
77169. | howard nisenbaum | |
77168. | Philip I. Kramer | I can not believe Google would support antisemitism |
77167. | R. KATZ | |
77166. | Gary Engle | This is absolutely disgusting! How can you allow this? |
77165. | Toby Kronengold | |
77164. | Michael Young | |
77163. | Marci Galinkin | |
77162. | Stephen Antler | |
77161. | Bonnie Collins | |
77160. | l walters | |
77159. | Andrew Briefman | |
77157. | David Fisher | Google should be ashamed of itself for having a site entitled Jew Watch as one of the first hits on its search engine but it should be even more ashamed that it requires 50,000 signatories to remove it. |
77156. | jack fackerell | |
77155. | Jill Weiss | I wonder how many of the people who pay for a "sponsored link" on google would stop paying them if they knew about this website. |
77154. | joseph khafi | |
77153. | MURRAY PEPPER | |
77152. | Peter Elinsky | |
77151. | Gerald Polinsky | None |
77150. | Avi Goldin | |
77149. | Nancy N. | the most anti-semetic site I have ever seen, would you allow such an attack on African-Americans to remain on your site? Remove it immediately! |
77148. | Mr. C. Bernstein | |
77147. | michelle fliman | |
77146. | Fred Pichel | |
77145. | Sara Siegel | |
77144. | Gerald Blumenthal | |
77143. | Wayne Basist | |
77142. | Melanie Horowitz | |
77141. | Rose D. La Kier | |
77140. | Wlodek W. Zadrozny | Success means responsibility. Also don't hide behind an obsolete XXth century rank algorithm |
77139. | Lindsay Logsdon | |
77138. | ABRAHAM YACHBES | |
77137. | Mira Linton | |
77136. | Lester Geller | Ê |
77135. | Robert S. Siegel | |
77134. | karin koff | get rid of this trash |
77133. | Red Emerald | i am removing google from my search engine |
77132. | BH Spivak | |
77131. | nathan potaznik | |
77130. | Michelle Barrett | How can you promote hatred? |
77129. | Norman Levig | Jacob the Liar |
77128. | Kathy Newman | |
77127. | Richard Lezell | |
77126. | Carl Bernstein | |
77125. | lee silverman | |
77124. | Michelle Barrett | How can you promote hatred? |
77123. | Ellen Shaffer Meyer | |
77122. | dave towel | |
77121. | karin koff | get rid of this trash |
77120. | Naya Evans | |
77119. | len handler | |
77118. | Bruce Witchel | |
77117. | Aaron Amar | please remove this website |
77116. | Harriet Wasserman | |
77115. | Debra Radzik | |
77114. | Andrew Alpert | |
77113. | Aaron Mann | |
77112. | Adrienne Mayer | |
77111. | Eli Kotler | |
77110. | CB & Maryon Brooks | |
77109. | Todd Winnick | |
77108. | John Allan | |
77107. | Rosie | |
77106. | Karen Gorsky | |
77105. | Janice F Hill | Remove this antisemetic sight |
77104. | E Epstein | |
77103. | Aleen Grabow | |
77102. | Jordan Chochinov | |
77101. | donald liss | |
77100. | diana gamarnik | |
77099. | Yehoshua Wallenstein | |
77098. | Richard French | |
77097. | Debra Landsberger | |
77096. | Herman Pardes | It shouldn't require that many signatures |
77095. | Daniel V. Davis | |
77094. | Herman Pardes | It shouldn't require that many signatures |
77093. | Andrew Alpert | |
77092. | Richard Ginsburg | so painful- I can't believe it! |
77091. | Yehoshua Wallenstein | |
77090. | Peter A Rosenthal | |
77089. | Herman Pardes | It shouldn't require that many signatures |
77088. | Steven Feder | |
77087. | Moshe Shak | |
77086. | Laura O'Tell | |
77085. | Don Gandal | I hope Google keeps their word. It's a shame that Google does not police themselves. |
77084. | Felice Young | |
77083. | Felice Young | |
77082. | david nathan | |
77081. | Mike Moghrabi | |
77080. | Phyllis Marks | |
77079. | Jeffry Wells | |
77078. | Lorna Michaelson | |
77077. | hazel kuperholz | |
77076. | Albert Kalimian | |
77075. | marilyn lipson | we must get this done NOW |
77074. | Rebecca Y. | I support ya |
77073. | Jane Alexander | |
77072. | Toby Waldorf | The right to free speech should not supercede common sense. |
77071. | Robin Sforza | |
77070. | Gary Steigerwald | |
77069. | Jenny and Gil Suman | |
77068. | Brian Kleinman | Remove this disgusting website |
77067. | Sophie L. Lovinger | |
77066. | Rhona Cummings | |
77065. | Mark Needel | |
77064. | Sara Shiewitz | I had a look at the site. It's disgusting. I'm appalled that Google would allow this. Shame on you! |
77063. | dena sperling | this is a disgrace |
77062. | Liz Uligian | |
77061. | Sydney S. Richman | |
77060. | Claire Bottomley | |
77059. | Irene Wolinsky | |
77058. | Carole Beams | |
77057. | Scott | This is disgusting take this off ASAP!!! |
77056. | gabe godin | |
77055. | Anne Amster | |
77054. | Kramer Sumner | |
77053. | Mabel Litwin | |
77052. | Allen Marks | |
77051. | Lia | |
77050. | Laura | |
77049. | Judith Levine | |
77048. | Laura Beretsky | |
77047. | David Katz | |
77046. | julie sadoff | disgusting |
77045. | Hadassah Gordis | |
77044. | Michael Tragash | |
77043. | LEN HARMAN | |
77042. | Julie Benedict | |
77041. | Michael Mirman | |
77040. | Jenny | |
77039. | Elaine Machtiger | |
77038. | Ellen Friedman | please remove this awful website |
77037. | lesley Landau | |
77036. | Linda Levine | |
77035. | edie sitrin | |
77034. | Geri Brunell | please remove anti-semitic material and other racist sites as well |
77033. | Charles Blitzstein | Pity they are the first site listed |
77032. | Milton Zolotow | |
77031. | patricia hart | appaling |
77030. | kathryn b. frank | |
77029. | Lawrence k.Schwartz | |
77028. | Allan J. Tobin | |
77027. | Dan Goldan | please remove the hateful site |
77026. | M.D. SHERMAN | It would be advisable to avoid or encourage religous, racial and/or any other form if 'HATE' activities. This is after all the 21st Century. We need more tolerance in this troubled world. |
77025. | Rick Dworsky | Shame on you for associating negative links with a culture that represents so many positives in life. |
77024. | Nancy Berry | |
77023. | Mark Wahle | |
77022. | Rita H. Palmer | pLEASE REMOVE FROM YOUR SITE. |
77021. | judith meller | |
77020. | melissa kuruc | this website is a disgrace to the jewish race |
77019. | Jared Polsky | |
77018. | Jann Fractor | |
77017. | Fred Blumfield | |
77016. | Rachel Perl | |
77015. | Meredith Lowman | Disgusting. You need to remove this if I'm to continue to use google |
77014. | Yitzhak and Ahuva Halberstam | |
77013. | Stu Itzkovitz | |
77012. | Sheldon White | |
77011. | A. Edelson | Remove from search engine |
77010. | V. Kaminsky | |
77009. | Carol S. Berman | |
77008. | jay levy | |
77007. | Julie Greenfield | |
77006. | Edith Zolotow | |
77005. | Fabio Joskowicz | |
77004. | Arnie | |
77003. | Lanny Eule | Â |
77002. | Jonathan | |
77001. | faye belzberg | this web site is disgusting and insulting |
77000. | Amanda | |
76998. | Louise Kantor | It's discouraging that a petition has to be signed to remove the spreading of such anti-semitism. Shame on you, Google! |
76997. | Lewis Teich | |
76996. | Nick | |
76995. | diane joffe | HORRIBLE))) STUPIDITY))) IGNORANT SITE... |
76994. | Mr. Ron B. Tucker | |
76993. | Marian Roet | |
76992. | Steven Jacobs | When it comes to Jewish issues a double standard exists. Google removed an offensive website when the word Chester was used. I will no longer use Google. |
76991. | Gina Fisher | |
76990. | lawrence r gluck | |
76989. | Esther A. Hellman | |
76988. | Jill Noar | |
76987. | Oscar Sam Izenberg | |
76986. | Ronit Cohen | |
76985. | William Karp | |
76984. | Sherri Newstead | |
76983. | mark pirogovs | |
76982. | John F Connors | |
76981. | Larry Trespel | |
76980. | Marilyn Weiss | REMOVE!!!! |
76979. | Howard Carr | |
76978. | Marion Medow | |
76977. | Hannah Hoch | |
76976. | mark pirogov | |
76975. | Kathryn Ballis | |
76974. | mireille manocherian | |
76973. | Doris Chase | |
76972. | Michele Aboaf | |
76971. | Leonard Rubin | |
76970. | Patricia E. Buob | |
76969. | June Swartz | I use Google all the time, and request a change in your search engine! |
76968. | Ronald Tolin | |
76967. | Lori Champagne | |
76966. | Alex Rinsler | |
76965. | Elisa Harrington-Verb | |
76964. | Alan Saltiel | |
76963. | Elana Segal | |
76962. | Matt Regan | |
76961. | Jamie Sigal | While I believe in the freedom of speech, I don't believe we need to make it easy for hate-mongers to be heard. |
76960. | Jehuda Ziegler | |
76959. | Cecilia MacDonald | |
76958. | Samuel Bush | |
76957. | Kurt Malkischer | Google should remove forthwith!! |
76956. | Paula Shimp | |
76955. | Helen Fishman | Please remove JewWatch.com It is an anti-semtic web site. thank you |
76954. | Ann Reif Brown | |
76953. | julie | |
76952. | mandy | |
76951. | S. Greenfield | Such stupidity & cruelty to another human being. |
76950. | michelle frank | |
76949. | chelsea | |
76948. | lizabeth schiffer | |
76947. | Jody MacDonald | Please remove site, Google. |
76946. | Erin | Frankly, I'm disappointed more than anything. I have your search engine as my homepage... |
76945. | liron damari | |
76944. | sam gardner | |
76943. | Linda Smukler | |
76942. | rachel rudman | |
76941. | LAURA HARRIS | |
76940. | Herbert Brown | |
76939. | roberta grosman | |
76938. | Mitzi Eisenberg | |
76937. | Rael Kuperholz | Google does have to find a balance between non-interference and morality |
76936. | Julius Barron | Why the anti-semitism???? |
76935. | susy Mor | |
76934. | Marvin Levy | |
76933. | Paul Benson | |
76932. | susan wyman | |
76931. | June Gold | |
76930. | e turner | please remove this racist lying website. |
76929. | ROBERTA MARCUS | |
76928. | John Preston | |
76927. | Howard A. Chwatt | |
76926. | Donna Paschal | |
76925. | Jack H. Josephs | |
76924. | Helen Risch | |
76923. | anita schuartz | |
76922. | Silvio | |
76921. | mimi barocas | |
76920. | Jason Legum | |
76919. | elyse schochet | take this off |
76918. | Stephen Rappaport | |
76917. | marvin l. kaufman | |
76916. | Rebecca S Mason | |
76915. | steven spira | |
76914. | Mara Mandel | |
76913. | Susan Gulack | |
76912. | Betty Berger | |
76911. | Rachel | |
76910. | Aviva Schotland | |
76909. | Robert Cohen | |
76908. | Lynne Reardon | |
76907. | Jerome Levine | |
76906. | Bertram Schreiber | This site is HORRIBLY ANTI-SEMITIC |
76905. | Sarit | I am appalled at the false accusations I have seen on this site against Jews! |
76904. | Nancy Simpson | |
76903. | Francine K. Rattner | |
76902. | Ernestine Manning | you should be ashamed |
76901. | David Ziluck | |
76900. | Cantor Jill Spasser | This is truly a disgrace |
76899. | esther feigenbaum | |
76898. | Lawren Farber | How could you allow this to happen?! |
76897. | Melvin Winograd | |
76896. | JEFF DOCTEROFF | |
76895. | Mark Rosen | |
76894. | Matthew Fox | This website is offensive and should be removed |
76893. | Robin Rabinowitz | |
76892. | Joan Rosenbaum | |
76891. | nd marshal | |
76890. | steve davidson | |
76889. | Joel Goodman | |
76888. | Joseph Berger | |
76887. | TerriCohen | |
76886. | Gail Stewart | |
76885. | Melissa Calderone | |
76884. | seymour | its the 1930s all over again |
76883. | Tammy Cohen | I think its disgusting that such a site exists |
76882. | robert | |
76881. | Charles F Totten | |
76880. | Sylvia Whiting | Remove this site immediately. |
76879. | Beatriz Rittigstein | |
76878. | steve tipp | |
76877. | howard gilman | |
76876. | Debbie Finke | |
76875. | henry gustafson | |
76874. | Jennifer Candia | |
76873. | Jacquie Grant | |
76872. | Mac Lingo | |
76871. | rebeca faibis | thanks for being proactive |
76870. | Ellen Simon | |
76869. | Robert L. Ehrlich | Google will not be used until it is removed together with all other hate sights! |
76868. | Carol Duberstein | |
76867. | R'bibo Marc Daniel | I gladly sign this petition |
76866. | Rita J. Weisstuch | |
76865. | Robert Browne | |
76864. | Nigel KI. Newman, MD | |
76863. | Lorna Chernomorets | |
76862. | Eva Setton | |
76861. | Gary | No room for this in today soceity |
76860. | Sidney Baron | |
76859. | Joy Danzig | Incitement to hate is not to be confused with free speech. |
76858. | Lissa Kapstrom | |
76857. | shimon weitzman | |
76856. | Richard Miller | Never Again |
76855. | Kathy W Gardner | Please remove this disgusting site. |
76854. | dassi herszberg | |
76853. | Jack Newmark | |
76852. | Sandi & Barry Cracower | |
76851. | Jeremiah Shapera | |
76850. | Jerome hyman | |
76849. | Dave Levine | |
76848. | Leah | |
76847. | Avi Olifant | |
76846. | Rachel Meltzer | |
76845. | Dale | Why would you foster such a site? |
76844. | silvia farkas | good work! |
76843. | Phyllis & Samuel Blum | |
76842. | Susan Rodgers | |
76841. | shelly block | |
76840. | Rochelle Oppman | |
76839. | Harry Greenblatt | NO EXCUSES FOR THIS DASTARDLY WEBSITE! |
76838. | alan rosenberg | |
76837. | Laura Gadd | |
76836. | arlene hyman | |
76835. | Karla Riemenschneider | |
76834. | Ryan | |
76833. | Arik J. Gabbai | For the benefit of your business, and the morality of your character--please remove jewwatch |
76832. | justpat Lowenstein | Thanks for bringing to my attention! |
76831. | Tamar Ben-Moshe | If this is not removed, I will not use Google anymore |
76830. | Loren | |
76829. | Fay Biegun | |
76828. | Hadar Plafkin | |
76827. | Leonard Brooks | Ê |
76826. | J Zager | |
76825. | David Armet | |
76824. | M. Buckwold | |
76823. | Roz Levine | |
76822. | Kathleen Young | outrageous!! |
76821. | roberta golding | |
76820. | Ramin Melamed | It is downright racism and hatred!! |
76819. | David Penchina | |
76818. | LeeAnne Watson | |
76817. | Judy C | |
76816. | Donna Oakes | |
76815. | efraim harari | i looked at the website, and it is disgusting |
76814. | R. Kirkel | |
76813. | Ann Shalov | PLEASE REMOVE THIS WEBPAGE! |
76812. | Jill Ellis | |
76811. | terrie Lorge | |
76810. | Alan Neiburg | |
76809. | Lou Bader | |
76808. | Marlene Cohen | |
76807. | Lisa Springman | |
76806. | David A. Holtz | |
76805. | Michael Wolf | |
76804. | Jillian Chandler | |
76803. | eva | |
76802. | Harley Liebenson | Remove jewwatch.com ASAP! |
76801. | Arthur Rosenblatt | |
76800. | Tanya Wohner | I sent them a note and asked JewWatch if they were Anti Semitic! I also told them that my father liberated a death camp in May of 1945! Garderlegen and they refused to respond. Strange reply isn't it? |
76799. | Connie Von Korff | |
76798. | Barbara Kessler | |
76797. | M. Matis | |
76796. | Howard M. Goodman | I use Google; but you must remove this site for me to continue. |
76795. | Billy Jacobs | |
76794. | Wendi Shapera | |
76793. | martin d. bogante | |
76792. | Kfir | Remove the site. |
76791. | Walter Siff | |
76790. | Inés Cheja | urgent remove of this antisemistic site!!!! |
76789. | irving korman | |
76788. | David Anisman | If ISPs can restrict access to certain sites (eg, child porn), why can't/shouldn't Google restrict access to hate-mongering websites like this one? |
76787. | Susan Sternburg | |
76786. | Marlene Cohen | |
76785. | wendy | |
76784. | karen kirshner | Remove JewWatch.com, and all anti-semitic sites |
76783. | Cyrus Raoufpur | |
76782. | Rebecca Rubenstein | |
76781. | Rita Fishman | I hope you rid the internet of this hate filled web site which can do nothing but add to the world's problems. |
76780. | Philip Yasskin | |
76779. | Stefanie Goldberg | |
76778. | Sheila Plotkin | |
76777. | MatthewSpencer Goldstein | |
76776. | Sue Reilly | |
76775. | arthur glickman | i oppose this anti-religious web site |
76774. | Wendy Lerner | |
76773. | Kimberly Raoufpur | |
76772. | jill farber | |
76771. | Sandy Friedman | |
76770. | Lynn Freeman | |
76769. | Deborah Mas | This is an attrocity. Google needs to put a stop to this discusting practice NOW |
76768. | Risa Huber | |
76767. | Aren Rifkin | |
76766. | RJonathan | |
76765. | Michael Weintraub | |
76764. | marsha | |
76763. | Norman W. Schwartz | It's 2004 ! Get right in your heart ! |
76762. | Matthew goldstein | |
76761. | Leslie A. Berger | |
76760. | Marcelo Blay | |
76759. | Beth Zamostien | |
76758. | Kathryn Aldrich | as an educator I would hope that you would make a responsible choice to remove this site as many students of all ages, who may not be fam,iliar with the jewish religion, may think of this site as reliable and valid |
76757. | Elaine Mills | |
76756. | Michelle Meged | |
76755. | S. Goldfluss | |
76754. | Emily Goldstein | |
76753. | Andrea Cannon | |
76752. | Susan Keilitz | offensive! |
76751. | Randy Bernstein | |
76750. | Joel Seager | |
76749. | david | |
76748. | Stanley Warshauer | |
76747. | Esther Mitchell | |
76746. | Gerald Shapiro | |
76745. | robert horowitz | remove it! |
76744. | MiriamBader | |
76743. | josh | |
76742. | Avie Friedman | |
76741. | dr. bruce d. cohen | it just makes sense! |
76740. | ellen slutzky | |
76739. | Herman Held | |
76738. | leon libman | |
76737. | debbie temkin | |
76736. | Jay Kreisman | |
76735. | Brian Beyer | |
76734. | Jonathan Scott Adler | Stop the hate! |
76733. | Elizabeth Kaufman | |
76732. | Deena Binus | |
76731. | J Gornbein | |
76730. | Shirley Held | Remove this site |
76729. | Hillel Zaremba | |
76728. | Andrew G. Rosenberg | |
76727. | David Miller | |
76726. | jay gelbart | |
76725. | Beverly Auerbach | |
76724. | Andrea McIlwaine | |
76723. | Alice & Bruce Ellison | |
76722. | Bonnie Good | |
76721. | edwin siegel | |
76720. | Andrew Goldstein | Remove this terrible site |
76719. | Arthur Freeman | |
76718. | moshe soloway | |
76717. | Ari Idan | spreading hate via falshood has nothing to do with freedom |
76716. | Renee Raimi | |
76715. | Jodi Feinstein | |
76714. | Paula Yeager | this is a disgraceful website |
76713. | Joan and Bill Haase | |
76712. | Tsvetlena Atanasova | |
76711. | Richard Gelula | |
76710. | Nachman Elsner | |
76709. | Rebecca | |
76708. | Helen Shilling | |
76707. | Cheryl Berman | Please help correct this horror |
76706. | Abraham Azagury | |
76705. | Terry Manowitz | |
76704. | Gay Rosenberg | |
76703. | Val Eule | |
76702. | julius danziger | Please remove immediately |
76701. | Harvey Silverstein | |
76700. | Miriam Elsner | |
76699. | Elyse Goldstein | This site needs to be removed, it is awful that it is there in the first place |
76698. | Joseph D Park | |
76697. | Miriam Elsner | |
76696. | Linda Rafferty | I do not want to log onto the Jew Watch site because I would not ever want anyone to think I was on that site for any other purpose than to verify its horrible content. Therefore, taking Mr. Steigman's allegations as true, I join his request. |
76695. | isaac betesh | |
76694. | Dee Brusslan | A DISGRACE TO AMERICA |
76693. | Scott McGonagle | |
76692. | Becky Dab | |
76691. | Andrew L Graham | |
76690. | Michael Mufson | |
76689. | Lorraine Spielvogel | I think it is terrible that you let anything like this on your search engine. |
76688. | Dr Jeremy Sassoon | |
76687. | Lorraine Spielvogel | I think it is terrible that you let anything like this on your search engine. |
76686. | Ellie Ager | I like working with Google very much, I can't believe you would behave so poorly. |
76685. | Jill Shey | appalled, and not even Jewish ! |
76684. | Shirley Kabat | |
76683. | Bernard and Phyllis Sosner | |
76682. | Helene Silverstein | |
76681. | Fern M. Woldman | |
76680. | Ruth Marlin | |
76679. | Gino Osmo | |
76678. | Stuart B. Gordon | |
76677. | Murray Malin | |
76676. | Danielle | Regardless if 100,000 signatures are obtained, such overt displays of Anti-Semitism are unacceptable and should not be permitted. I am dissapointed that a respectable company such as Google would have their name tainted by associating themselves with things of this nature. |
76675. | Paul Roman | |
76674. | Felice Harris | |
76673. | Mary Anderson | I am a Christian who loves Jesus and His people, the Jews. I am angered and appalled by this anti-semitic page on Google. |
76672. | Fabio Joskowicz | As one can see, anti-semitism is not dead. |
76671. | Avigayil Elsner | |
76670. | Missy Dobbins | |
76669. | Yoad | |
76668. | Sherman Woldman | |
76667. | Janice Sentara | |
76666. | Diane Nuttmann Katz | Please remove |
76665. | Karen Cohen | |
76664. | David Silverstein | |
76663. | hi | hi |
76662. | Joan Hammer | |
76661. | Osvaldo Ridner | |
76660. | C. Preston | |
76659. | Barry Zlotowicz | |
76658. | Sara Kibler | |
76657. | randy diamond | |
76656. | joseph eller | |
76655. | James W. Prather | |
76654. | Mrs D Surdut | I hope we haven't given that disgusting site all our cookies! |
76653. | Arlene Rosenberg | disgraceful - remove this site immediately |
76652. | Morris Stillman | |
76651. | Israel Lichtenstein, MD | |
76650. | Jo | ... |
76649. | Dana Apple | |
76648. | ronit | |
76647. | Ellen Lewinberg | |
76646. | abraham friedman | |
76645. | lina mitchell | |
76644. | Celeste Goldlist | |
76643. | alexander stephens | if you removed "Chester's Guide to molesting young girls," why not remove this garbage site too? |
76642. | Yotam Melichar | |
76641. | Mary Lou Edwards | |
76640. | Adina | |
76639. | duky | ... |
76638. | Jordan Litvak | |
76637. | joan feldman | |
76636. | MAURICE BERRY | |
76635. | Marci Rosenstein | |
76634. | david finley | |
76633. | marilyn golub | strongly urge you to remove |
76632. | sharon sloan | |
76631. | Leah | |
76630. | Reuben Zelwer | |
76629. | Timothy Price | Lord have mercy on no. 70733. - Father forgive them for they do not know what they do. |
76628. | Florence Meshulam | |
76627. | Maura Aguiar | |
76626. | dorit | if you need 50,000 signatures to delete a website from a search engine, i'm counting 76,000 plus |
76625. | adam Kroopnick | |
76624. | Maya Peraza-Baker | |
76623. | Linda Roberts | |
76622. | Nurit Zachter | |
76621. | Sara Ronis | |
76620. | Carol Basner | |
76619. | Benito Minzer | Remove it |
76618. | paul goldberg | |
76617. | Janna Schneiberg | |
76616. | Ernest Nelson | PLEASE TAKE THIS OFF YOUR WEBSITE |
76615. | carol goldberg | |
76614. | Angela Khakshooy | Â |
76613. | caryl markzon | |
76612. | Judith Berg | |
76611. | neil abramowitz | |
76610. | Annette Rubin | |
76609. | ISAAC GABBAI | Please refrain the use of any derogatory language in conjunction with Jew Watch |
76608. | Iris Weaver | |
76607. | Jason | A Malicious and Putrid Site |
76606. | Jean Philippe | site registered by Internet Education at (314) 225 2025-spam them! |
76605. | Michelle Schnell | |
76604. | dr jay schnitzer | |
76603. | Marcia Cohen | |
76602. | Charlene Jacobi | |
76601. | Neil Solomon | |
76600. | Bernice Myers | Revolting site |
76599. | Arieh Wagner | |
76598. | AbeHimelstein | |
76597. | Sheldon Pollack | |
76596. | Joan I Books | |
76595. | v | |
76594. | LOIS FRIEDER | |
76593. | Robert Myers | Disgusting site |
76592. | Sam Schweitzer | |
76591. | Muriel Goodman | outrageous!!!!!! |
76590. | Gayle Sokoloff | |
76589. | jill weiner | |
76588. | Norma JAwor | |
76587. | Tina Landsberg | I'm appauled and completely disgusted! |
76586. | Alex Mansfield | NOthing |
76585. | marvin | |
76584. | noam | |
76583. | Ilana Sacher | |
76582. | marilyn balaban | |
76581. | Marc Zuckerman | |
76580. | Nikki | |
76579. | ROZENBERG | |
76578. | Roberta Swarz | |
76577. | Alida Bunder | Please remove JewWatch from Google!!! |
76576. | Ben Lane | |
76575. | Kathleen Toland | |
76574. | Lisa Mann | |
76573. | JOSE MARTIN WEISZ | |
76572. | Bonnie Dashew | |
76571. | barbara leung | |
76570. | Miriam Palacio | |
76569. | abie | |
76568. | allen danis | Highly Offensive |
76567. | edith blumenfeld | hateful websites such as this should not be shown |
76566. | Irwin Garfinkle | |
76565. | Julie Mishner | |
76564. | Kenneth | Hate must be stopped |
76563. | norman friedman | shame on you google |
76562. | ashley kausman | |
76561. | Barbara Miller | Thankfully, someone first picked this up and is doing something constructive about it. |
76560. | IrisTolksdorf | We don't need any more AntiSemitic poison. |
76559. | Melvin Kline | |
76558. | Peter Cooper | I don't think Google is antisemitic, but, I think that the search engine results should be modified in this instance. |
76557. | Lisa G. | |
76556. | Cindy | This is a horrific, offensive website spreading lies! |
76555. | Gillian Garrett | |
76554. | Kathryn Z. Epstein | |
76553. | Jennie Ruby | |
76552. | tracy avis | |
76551. | Gary Jacobs | |
76550. | brianna ames | |
76549. | Donna Fleming | |
76548. | Marilyn Rothschild | Please do not say anti-semitic |
76547. | Brian Wiener | |
76546. | Elaine Trefler | |
76545. | Alex Azarkhin | |
76544. | Naomi Friedman | |
76543. | Susan Browne | get hate off google |
76542. | Nessim Tawfik | |
76541. | Robin Rothbort | Â |
76540. | David Chasman | |
76539. | Emma Galler | |
76538. | Paul N. Buchman | This is a no-brainer. Remove it now. |
76537. | Mark Lieberwitz | |
76536. | Erik DeVolder | |
76535. | cindy cooper | |
76534. | Eva Greenfield | |
76533. | L. Tannenbaum | |
76532. | Annabelle L Cloner | |
76531. | richard broth | |
76530. | Lisa Beers | Google's fine reputation should not be impinged by alerting anyone of a ill-meaning and discriminatory fallacious site. |
76529. | David Nover | |
76528. | roy tolchinsky | |
76527. | scott p | |
76526. | Ivan Grauer | disgusting |
76525. | Michelle Azarkhin | |
76524. | Joan Bruno | |
76523. | Judith H. Kline | |
76522. | Rebecca Gross | |
76521. | Beverly Freed | |
76520. | Abraham Feigenbaum | |
76519. | Basya Gushinsky | š |
76518. | Lawrence Martin Cohn | |
76517. | Steve Goodman | |
76516. | Beile Vaisberg | |
76515. | Stacy Siwak | |
76514. | Jane Corby | Please remove this site IMMEDIATELY! |
76513. | Louise Weinberg | critical to remove sites like this |
76512. | r. gerson | |
76511. | Ellen MacDonald | |
76510. | adam rothman | |
76509. | Marlene j, Schwartz | |
76508. | Irene K. Miller | |
76507. | Monica | |
76506. | Allon Ledder | |
76505. | ACAlfaro | |
76504. | riki k | |
76503. | Peter Roth | Disgusting |
76502. | dianne shaffer | disgusting! google should be ashamed. |
76501. | Cecil Dana | |
76500. | Robin Steudle | |
76499. | LYNN DALE | |
76498. | Phyllis Benner | |
76497. | Andrea Wershof | |
76496. | margie richards | |
76495. | Caryl Horowitz | |
76494. | Guy Barzilai | |
76493. | liran atiya | |
76492. | Gordon Hecker | |
76491. | Rebecca Lilja | This is an outrage- it should be removed at once! |
76490. | Debbie Yellon | We implore you to remove Jewwatch from your search engine |
76489. | Phillip S. Brown | |
76488. | Frank Tolksdorf | Remove this hideous site from your otherwise excellent search engine. |
76487. | Dr. Stuart Sanders | |
76486. | Martin Raft | Please remove the link to Jew Watch |
76485. | HAL BATES | |
76484. | eugene gerstein | |
76483. | MINDY MINTZ | |
76482. | Mike Mattel | |
76481. | Timothy Price | |
76480. | Mark Jacobs | |
76479. | Betty A, | |
76478. | Rita Codos | |
76477. | Marianne Gardner | |
76476. | veronica | please remove this hate site from your search engine |
76475. | Barbara R. Cohen | |
76474. | Dorothy Bosco | |
76473. | Marlene Orenbach | |
76472. | Rachel Levit | Unfair! |
76471. | b.brickman | you have to remove this horrid hate engine. |
76470. | Sima Halpern | discusting |
76469. | GENE TAUBEL | |
76468. | debra nodiff | |
76467. | Debra Rogowski | |
76466. | Randall Kurtzman | |
76465. | Jan Gelman | |
76464. | Natasha | Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to hate. this website is disgusting and needs to be revoked as fast as possible. |
76463. | Sharon Katz | |
76462. | Stanley Berman | Delete "Jew Watch" |
76461. | Stanley Auerbach | tell big enough lies and they tend to belive it . |
76460. | Elaine G. Sussman | |
76459. | Martin Rabinovitz | |
76458. | A. Levine | |
76457. | Jacob Klein | |
76456. | Charlotte Koven | |
76455. | vivian sherman | I hope it works! |
76454. | aaron bayer | |
76453. | Sandra Hauer | |
76452. | RAFAEL NISSAN | |
76451. | Roberta Grafman | Google is a well respected company. Please delete this web site as it diminshes your stature and business philosophy. This may be legal under the first amendment, but why is it necessary to add this dimension to the reputation of your organization. |
76450. | Andrea Schwartz | |
76449. | Roberta Gold | Weather this site comes up at #1 or #100, it should be removed from being able to be searched through Google. |
76448. | Marcia Danziger | I do believe in free speech but is it so important to support such hatred . Isn't there enough anger and hatred in the world? And I am not just referring to Jewish hatred. Can you try and offer less of that and more of how we can care and help one another. |
76447. | Eadit Rokach | |
76446. | Selma Golub | |
76445. | Jennifer Sholzberg | |
76444. | Joyce Day | |
76443. | Gail Meyer | |
76442. | Jessica S. | |
76441. | danny ilous | |
76440. | Kenneth Mayber | |
76439. | jenny gore | |
76438. | Michelle Slonim | |
76437. | david pilchman | |
76436. | eyal | |
76435. | gail tolchinsky | |
76434. | Avi Gilboa | |
76433. | Hope K. Gerecht | please remove - this is so sad and offensive |
76432. | G. Schwartz | |
76431. | Deborah Glogauer | Thank goodness there are those who are actively fighting this heinous anti-semitism on the web. Thank you. |
76430. | Garri | |
76429. | Meir Scheter | |
76428. | Marcia Karen | |
76427. | Meyer Dahan | |
76426. | Justin Greenburg | |
76425. | YNKX | kill the extremists |
76424. | Ken Weinstein | Google this! |
76423. | Lanny Zuckerman | |
76422. | Sorel Loeb | |
76421. | Barry Randle | |
76420. | john grossi | I support removing this website! |
76419. | carol hydovitz | |
76418. | joyce lopas | |
76417. | Marlyn Thuroff | |
76416. | Edward F. Pelteson | |
76415. | Irma B. Rosenfield | |
76414. | Joel Ross M.D. | |
76413. | esther zions | so "peace and goodwill to all men" except the jewish people. is that the aim of Google to spark and support further hatred. You must ask yourselves would you have a site that is is virulently against any other religion and/or nationality? |
76412. | Z Wolman | |
76411. | Duane Kaulen | Please Remove |
76410. | Shirley Ungerleider | It was a disgusting article. |
76409. | Tom McKinney | |
76408. | Leslie Tober | I'm recommending boycott of Google if this site isn't take off list...#2 isn't good enough, and you have over 75000 signatures, already |
76407. | Linda Bonasera | |
76406. | Janice | |
76405. | Christine Tooker | |
76404. | H. Steinman | |
76403. | Tina Hawkins | That is so disgusting, it made me nautious |
76402. | Diane Lurye | |
76401. | Bernard Cohn | |
76400. | Yael Johnson | |
76399. | SUE SOBOL | |
76398. | Joshua Weidman | |
76397. | Steve Franklin | |
76396. | L Dunn | |
76395. | Yakov Kallik | |
76394. | Lillian Lageyre | |
76393. | Helene Grantz | Please take this seriously. |
76392. | stuart forschner | is |
76391. | Stan Barnett | |
76390. | Leah Seldin-Sommer | I am in complete support of removing this website |
76389. | GEORGE ARNOLD | They have the right to post it as I to denouce it! |
76388. | norman | |
76387. | Lisa Sholk | |
76386. | Lisa Gewirtz | |
76385. | saul | ... |
76384. | joel lehrman | |
76383. | Joshua Weidman | |
76382. | alexis holz | why be hateful? |
76381. | ernest weintraub | |
76380. | Shulamit | C'mon web mavens. Show the bigots at JewWatch.com that we REALLY control the media. Help positive Jewish sites achieve the top 50 spots on Goggle! |
76379. | Tema Roth | this offense should be removed at once |
76378. | Jerry Honig | š |
76377. | Barbara Azar | won't use google anymore unless this is done. |
76376. | jaime brawerman | |
76375. | Jenna Meyerson | |
76374. | Leanne Zimmerman | |
76373. | passentin dana | |
76372. | sasha | |
76371. | Terry Heinzmann | |
76370. | Joshua Lennon | |
76369. | Bruce Kaufman | This website should be removed at once. This is a disgrace. |
76368. | Yael Shaner | |
76367. | judi colgan | get rid of this site |
76366. | Sol Cohen | must Google ceo need to be hit with a hammer to understand the need to remove this abominable site? |
76365. | Michael Belostotsky | |
76364. | sheldon shaffer | surprised Google would accept such junk |
76363. | Joe Ponczak | |
76362. | eugene landsman | |
76361. | Helen Abrams | You cannot allow this site to continue in your listings. |
76360. | Gail Goodhart | |
76359. | Igor Garber | |
76358. | Brian Schneider | |
76357. | Rochelle | |
76356. | Richard Blovad | |
76355. | David A. Epstein | |
76354. | jaime brawerman | |
76352. | marsha jamil | the sooner the better |
76351. | David Rosenberg | |
76350. | DJ Margolis | |
76349. | Philip L. | |
76348. | A.Greenberg | |
76347. | Margaret Kallman | |
76346. | Sandra Friedlander | |
76345. | Jessica | |
76344. | Nadja Goschalk | |
76343. | Heather Drake | |
76342. | kelly jacobs | |
76341. | Elissa Linick | |
76340. | Elizabeth Katz | |
76339. | Carolyn Goldberg | |
76338. | Eytan Navah | This is disgusting and will not be tolerated! |
76337. | Caryn Stewart | |
76336. | Steve Cores | |
76335. | O A Grossman | |
76334. | Eve | |
76333. | Victoria Rutwind | |
76332. | erica | |
76331. | Erwin H. Amass | |
76330. | Mrs. J. Sambol | |
76329. | James Friedland | |
76328. | maurice benchetrit | |
76327. | Sharon Jacobs | |
76326. | wendy sidewater | |
76325. | Anna McAvoy | |
76324. | Marvin Schnall | |
76323. | Don | |
76322. | Michael Seligson | |
76321. | Josh | |
76320. | Wayne M Freitas | Terribly Offensive |
76319. | Margo | |
76318. | Richard H. Friedman | |
76317. | b comins | |
76316. | Myrna Shervin | |
76315. | Jill Cordova | |
76314. | Lily Rothman | |
76313. | T Hoppenheim | |
76312. | BARRY GOTTLIEB | |
76311. | Ruby Eisenberg-Creditor | |
76310. | marsha jamil | |
76309. | Wendy Frosh | |
76308. | JEROME KINTZER | |
76307. | Jan Fillinger | |
76306. | Simon Hatfield | |
76305. | BARRY LIEBERMAN | |
76304. | Julie Streiker | |
76303. | Jordana Nahum | |
76302. | Bella Morse | |
76301. | Emily C. | |
76300. | a kreitzer | |
76299. | Charles Sawyers | |
76298. | Megan Cutter | |
76297. | Judith A. Beerney | |
76296. | chaim dubin | |
76295. | Irene Breslaw Grapel | |
76294. | Paul S. Cohen] | |
76293. | Judith k Heim | |
76292. | michael steiman | |
76291. | Lisa Stein | |
76290. | Jeremy Clive | |
76289. | G Port | This is of great concern from such a large Co. |
76288. | Paul Rosenbaum | |
76287. | Susie Gaffin | |
76286. | Stewart Kahn | Shame on Google |
76285. | alex r | |
76284. | marcia christie | |
76283. | E. J. RESNICK | |
76282. | carol suchman | |
76281. | Teena Wildman | |
76280. | Eric Stein | This is pathetic |
76279. | Deanna Ross | There is enough hate in the world without adding to it. |
76278. | Bob Madison | |
76277. | Jaime Schapiro | |
76276. | ariel weksler | |
76275. | Ken Morse | |
76274. | S. Toufer | |
76273. | LARRY FLAYTON | |
76272. | Matt Bendavid | |
76271. | doris payson | |
76270. | Joan Adickman | |
76269. | Leon Sher | |
76268. | Jessy | |
76267. | Esther Schwartz | |
76266. | Marion Diamond | |
76265. | Bruce H Dick | Please remove hate sites from your search engine |
76264. | ariella | THIS IS HORRIBLE |
76263. | Sue Goldberg | |
76262. | Dave B | |
76261. | Lindsey Baim | |
76260. | Imoen No'Dolan | |
76259. | carl ruby | |
76258. | Beverly Weiss | remove anti-semitic hatemail |
76257. | Chuck Watts | |
76256. | Andrea Heller | |
76255. | Gretchen A Brown | |
76254. | Frances Wonrac | |
76253. | P. Bader | |
76252. | Larry Harris | |
76251. | Stephen E Cassell | |
76250. | Randy Polansky | |
76249. | Arnold Lewis | |
76248. | Harry Gross | |
76246. | andrew | |
76245. | Howard Millman | If you do not wish to remove the site then at least lower its listing |
76244. | Doris Berson | do you also have a Christian watch, or a black watch? |
76243. | Barry A. Bernstein | |
76242. | norman forgash | |
76241. | nancy-jo feinberg | |
76240. | Madilyn Guss | |
76239. | Dr. Sanford Rubinstein | |
76238. | Michele Jacobs | |
76237. | Alex F | |
76236. | Mark Rubinstein | |
76235. | Edward J Gouvier Jr | my boss is a jewish carpenter - GOOGLE should mind their store better |
76234. | Irving J Klein | |
76233. | Matthew Schreier | |
76232. | Richard Fuiman | |
76231. | Joel Flatt | |
76230. | Beverly A. Ross | Please remove this from your site |
76229. | Isabel Manning | |
76228. | Alanna Richter | |
76227. | Paulo Schenberg | |
76226. | Richard Duchin | |
76225. | Renee Katz | Please remove this anti-semitic site! |
76224. | Barry Henry | Please remove the web site Jewwatch.com from Google |
76223. | Natalie Orlofsky | |
76222. | Rochelle Brown | |
76221. | Lynn Goldberg | |
76220. | Robert Singer | |
76219. | Linda K. Schwartz | |
76218. | Deborah Remer | |
76217. | Susan Bolotin | |
76216. | Rebecca Zimmerman | |
76215. | Beth Fagin Payan | I will not use google until this is removed |
76214. | Jeremy D. Schmahmann | |
76213. | Todd Kislak | |
76212. | M. Jennifer Markus | |
76211. | Irm Duchin | |
76210. | Robin Polishook | antisemitism must be stopped |
76209. | Leah Mann | urgent action required |
76208. | Nathan Weinstein | |
76207. | Ilene & Abraham Haklay | most distasteful |
76206. | Victor Elnecave | |
76205. | Paula Korelitz | While I do believe there should be freedom of speech, I don't believe that the proliferation of any type of ethnic hate material should be so readily available. To me this is is akin to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. |
76204. | gussie schulman | peace |
76203. | Alec Raphael | |
76202. | Janice | please rid of the sight |
76201. | Melanie Kutnick | |
76200. | maayan kreitzman | |
76199. | Gerald B. Weiner | |
76198. | yael viner | |
76197. | Jinny Lieberman | |
76196. | Marilyn Feltenberger | Remove JewWatch |
76195. | Stephen Perle | |
76194. | jason lieb | |
76193. | Brandon | |
76192. | Naomi Rivera | Please remove this offending website. |
76191. | Mirit Neman | Remove immediately! |
76190. | Natalie Sibelman | |
76189. | Jodi kaplan | |
76188. | Bruce Fireman | |
76187. | Joshua Wolson | You did this for Chester, please do it for our people. |
76186. | Gabrielle Tessler | |
76185. | Cynthia Schwartz | |
76184. | judy podolsky | |
76183. | Susan Efroymson | JewWatch is a hateful site. It serves no purpose but to sink our country into the moral abyss of hatred. Remove it from its prominent post. It is not freedom of expression being expressed but the manipulation of your programming by the devious. You should be smarter than to let them get away with this ugly prank when so much harm may result from it. Consider me just one of the many opposed. |
76182. | Aaron Gassman | |
76181. | susan challen | please change the first Jew reference |
76180. | Kelly Dushek | |
76179. | Anita Yanuck | |
76178. | Caryn Miller | |
76177. | Isaac | |
76176. | Jay Holzer | |
76175. | jeffrey cohen | |
76174. | Susan Diaz | |
76173. | Todd Abrams | |
76172. | Seth Schrank | |
76171. | Ellen Gasoi | |
76170. | Ruth Kraus | remove JewWatch.com from Google Search Engine please! |
76169. | Mitch Magonet | |
76168. | Andrea Linden | |
76167. | Oz Ovadia | |
76166. | Rony Klein | |
76165. | Debbie Cahn | |
76164. | ari | |
76163. | Freda Gasoi | |
76162. | Roberta Apte | |
76161. | ISAAC PAL | |
76160. | Goldie Bernstein | Help us kill anti-semitism |
76159. | Joyce O'Donnell | |
76157. | Stephen Panetta | |
76156. | Sanford Jacobs | |
76155. | Seymour Rosenberg | does not belong in your search engine |
76154. | Jacqueline Sitrin | |
76153. | Irving and Laure Kessler | good work ! |
76152. | Robert Klein | a sad commentary on the current use of internet for nefarious prothlesizing of negativity |
76151. | Harvey Renner | |
76150. | Aryn | |
76149. | Reggie Weinstein | |
76148. | B. Bitman | |
76147. | Sanford Hellman | |
76146. | Charles Klass | |
76145. | Nessa Math | |
76144. | Homa | It is a disgrace to humanity and the work of all the freedom- fighters of the past 60 years to have such a website active. |
76143. | ewer2cute | |
76142. | Frances Seaton | |
76141. | stephanie Torchin | I am very offended and discusted! |
76140. | Mike Kelly | |
76139. | Lisa Merovitz | |
76138. | B Elison | |
76137. | Gabriel Auerbach | |
76136. | Cindy Steinberger | |
76135. | burton m. pogell | |
76134. | Ariella Newberger | |
76133. | Simon Brown | |
76132. | LEO SHAPIRO | |
76131. | Debbie | |
76130. | Joanna Jerison | |
76129. | Aelene Tabak | |
76128. | Jill Klein | |
76127. | Eden Gapuzan | |
76126. | Sara | its bad, make it leave. |
76125. | Ronnie Tock | |
76124. | Judy | |
76123. | Richard Riskin | |
76122. | abe chayet | |
76121. | Sandra Millar | |
76120. | Robert Friedman | |
76119. | Julia Bell | Good Luck with getting rid of this site! |
76118. | Shelley Glick | |
76117. | Jay Rosen | |
76116. | lisa | |
76115. | Matias | persecution delirium |
76114. | Paul Harris | |
76113. | David Perlmutter | |
76112. | Anne & Richard Dorgan | |
76111. | Gary lazer | |
76110. | Dot Ootjers | |
76109. | Ian | |
76108. | Jennifer Holmes | I am sending this to everyone I know |
76107. | Alyssa Ziman | |
76106. | Phil Grenetz | |
76105. | Karen Gross | Your responsibility is to promote tolerance....patrol your site!!! |
76104. | Mindy Fleisher | |
76103. | Mary Jo Kruer | |
76102. | jay heino | please remove |
76101. | Sam Bergman | |
76100. | lisa grossman | |
76099. | Roberta Kirsch | |
76098. | Joanna Everett | Its amazing that this thought process still exists. |
76097. | Ken Williams | Please remove that site from your engine |
76096. | Peep Trappenburg | |
76095. | alexander salamon | |
76094. | lcb | |
76093. | olivia loewy | |
76092. | RON JOSEPH | |
76091. | Sol and Gladys Levitt | |
76090. | Tom Fritz | there is no room in today's society for prejudice of any kind. It will lead to total chaos!!!! |
76089. | Isaac Levy | |
76088. | Norman Cobb | |
76087. | Joe | |
76086. | Corey | |
76085. | Debbie Ecker | The anit-semitic link is disgusting. |
76084. | Danny | It is offensive and irresponsible |
76083. | miriam Davidson | it is disgraceful for Google to endorse a |
76082. | Dax Belanger | disgusting and hateful |
76081. | Alan Cohen | |
76080. | Deborah Satisky | Please remove this website-it's outrageous |
76079. | nancy cantor | |
76078. | Patricia Casanova | |
76077. | Rita Bellingham | |
76076. | Anita Adams | |
76075. | lex ootjers | |
76074. | Alex Samarov | |
76073. | i benko | |
76072. | Hannah McCharen | |
76071. | jen kachel | It is amazing how much intolerance still exists |
76070. | Sherry | stop the madness! |
76069. | vivian greenberg | |
76068. | anna | consigliato da una amica |
76067. | Jeffrey Weinstein | |
76066. | s freedman | |
76065. | carole teperow goldberg | |
76064. | Jenny Smith | |
76063. | Judy Lazar | stamp out anti-semitism |
76062. | claudia gersh | |
76061. | Alan Powell | PLEASE _ PLEASE _ PLEASE |
76060. | Dennis Carter | Never Again!!! Stop hatred of all religions!! |
76059. | i kasdan | |
76058. | Avi Barr | |
76057. | Monty Kobrin | |
76056. | Janet Mercadante | |
76055. | norma walsky | |
76054. | israel mechlowicz | |
76053. | Lois Schwartzman | |
76052. | Leigh Piha | Please remove |
76051. | Jennifer Levy | |
76050. | Judith Beldner | |
76049. | Adam Jasne | |
76048. | JOAN RADEEN | |
76047. | John-Michael Rico | Shameful. This site panders to the worst that is in human nature. |
76046. | Johanna Markson | |
76045. | Hana Zafrani | |
76044. | Daniella Rosenberg | |
76043. | Laura Korn | |
76042. | Carole Ort | |
76041. | Midge Spaulding | |
76040. | Debra Griner | |
76039. | JOSEPH L. RUBIN | |
76038. | Sylvia Hammerman | Shame! |
76037. | Jeff Solomon | |
76036. | Sheila and Ivan Ziegler | |
76035. | Paulina Gothelf | |
76034. | Julie Rothschild | |
76033. | Kay Smith | |
76032. | Catrine Sirotek | Horrible and extremely irresponsible!!! |
76031. | Ari Spiegler | |
76030. | Kay Smith | |
76029. | Sheri McGinnis | |
76028. | Jonathan Greenstein | |
76027. | Segis Cotik | |
76026. | Benita Tucker | |
76025. | Francee Levin | I am pleased and proud to sign. |
76024. | Sydney R. Torrey | Google should know better |
76023. | Lori Progar | Â |
76022. | Segis Cotik | |
76021. | chris singley | |
76020. | Michelle Walker | |
76019. | Judith A. Preston | I am appauled that it takes 50,000 signatures to reorder your search! |
76018. | Bernardo Wolak | Please don't wait to have 50,000 answers. Good sense would pull out immediately! |
76017. | Andrea Sanna | |
76016. | William D. Rutenberg, MD | "All we are saying is give peace a chance" |
76015. | Walter Thomas Taylor | |
76014. | Donald Leibowitz | |
76013. | charlotte | er could you like..........remove it dude |
76012. | Eli Katt | |
76011. | Dorothy Goldwin | |
76010. | Ted Smolanowicz | |
76009. | Beverly Zakar | |
76008. | Leon Fink | email address private |
76007. | vlad zeylikman | |
76006. | Herb Yahre | |
76005. | Andrea Jarach | |
76004. | eitan | |
76003. | Richard Pearlman | |
76002. | Rosalie McGill | Anti-semitism is all too prevalent in this day and age, and it is an continuing insult to Jews all over the world to keep this link in the Google search results. Google pledged to have bias-free results, but this is blatant bias against the sensitivity of Jewish people everywhere. |
76001. | Eva Weiss | |
76000. | Edward Diner | |
75999. | Eric Rosenstock | |
75998. | claudia rawas | this website is very wrong and disrespectful to all jews! |
75997. | D. Halpern | |
75996. | DAVID WANOUNOU | |
75995. | Francine Smith | |
75994. | Adam Warren | |
75993. | Asher Ellazam | |
75992. | Stacy Siegel | |
75991. | Liz Foreman | |
75990. | Laurie Bedwell | Please remove JewWatch. Thank you. |
75989. | NISSIM ESKENAZI | |
75988. | Mr. R. H. Hutzler | |
75987. | Margaret Levine | |
75986. | Melissa | |
75985. | Sherry Masjedi | |
75984. | R Sherr | |
75983. | Kim Love | |
75982. | Warren Goldstein | |
75981. | RENE SAMUEL | |
75980. | Eric Hirvonen | |
75979. | Ashley Blonder | |
75978. | Marc Meyers | |
75977. | Nathan M Srochi | |
75976. | Barbara Zell | |
75975. | heidi nelson | |
75974. | Aron Grodinsky | |
75973. | Jennifer White | |
75972. | Yael | |
75971. | Ariel Pollock | |
75970. | Avi Goldstein | Is this what we want our children seeing when they search for "jew" for a research project? |
75969. | claire riegel | |
75968. | Dina Raichel | |
75967. | Tanya | |
75966. | Nancy Case | Thank you for removing this from your list, esp. as first site |
75965. | Harvey J. Krasner | |
75964. | Leslie P. Michelson | |
75963. | Greer Kudon | |
75962. | Daniel Goldberg | |
75961. | Robin Simpson | |
75960. | Janice Fisher | |
75959. | Chaya Friedmann | urgent to remove site |
75958. | David Solomon | |
75957. | Nir Wargocz | |
75956. | Karen Orlin-Lavi | |
75955. | Sandra Mesh | |
75954. | Lana Fields | |
75953. | miriam shalom | |
75952. | david cohen | |
75951. | TEN | |
75950. | Barbara Federlin | |
75949. | Elaine Sako | |
75948. | Todd Paul | |
75947. | Eileen Kalter | |
75946. | Roberta Black | |
75945. | Eric | |
75944. | Shiri | REMOVE IT PLZ!!! |
75943. | Ruth Malnikov | |
75942. | Jack Terry | |
75941. | Joni LaCentra | |
75940. | Marlene McAlevey | |
75939. | hushang molayem | |
75938. | Alexie Graham | This is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
75937. | Patty Kelrick | |
75936. | Stanley I. Rubin | |
75935. | Ariel Brodsky | jewwatch.com is an extremely offensive, degrating and anti-semitic website that should be immediately taken down. |
75934. | Lisa Avedon | |
75933. | tom asarch | |
75931. | Hope | |
75930. | Joseph Dunsay | |
75929. | Barry A. Weiss | |
75928. | Rosalie Wallace | Ê |
75927. | Joanne | this is disgusting and must be removed immediatly |
75926. | Amy Abel | |
75925. | Sue Zarrett | |
75924. | Martin S. Kornbluh | none |
75923. | Beth Mantz Steindecker | |
75922. | Gary Perlman | |
75921. | Rebecca Resnik | I urge you to modify the search parameters. It is offensive that it comes up first under keyword Jew. Imagine if a child porn site came up first in a search under child or porn! Or a Racist site came up first under search for African American. Google must have some degree of accountability. |
75920. | Susan Horn | |
75919. | Mark Nicely | |
75918. | Douglas R. Bowes | |
75917. | Eileen Keller | |
75916. | Rafaelov Yosef | |
75915. | s. Abelkop | |
75914. | Yaffa Blanshay | |
75913. | Adam Darryls | |
75912. | Steven Fisher | |
75911. | michael h. appell | STOP THE HATRED NOW |
75910. | Sharon Hoffman | Hatred just breeds more hatred--remove this link from your site, Please! |
75909. | Rhona Kamer | |
75908. | Timothy McCown Reynolds | |
75907. | Allison Ungar | |
75906. | Assaf Rotem | I think you should get that website off your search engine before i start a riot |
75905. | Virginia Gorham Wagner | I will make msn my new search engine due to your anti-semitic behavior. |
75904. | Lacy Anne Dial | |
75903. | Harriet Goldfluss | |
75902. | Jhon Crowder | |
75901. | Joanne Dragunoff | |
75900. | Suzanne Cane | If you do not remove it - and all other such sites, I will NEVER use Google again. |
75899. | Adriana Weinberg | |
75898. | Matt Sherman | |
75897. | Allison Ungar | |
75896. | Debbie Katz | |
75895. | Mary Seibert | |
75894. | Alissa D Duel | |
75893. | Jeffrey G. Weiss | |
75892. | Myra Hushansky | remove immediately, spreading hate is not spreading information |
75891. | Barbara Federlin | |
75890. | Sam Golden | |
75889. | Roberta Teitelbum | |
75888. | Amy Kublin | Google should not have allowed this site to be listed in the search engine |
75887. | Eric Hirvonen | |
75886. | Matt Sherman | |
75885. | Hope | |
75884. | I. J. Paul | |
75883. | Ellen Fox | |
75882. | halen | There is enough hate and mis-information. Why add to it. |
75881. | ruth leibson | |
75880. | Michael A. Schallman | |
75879. | Jeffrey G. Weiss | |
75878. | James Buchanan | we support the petition |
75877. | Jordan Garelick | |
75876. | cheryl hirschhorn | |
75875. | Amy Kublin | Google should not have allowed this site to be listed in the search engine |
75874. | Melinda Lamon | |
75873. | Ariane Bufum | |
75872. | Ronli Sifris | |
75871. | Alexander Wainblatt | |
75870. | William Hindman | |
75869. | W.C. Brown | I am not a Jew. |
75868. | Sandra Berman | |
75867. | lisa gardner | |
75866. | Alexander Wainblatt | |
75865. | Janet Zinn | |
75864. | Richard Plotkin | |
75863. | Marilyn Wade | I am SO disappointed that, in this day and age, such a site exists as the first entry when Jew is entered on Google! |
75862. | Phyllis Ziring | Anti-Semitic not anti-semetic |
75861. | Sophie Pinsley | Anti-Semitism not only ruins the lives of the targeted, but it also ruins the lives of the targetees. |
75860. | Richard Plotkin | |
75859. | Isaac | |
75858. | W.C. Brown | I am not a Jew. |
75857. | Melinda Bieber | |
75856. | Michael Weissman | |
75855. | Howard Faber | |
75854. | Ray Mitchell | |
75853. | Joan & Jack Orensky | This would be a travesty and should be stopped! |
75851. | Sue Shrank | |
75850. | Jody | stop the hate. make peace with everyone |
75849. | Jose Benaim | |
75848. | Hyam Siegel | |
75847. | Sophie Pinsley | Anti-Semitism not only ruins the lives of the targeted, but it also ruins the lives of the targetees. |
75846. | Delores DonVito | |
75845. | Samantha K. | I haven't seen the site, but I've heard it's disgusting. Everyone sign this petition so we can get Google to remove it |
75844. | Marla Netzel | |
75843. | Delores DonVito | |
75842. | Michael Weissman | |
75841. | john mcmillin | |
75840. | Dorothy | |
75839. | LJ Kettner | Thanks for your vigilance |
75838. | Sherrill Murray-Lazarus | |
75837. | Brenda F. Kapustin | |
75836. | Phyllis Nathan | I will not support google advertisers until this is removed. |
75835. | Donald S. Mayer, | I agree with removing JewWatch.com if it is hateful. |
75834. | Lannon Tanchum | |
75833. | Sue Shrank | |
75832. | Mark Komrad | |
75831. | wendy w. costello | Ê |
75830. | w beigler | |
75829. | Ariana Barer | |
75828. | Donald R. Silverman | |
75827. | Britt and Gail Ford | |
75826. | Melanie Shane | |
75825. | Ziv Tavor | |
75824. | Alice Brody | |
75823. | Phyllis Irwin | The site is offensive to Christians as well as jews |
75822. | Laura Forman | This is abhorrent. Please delete this site. |
75821. | amir | |
75820. | barry labell | |
75819. | Lois J. Homer | |
75818. | Lisa Sher | |
75817. | Gerald A. Honigman | |
75816. | yisroel yaakov | |
75815. | Mark | |
75814. | David Bryfman | |
75813. | S. Sierachik | |
75812. | Kimberly Lake | |
75811. | Madolyn Geldbart | |
75810. | steve berman | very uncool, Google |
75809. | Yossi Shachar | |
75808. | Madolyn Geldbart | |
75807. | Margy A. Rockoff | |
75806. | JUSTPAT LOWENSTEIN | Thanks for bringing to my attention! |
75805. | Miriam Felzenszwalb | |
75804. | Anita Cohen | I am so disappointed that google would not act on this immediately. They should not even require 50,000 names. They should step up to the plate and do the right thing. I know people have the right to freedom of speach, but at what cost? Where do we draw the line? |
75803. | Debra Laskow | |
75802. | amir | |
75801. | Liz Ostroff | |
75800. | Warren Goldstein | |
75799. | Zelda Wise | |
75798. | Gerald J. Miller | |
75797. | Keven R. ALLEN | |
75796. | Albert D. Worsham | |
75795. | Donald I. Guttman, M.D. | Remove this defamatory site! |
75794. | Keven R. ALLEN | |
75793. | robert weiss | |
75792. | Rev. Charlene Gaspar | PLEASE remove this site NOW! |
75791. | Gerald A. Honigman | |
75790. | barnett abromovich | |
75789. | JGoldfarb | |
75788. | Rachael Sterrett | |
75787. | S. Sierachik | |
75786. | Elaine G. | |
75785. | Jay Siegel. | |
75784. | Elaine Rubinstein | |
75783. | Yana Rathman | š |
75782. | joan bogart | |
75781. | Francine Canin | We can't wait for laws to catch up with the internet. Let's accept the responsibility that goes with the privilege! Google, take note! |
75780. | Ann Macklin | |
75779. | Elaine | |
75778. | Eric Wehlitz | |
75777. | Michael Newman | |
75776. | francine lapter | this kind of hate is concidered a crime in America |
75775. | Phyllis Holzman Stone | Please make an effort to monitor the kind of websites you have included in your services. This is a neo-nazi style and wrong for your exquisit service. |
75774. | Esther | |
75773. | ELIZABETH CRUZ | |
75772. | William Schofield | |
75771. | jimwalker | |
75770. | Victoria E. Bharier | |
75769. | Ann Todd | |
75768. | Patricia Romero | Unbelievable! Please remove this site ASAP! |
75767. | Michelle | |
75766. | Donna Guttman | Get this site off the web!!! |
75765. | cindy brott | |
75764. | Avital Muth | Â |
75763. | Henri Bensimon | |
75762. | Sharon Yandle | |
75761. | M Burroughs | Please remove these antisemitic sites immediately! thank you. |
75760. | Leslie Fromm | |
75759. | Lara Fishbein | |
75758. | Diane Goldstein | |
75757. | Amy Soranno | |
75756. | CATHY NEWMAN | |
75755. | Debra Lerner | |
75754. | eamand | |
75753. | Rachel Wolf | |
75752. | Jordan Valinsky | |
75751. | Marian Lane | |
75750. | Tami Gamliel | |
75749. | Rabbi Avraham Shmidman | |
75748. | Mordechai Rotem | |
75747. | Rich Sheridan | |
75745. | Mary Burroughs | Please remove these antisemitic sites immediately! thank you. |
75744. | lenny savitt | |
75743. | Donald Kohn | |
75742. | Sara Kase | |
75741. | Gregory Lattanzi | |
75740. | Joel | |
75739. | Leah Rapaport | |
75738. | mary | I'm shocked Google would even post such a site |
75737. | Eric Kornstein | |
75736. | Joe Goldenson | |
75735. | marvin katz | |
75734. | Phyllis Roth | |
75733. | Shari Kanefsky | |
75732. | andrea mok | |
75731. | Ilana Farkas | |
75730. | Howard Harrow | |
75729. | Rebecca Przybyla | |
75728. | Matt Cohen | |
75726. | Florine Bender Marks | |
75725. | Marcia Berkowitz | Google should not sit idly by & allow a hate group to flourish |
75724. | Lynn Weintraub-Purther | |
75723. | Aleta Heir | Get rid of the anti-semitic website |
75722. | David Lederman | |
75721. | s bernard | |
75720. | Gil Riegler | I am against all acts of hate commited against minorities |
75719. | Gena Berlett | Jew Haters Are Uncivilized Trash & Not Free Speech Activists |
75718. | Sylvia Gilinsky | This is disgraceful |
75717. | Haviva Goldman | |
75716. | Sarah Keffer | |
75715. | eli rottenberg | |
75714. | JAY SEGAL | |
75713. | Albert Stone | This is so bad and hardly necessary in America and unbecoming your fine organization. We subscribe to you and love your service. |
75712. | Peter R. de Castell | Don't we have enough hatred without this kind of website promoting yet more? |
75711. | Grace Rosen | |
75709. | cliff antis | dimpe it |
75708. | Melina Begun | disgusting! |
75707. | Sharon Lips | |
75706. | Regina A. Karp | |
75705. | Barbara Landy | |
75704. | Narielle | |
75703. | dean palmer | |
75702. | Leigh A. May | |
75701. | Fabiana Marks | |
75700. | hailey | |
75699. | Ellen Bernstein | |
75698. | sherri silesky | this is dispicable...you shut down sites all the time...forcing us to have a petition signed is uncalled for. Remove the site. Please |
75697. | Ephraim T. Jerchower | |
75696. | Stephanie Dworkin | |
75695. | Judd Millner | The site is racist and objectionable |
75694. | Peggy Printhal | |
75693. | Barry Levine | Anti-Semitism has no place in Google; if you keep your link to this site, I will no longer use your services. |
75692. | L. Weisberg | |
75691. | David Klein | |
75690. | Mark Bergman | |
75689. | Marilyn Schaivo | |
75688. | Danielle | |
75687. | chaim Parchi | |
75686. | angie | remove it...now.... |
75685. | Gene Seltzer | |
75684. | Helene Kessler | |
75683. | Louis M. Steinberg | |
75682. | Charlene Engleberg | |
75681. | Yosefa Chana Friedmann | |
75680. | J Linder | |
75679. | Doris Arkin | |
75678. | Faye Abikzir | |
75677. | Adam | Disgusting |
75676. | Fredric Goldberg | |
75675. | michelle | |
75674. | Stuart Levy | |
75673. | Daniele | |
75672. | Fred Small | Disgusting reference to the terminology of jew |
75671. | David Joel | |
75670. | Hilla Benzaken | |
75669. | matthew bell | |
75668. | Morton Cohen | |
75667. | Daniel Spevack | |
75666. | Alex Voshchinsky | This site is as offensive as it gets |
75665. | Ingrid stiller | outrageous |
75664. | Irv Prager | |
75663. | Stephanie | |
75662. | stephen a glaizer | |
75661. | Avi Chaimovich | |
75660. | Larry Samuels | |
75659. | Andrew Gelbart | DISGRACEFULL |
75658. | R. J. Waltzman | |
75657. | Arthur Gerry | By all means, this should be deleted |
75656. | nadia | |
75655. | Pat Ziv | |
75654. | Nancy Schattner | |
75653. | PAUL SHAPIRO | remove at once |
75652. | Nathan Litman | |
75651. | Tim Seldin | I agree |
75650. | Cecile Fick | Please remove! |
75649. | Mary-Joy Klein | |
75648. | Claude Stren | |
75647. | Lori Grysman | |
75646. | Irvin Goodman | |
75645. | Gary Levin | |
75644. | ronnie lissner | |
75643. | chaviva | The disguise of the site is sneaky and disgusting and must be removed |
75642. | J. Ansell | |
75641. | juliusbreslouf | |
75640. | Karen Gillespie | |
75639. | marissa kase | Please take this site off your search engine. It is now the 1st site that pops up when you search for "Jew." Thank you. |
75638. | Wayne Keil | |
75637. | Serge Small | Shame on you Google..remove this abomination at once |
75636. | Mariana Harari Froment | Disgusting, racist, typically stupid |
75635. | Trevor Korn | |
75634. | noah gordon | |
75633. | Tamir Shabtay | Please remove jewwatch |
75632. | Laurence Cohen | |
75631. | ian leiba | |
75630. | Rachel Litcofsky | |
75629. | Tamir Shabtay | Please remove jewwatch |
75628. | Lisa Mark | |
75627. | Tamir Shabtay | Please remove jewwatch |
75626. | Marilyn Strauss | |
75625. | aderet block | |
75624. | Tyler Slocumb | |
75623. | Rick Rose | |
75622. | Marty Jaffe | |
75621. | Leta Lenik | |
75620. | Sarah Allentuck | shameful--propaganda not educational |
75619. | Moshe Suberri | |
75618. | Arnold L. Nagler | |
75617. | Holli S. Wasser | |
75616. | Jennifer Martin | This should be removed in the interest of acting against anti-semitism |
75615. | jeffrey starr | this is a disgrace |
75614. | Edward Barbach | |
75613. | Nancy Voisin | |
75612. | danielle spiegel | |
75611. | Nina Kraus | |
75610. | Michael Harris | |
75609. | sula | |
75608. | Miss K Barton | |
75607. | Walter Feit | |
75606. | Mendy Feigelstock | |
75605. | Paul Ellenbogen | |
75604. | RGlucksman | |
75603. | Jack Weiner | |
75602. | celi raskin | |
75601. | Marilyn A. Schiavo | |
75600. | daphne sherman | |
75599. | Emilie H | |
75598. | Martin Boyar | |
75597. | Joshua Gordon | |
75596. | Lauren | |
75595. | R. Kent | |
75594. | Nigel K. Newman, MD | |
75593. | Lawrence Glaser | This is not a political issue but is Google's being unconcerned about racism. |
75592. | Jerrold L Jacobs | |
75591. | michael kohel | |
75590. | Joshua Gordon | |
75589. | Dawn Rivlin | Let's reduce hate! |
75588. | Nigel K. Newman, MD | |
75587. | Amy Bernstein | |
75586. | Dawn Rivlin | Let's reduce hate! |
75585. | erica hirschhorn | |
75584. | Richard Lew | remove the site |
75583. | jmoss | |
75582. | Adrienne Selan | |
75581. | lester a bloom | |
75580. | Robert Weintraub | |
75579. | Mus Chagal | I am sick to my stomach... |
75578. | Adam Shradnick | |
75577. | Adrienne Selan | |
75576. | joan poltenson | It is very troubling to have this site on Google's search engine as the first option available, or at all. |
75575. | Lauren Feldman | |
75574. | Geoffrey Berg | |
75573. | michael schmulian | |
75572. | Freda Lewkowicz | |
75571. | paul benhamou | |
75570. | Monica Stolfa | |
75569. | Brittany Restrepo | |
75568. | Giora Slutzki | |
75567. | Rhona Schonwald | |
75566. | erica hirschhorn | |
75565. | natalie saadian | "free speech" does not mean hate speech must be endorsed! |
75564. | Marti Singer | Please remove JewWatch |
75563. | Ari Brodsky | |
75562. | William M. Rogoway | |
75561. | Kelly Dalsemer | |
75560. | Wendy Hirshfield | |
75559. | Alex Favelukis | |
75558. | B Posner | |
75557. | Brittany Restrepo | |
75556. | HARVEY GUSHNER | |
75555. | Ronald Combs | |
75554. | Stefan Sacks | |
75553. | erica hirschhorn | |
75552. | Nina Finkel | |
75551. | Nina Finkel | |
75550. | Andrea Ganz | |
75549. | HARVEY GUSHNER | |
75548. | Nigel K. Newman, MD | |
75547. | Freda Lewkowicz | |
75546. | Shelly Broder | |
75545. | sidney kash | please remove jewwatch.com |
75544. | Louise | |
75543. | michael yadgard | |
75542. | Shaun Jennings | Please remove JewWatch.com from your Search Engine. You removed "Chester's guide to molesting young girls" in Feb. 2003 on behalf of Chester England. |
75541. | Bruce Feingold | |
75540. | Giora Slutzki | |
75539. | Suzanne Broad | |
75538. | robert schwartz | goggle should be ashamed of themselves |
75537. | Jerold Jacobs | |
75536. | Ildi Marshall | |
75535. | robert schwartz | goggle should be ashamed of themselves |
75534. | Stephen Baron | |
75533. | Mark Roth | |
75532. | harriet popper | |
75531. | Giora Slutzki | |
75530. | BL | |
75529. | Sarah Klein | |
75528. | emily hull-parsons | |
75527. | Ruthann Saphier | |
75526. | The Rev. Dr. Peter Hunt Meek | |
75525. | The Rev. Dr. Peter Hunt Meek | |
75524. | Estee | |
75523. | sidney kash | please remove jewwatch.com |
75522. | Lance Silver | |
75521. | Robert Scheckman | |
75520. | Ron Behling | |
75519. | harriet popper | |
75518. | Tamar Kirschner | I am a Jew. Please remove this hate site from your search engine. |
75517. | George Monat | |
75516. | Carri Dolce | |
75515. | Estee | |
75514. | Judy Gottesman | |
75513. | Whitt Pond | I have quandries about this, but feel that I must show that promotion of the attitudes reflected in JewWatch is unacceptable to me. |
75512. | Shoshi Portnoy | |
75511. | Raoul Ketko | The site is designed to denigrate Jews and is also broadly racist |
75510. | Giora Slutzki | |
75509. | Jason | |
75508. | emily hull-parsons | |
75507. | Richard Hart | |
75506. | robert schwartz | goggle should be ashamed of themselves |
75505. | Arthur Bobrow | |
75504. | Judith Fogel | |
75503. | Anne Amster | |
75502. | Judith Fogel | |
75501. | Alice Loubaton | |
75500. | E. Garfin | |
75499. | Sandra Wajstaub | |
75498. | Stephen Baron | |
75497. | E. Garfin | |
75496. | Neil Podolnick | |
75495. | Jason | |
75494. | paula rhodes | |
75493. | Jane Goldberg | |
75492. | Harold A. Lederman | |
75491. | Julie Wartell | |
75490. | Ruthann Saphier | |
75489. | Sarah Klein | |
75488. | Philip H De Felice | |
75487. | Norman Chansky | |
75486. | Susan Klein | |
75485. | Mark Roth | |
75484. | rebecca siegel | |
75483. | Judith Fogel | |
75482. | Richard Brenner | |
75481. | Philip H De Felice | |
75480. | Vladimir Fikhman | |
75479. | Doug Hicks | |
75478. | Tamar Kirschner | I am a Jew. Please remove this hate site from your search engine. |
75477. | Daniel Khazzam | This is disgusting |
75476. | joseph berger | |
75475. | Albert Perez | Hate sites, regardless of the ethniciy or religion targeted, should not be on a search engine |
75474. | Doug Hicks | |
75473. | paula rhodes | |
75472. | Norman Chansky | |
75471. | rebecca siegel | |
75470. | Judith Waletzky | |
75469. | Joshua Rosen | |
75468. | Helen Siegel | |
75467. | Shoshi Portnoy | |
75466. | Barbara Solomon | |
75465. | Joshua Rosen | |
75464. | Nancy Horowitz | another terrorist group |
75463. | Roger Kahn | |
75462. | Helen Siegel | |
75461. | Ann Georgia McCaffray | We all belong to the Family of Man... we are all human beings trying to gain knowledge and learn to love. Let's keep our hearts open but still be vigilant in protecting our fellows from ignorant, bigoted prejudice... if we don't learn the lesson, history could repeat itself! Google... Learn the lesson! Get your act together and remove that Site!! |
75460. | Michael Dishowitz | |
75459. | Doug Hicks | |
75458. | Barbara Solomon | |
75457. | Helen Siegel | |
75456. | robert levin | |
75455. | Marina Strauss | |
75454. | Daniel Khazzam | This is disgusting |
75453. | David Mozes, Ph.D. | |
75452. | Martin Levine | I believe in Freedom of speach but not hateful filth that insites violence or encourages other to perpetuate hate. |
75451. | Sarah Klein | |
75450. | Richard Hart | |
75449. | Barbara Solomon | |
75448. | Barbara Solomon | |
75447. | Michael Grossman | |
75446. | Tamar Kirschner | I am a Jew. Please remove this hate site from your search engine. |
75445. | Susan Klein | |
75444. | David Wechsler-Azen | |
75443. | Amanda | |
75442. | Pat Beutel | |
75441. | Howard Feldmesser | |
75440. | Romy | |
75439. | Patti King | Google - I expect more from you |
75438. | Marina Strauss | |
75437. | Sandra Wajstaub | |
75436. | mitchell schaffler | |
75435. | Helen Siegel | |
75434. | HARRIETTE ARKIN | |
75433. | ruth aschkenasy | this is really disgusting |
75432. | Richard Brenner | |
75431. | Georgia Berland | |
75430. | Joshanna Robinson | |
75429. | David Nadasi | |
75428. | tally baruchin-schechter | |
75427. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75426. | Aegina Barnes | |
75425. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75424. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75423. | C. Perecman | |
75422. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75421. | Georgia Berland | |
75420. | fred j cronin | |
75419. | Lisa B. Schwartz | |
75418. | david vines | |
75417. | Dr. Pamela Gaber | This is atrocious. Please remove it. |
75416. | Lauren Katz | |
75415. | Robert Peck | |
75414. | s deroulet | |
75413. | Karen Goldenkranz | |
75412. | Beth Goldberg | |
75411. | Izzy Sackowitz | |
75410. | Millicent Tuman | |
75409. | Michael Weichholz | |
75408. | Margot Milberg | |
75407. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75406. | fred j cronin | |
75405. | sharon hood | |
75404. | Eric (RemoveJewWatch.com) | |
75403. | Robert Plessett | |
75402. | S. Brown Pulliam | |
75401. | Netta Galnoor | |
75400. | Maurice Halle | why act anti semitic when you're doing good job. |
75399. | marjorie zeidner | |
75398. | John Reicher | Please remove this site from Google.com |
75397. | murshli | |
75396. | Beth Goldberg | |
75395. | Susan W. Farkas | |
75394. | Gerald Goldberg | |
75393. | marjorie zeidner | |
75392. | Jay Vleeschhouwer | |
75391. | lior | |
75390. | Jack Ross | |
75389. | Philip Mathias | |
75388. | charles olender | |
75387. | Cedric L. Suzman | |
75386. | Cheryl | Please remove this offensive website immediately! |
75385. | Elaine Cohen | |
75384. | Marci Nugent | Please remove this horrible site. |
75383. | Laura Dolgy | |
75382. | ben englander | please remove jewwatch.com from your search engine |
75381. | Ali | |
75380. | Howard Salik | Remove JewWatch Website |
75379. | Abigail S. Fisher | |
75378. | Stacey Kaufmann | |
75377. | Ronit | with so much hatered this should not be allowed |
75376. | helene tischler | |
75375. | Audrey and David Gornish | |
75374. | Dvir | |
75373. | Tina Apfeld | |
75372. | Andrew M. Leverette | |
75371. | D. Bazinet | |
75370. | corinne joy bagatell | |
75369. | wendy schreiber | a hate filled site - you should be embarassed |
75368. | marjorie zeidner | |
75367. | Andy Gershon | |
75366. | Deborah Jackson | How can you believe that Google is personally involved with these sick animals? Hatred is a disease and sites such as these should come with a mandatory "toxic warning" label attached to them before you enter .Google is only allowing all people the right to the internet,no matter how crazed and sick they are. Freedom of speech works both ways. |
75365. | Brook Burroughs | I dissagree with JewWatch and want it banned. |
75364. | mark berman | |
75363. | Doron | your company is a discrace. Google is forever gone from my computer. |
75362. | Jane Gorbet | |
75361. | David Friedman | |
75360. | wagner | š |
75359. | Jean G Maer | |
75358. | Sidney Malamut | |
75357. | Jackie Schatell | |
75356. | joanne unitan | |
75355. | Erika Fitz | |
75354. | Teri Goldman | |
75353. | Dani Schneider | Freedom of speech is one thing, but when a website incites the destruction of a group, we are talking about terrorism. This website encourages hate and I demand it to be removed from Google. |
75352. | Ross Perloe | |
75351. | Joanna Paulsen | |
75349. | Nathaniel T. Kwit, Jr. | |
75348. | oded meir | |
75347. | barbara blofstein | |
75346. | Nir | |
75345. | Vera K. Grifenhagen | |
75344. | Jared Olkin | |
75343. | suki garson | remove NOW |
75342. | Mitchell Fastow | Deplorable! |
75341. | yuval | |
75340. | Sonia Paban | |
75339. | Phyllis Paula | |
75338. | Lucille A. Reef | |
75337. | Robert M. Rene | |
75336. | BONNIE PLOTKIN | |
75335. | Sam Weiss | |
75334. | David Schrager | |
75333. | larry sagal | |
75332. | Michael Chimberoff | Why even the need for a petition. |
75331. | Jeannine Cotler | Ê |
75330. | Dr. and Mrs. Menachem Gottesman | Never again.... |
75329. | Hayden Adams | |
75328. | Judith Mkam | |
75327. | Linda Schwartz-Wright | |
75326. | MARK DEUTSCH | |
75325. | hanna e bloomfiled | |
75324. | ami sadok | |
75323. | stace | please remove this. thank you. |
75322. | Gary Harlam | |
75321. | Ira Turner | |
75319. | lester stoller | |
75318. | Kirte Kinser | |
75317. | Bob Ascher | |
75316. | Margarita Weiss | |
75315. | Josh Wies | |
75314. | Sy Feldman | |
75313. | Donald Fagelman | |
75312. | Alan V. Wunsch | |
75311. | tammy yahiel | you too can be a jew! |
75310. | Dennis R. Green | Even free speech has its limitations. Get these Jew haters off the top of your listings! |
75309. | joseph scheiner | |
75308. | Alfred Dayan | |
75307. | Paul Griffin | |
75306. | bart i. ring | |
75305. | lori weinstein | google is supposed to be a helpful site with accurate information |
75304. | Ben Markowitz | |
75303. | Shelley Gliedman | |
75302. | Phyllis Pfeifer | |
75301. | Uri Gutermann | |
75300. | Daniel | Please remove this site as it only serves to further the hatred and biogotry that has undermined freedom and democracy worldwide |
75299. | gabrielle conea | YES please remove this |
75298. | michelor dickerson | |
75297. | Amy S | |
75296. | Brett Karp | |
75295. | Marc Jay Pinsky | Discusting Antisemitic site! Should be removed! |
75294. | aproud jew | hatred will get one no where |
75293. | Martin Zeljkind | Hatred needs no further promotion |
75292. | hadas | |
75291. | lauren | |
75290. | Yonina Creditor | |
75289. | Mort Schreiber | |
75288. | Gary Kippel | Google has disgraced itself! |
75287. | nathan r. | |
75286. | Stephen F. Schindel | |
75285. | JoAnn Allen | |
75284. | miriam varadi | |
75283. | Ariel Edelstein | |
75282. | Ronald Finer | Remove this blatantly anti-semitic page! |
75281. | Jenny Coulon | I am appauled this would be allowed! |
75280. | Jessica | although it is no longer number one, it is still high up there. something should be done. |
75279. | Emily Fox | |
75278. | Penina Weiss | |
75277. | BOB YASINOW | |
75276. | Beryl Sereno | |
75275. | MENASHE | |
75274. | Inbal Zingman | |
75273. | Alex | |
75272. | Jeff Hirschorn | Please expedite and monitor to prevent re-occurrence |
75271. | Andrew Wilder | |
75270. | Yana S | |
75269. | Michael Pollack | |
75268. | Ann Willner | |
75267. | joseph scheiner | |
75266. | Deborah Milburn | |
75265. | Ron Phillipson | |
75264. | Belinda Morris | |
75263. | Craig Tartasky | remove |
75262. | John | |
75261. | Calvin Ackerman | |
75260. | PAUL & RUTH MITTLEMAN | |
75259. | Harry Kovsky | Please remove this awful site from google. I use google all the time and this is not a case of free speech. It is a case of pure hate. Thank you. |
75258. | rita moskowitz | |
75257. | harry bayer | |
75256. | Vera Warren | |
75255. | Karen Godfredsen | |
75254. | JILL KROSS | |
75253. | Drew Avril | |
75251. | Keith Greenspon | I have always been a big supporter of Google, but the fact that you would allow a lead result link like this on your site is very disappointing. |
75250. | Susan Weinberg | |
75249. | ESTELLE E. SCHRAGER | |
75248. | alex mittelman | |
75247. | Allan Levine | |
75246. | Jonah Mann | |
75245. | Madeline Kochen | |
75244. | Jane Kulbersh | please remove this filth |
75243. | Karen Miller | |
75242. | rob tom | www.jewwatch. com is a horrible site! it should be destroyed! and this is outragous |
75241. | mort greenberg | |
75240. | Peter Penninger | |
75239. | Rebecca Guttman | It is urgent that you remove this hateful information from your system. It promotes violence and prejudice. |
75238. | Greg Campbell | |
75237. | Alan Abrams | |
75236. | marvin bookstein | |
75235. | helane isaacs | |
75234. | Haim Chasman | |
75233. | Ayala Rahimi | |
75232. | alan pfeffer | Google is guilty of fostering anti-semitism;shame! |
75231. | d'Incelli | |
75230. | a. walz | |
75229. | Connie Heitzman | |
75228. | Tobi Shbiro | There is no room for antisemetism in the world |
75227. | Keren Suberri | |
75226. | Frema Sobel | This site is hateful and needs to be removed |
75225. | Uriya Sarusi | |
75224. | Adrienne Star | |
75223. | Robin Flagg | |
75222. | David Somerstein | |
75221. | Sue Winestock | |
75219. | Phyllis and Stan Footlik | shame on Google |
75218. | hanan sela | bunch of antisemites |
75217. | Charles Jassen | do it now!!! |
75216. | Emily Dennis | |
75215. | Julie Grusin | |
75214. | Marvin Verman | |
75213. | shammai engelmayer | |
75212. | Faigel Singer | Do not allow any antisemetic sites |
75211. | Allan Rosenfeld | |
75210. | Sherri Antonacci | |
75209. | Saul M Nathan | |
75208. | Alfred Stein | |
75207. | Gigi Pomerantz | |
75206. | Ina Lane | |
75205. | Donald H. Ross | |
75204. | Robin Tragash | |
75203. | Philip M. Bluestein | |
75202. | Lila Roomberg | |
75201. | R Marjorie | i would like to express my concern and disapproval |
75200. | Lorne Mayers | |
75199. | Tami Solomon | |
75198. | bruce davis | take it off |
75197. | Richard Newman | Horrible Website |
75195. | Jim Leitman | |
75194. | MAHSHID MEIMAND | |
75193. | Shamoo Goldfish | |
75192. | Jerome S. Kanthal | Stamping out bigotry is okay with me. |
75191. | jaynie | |
75190. | Tina Simber | This is horrendous and hateful. Please remove this from your search engine. |
75189. | hadass | |
75188. | Harvey Jacobs | |
75187. | Carol Rowe | |
75186. | barney faber | |
75185. | Heather Dula | |
75184. | Elizabeth Levine | |
75183. | Betty Kurtz | |
75182. | Marianela Gonzalez | |
75181. | sarah fogg | |
75180. | Barry Walters | Dispicable site, a disgrace to be listed by |
75179. | patricia somerstein | |
75178. | Bill Harris | |
75177. | Felix Portnoy | |
75176. | Corey Omer | |
75175. | Barry Chesler | |
75174. | keith gerr | |
75173. | Rhonda Cohen | |
75172. | Jillian Roboz | |
75171. | Raymond Zager | I'm surprized this was put on the i/net in the first place. |
75170. | N Barrett | |
75169. | denny | |
75168. | Eleanor Jones | |
75167. | david | |
75166. | Jane Rice | |
75165. | Susan Laskin | |
75164. | Mavis Gold | |
75163. | carolyn Grubb | remove the site............ |
75162. | Barbara Woolf | |
75161. | Peggy Forsyth | |
75160. | Doron Tidhar | Destroy NOW |
75159. | D. L. Walker | |
75158. | gerry stein | remove jewwatch |
75157. | Jim Gaffney | Dump these scumbags |
75156. | R. Karp | |
75155. | Suzan Schwimmer | |
75154. | nichole silver | |
75153. | Bonnie Perlin | |
75152. | aryeh vogel | |
75151. | Lisa Swill | |
75150. | Jerome Greenbaum, MD | terrible |
75149. | David | |
75148. | N. Thorsen | remove it |
75147. | Ed Lee | |
75146. | izzy ferguson | I understand that civilization is perpetuated most simply by resistance to uncivilized activities. This site is an uncivilized activity. Please resist it; please remove it. |
75145. | Peggy Hoover | |
75144. | Madeleine Cohen | |
75143. | David Saper | |
75142. | Al Forsyth | |
75141. | Donna Davis | remove ASAP please |
75140. | Mika Press | |
75139. | Steve Heckart | Google should change its policies on this and other similar web sites |
75138. | elias koffler | |
75137. | Steve Raidbard | |
75136. | Arnold Woolf | |
75135. | Lyle Aloni | |
75134. | Betty Ann Smith | |
75133. | josh | |
75132. | elias koffler | |
75131. | Michael Hollander | |
75130. | ruth farber | |
75129. | Lina | |
75128. | Amie Heywood | |
75127. | R.Ravid | |
75126. | miriam golodstein | |
75125. | Mario E. Lewin | |
75124. | Susan Israel | |
75123. | Shari Schroeder | Disgusting and untruths,including Jews started NAAP and NOW!! |
75122. | Karen McCarthy | |
75121. | Esther Gafny | |
75120. | Brenda Etter | |
75119. | mel opper | we do not need to sell hatred |
75118. | Patricia Peters | |
75117. | Charlie Savenor | |
75116. | Julius Silverman | |
75115. | josh | |
75114. | Michelle Bazinet | |
75113. | RITA CHAZIN | |
75112. | C Monaker | |
75111. | Sharry Israel | |
75110. | Donald King | |
75109. | Cecil Schneider | |
75108. | Dr. Mark Gresser | |
75107. | Jo Jo Fruchtman | |
75106. | Matthew S. Robinowitz | |
75105. | adriana goldenberg | |
75104. | Iris Fisherman | |
75103. | Richard M. Kurzrok | |
75102. | Vanessa | |
75101. | David Gralnick | This is a disgrace |
75100. | mel opper | we do not need to sell hatred |
75099. | Joan Ross | |
75098. | Tenaya Gallo | |
75097. | ANDY SINGER | |
75096. | Pablo Cruz | Dios es el juez justo |
75095. | Mary Downes | |
75094. | JAMES NISSEN | |
75093. | Jan Shearer | |
75092. | SHERRY BURGER | |
75091. | Terry Babel | |
75090. | Chava Steiner | |
75089. | Mrs. Haggit Inbar-Littas | shame! |
75088. | Barbara Levin | |
75087. | Marilyn Shapiro | I find the fact that you never responded to my original communication to you a statement that I'd prefer NOT to hear. |
75086. | Ros | Stop racism and antisemitism for the good of all of us |
75085. | Bruce H. Kantor | |
75084. | marilyn Levitt | please remove jewwatch.com from your search engine |
75083. | Marci Sindelman | |
75082. | Yoram Singer | |
75081. | Yaron | Remove IT NOW!!! |
75080. | Dana Laufer | The site is offensive & abominal |
75079. | Tara Johnson | |
75078. | sandy edelman | |
75077. | MAX LASHAK | |
75076. | Marcia Friedman | |
75075. | Yemina Barkey | |
75074. | Allen Gendler | |
75073. | Debbie Berman | |
75072. | Rachel Ben-Avi | |
75071. | Stacey Lawson | |
75070. | Leslie Shearer | |
75069. | Michael Lesniak | This is outragous! i can not believe that google would alloy such a site to appear on their search engine! i am greatly disturbed and hurt from this! |
75068. | Harriet McKinney | |
75067. | nedra kaplan | |
75066. | Stanley | |
75065. | Sylvia Price | |
75064. | Murray Gechtman | hateful trash |
75063. | Tom Herman | |
75062. | Beatrice Jaffee | |
75061. | bernard chait | |
75060. | renen adar | Enough is Enough |
75059. | Joseph L. Norton | I am appaled, as a protestant, that you allow such bigotry. |
75058. | Laurie Ackerman | Please do the right thing and change your site |
75057. | marcela | |
75056. | Joseph Eber | Please remove this offending site from your search results. The Jewish people have suffered enough. |
75055. | Jon Shadi | Remove JewWatch! |
75054. | izzy ferguson | |
75053. | Helen Slater | horrified by this Google Search |
75052. | Adie | |
75051. | Steve Glantz | |
75050. | Nadine Gilbert | |
75049. | Myron Greenspan | |
75048. | Stephanie Wolfe | I'm not Jwish but I oppose all racism |
75047. | Elaine Kurchner | |
75046. | Stephanie Salter RN, CCRN | |
75045. | Herbert Pobiner | |
75044. | nancy treiger | |
75043. | Janet Leonard | please remove ASAP |
75042. | Judy Rogers | |
75041. | Loretta Sophian | |
75040. | Michael Kaufman | |
75039. | Sheri Schoenberg | |
75038. | Benjamin Erlichman | |
75037. | Kristen Brush | |
75036. | Irving Farber | shame on Google! |
75035. | jesus | |
75034. | Simon Strum | |
75033. | Elliott Skyer | |
75032. | Dave Groothuis | |
75031. | stephanie schriger | |
75030. | Kimberly Rothenberg | |
75029. | Moises Storch - Brazil | Brazilian Friends of PEACE NOW struggle against anti-semitism and all kind of prejudice and racism |
75028. | Brenda Wall | |
75027. | Michael Johnson | |
75026. | Clara S. Gordon | |
75025. | Jack Galaun | |
75024. | Mandy Tenner | |
75023. | Lawrence Lubin | Racist sites should not be allowed to disseminate hateful propaganda. |
75022. | harry | |
75021. | Lauri Rosenbloom | |
75020. | Sharon Schnayer | |
75019. | Caryn Dureya | |
75018. | holly small | |
75017. | Norma Kane | I trusted Google to not be political or display sides in a world over flowing with hate & wars. |
75016. | David Skolsky | |
75015. | myke Greenspan | |
75014. | Michele Morrison | |
75013. | HOWARD D. WASSERMAN | |
75012. | shirley nezon | |
75011. | ragi | |
75010. | Jodie NewDelman | |
75009. | David Friedman | |
75008. | Cookie Katskee | Please remove |
75007. | BARRY MANDELKER | This site is probably illegal in Canada |
75006. | D. Friedman | |
75005. | David Savitt | I am ashamed to use google |
75004. | Phillip Perlstein | |
75003. | Barbara Lorge | Thank you |
75002. | Jonathan M. Golden | |
75001. | Kenneth Katz | |
75000. | Arthur Lubeck | |
74999. | Amanda Jeger | |
74998. | Dr. Reuven Lexier | |
74997. | Linda Topal | |
74996. | tiffani maxwell | |
74995. | Paul Heimler | I find it interesting when we are fighting for the survival of the Western Civilization in Iraq that you are allowing this garbage on your Website. I am sure our enemies must enjoy this in all the arab countries. |
74994. | Sherri Coopersmith | |
74993. | Ruth Bloom | |
74992. | Jennifer C | Shame on you Google!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
74991. | Jodi Lederman | this is a horrific website and would like it removed from Google as soon as possible. I have school age children and would be disgusted if they went onto the site and read it |
74990. | leonard mandel | |
74988. | Howard Marblestone | |
74987. | Simone | |
74986. | Leslie Goodman-Malamuth | |
74984. | beth friedmann | |
74983. | Susan Burke | |
74982. | sarah Lurie | |
74981. | Jane Skelton | |
74980. | Joni Goldlust | |
74979. | Ervin Gor | |
74978. | William E. Goldsmith | |
74977. | Arnold P. Gresser | |
74976. | A TRAUB | |
74975. | Groman Aharon | |
74974. | Karin Fleisch | |
74973. | Regina Karpovich | |
74972. | Bruce Diamond | |
74971. | Elliott Adler | I believe in free speech, but to have the JewWatch site appear first on a search is a gross disservice and a reflection of Google's greed for taking their money. |
74970. | Bette L. Lamain | Remove this awful Seartch Engine - |
74969. | Joyce Kanyuk | |
74968. | Joan B. Goldsmith | |
74967. | DahliaOppenheimer | |
74966. | Valerie | If not removed will stop using Google |
74965. | Ellen Mark | you misspelled antisemitism in the body of your petition letter |
74964. | WILLIAM H DE CELLE | |
74963. | alex rosenstock | why accept hate listing |
74962. | J. J. Karp | |
74961. | Karen Daugherty | Support the study of history! It is the only way we can understand and thus prevent such atrocities! |
74960. | Shlomo Winegarten | |
74959. | Ann Weiser | |
74958. | Estelle Irwin | |
74957. | Leonard Sophian | |
74956. | Amy Gross | |
74955. | jeff kelman | |
74954. | Ronen | |
74953. | Marvin Morris | |
74952. | Michael Appel | |
74951. | Alan | |
74950. | frank stern | |
74949. | theodore goldsmith | |
74948. | Bella Binstock | disgusting! |
74947. | Joel H. Brenner | |
74946. | daniel van lierde | |
74945. | Ray Milite | Sick of google to put this on the net |
74944. | David Markus | |
74943. | Kyoko Wyse | |
74942. | george | take your hate out of are states |
74941. | Scott Richelson | |
74940. | Norman Cohen | Please remove this site |
74939. | Bobbi Balis | |
74938. | wilma h goldsmith | |
74937. | Adam Fuks | |
74936. | barbara behrens | |
74935. | arnold molotsky | I feel certain that if this was an attack on a Christian faith of Muslim group the vitreous email would be in the millions. It certainly is an attack on Jews so the groups remain silent to their shame. |
74934. | Randi Cohen | This is important! |
74933. | Frank Pengelly | |
74932. | David Kaplan | |
74931. | Lynne Gilberg | do not put me on any lists! Thanks. |
74930. | perry zimmerman | |
74929. | Nancy Finkel | |
74928. | Raz Chen | |
74927. | Elana Evan | |
74926. | Lorraine Epstien | I think it behooves you to remove this terrible commentary |
74925. | lenny | |
74924. | janet fleishman | |
74923. | Jane Best | |
74922. | Maxine Cohen | |
74921. | MARCIA LEVY | |
74920. | Gene B. Dickman | |
74919. | Jasmina Milicevic | |
74918. | Steven Gales | |
74917. | tomer nachmias | |
74916. | Mindy Berman | These messages of hate, dissension and viciousness should not be supported, advertised, promoted in anyway shape or form on the internet. |
74915. | Andrew Buerger | |
74914. | Mark Rogers | |
74913. | Dorit Fischer | |
74912. | alexander yakobson | Ê |
74911. | Dr. Zohar Nir | |
74910. | Susan Kitchen | |
74909. | Ann Marie Putter | |
74908. | Deana Abramowitz | |
74907. | Murray Kane | |
74906. | robert p. fleishman | |
74905. | Lorraine Epstien | I think it behooves you to remove this terrible commentary |
74904. | norberto benzaquén | |
74903. | steve rubin | will stop using site until changed |
74902. | Barbara Geer | This site inspires hate and has no place on the internet in a democratic society! |
74901. | Ilan Menachem | |
74900. | Ron Lever | |
74899. | tina | |
74898. | Anna | This needs to be removed. I love google, but this definately needs to be changed. |
74897. | Jan Daldos | |
74896. | Laurie Cohen | |
74895. | Larry Schappell | |
74894. | Julia Gustavsen | |
74893. | Shirley Doltis | |
74892. | Dr. Jay S. Paulen | this is shamefull |
74891. | Morgan Giddings | |
74890. | Rachel D | |
74889. | arnold Johnson | |
74888. | Alex Flaxman, M.D. | |
74887. | Donald S. Rosenberg | |
74886. | Marilyn Himelfarb | |
74885. | Hsarna | |
74884. | Mara Schonberg | |
74883. | Evan | |
74882. | sarah nussbaum | |
74881. | Aaron Carr | |
74880. | albeck carmit | |
74879. | Louise Gales | |
74878. | Martin Ruben | |
74877. | David Clark | Take it down! |
74876. | Nancy Farajun | it would be much appreciated if this search engine be removed as it assists in spreading hatred. We have too much in the world now. |
74875. | philip strick | |
74874. | Marc Laibson | |
74873. | Martha Fredricks | |
74872. | Graham Clark | Take it doown! |
74871. | John Greenspan | |
74870. | Bert Rankin | Stupid policy on Google's Part |
74869. | Hon. Richard Krieger | |
74868. | EARL COHEN | |
74867. | Rivka Mostow | good luck |
74866. | Eyal Hahn | |
74865. | Phyllis | |
74864. | Jim Davis | |
74863. | Nitzan Daube | |
74862. | Carol Goldman | |
74861. | Daniel Gurvich | Please remove the jew watch site from google. |
74860. | Jacob Schwartz | |
74859. | Harold H. Fink | |
74858. | Lois Nusbaum | |
74857. | charles spring | |
74856. | Chanie Dinerman | |
74855. | Sue Berman | |
74854. | Peter Cohos | |
74853. | Andrea Rabinovitch | |
74851. | Estelle Saltiel | I will not use the google site anymore if this site is not removed. Googles reputation is a stake. |
74850. | Henry Baron | |
74849. | Jb Weisberg | |
74848. | Sheila Fleitman | |
74847. | A Chase | |
74846. | Sergio Margulis | |
74845. | Roy C. Goldberg | |
74844. | Sanford Barr | |
74843. | avi | proud israeli |
74842. | Judith Amzalak | |
74841. | Yvette Kahn | Diatribe of generalizations, lies. |
74840. | jonathan wolf | |
74839. | Maximilian Vinograd | |
74838. | Marilyn Klein | |
74837. | Gillian Lipman | |
74836. | JJ | |
74835. | mihal | |
74834. | Don Bryan | |
74833. | Belle Markovitz | |
74832. | Tova Weinberg | |
74831. | patti wassermann | |
74830. | David Rockove | |
74829. | Meredith Gierke | |
74828. | Robert Bruce | |
74827. | yoni algaz | omfg |
74826. | Jane Altman | |
74825. | Rachel Moore | Remove the offensive site from your search list as soon as possible! |
74824. | Andrew Ehrnstein | Please remove "JewWatch.com" from your search results set. |
74823. | Hollis Farberman | Highly offensive! |
74822. | Donna Price | |
74821. | David Promof | |
74820. | David Davoudian | |
74819. | Daniel London | |
74818. | Alexandre Blumstein | |
74817. | simone | |
74816. | m. Frederick | |
74815. | Gabriel Pantol | |
74814. | Shani Magosky | |
74813. | ronda | |
74812. | Bruce Palmer | |
74811. | Dr. Charles Klein | |
74810. | Shoham David | antisemitisem should not be. |
74809. | ilene kaplan | |
74808. | M.Lester | |
74807. | Jennifer | This is an absolute disgrace!!!! |
74806. | jessye | |
74805. | Carole Davidson | |
74804. | Sheila Rennert | |
74803. | Sarah Mecholsky | |
74802. | Max Marks | Google are antisemetic in themselves |
74801. | simon | |
74800. | Trevor Harris | |
74799. | Paula Rauchman | |
74798. | rubin | |
74797. | Bryna J. Fireside | |
74796. | Jill Friemark | |
74795. | Irene Coleman | Google Should Act to Stop Spread of Hate |
74794. | Mike Wipf | Please do the right thing. Thank you. |
74793. | Galia Rimon | |
74792. | Danielle Dorinson | |
74791. | Amy Halpern | It is not the creaters of Google I am worried about but what the website promotes. |
74790. | Ernest Gross | |
74789. | Bruce Berger | |
74788. | Richard Aaron | |
74787. | Yosef Kanofsly | |
74786. | gladys robbins | |
74785. | shaindy mendlowitz | |
74784. | david | |
74783. | David Blumberg | |
74782. | Josef A. Bastar | |
74781. | Ira Heller | |
74780. | deborah kara unger | god is in the details |
74779. | Mary Garrison | Good luck getting this done. I read in New York Times yesterday that Google wouldn't/couldn't remove the site; people clicking on JewWatch.com are adding to its 'popularity' because their hits are counted, too. A kind of Catch-22 |
74778. | Rochel Sylvetsky | |
74777. | Amy Lerman-Elmaleh | |
74776. | Arnold Davidson | |
74775. | Herb Herzog | |
74774. | Norman Shabot | |
74773. | James Earley | |
74772. | Marta Heller | |
74771. | Harold Rothman | |
74770. | Joel Rubenstein | |
74769. | Barbara Hopmeyer | |
74768. | Marti Jentis | |
74767. | Stephanie Schiff | |
74766. | Shari Farberman | |
74765. | Gail Grossman | |
74764. | ENRIQUE PERCAL | |
74763. | M. R. Friedman | Please remove JewWatch from your search engine |
74762. | Rony Cohen | |
74761. | Ykaterina Balinova | My family fled Russia to avoid the pogroms Google is promoting. Whether or not it's deliberate hardly matters. |
74760. | SHEILA TRICHTER | |
74759. | Gail Davis | |
74758. | omri | |
74757. | Janet Seidel | |
74756. | Evan Lichtenstein | |
74755. | Chavie Katz | disgraceful |
74754. | Edie Goldberg | |
74753. | Nava Shmorak | |
74752. | idan | |
74751. | Renee Mandel | Google should remove such untolerable adds |
74750. | rachel | |
74749. | Raphael Hurwitz | |
74748. | Jessica Santini | |
74747. | Donna Hyams | |
74746. | Marcus Spiegel | |
74745. | Shiran Baroukh | Come on |
74744. | Diane Cerep | |
74743. | Susan Zuker | |
74742. | Arie Kepets | |
74741. | carreras | disgusting and racist web site |
74740. | vicki lukacs | |
74739. | clara a. davidson | |
74738. | Michelle Shayo | |
74737. | Rebecca | |
74736. | david weiss | |
74735. | Gail Mangs | |
74734. | evey groothuis | |
74733. | Alan R. Speelman | I have already removed anything Google on my system! |
74732. | Susan Percal | |
74731. | lauren patrice nadler | |
74730. | sheila bieber | please remove this site asap |
74729. | Tal Yampolsky | Buy signing this I am agree with the petition |
74728. | Naomi AMIT | |
74727. | harriet rash | this is a disgrace! |
74726. | ARTHUR KADEN | |
74725. | Richard Flaum | |
74724. | Katherine Keegan | This situation is beyond disgusting. I thought shouting "fire" in a crowded theater was illegal. |
74723. | stacey Offman | |
74722. | maryllin levy | |
74721. | Joyce F. Glucksman | |
74720. | Barry Sacks | |
74719. | shadmi leone | |
74718. | Tracy Hardwick | |
74717. | Martin Foster | |
74716. | miriam edelman | anti-semitism is at the heart of terrorism. Please promote listening and support of all peoples. |
74715. | Jerome B.Waxman | |
74714. | TB Levine | spelling is wrong - antisemitic! |
74713. | A. Doris | |
74712. | Abraham Soker | |
74711. | Naomi AMIT | |
74710. | Mark B Shapiro | |
74709. | daniel | |
74708. | E. grosman | |
74707. | David Naden | |
74706. | Alana Karp | |
74705. | Leonard H. Berman | |
74704. | Edward Blickstein | like the Middle Ages |
74703. | Leona Curhan | |
74702. | Marcia Waitzman | |
74701. | Bart Givens | |
74700. | Susan Kreines | |
74699. | Andrea Stern | |
74698. | steve brown | |
74697. | M. Evan | I will stop using Google if this problem is not corrected & so will hundreds of my clients. |
74696. | Julie Finkel | |
74695. | Jane Bender | |
74694. | jeffrey gladstone | |
74693. | CAROLE A. LEFTON | |
74692. | Ann Loeb | This must be removed. |
74691. | Marduk | |
74690. | Ira levin | |
74689. | Miriam Cohen | |
74688. | Jorie Slodki | |
74687. | Toby Berman | |
74686. | Sam Bishop | |
74685. | Darlene Austin | |
74684. | marilyn eisler | |
74683. | Irrmisch | |
74682. | Bernard Wiesel | |
74681. | Sydney Havelock | |
74680. | Anneliese Pearl | |
74679. | Felix Kremer | |
74678. | David R. Sinett | |
74677. | Morris Gelber | |
74676. | Abner Weiss | |
74675. | Vickie Rosenfeld | |
74674. | LINDA FLAYTON | |
74673. | joan grenfield | |
74672. | Sherie Small | |
74671. | L.Kukenheim | |
74670. | Joel Fivis | |
74669. | Michele De La Rosa | |
74668. | Paul Kulawy | |
74667. | Gabrielle A. | |
74666. | Henri M. Bybelezer | |
74665. | Sue Goldman | |
74664. | mike aisen | |
74663. | Maggie Higgins | Free Speech does NOT equal Crime Speech |
74662. | david atkin | |
74661. | elaine clayton | |
74660. | Mark J. Harris | |
74659. | Leonard Hirsh | |
74658. | eyal | |
74657. | marc | |
74656. | Maude D. Bauschard | |
74655. | Hayden Marchant | |
74654. | Elaine S. Higgins | |
74653. | Mia Shemesh | |
74652. | sarah rich | |
74651. | Neil Reichman | |
74650. | Lynda Sposato | Listing this site is horrible. Get rid of it fast! |
74649. | Steven Rossman | |
74648. | Leanne Clarke | |
74647. | Jerry Zeidel | disgusting |
74646. | Dani | if it weren't for jews the rest of the world wouldn't be where it is today. just remember, albert einstein was jewish! |
74645. | Mark Bienstock | |
74644. | david levinsohn | |
74642. | ivana | remove the site now |
74641. | cheryl kerzner | |
74640. | Donald BERNSTEIN | |
74639. | Sara Chang | |
74638. | Allen Kupfer | |
74637. | Anthony Katz | |
74636. | Elliott S. Freedman | Ask Google to eliminate message or I will elimiinate Google |
74635. | selma biller | |
74634. | Rafi Geretz | |
74633. | Martin Eisen | |
74632. | Carrie Firestone | |
74631. | Burt W. Dubow | |
74630. | hillalipman | shame |
74629. | Mark Goldfarb | |
74628. | Amy Heller | This whole thing is disgusting and unAmarican |
74627. | meryl | |
74626. | MITCHELL BETESH | Any and All Discrimitative Sites should be banned from Googles.com |
74625. | susan kravet | |
74624. | Joanna Siegel | |
74623. | Deyva Arthur | |
74622. | Ellen Koransky | please remove this site |
74621. | P. Alan Loss | |
74620. | Libby Adler | |
74619. | leonard lawrence | the web site jewwatch is a bad thing. I've never seen such blatant antisemitism. |
74618. | Inna | |
74617. | bernardo benhamu | the site is antisemit and this sites it contributes for more violence against the jews |
74616. | Ken Golden | Antisemitism hurts all Americans. |
74615. | Andrew Yosowitz | |
74614. | stephenlawson | |
74613. | Jill Rosenthal | |
74612. | Carl Olsen | The Jews need a break |
74611. | Ann Horowitz | |
74610. | Anna Yonas | |
74609. | Boas Berachya | Remember the Holocaust |
74608. | Howard Levinson | |
74607. | G.Levine | |
74606. | RONNEI UNGER | |
74605. | M Bruckner | |
74604. | Esther Goldberg-Davis | |
74603. | Marissa Levin | I am absolutelyu horrified to find this out. |
74602. | Peggy Logan | Please remove this site. |
74601. | Ira H. Meltzer | Please remove the "JewWatch.com" from your search engin. |
74600. | Stephen Gross | |
74599. | Blanche Frank | |
74598. | Irv Shepard | |
74597. | Betty Cahall | |
74596. | Amy Meek | |
74595. | lea peled | |
74593. | lee red | |
74592. | Ernesto Yattah | |
74591. | Nir Oz | |
74590. | Robin Isaacs | |
74589. | Karl Kastrup | |
74588. | k | |
74587. | Joan Mendelsohn | Please remove the Jew watch |
74586. | Audrey Hoffnung | |
74585. | Jill Seltzer | spreading hatred is universally unacceptable and Google which is a fantastic search engine needs to be aware and responsible not to support this kind of activity. |
74584. | Robert Dunn | |
74583. | Otto Friedmann | Remove! Lies via www to instigate HATE |
74582. | Ellen Brodbar | |
74581. | Shulamit Wolfe Stander | |
74580. | David Cook | Its full of hate |
74579. | Shoshanah Wolfson | in 2004 it is a shame that new technology proliferates anit-semitism, when it can be a tool for broader education |
74578. | Laura Marblestone | |
74577. | Dave Shapiro | |
74576. | S. A. Tauber, M.D. | |
74575. | Mark Gurevich | I sincerely hope that this is a glitch in your database of some sorts. I respect google very much, but this shakes the very foundation of that respect. |
74574. | Loretta Wein | |
74573. | Reuven Shifriss | |
74572. | Carl A Saviello | |
74571. | Mariette | 73.653 signatures now = more than enough. Google: take action now and remove this dispicable site!!! |
74570. | Tslil | |
74569. | J Raven | |
74568. | Philip Ellis | this site must be removed as it is full of hatred and anti semitism |
74567. | Haim Garfinkle | |
74566. | Joanie Misrack | |
74565. | elias beyda | |
74564. | Bernard Shapiro | |
74563. | Alisa G. Canillas | |
74562. | Irene Jablon | |
74561. | Brian Taylor | an oscene web site |
74560. | Phil Rudman | |
74559. | Ernie L | |
74558. | Glendi Gaddis | |
74557. | Michael Spielholz | |
74556. | tracey orenstein | |
74555. | Gary Garbus | |
74554. | Teresa Young | |
74553. | M.Y. Hirsch | |
74552. | C. Haring | |
74551. | Ruby Kravat | |
74550. | Daniel Hoffman | take some responsibility, Google |
74549. | Yehoshua Metz | The sooner the better |
74548. | L S Eisenman | Decidedly Shameful Anti-Semitism ! |
74547. | Bruce A. Cole | |
74546. | Robert Goldstein | |
74545. | Jeff Tacturn | |
74544. | len gumley, Lt/Col USAF(ret) | This is not what I served 32 years for. |
74543. | Astrid | |
74542. | Adam | |
74541. | emily green | |
74540. | Bruce Goldman | |
74539. | Al Weinrauch | Tell Google to remove it |
74538. | S. S. MARROSO | This is a hateful website; Mel Gibson and his family deny the Holocost ever took place. They are ignorant anti-semites, and the movie is putting millions of dollars in Gibson's pocket. |
74537. | Stan Tierney | |
74536. | Elliott D. Tertes | |
74535. | Marcia Daniel | |
74534. | MiCHAEL BINKOW | |
74533. | Harriet Lackowitz | |
74532. | david silverman | please remove this offensive site |
74531. | Nancy Wein | |
74530. | heidi monkarsh | |
74529. | Leah Polishchuk | It's disgusting that you index such trash! |
74528. | Barbara Yokelson | |
74527. | Grigoriy | š |
74526. | Jason Russell | |
74525. | Geraldine Brodsky | |
74524. | Marlene Lawrence | |
74523. | joseph laufer | please ensure this time the site is protected in every sense!! |
74522. | Jay H.Katz M.D. | |
74521. | Gabrielle Weinreich | |
74520. | Herbert Kramer | |
74519. | Patrick J Donovan | This site goes over the line... |
74518. | Tina | seeing jewwatch.com one of the first entries on your site for my search on Jew is repulsive. The site is filled with such hate and lies about Jews that is rare to encounter in today’s world |
74517. | Heather Greenberg | |
74516. | Jim Kauffman | The exercise of common sense and courtesy to an oft-targeted miniority is not censorship. Bury the worst of America deeper into the listing. Why embarrass yourself? |
74515. | roy | simply anti semitic and anyone who will read it will be misinformed... |
74514. | Heidi Waldmann | |
74513. | Jeff Weinrich | This is a sick website that should be removed from the internet, not just Google's lists |
74512. | Felicia Hirata | |
74511. | david miller | |
74510. | Steve Tonick | |
74509. | Bonnie Braithwaite-Faggione | discusting |
74508. | Vova Chernomorets | |
74507. | Jane Hornstein | |
74506. | lisa batashvili | |
74505. | Lauren Marks | |
74504. | Gillian Davis | Allowing such blatant anti-semitism on a google site done is not only irresponsible, it is also amoral! |
74503. | Lucio Collazos Olazo | Remove it please |
74502. | Gaat Shulamit | |
74501. | Doron Zahger | |
74500. | vivian jacobs | |
74499. | Bernard J. Yokelson | |
74498. | leslie wies | please remove |
74497. | Ilene Veltman | |
74496. | Rollene Saal | |
74495. | Lital Shimhayiv | |
74494. | Rhoda | |
74493. | Judy Lieberman | Given the unrest in the world I would hope you would show some prudence in events or circumstances that would insight or contribute to bigotry |
74492. | Lena Kont | |
74491. | Mara Riemer Goldstein | |
74488. | BARRY COHEN | |
74487. | Christopher Weiss | |
74486. | Andrew Solomon | |
74485. | Sharon Klein | |
74484. | Ilya Lempertas | |
74483. | Marcia Rosenberg | |
74482. | erran mermelstein | This is absurd to have to collect 50k signatures for something Google should remove themselves !!!! |
74481. | Julia Insinger | |
74480. | Julian Blau | |
74479. | iziki | |
74478. | Lorraine Diment | why make it so difficult to remove a clearly offensive site |
74476. | Alan Rothenberg | |
74475. | Donna Nahum | |
74474. | Ilan Rosen | |
74473. | Irwin Meisler | |
74472. | Barry Punchard | I hope your search engine response isn't intentional |
74471. | Karen Lesser | |
74470. | Jonathan Goldenberg | |
74469. | sarina reuben | |
74468. | judith treisman | |
74467. | Marcy Brahin | |
74466. | Yoni | |
74465. | Ellen Koplan | |
74464. | Larry E. Verbit | |
74463. | Gary Ginsburg | Disgusting |
74462. | Lara | |
74461. | Laura Fisher | |
74460. | MOSS | |
74459. | øéô÷éï | |
74458. | Harriet Browner | |
74457. | yifat | |
74456. | Lianne Kolirin | |
74455. | ilana | |
74454. | David Marks | |
74453. | Nelson Grumer | |
74452. | John Packet | please remove Jewwatch.com from the google search engine |
74451. | amit abecassis | |
74450. | Carol Moses | This is sad when we know this site is used by so many teenagers. |
74449. | Tamara Epstein | |
74448. | suzanne sierzyk | this is a gisgusting site |
74447. | Gerald Silverberg | |
74446. | lili springer batzia | |
74445. | Phyllis Schwartz | |
74444. | Andrew Weinberg | |
74443. | odett | i dont think its fair to promote the antisemitism |
74442. | Lloyd Sheiner | |
74441. | topaz weis | |
74440. | Samantha Feder | |
74439. | Robert Crootof | |
74438. | Mitchell Schneider | I am so disturbed by this web-site. |
74437. | ethlynne brickman | |
74436. | judith g. zalesne | |
74435. | Seymour Hurwitz | |
74434. | tom rogers | |
74433. | Stephen B. Fine | |
74432. | Roberta | |
74431. | Stanley Ockrim | |
74430. | L k Shapero | please remove jewwatch.com from your site |
74429. | Sam Ryan | remove hateful web sites |
74428. | Linda M. Lawrence | |
74427. | herb wizansky | |
74426. | Sara Magariel | |
74425. | Robert Seltzer | |
74424. | Anna Jackson | Â |
74423. | Rita Isaacson | Such filth as Jewwatch.com need to be erased permanently |
74422. | Joshua Rubin | never again! |
74421. | Ida Lichter | |
74420. | Vita Baron | |
74419. | Nicole Freeman | |
74418. | Randal Slavens | |
74417. | Jonathan Stuart Mandelbaum | |
74416. | Rose Victor | |
74415. | Alexis Bondy | remove hateful web sites |
74414. | Dan Dobin | |
74413. | grace | |
74412. | Barry Lerman | |
74411. | Lowell Kirschner | |
74410. | abe | |
74409. | Anthony Gilbert | |
74408. | Andy Bondy | remove hateful web sites |
74407. | Judy Dobin | |
74406. | marsha block | |
74405. | evelyn jacobs | |
74404. | Mira | |
74403. | michele Silvererberg | |
74402. | Vitalik | |
74401. | Arlene MIx | |
74400. | Betsy Harkavy-Elad | |
74399. | Jocelyn Brooks | |
74398. | ROGER VILLI | |
74397. | Ram Barber | |
74396. | Yehuda Blum | |
74395. | Benjamin Grunberg | |
74394. | Seymour Palans | |
74393. | Harold Daniels | |
74392. | L.Shinderman | |
74391. | Boris Rabkin | |
74390. | Bobbi & Bob Goodman | |
74389. | Jake | Needs to be removed. |
74388. | Regina Levin | |
74387. | Marsha Bornstein | I would hope that Google removes this site |
74386. | Maya | |
74385. | Hernan Sznycer | |
74384. | Etay Luz | Please clear the internet of racist libel |
74383. | Nanci Brown | This is a very thorough, and thoroughly malevolent, site. |
74382. | Harry Glatt | |
74381. | leona green | |
74380. | Sherry Wright | |
74379. | Jim Bowen | |
74378. | Azriel & Sigal Har-Lavan | |
74377. | Katie Palek | |
74376. | edgardo skidelsky | |
74375. | Ali Marmer | What a disgrace! |
74374. | Eitai Tabari | Please change this immediately |
74373. | steven solomon | |
74372. | Sidney E. Grossberg, M.D. | |
74371. | hayden | Please remove |
74370. | Mervyn Mindess | |
74369. | Terrell Smith | this needs to be removed |
74368. | Rochelle E. Fields | |
74367. | Carol Bieber | let's stop the hate |
74366. | Mae Briskin | This thing is unworthy of Google. |
74365. | Terry Debesh | |
74364. | Barbara Tasky | |
74363. | Julian Pokroy | |
74362. | Winnie Krieger | |
74361. | Viktória Chromèíková | |
74360. | Kira Brandman | |
74359. | Diane Doctoroff | This site is disgusting |
74358. | Golleet Lonabaugh | |
74357. | Robin Bodin | |
74356. | Elia | |
74355. | alvin jacobs | |
74354. | Mark Glater | |
74353. | Ikey Rawas | |
74352. | Linda Cupit | |
74351. | Barry H. Braitman | |
74350. | Sarah Persllin | |
74349. | Sandra Witelson | |
74348. | Richard Paulin | Please remove asap |
74347. | roi | |
74346. | Michelle Glater | |
74345. | Sherri Kaplan | REMOVE JEWWATCH FROM GOOGLE!!!! |
74344. | Samuel | |
74343. | Brigita Gorberg | |
74342. | Rachel Podell | |
74341. | Michael Comins | Ê |
74340. | Paul Jaimovich | The owner of google is commiting HILLUL HASHEM...ask him to ask a Rabbi what that means. |
74339. | fhfh | no need for them |
74338. | daniel wintner | |
74337. | Lois E. Kalmick | |
74336. | Kathryn M. Kestin | |
74335. | Paula Sandfelder | |
74334. | Ami Debesh | |
74333. | Frances Sacks | Why are you allowing the spread of hate |
74332. | Mildred Baseman | |
74331. | richard silver | |
74330. | Abba Warshaw | |
74329. | steven kelman | |
74328. | donna sternbach | |
74327. | lori averick | |
74326. | Shelley Elnekave | In bad taste !!! |
74325. | keren arnon | |
74324. | Sam Franco | get it off!! |
74323. | Emily Jaffe | |
74322. | steve | |
74321. | judith | remove jewwatch----NOW!!!! |
74320. | Jaroslav Kuna jr. | I am university student from Czechia. Damn Google! |
74319. | EDWARD L. WHITE | |
74318. | ROSALYN M. WHITE | |
74317. | lilit | |
74316. | John D. Hill | Hear oh Israel, YHWH is one! |
74315. | Elaine Lieberman | |
74314. | avi | Google will remove hate fromits site!! |
74313. | C. Ron | |
74312. | Howard Reichel | |
74311. | Leo Ray | |
74310. | risa sampson | |
74309. | robert cohen | |
74308. | Pat Plotkin | |
74307. | lynne friedman | |
74306. | JOSE RODRIQUEZ | |
74305. | Monica Marcinek | Please DELETE this website! |
74304. | Joe Wax | |
74303. | FRED GRIFFITH | |
74302. | Rhoda Agin | |
74300. | Bryna Flaum | |
74299. | Lynne Eisenstein | Remove it or your site will be boycotted by many. |
74298. | Wendy Pomeranz-Gugino | |
74297. | Abbie Burk | |
74296. | Paula Lemerman | Hate hurts everyone. |
74295. | Hilary | |
74294. | Jayne Weiss | |
74293. | Mauricio Braverman | |
74292. | Laural Blake | |
74291. | Caryl L. Lippman | |
74290. | Stan Mestel | |
74289. | N. Sherman | |
74288. | Lynn Liss | |
74287. | David Waterman | |
74286. | Harry Maryles | Remove all anti-semetic material |
74285. | Diego Horenstein | |
74284. | sinay | |
74283. | Blythe Greenberg | |
74282. | Pamela Hutchison | |
74281. | Jordan Lavi | Disgusting...hate crimes like these cannot be condoned the way Google is doing. |
74280. | Steven Walvick | |
74279. | Susan Feinberg | |
74278. | Len Victor | |
74277. | Alan Friedman | although I am very pleasantly surprised how many Jewish people have positively influenced all sectors of business and arts, this site anti-semetic site must be SHUT DOWN! |
74276. | Rosemarie Backhus | site needs to be removed |
74275. | Michael Pries | |
74274. | Mel'cuk, Igor | |
74273. | Barbara Jayson | |
74272. | Najwa | |
74271. | Elizabeth Rochester | |
74270. | Emily Elman | |
74269. | Mark Ugoretz | |
74268. | Shirley Zimmelman | |
74267. | Edi Weinberg | a search engine must not be anti-semetic. I am not using google because of this anti-semitism. |
74266. | Ann Baldwin | |
74265. | LOWELL D. THORNTON | There's enough hate in this world without spreading it on the internet! |
74264. | Mindy Tolchinsky | |
74263. | Edward Nemeth | |
74262. | leah | remove jewwatch!!!! |
74261. | Hector Miguel Nemirovsky | |
74260. | Sharon Araghi | |
74259. | Barbara Brody | Â |
74258. | Izak Rappaport | |
74257. | Mira Liebman | |
74256. | Judy Cohn McCarthy | Take Off - this is horrendous |
74255. | Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky | Good riddance! |
74254. | JUDITH SHELL, Ph.D | |
74253. | Brian Walt | |
74252. | Beth Rosenblatt | |
74251. | Marty Collier | |
74250. | Avi | |
74249. | Michael Resch | |
74248. | Andy Wolpert | |
74247. | Barbara Bernstein | |
74246. | hooman emanuel | |
74245. | esther filer | |
74244. | Rita Serotkin | |
74243. | Joseph Wechsler | Why can't we make Google's bias public? |
74242. | martin | |
74241. | lonni sterling | |
74240. | David Gordon | |
74239. | shirley schneiderman | |
74238. | Anthony Ricci | |
74237. | michael seder | |
74236. | Edythe Siteman | this is a perfect example of NAZI modus operanda shame on GOOGLE |
74235. | Rachel Barnett | please remove this asap, thank you |
74234. | Jennifer Wehner | |
74233. | rita lasar | i will use yahoo or other search engines if google does not remove this |
74232. | George Glater | |
74231. | Ehud Dafni | |
74230. | Madonna | As an Italian Superstar I hate it when I discover anti semetism. |
74229. | Beth Rosenblatt | |
74228. | G. Givon | This is definately something that should be removed from the internet completely- let alone off of google. |
74227. | Ira Bezack | |
74226. | Madeline Riback | get rid of this site now! |
74225. | Shari Edelson | |
74224. | Marla Haber | |
74223. | George Velazquez | |
74222. | Arlene Silkes | |
74221. | Gladys Daoud | |
74220. | Iain Cameron | |
74219. | deboura Yaghoubian | |
74218. | Gladys Daoud | |
74217. | Olivia Golliln-Hoepfl | |
74216. | Dan Pankowsky | Don't hide behind techno-babble! Stand up for decency and fight bigotry! |
74215. | Michael Berman | Please Remove "JewWatch.Com" from your search results |
74214. | ayelet | |
74213. | Kimberly | |
74212. | William Fenniman | I'm appalled! |
74211. | Barbara Cohn | I am distressed to see this come up from google!!! I hope this will be removed! |
74210. | Anna Maryles | Remove all anti-Jewish content |
74209. | paul miroshnikov | hatred is out |
74208. | Tracy Aberman | |
74207. | Arlene Silkes | |
74206. | Laura Yates | |
74205. | Daniel Mulhaney | |
74204. | Olga Levy Drucker | I have thought long and hard about our "freedom of speech" but when this freedom is abused, in order to hurt, I feel outraged and disappointed in some of my fellow Americans! |
74203. | Megan Boehm | |
74202. | Megan Boehm | |
74201. | Jon David Salamon | |
74200. | alfred saleh | stop this for humanity |
74199. | R Feinstein | |
74198. | Penny Grant | |
74197. | Marla Haber | |
74196. | Polina Spektor | |
74195. | Paul Ross | |
74194. | William Hoffinger | |
74193. | Ronny Stharkshall | Shame on Google- I will not use them |
74192. | Megan Boehm | |
74191. | R Feinstein | |
74190. | Megan Boehm | |
74189. | L Solat | |
74188. | William Cohen | |
74187. | Carol Rutstein | |
74186. | Cheryl J. Faulkner | |
74185. | Corri Ginsberg | Please remove |
74184. | erez cass | |
74183. | beatrice mauskopf | |
74182. | George W. Thomas | |
74181. | Michael Aberman | |
74180. | Isaac Ponte | |
74179. | Lily Wechsler | |
74178. | Eina Fishman | |
74177. | Michael Aberman | |
74176. | Howard Stecker | |
74175. | Nancy Martin | |
74174. | Lin Grosman | This is an outrage!!! |
74173. | beatrice mauskopf | |
74172. | Eina Fishman | |
74171. | oron chen | |
74170. | Bernard Beck | |
74169. | Michael Aberman | |
74168. | Sheryl Leventhal, MD | |
74167. | Bruce Rose | |
74166. | suzanne bernstein | |
74165. | Sandra Kazman | |
74164. | Suzanne Lasky | |
74163. | Eina Fishman | |
74162. | Eina Fishman | |
74161. | margaret alperstein | |
74160. | Marian Salamon | |
74159. | Zvi Harduf | For unsteined Google |
74158. | Dina Kostovetskaya | |
74157. | Ely Siegelman | As a current advertiser of your AdWords program we and all our associated and partner companies will cancel all advertiseinf campaigns from all related programs at ones unless this link and all similar links would not be removed permanently from your serch engine! |
74156. | Sylvia Murray | Google: You really must act responsibly and put this right. |
74155. | Jordan Tvert | |
74154. | P. Klein | |
74153. | HILARY RABIE | |
74152. | Barry Weisss | |
74151. | Olga Rubio | I am a professor of intercultural education at California State Education and know entirely too well the ills of misinformation and prejudices against minorities. I value your search engine greatly and think it important that it not access information that misinforms and inflames haters and antisemites-with a Jew Watch. Would the world tolerate a Mexican, African-American, Gay/Lesbian, or Asian Watch,. The website fosters racism and promotes fear of Jews in a currently fiercely scary world of others. Remove the website and take the high road. Thank you. |
74150. | Mrs Bette Phillips | I am genuinely shocked and disgusted that Google should harbour such a despicable website. |
74149. | Helen Gordon | |
74148. | Wendy Fine | |
74147. | M. Waldfogel | |
74146. | Sheila Glater | |
74145. | gary p | |
74144. | Leslie Konikow | Thank goodnes google is not the only seach engine. I am done with them. |
74143. | Joe Petrowsky | |
74142. | Susan Sacks | |
74141. | Susan Bloom | |
74140. | Paula Abrahams | |
74139. | Jeff Melnick | |
74138. | idan sh | |
74137. | eliassi avshalom | |
74136. | wolf bienenstock | |
74135. | Howard | |
74134. | MICHAEL HOCHMAN | |
74133. | Richard Israel | Please remove this anti-semitic site from your search engine. Thanks. |
74132. | steve levin | please be sensitive to this issue |
74131. | Kathleen Kiley | |
74130. | dani fattal | |
74129. | Carl Goldman | |
74128. | Carol Kur | |
74127. | jesse wexler | |
74126. | Ryan Kavanaugh | |
74125. | Julie Haskovitz | |
74124. | Shula Darviche | |
74123. | Nicole Cook | Please remove. Too much hate int the world as it is! |
74122. | Liela Rudy | |
74121. | kim lazer | |
74120. | DOVID SHOLOM PAPE | |
74119. | Raymond Silverstein | |
74118. | Stacey Epstein | Please rectify this problem asap --it is a disgrace! |
74117. | ileen | |
74116. | ronit and amos shachar | |
74115. | Dov Nahari | shame,shame |
74114. | I. Robert Altman | |
74113. | igal klein | |
74112. | Igal Hebron | Please remove |
74111. | Francine Farkas | |
74110. | Laraine Fischer | No site should be capable of using hate over the internet. I think the government should endorse banning hate |
74109. | Jack Rahmey | |
74108. | Shoshy | |
74107. | Michael Greene | |
74106. | Malka Dudek | |
74105. | linda jacobs | |
74104. | richard bock | |
74103. | Ali Lichtenstein | |
74102. | Adrienne Zwirn | we don't need another site exploiting antisemitism |
74101. | natalie farbman | |
74100. | Leslie Dubin | |
74099. | rachel powell | |
74098. | Peter Benson | |
74097. | Diana Proper | |
74096. | dr irwin lutwin D.O. | |
74095. | Harold Jalowsky | |
74094. | Berty | |
74093. | Alexandre Semionov | Remember how the Holocaust had started! |
74092. | manuel schottlaender | |
74091. | Robert McGurrin | |
74090. | Michael Ringart | |
74089. | Papi Stein | |
74088. | Steve Blackwell | this must be deleted....stopped. |
74087. | Susan | |
74086. | Bari J. Tuman | |
74085. | syndi saltzman | |
74084. | Karen Gordon-Lakin | |
74083. | Peter A. Goldman | |
74082. | Cindy Lopate | |
74081. | A Levy | |
74080. | Jonathan Ufland | |
74079. | Steve Levine | There is no room for AntiSemitism in the world, and certainly not at the fingertips of every google user |
74078. | Allison Lehman | |
74077. | Janice Bowman | |
74076. | FERN BERGER | |
74075. | Melanie DeLaCerda | |
74074. | Michael Steinberg | |
74073. | Bruce Shapiro | |
74072. | Jonathan D. Gurfein | |
74071. | Stacey Epstein | |
74070. | dana fuchs | |
74069. | Mark Simon | |
74068. | Paul Bader | The web site JewWatch.com is despicable for Google to allow on theie search engine. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech, it has to do with hatred which is not to be tolerated. |
74067. | GAIL | |
74066. | Jill | |
74065. | Patricia Schwarz | |
74064. | JO ANNE BERTRAND | |
74063. | Jason Merel | this sucks |
74062. | Robert I. Rubin | |
74061. | Adam Ortega | |
74060. | Alejandro Gomez | |
74059. | Stan Morris | Is this a first amendment issue? |
74058. | Manda Adams | |
74057. | Ben Starnes | |
74056. | Jane Altschuler | |
74055. | Vivian Weinstein | |
74054. | Warwick Marchant | |
74053. | Isaac | |
74052. | Moriah Wachtenheim | |
74051. | Renee van Nus | |
74050. | e | |
74049. | Diana Proper | |
74048. | L Gelb | Remove all hate mail sites |
74047. | Pam Berkowitz | |
74046. | Howard Smalley | |
74045. | Judith Fine | This is totally unacceptable |
74044. | Dan M. | |
74043. | Harry Bernstein | Please rectify this sad situation. It is the right thing to do. |
74042. | Sylvia Zelvin | Remove this from google search engine |
74041. | sally corriel | |
74040. | Sharon Apfeldorf | |
74039. | gerry plotkin | ignorance is not bliss |
74038. | fefi | |
74037. | M Sinclair | disgusting |
74036. | Ellen Finkelstein | disgusting! |
74035. | Rhona Sober | |
74034. | David Greenman | |
74033. | STEVEN BECKER | |
74032. | jlake | |
74031. | Sofia Millham | |
74030. | Lisa Dublin | |
74029. | richard mitnick | this site is disgusting- there is no free speech protection for hate speech |
74028. | Barry A.Adelman | |
74027. | Dan Levy | |
74026. | Bonni Van Buren | I am very disappointed in Google |
74025. | Vicki Kline | |
74024. | Judy Dombar | |
74023. | Karen Kenny | |
74022. | Keith Lanton | |
74021. | Aimee Boczko | |
74020. | Joe Goldstein | Please do not promote anti-semitism |
74019. | Bernard A. Fried | |
74018. | stephen sommer | |
74017. | Jill Cohen | |
74016. | andres | |
74015. | Bonnie Kebre | |
74014. | Ellie Mand | |
74013. | Hillary Lachman | |
74012. | Devora Smith | |
74011. | Martin Buchalter | |
74010. | Herb Horowitz, Ph.D. | |
74009. | roland goldis | |
74008. | Charles Shambelan | |
74007. | M and J Hecht | |
74006. | DAVID BURGMAN | |
74005. | Eyal Salei | |
74004. | Diane Phillips | You would never have a hate search engine like this for any other people. It's disgusting. |
74003. | Adam Warner | |
74002. | Ron Gruss | |
74001. | Melanie Eisen | |
74000. | Karen Schwartz | |
73999. | Elizabeth Gagkayev | |
73998. | Helena Cohen | Remove this immediately |
73997. | Barbara J. Rosenfield | |
73996. | Deb Russo | |
73995. | Eileen Levy | |
73994. | Patricia Beresford | I don't mind them listing the site as I believe in a variety of freedoms, including free speech and the freedom of expression. That being said, a hate site like this should be far from the the most important thing folks who "google" the word "jew" want/need to know. It should be very very far down in the listings!!!!!!. |
73993. | Moshe Samuels | |
73992. | Linda Book | |
73991. | Mila M. Begun | |
73990. | Virginia S. Grumbach | |
73989. | Joseph Potosky | |
73988. | Lynn Pussic | |
73987. | Ray G. | |
73986. | Helyne Treister | |
73985. | shelly kalter | |
73984. | Rabbi Aronson | |
73983. | John V. Bryant | I have read the Google explanation of their search results. I think they're kidding themselves. They should use their technology to prevent its being hijacked by hate mongers - of any stripe. |
73982. | Julie Rubenstein | |
73981. | michael shore | |
73980. | N Rubin | |
73979. | Bernard L. Lewis | |
73978. | Marilyn Rittner | |
73977. | Doron Meir | |
73976. | Bernard A. Steinberg | How could you? |
73975. | susan linds | |
73974. | mitchell berk | |
73973. | Shay R | |
73972. | Andrea Tannenbaum | |
73971. | Lyon Wexler | A sad commentary when a leading search engine does not discern between hate, racism and fact. |
73970. | Dick Smith | |
73969. | Deborah Miller | |
73968. | Pamela Cory | |
73967. | J. L. Kohler | |
73966. | Laura DE JONG | Appalling! |
73965. | william j.feldman | |
73964. | Shoshanah Wilhelm | keep this world free of racism and anti semitism |
73963. | Sergey | |
73962. | Jane Blumenthal | |
73961. | Yaneev Golombek | |
73960. | Sandra Sela | |
73959. | Elaine & Elliott Kahaner | unless it is removed I will never use Google again & urge others to do the same |
73958. | Shari Jacobson | |
73957. | Dana Markus | |
73956. | Katrina Grigg-Saito | |
73955. | shlomo rosenthal | |
73954. | michelle maleh | |
73953. | Rebecca Cook | Google's explanation of why the site "Jew Watch" results is specious and unconvincing. Google has final control over its results. I cannot believe if the results were racist or anti-Moslem it would argue "free speech" instead of changing the algorithm |
73952. | Daniel Seligmann | |
73951. | Helene Berinsky | |
73950. | Howard Sweidel | Hate can spread without help! |
73949. | ryan fisher | |
73948. | Sheryl Eskowitz | |
73947. | Mike Shuttleworth | |
73946. | Michael Goodman | |
73945. | B. Bartnick | Perpetuating hatred is a sin against all human kind! |
73944. | Neil smith | |
73943. | marcos | |
73942. | Danielle Gibbor | |
73941. | Sheila Bailin | All antisemitic & racist hate sites should be removed! |
73940. | maya ronen | |
73939. | Kalish Family | disgraceful! |
73938. | David Sless | |
73937. | howard millman | |
73936. | Mark R. Osherow | |
73935. | Vandita | Get rid of this garbage |
73934. | Madeline Heller | It saddens me to see such hatred in the world and to see a company allow this to be on their search engine is unthinkable. |
73933. | Keren | |
73932. | Kerri Weintraub | |
73931. | Wendy Wintman | |
73930. | Gail Goldstein | Please remove this web site a.s.a.p. |
73929. | Sharon | |
73928. | Josie Diamond | |
73927. | Don Stern | Shame on Google for allowing such a site |
73926. | sarah schapiro | |
73925. | Mark Shmulevich | |
73924. | steenberghe | |
73923. | Sandra Cohen | |
73922. | Steve Yahr | |
73921. | Kimberly Antes | |
73920. | L. Walder | |
73919. | Atara Weissman | May G-d watch over and protect our precious world, including his chosen people, the Jews. |
73918. | Helene Oshatz | |
73917. | Carolyn Shaw | |
73916. | Andrew Frankel | |
73915. | Patricia Negin | Ê |
73914. | Jeff Marinstein | Google has a responsibility to not promote anti semitism or they will become irrelevant over time |
73913. | Edward Zaltz | |
73912. | elayne landau | |
73911. | Dave Abbey | |
73910. | Bernard & Judith Ryan | As Christians, we find this site(JewWatch.com) extremely objectionable. |
73909. | Deborah Baron | |
73908. | sara | |
73907. | Deborah Max | |
73906. | Chris Strachan | |
73905. | Denise Weintraub | |
73904. | Maya | |
73903. | B Fried | |
73902. | Sheldon Teperman, M.D. | That site is an abomination! |
73901. | Rachel Nathanson | |
73900. | Andrea Villiers | |
73899. | Audrey Leff | |
73898. | josh | |
73897. | Leon Markovitz | Many people search at google for information, and it cant be possible, that 1 of the top 5 results its an antisemitc webpage, we have to delete it, because many people click that web page... |
73896. | ajo | |
73895. | Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz | |
73894. | Roslyn Funt | |
73893. | Thea Farhadian | Remove this please!!!!! |
73892. | Babs Davidson | Good luck with this petition - let us hope the site will be removed from Google. |
73891. | G. Schraibman | Disgusting!!! |
73890. | Santiago Pacheco Marin | |
73889. | jose menache | |
73888. | Gary M. Klein | Google's response is terrible. There are other search engines |
73887. | Janet May | |
73886. | Raejean Kanter | |
73885. | Lauren Lee | |
73884. | Danniel J. Wexler | |
73883. | Elena | |
73882. | Shahar Gindi | |
73881. | Yoel Weinstock | |
73880. | Florence Frenkel | |
73879. | Saulo | |
73878. | SHARYN STARR | |
73877. | Reisha Berkowsky | |
73876. | M. Jacobs | |
73875. | Susan Beckmeyer | |
73874. | Gail Newman | please remove JewWatch.com from the google |
73873. | Larry Chasin | |
73872. | paul friedman | |
73871. | Robin Friehling | |
73870. | Susan Sacks and Jim Andrews | |
73869. | Shira Hillel | |
73868. | Eric Ronis | |
73867. | Matt Doubleyoo | |
73866. | Gualterio Lubasch | |
73865. | Harvey Dater | |
73864. | Matthias Lehmann | |
73863. | Steven Stahl | What a world!!! |
73862. | Kathryn | |
73861. | maital terdiman | |
73860. | Tracy Pearce | |
73859. | deborah rosenthal | |
73858. | nessia shafransky | |
73857. | Lorenzo Lopez | |
73856. | akiva | |
73855. | Fannie Krashin | Google should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen |
73854. | susan nogaro | This is outrageous. Should be removed immediately |
73853. | margaret gillerman | Despicable to spread lies and hate without any responsibility |
73852. | Maurice Solovitz | |
73851. | Esther Tsigelman | |
73850. | Jennifer Appel | I agree |
73849. | Nancy Berjansky | |
73848. | dannah chaifetz | |
73847. | Albert Levy | |
73846. | Miriam McNabb | |
73845. | DAVID GREENBERG | |
73844. | Lucas Overton | |
73843. | Melissa | How disgusting! How dare they do that. Opinions are opinios, but don't post anti-semetic things on a web site that millions of people use a day! I hope G-D forgives them. |
73842. | arthur cohen | |
73841. | Bernice Morgenstern | |
73840. | shelley | |
73839. | Albert | |
73838. | bill oriol | |
73837. | Jack Mizrahi | |
73836. | Andrea Terdiman | |
73835. | Ruth Streett | |
73834. | adrienne r goldberg | |
73833. | ZUIDEMA, Hilbrand | Please Remove JewWatch |
73832. | Marilyn Feldman | |
73831. | J. Fields | |
73830. | Alison Savett | |
73829. | Matt Kaufman | |
73828. | L. Danzker | |
73827. | Ran Haim Terdiman | |
73826. | iris schwartz | |
73825. | Rose Weiss | |
73824. | Dr Jeffrey E Schultz | |
73823. | PETER DYSON | |
73822. | Paul Mirin | |
73821. | Cheryl Kayton | |
73820. | steve shaevitz | |
73819. | ajo | |
73818. | Shimon Weitzman | |
73817. | Robert Shaps | |
73816. | h rakowski | |
73815. | Judith Berenstein | |
73814. | steve jarmon | |
73813. | Dr A V Hirsh | |
73812. | Jonathan Bein | |
73811. | Elyse G. Schifrien | |
73810. | Sharon Mehl | |
73809. | Robert Miller | |
73808. | al adelson | |
73807. | Mary Louise Ellenberger | |
73806. | Martin | |
73805. | Ronald Katz | |
73804. | martylederman | |
73803. | Francisco Pedro Leo | - |
73802. | SARA E. KESSLER | |
73801. | Sylvia Mendleson | disgraceful stuff |
73800. | Charles Rosenstock | |
73799. | Dorothy B. Bernstein | |
73798. | Shira Behar | |
73797. | orit | |
73796. | Ethelea Katzenell | Google should be non-racist, ecumenical |
73795. | ARTHUR BEHAR | |
73794. | Michael Meckley | |
73793. | Carol Kohler | This is horrifying |
73792. | Leonard Prager | |
73791. | Candi Braithwaite | |
73790. | Dalia Dabbah | From Argentina |
73789. | Beverly Rubman | Â |
73788. | PAT HOROWITZ | |
73787. | Lynda Small | |
73786. | Summer Barrett | |
73785. | David Weinstein | |
73784. | Edith Weiss | |
73783. | Laurette D. Del Monte | |
73782. | Barbara Kahn | |
73781. | mr shaw | disgusting |
73780. | elisheva rouimi | |
73779. | Marc Covitt | |
73778. | DAVID RACKNER | I am very upset and horified. |
73777. | e rakowski | |
73776. | Daniel Lenz | |
73775. | Murray Fintel | Do the right thing and get rid of this hate site |
73774. | jay eiman | |
73773. | Lionel Bernstein | This is not freedom of expression, this is pure hate mongering. |
73772. | Aaron Goldsterin | |
73771. | JEFF HOROWITZ | |
73770. | Edward H. Klevans & Deborah R. Klevans | |
73769. | Jon Barkan | |
73768. | Ginny Dederich | |
73767. | Jill Chin | |
73766. | Howard Isaacs | |
73765. | Ruth Kaufman | It is surpising that Google would be mixed up in something like this. Please remove this hateful site. Thank you. |
73764. | julie calabro | |
73763. | Val G, Bennett | |
73762. | Bruce Zivian | |
73761. | talya | |
73760. | James R. Gelles | |
73759. | Eric Evenhuis | |
73758. | James Kravit | |
73757. | Reut Gal | |
73756. | Elias Pflaster | |
73755. | Rhona Lyons | |
73754. | Dr. Ronald Goldenberg | |
73753. | Roger Studley | |
73752. | Kate Beasley | |
73751. | Richard Wolfson | I support free speech and love Google, but this seems like such an easy thing to fix that not doing so would seem silly. Thanks. |
73750. | Barbara Schwimmer | |
73749. | Alfred Emdon | |
73748. | B.FEUER | |
73747. | Will Dean | |
73746. | Or | |
73745. | sandra balaban | |
73744. | Rena Thompson | |
73743. | LEONARD ROOS | |
73742. | Tzachi Litov | |
73741. | Marcia Mordkoff | Shame on you! |
73740. | Juli B. Kramer | |
73739. | Sara Greenwood | |
73738. | Stuart Nesog | |
73737. | Edgardo Bulaievsky | |
73736. | Basil Hillman | This site is disgusting. |
73735. | Michelle Tandowsky | |
73734. | Judith Dwoskin | |
73733. | Edgardo | |
73732. | Guenter Bartos | Remove JewWatch |
73731. | James R. Gelles | |
73730. | Melvin J. Steinhart | |
73729. | barbara ast | |
73728. | albert | |
73727. | Steve Greenberg | |
73726. | Leonard Cohen | The quicker this is removed the better. |
73725. | Steve Marks | |
73724. | Rebecca Rosenblum | |
73723. | Elizabeth Rowley | |
73722. | Rene Nissim | |
73721. | Luciana Archina | |
73720. | Beto Kogan | |
73719. | judi likover | Get this off!! |
73718. | Amir | loveall |
73717. | Robin Kale | This website is an abomination!!! |
73716. | Ruth Rosenblum | |
73715. | Kathy Goetz Wolf | |
73714. | ilene thailer | |
73713. | Gabrielle Weiniger | |
73712. | Dahlia Oziel | |
73711. | Barbara L. Verschuren | Remove it!!! |
73710. | Eliot | |
73709. | Alex | |
73708. | Rhona & Harry Vandelman | |
73707. | Sam Steinhardt | |
73706. | Michael Saperstone | |
73705. | Sari Ayalon | I find this offensive , please remove this site |
73704. | Diana Abovsky | |
73703. | Avram Stundel | |
73702. | Alan Benjamin | |
73701. | Fradelle Schefren | |
73700. | jay smith | |
73699. | Eve Appelbaum | |
73698. | Robert Gewanter | |
73697. | Liza | |
73696. | Renee Grano | This site is listed as "intolerant" which I have blocked from my computer... these sites are a disgrace to our society and should never be tolerated. |
73695. | amy | |
73694. | robin hirsch | |
73693. | Leah | i hope that this site is removed, and that the antisemitism in the world is gotten rid of. Let's all get along!!! |
73692. | Janine Sacks | |
73691. | patrick benaroche | |
73690. | D Glanz | |
73689. | Shai Azoulai | |
73688. | DAVID A. HES | JewWatch.com is vile and disgusting and only adds to the flames of anti-semitisms andworld peace. Google should know better. |
73687. | John E. Szatkowski | |
73686. | Michelina and Herb Botkin | Keep up the good work. |
73685. | Jhamhadr | |
73684. | mperetz | |
73683. | Galit Sperling | |
73682. | Dr.SEth Joseph | |
73681. | zillah | |
73680. | Rickie Cohen | |
73679. | Giselle Sebag | |
73678. | Ronald Coleman | |
73677. | David Green | Please remove the despicable JewWatch.com website from its prominent listing on Google |
73676. | Marc Rosenbaum | |
73675. | D Steven | |
73674. | Shirley Stein | |
73673. | Meredith Paskowitz | |
73672. | Shoshanna Sumka | |
73671. | Eugene Skiest | |
73670. | Jill M Franke | |
73669. | Janet Schlesinger | |
73668. | DONALD LEAVY | |
73667. | itay nakdimon | |
73666. | susan turner | |
73665. | Nathan Nedlaw | unbelievable! |
73664. | David B. Smith | |
73663. | Doreen Usden | |
73662. | Stephanie Grenitz | |
73661. | Jill Shuller | |
73660. | Jennifer Gross | |
73659. | M.L. Ramwell | |
73658. | Daniel Gelb | |
73657. | David Edelson, M.D. | |
73656. | Stephen Shames | |
73655. | Robin Findling | |
73654. | Z Glanz | So disappointing- google was the mainstay of my internet use |
73653. | elayne kramer | |
73652. | bryan clavenna | |
73651. | Richard Gavatin | A little common sense wouldn't hurt |
73650. | D J Fierman | |
73649. | Phyllis Hecsh | |
73648. | L Holland | |
73647. | Cristina Ajemian | |
73646. | MaryBeth Raymar | |
73645. | Elizabeth Baer | |
73644. | Peter Weitzman | |
73643. | hdgjhgdj dhgjhgdj | |
73642. | alison marcus | |
73641. | Barry Greenfeld | |
73640. | Theodore Brachfeld | |
73639. | arnold rabin | abhorent use of technology to further hate. |
73638. | Alejandro Guelman | |
73637. | phyllis lasker | |
73636. | Carol Skiest | |
73635. | Stefanie Friedman | |
73634. | Gary Marcus | While distastful it could be a freedom of speech issue. Plus it's good to know what the hate groups are up to. |
73633. | Rubie | |
73632. | Dina Steinbruch | |
73631. | Linda Schneider | |
73630. | M. Gordon | |
73629. | Clare Gafni | |
73628. | Alan Tuckman,MD | |
73627. | Dan Berkoff | |
73626. | Lari Shea | Please help end prejudice and anti-semitism |
73625. | Debby Eastman | learn from history - don't give Nazis a platform! |
73624. | Randi & James Cohen | |
73623. | Alex Gilinets | remove JewWatch |
73622. | Prescilla Kritz | When the petition was forwarded to me it already had been signed by more than 72,000 people. The JewWatch.com should have been removed with 50,000 signatures. What now?? |
73621. | Joel | |
73620. | Marsha Rockitter | shame on you! |
73619. | Dr Ronald Wand | |
73618. | Ron Burke | |
73617. | sue bookchin | |
73616. | jeff pizitz | |
73615. | F. Weintraub | disappointed in google |
73614. | Phil Silverman | |
73613. | Larry Rosen | |
73612. | Iris L. Alter | |
73611. | Ido | |
73610. | Eugen | |
73609. | MICHAEL CAPLAN | |
73608. | Briana Hampson | |
73607. | Robert Simons | get rid of this crap |
73606. | Maya Katz | Makes me sick to still see this in 21st century |
73605. | Tina Jaskoll | |
73604. | Amber Lucier | |
73603. | Kimberly Enlgand | |
73602. | H.Davis | If you cannot spread a little peace why spread hatred. |
73601. | eitan heldenberg, MD | |
73600. | robert a. fox | |
73599. | sara weiss | Get rid of this anti-semitism now ! |
73598. | Itzik Goldberger | |
73597. | Lois Mayers | |
73596. | Henry Walaszczyk | |
73595. | kenneth gmora | |
73594. | Cheryl Strunsky | |
73593. | Paula Dixton | |
73592. | H. Kirschner | |
73591. | Jose Manuel Delgado | |
73590. | George Friedman | |
73589. | Rachel Glauser | |
73588. | Howard Zack | |
73587. | Daniel Krimm | |
73586. | Michael Cooperman | |
73585. | Gidon Orman | |
73584. | Tanya Sirman | |
73583. | Robyn L. Ruina | |
73582. | Michael Blumenthal | This is an offensive site. |
73581. | Ted Rosenberg | |
73580. | Nathans | |
73579. | Gregory Serfer | |
73578. | Alice Hafner | |
73577. | Emily Nieder | |
73575. | Myrna Ratner | |
73574. | C Buchalter | |
73573. | Seymour Stein | Shameful |
73572. | bronwen roland | |
73571. | Jay Starr | Outrageous in this day & age -or at anytime! |
73570. | michel goldschneider | very disturbing,the same old scourge raises its ugly head again |
73569. | Shirley Saval | anti-semitic |
73568. | Alberto Kotlik | |
73567. | Martin Arlook | This is NOT First Amendment Protected |
73566. | louise schwartz | this is an opportunity for google to do the right thing |
73565. | Torrie Quintero | I am asking Google to establish a policy banning hate sites from being listed at all. They have the technology do so. This should set a precdent of acceptable sites to list. Hate sites are worse than spam and there is the technology to avoid spam |
73564. | rina | |
73563. | Sherry Restrepo | I find it highly offensive |
73562. | Liza Zacharias | |
73561. | D. S. Pinkney | |
73560. | Raviv Schwartz | Even those responsible for internet search engines can exercise a tad of social responsibility. |
73559. | L Gelfond | |
73558. | elana doron | |
73557. | Ina Sanders | |
73556. | Jeremy Sacks | |
73555. | T.M. Levine | |
73554. | Lawrence A. Sanders | It stinks |
73553. | A | Please Remove it |
73552. | kelly leblanc | |
73551. | vittorio ravà | |
73550. | ingmar gozman | |
73549. | Stan Kaushanskiy | |
73548. | Martin Braverman | |
73547. | Maya Shifrin | |
73546. | shiri biran | scarry to know that these kind of anti-semitic sites are so easely found and not yet restricted by the law |
73545. | Neal Goldberg | |
73544. | Pamela R. Socolow | Horrible! |
73543. | Marla Lieberman | |
73542. | Adam N | |
73541. | Yael Aufgang | |
73540. | Corien | |
73539. | Andrew Cooper | |
73538. | Sydney Lewis | |
73537. | holon matty | |
73536. | Michael Sullivan | |
73535. | Louis Taic | |
73534. | Ilana Bern | It must be removed by all means! |
73533. | H Cohen | Please remove from Google Search |
73532. | Leao Tobias | |
73531. | linda | very sad world we live in |
73530. | Seth Daniel Riemer | outrageous |
73529. | Ashley Maltz | |
73528. | rosalee jaeger | |
73527. | David Lawrence | Distgusting use of google |
73526. | Jessica | |
73525. | r.katz | |
73524. | Rami Ranel | |
73523. | Marc Lieberman | |
73522. | Harold Heydt | |
73521. | Howard Cohen | |
73520. | ivy | why promote hate or prejudice? |
73519. | David G. Hosenpud | |
73518. | Alex | #linux.il @ EFnet |
73517. | Doris Rocklin | It is disgraceful to have an anti=semitic site as your first site under "Jew". |
73516. | michelle edrington | |
73515. | Leslie Gordon | |
73514. | Martin Jaeger | |
73513. | A. Rubin | |
73512. | Michael E. Williams | If you can't remove it, at least fix it so it does not show up at such a high rating. |
73511. | yehudit | |
73510. | Bob Bessen | |
73509. | Julia | |
73508. | Karen Feinberg | |
73507. | paul kalsman | |
73506. | Albert Goodman | also, Why is the 1st item on Zionism, an anti-Z polemic |
73505. | Alla Kotler | |
73504. | Stephanie Males | |
73503. | Maria Borukhov | This site is despicable! |
73502. | Amy Simon | |
73501. | Nethaniel Lieberman | |
73500. | jody Rosen | |
73499. | Deborah Gordon | |
73498. | Ilana Pister | |
73497. | Belle Walman | |
73496. | Gary Heller | |
73495. | Ian Craig | |
73494. | Ryan Rosen | |
73493. | Rae Negreann | |
73492. | David Horowitz | |
73491. | Andrea Fechner | |
73490. | Andi | |
73489. | Kelly Libber | |
73488. | alijacobs | |
73487. | Dr. Mark J. Kleinman | |
73486. | Judith Dolnick | |
73485. | Erin Saffer | |
73484. | Drew | please remove website |
73483. | Philip Zemmel | disgusting source |
73482. | Gerald B Rosenstein | Please remove JewWatch |
73481. | Margaret Bradbury | |
73480. | Aharon Brun-Kestler | |
73479. | M. Stuart Adler | |
73478. | J matilsky | |
73477. | MARK TARNOFSKY | |
73476. | Robert Chovnick | |
73475. | Roberta Yafie | |
73474. | Lilias Weisz | |
73473. | Donald Goldberg | |
73472. | Betsy Herman | |
73471. | David Katzman | I am surprised and disappointed that this has been allowed to continue for so long. |
73470. | D. Kerner | |
73469. | Steven Prince | |
73468. | michael kassover | This is disgusting-the fact that google even allows it or won't remove the site on its own |
73467. | Cary Hillebrand | Freedom of speech is not freedom to incite. I understand that it is not feasible for Google to review content of every web page liable to show up in response to a search engine request. When an abhorent and hateful site such as "Jew Watch" turns up prominently as a result of an innocuous search, public responsibility requires that it be deleted. This is is not censorship, it is corporate responsibility. |
73466. | Howard Kammerman | |
73465. | Joyce Litchman | |
73464. | Jerome S. Cohen | stimulates hate, has no redeeming content |
73463. | Victor Klein | |
73462. | Matthew Sackel | |
73461. | Melissa Bernstein | |
73460. | Tsilla | I could not fault Google untill I saw this site. Shame on you Google! |
73459. | Efrat | |
73458. | stephen blumenow | |
73457. | Ellen Rosen | remove JewWatch.com |
73456. | kim krieger | |
73455. | Ronen ada | |
73454. | Carl H. Linder | |
73453. | Michelle Kessler | |
73452. | Jack Garden | |
73451. | Sheila Sone | |
73450. | Lesley Schnaid | how about peace and co-existence? |
73449. | Roberta Karpel | |
73448. | Sharon Mor | |
73447. | Roberto Arguero | |
73446. | Jeffrey Glaser | I use google often and will start using alternate engines if this site continues to be featured as the first site when typing in "jew" |
73445. | Joseph C. Bernstein | |
73444. | Stan Potler | |
73443. | r. gideon | |
73442. | sandra goldberg | remove it at once. |
73441. | Ricka Kohnstamm | |
73440. | Monica Hirschberger | Another great example of using Amendment # 1 to benefit |
73439. | Shari Rozen | |
73438. | simon clanaman | please, remove the site |
73437. | laverne gerner | |
73436. | Judy Peison | |
73435. | Abbie Newman | |
73434. | Adina Bernstein | |
73433. | Dan Israel | |
73432. | Dr. Steven Baron | This heading is, at the very lest, in poor taste and judgement, at at the worst, antisemitic in basic. |
73431. | Robert Abels | |
73430. | anna gonshor | |
73429. | Hope Yudkin | DISGRACEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! |
73428. | Jon Alsop | |
73427. | Lori Sender | |
73426. | Ruth Carter | I like Google very much and am very surprised that Google would carry an anti-semitic site. Please remove it. |
73425. | I Seider | |
73424. | H. Stephen Merlin | |
73423. | Chani | |
73422. | Sharon P. Bernstein | |
73421. | Kerry Grossman | |
73420. | Eleanor Budoff | |
73419. | Nancy | |
73418. | andrew lasky | |
73417. | Richard Little | |
73416. | Daniella | |
73415. | Barry List | |
73414. | Rui Cao | disgrace |
73413. | Ilanit Flaksman | Ignorancy |
73412. | Sue Unger | thank you for the opportunity to make a difference and de-google some anti-semitism |
73411. | Daniel A. Bender | |
73410. | Anne Kay Berson | |
73409. | Debra | |
73408. | Adam Marks | |
73407. | Evelyn Daymond | |
73406. | Jo Anne Childress | |
73405. | C. Pengelly | Pathetic |
73404. | jordan schreiber | |
73403. | Adrienne Roth | |
73402. | Ruth Schoenhaut | |
73401. | Leah Snyder | |
73400. | paul barkin | Google: You have the ability to delete it. You must. |
73399. | H zacut | |
73398. | M ROSBELL | |
73397. | Michael Gitig | |
73396. | mina solomon | |
73395. | Yumiko Ishida | |
73394. | Burt | |
73393. | Jill Ferson | |
73392. | Renee Halperin | |
73391. | Jeffrey Langholtz | |
73390. | Gwen Campbell | |
73389. | Neil Wolfson | |
73388. | allan katz | why number one??--at least make it last |
73387. | Victoria Goyet | |
73386. | Nathan Botkin | Never forget. |
73385. | Carrie Buchwalter | |
73384. | Richard Litt;e | |
73383. | Claire Reichlin | |
73382. | Richard Goldberg | we are all people; choose to help (not to hurt) |
73381. | Janis McWhirter | |
73380. | Joe Poran | |
73379. | Harvey Brooks | |
73378. | Irv Spivak | |
73377. | Judith Klein | Please remove this inflamatory, anti-semitic site from your search engine! |
73376. | Richard Avina | |
73375. | Marla Pendley | |
73374. | Heidi Lehman | |
73373. | Eitan Halper-Stromberg | |
73372. | connie zalmanowitz | |
73371. | Jeff Rosen | |
73370. | marilyn Bernstein | Remove hate groups |
73369. | Marvin H. Zinn | |
73368. | Michele Schwartz | |
73367. | Alma Weintraub | |
73366. | Alexey | |
73365. | G. Goldstein | |
73364. | Jennifer Herskowitz | |
73363. | Barry A Cohen | |
73362. | Ron Michaels | Please remove this hate web site |
73361. | Paula Rappaport | |
73360. | Maria Lakernick | |
73359. | Rhonda Winston | |
73358. | Julie Katz | |
73357. | Norman Rosenberg | |
73356. | Rosanne Wickman | |
73355. | Kahn | |
73354. | Jan Kliger | |
73353. | Ingrid bleeker | |
73352. | Itzhak Be-er | |
73351. | Laura Roach | |
73350. | Sharon Clark | |
73349. | Bonny Butler | Ê |
73348. | maria Adler | |
73347. | Ami Goldstein | |
73346. | Shayna Ross | Google has been an excellent source as a search engine but I'm blown away by their lack of action. Shame on you Google! |
73345. | melanie | its desgusting |
73344. | Sandra Rudy | absolutely disgusting and unacceptable! |
73343. | Gali | |
73342. | Linda Taylor | |
73341. | Eric Rosenberg | |
73340. | Dr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Cohen | |
73339. | Lois Zeidman | |
73338. | Judy Eigen | |
73337. | herb rosenberg | |
73336. | Linda Gordon | |
73335. | Joan Eisenfeld | |
73334. | Debra Sherman | |
73333. | Saul Levitt | |
73332. | Steve Davis | |
73331. | Jamie | |
73330. | Brie O'Neal | If this site is not removed--I will urge everyone I know to boycott this search engine. Anyone providing a forum for these zealots should not profit from this kind of hatred. |
73329. | H.R. Hoffman | |
73328. | Don Butler | remove this type of hateful crap |
73327. | Dave Botwin | Please allows discretion to overcome hatred |
73326. | Elana | |
73325. | Kathy Cohen | |
73324. | Joel Weisvogel | |
73323. | Jason Katz | |
73322. | Alex Haubenstock | This website has false information and should not be allowed on the web. |
73321. | Linda Silverman | |
73319. | Robert Racusin | |
73318. | Benjamin Schwarz | Anti-Semitism is already a growing trend in Europe and the Middle East-- We must not let it happen here! |
73317. | Jonathan Shrank | |
73316. | Jerrold Michaels | |
73315. | Jacques Weizmann | Will never use Gogool agian as long that ther is the Jew hatred site |
73314. | Renee Lowden | I don't think the site should be removed, but to be first on your list? HOw much are they paying you? |
73313. | Sheldon Frankel | |
73312. | Gaynor Kohn | |
73311. | Susan Eisenberg | |
73310. | Marsha C. Markman, Ph.D. | |
73309. | Melanie Shweitser | |
73308. | camila landman | |
73307. | Bruce Hollowick | |
73306. | marcey | remove this hateful,untruthful site |
73305. | ruth sotnick | |
73304. | Michelle Loggia | |
73303. | eric fox | |
73302. | Danny Ghitis | |
73301. | Jacalyn Itzkow | |
73300. | Amanda Steiman | |
73299. | jose ofman | |
73298. | wendy egan | |
73297. | violet berger | Remove Jew Watch from Google |
73296. | sandy | |
73295. | Susan K. | Google has never been an instrument of hate. Keep it that way. |
73294. | Jay LeGrand M.D. | |
73293. | Ellen Ratnofsky | Your decision making process is totally unacceptable is today's world. You are reactive and not proactive. |
73292. | steve | |
73291. | Steven Gordon | |
73289. | Richard Fleischman | |
73288. | Emanuel Eisenfeld | |
73287. | Leilani | |
73286. | Rashelle Berry | |
73285. | rp ambrosino | |
73284. | Kathryn Johnson | |
73283. | Larry M Bruni, MD | |
73282. | Larisa B. | |
73281. | Ruth | |
73280. | deborah lalo | |
73279. | Martin A. Stein | This sight is a disgrace and must be removed. As a proud American, Jew and Marine Corps. veteran, I am deeply offended by this site which clearly excedes free speech boundaries. |
73278. | Lewis Miller | |
73277. | Elana Viner | |
73276. | Diane Sandler | |
73275. | Dr. Peter Schubert | |
73274. | MARTIN SHERMAN | |
73273. | Stuart | |
73272. | Ari Harkov | |
73271. | Leo Kinigson | |
73270. | Samantha Cooper | |
73269. | yoram | |
73268. | joel | This is an abomination, it must be removed. imparciality is not the answer |
73267. | Jerre Noe | |
73266. | paula wolfson | |
73265. | Carol Doppelt | |
73264. | Vitaly Balkovsky | Israel |
73263. | moises franco | Am Israel Chai, Please remove JEWWATCH.com |
73262. | Arthur Waxler | |
73261. | Benjy Levine | |
73260. | Brent Bolton | Google, Please fix this Immediately |
73259. | Randy Koss | |
73258. | steven kaplan | you should eliminate entries for hatred against all groups, beliefs, faiths, etc.... |
73257. | Joel Epstein | |
73256. | osnat | |
73255. | Eran Yaniv | |
73254. | Stephen Doppelt | |
73253. | Jacqueline Schulkes | |
73252. | susan farber | |
73251. | Moshe | |
73250. | Robert Friedman | |
73249. | Allyson Bohensky | |
73248. | Stephen S. Ziedman | |
73247. | jordan bittel | |
73246. | Eddie | |
73245. | pnina staav | clean it up |
73244. | Robert Bernsein | |
73243. | Heather Baxter | |
73242. | Yosef Lifchitz | I will now be using yahoo search engine until this is removed |
73241. | chuck nowlen jr. | please remove ASAP!! This is an outrage! |
73240. | Violet Sada | |
73239. | Kim Kaiman | |
73238. | alex malino | antisemetic |
73237. | Rachel Greenfeld | This is an absurd way to conduct your business. You should be ashamed. |
73236. | Allan Kenyon | |
73235. | Ken Perkins | |
73234. | EdGolden | |
73233. | Avrohm Belsofsky | |
73232. | Jason Stern | |
73231. | James Henriksen | Try getting Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center involved in this matter. |
73230. | Yafit D | |
73229. | Noel Workman | Don't turn a blind eye to this slime. |
73228. | Sonja Turetsky | Parents, etc. lived through holocost. Lost relatives. Get this junk out of here. Doesn't belong on web. |
73227. | jane matlaw | |
73226. | Caryn Posnansky | |
73225. | Michael Elfassy | |
73224. | Eileen Litchfield | Please remove it! |
73223. | Sasha Orshanski | |
73222. | Nitsa Barash | Since links are ordered according to the quantity of connections and the frequency of communications, the highest ranking that the JEWWATCH site received may be another indication of growing antisemitism. It should be noted that a) Google's creators and owners are both Jewish b) To remain credible and widely used, Google has to maintain its objective practices. Only one criterion is used to remove a site: its legal status. Can the creative Google be creative here too? |
73221. | Marion L. Usher | |
73220. | Melvin Ross | A requirement to remove from the Google Search Engine. |
73219. | Joyce Kinigson | |
73218. | Kim Brandt | |
73217. | Steven Levitan | |
73216. | steve fram | |
73215. | Oren | |
73214. | Darryl Kogan | |
73213. | Debora A. Clawson | ÿ |
73212. | Max | It is disgusting that google would allow a site like this to be available through their search engine. |
73211. | robin | |
73210. | Moshe Rudiak | |
73209. | Michele Pliskin | |
73207. | nina saltman | |
73206. | Ofir Govrin | |
73205. | Abbe DeMaio | please remove this offensive site from your search |
73204. | david a weiss | |
73203. | liz white | |
73202. | Jonathan Zakin | |
73201. | ehud kapen | |
73200. | Jacob Stains | |
73199. | SARA ROTTENBERG | |
73198. | Amanda Dudley | |
73197. | Jody Max | |
73196. | Michelle Birnbaum | |
73195. | Sandra Daitch | |
73194. | Tamar Fenton | |
73193. | Molly Steinfeld | |
73192. | Jerome Wiener | please remove this site from your system |
73191. | Evelyn Tauchert | |
73190. | Myles Marcovitch | |
73189. | pamela schwartz | I don't understand why it is so difficult to make this change? |
73188. | A. Berger | |
73187. | Ari Golan | |
73186. | James Summers | |
73185. | Marvin Schnee | Shameful! |
73184. | Rachel Segal | |
73183. | Ilan Alleson | |
73182. | L. M. Kittelberger | |
73181. | Ben Spielman | |
73180. | Art | |
73179. | C.A. Rosenberg | |
73178. | Myrna Hant | |
73177. | Eliel Redstone | |
73176. | Liza Robbins Theuman | |
73175. | zev | |
73174. | Andrea Milrad | |
73173. | linda levine | |
73172. | Michael Goldrich | |
73171. | Bill Sniffin | |
73170. | Jennifer | |
73169. | Sheila | |
73168. | Shari Cohen | |
73167. | mariah williams | This site is dangerous. Please remove it. |
73166. | Randi Cannon | |
73165. | Chanan Tigay | |
73164. | Talya Dash | there is enough hate in this world, we don't need to be adding to it |
73163. | lori jentleson | |
73162. | Heather R. | Remove this disgrace at once |
73161. | Phillip Leibowitz | |
73160. | Adena Ackerman | |
73159. | mark markman | This is so sad; not because of its context but that Google would view this as non- objectionable material. |
73158. | Yuly Bersudsky | |
73157. | Jody Wager | |
73156. | Jacqueline Samuel | |
73155. | Daniel Landau | |
73154. | Andrew G | |
73153. | Ofra Golan | |
73152. | Shaul Ze'ev Bergfeld | |
73151. | Dean Weinreich | |
73150. | Susan Lomastro | just get it off the web asap |
73149. | Chanan Tigay | |
73148. | Lou Lewis | Stopped using Google promptly |
73147. | Alam Jay Braverman | |
73146. | Marjorie Moon | |
73145. | Jeff Chasin | |
73144. | gal | |
73143. | Mariam Cohen, MD, PsyD | |
73142. | Mark E. Oseas | |
73141. | alan koven | |
73140. | Allen S. Kaplan | |
73139. | Norma Rosenthal | |
73138. | Eric Lawrence | Utterly despicable |
73137. | Jay Leibowitz | Appalling. |
73136. | Samantha Zenack | While I strongly support freedom of speech, I did some other ethnic & religious searches which did not list such a negative website on page one of my search. |
73135. | myriam kassin | |
73134. | Leah | |
73133. | Brian Hofman | |
73132. | meta chessin | |
73131. | Lou Lewis | Stopped using Google promptly |
73130. | Jason H.P. Kravitt | |
73129. | William Frank | |
73128. | Wendy Sample | happy to support this |
73127. | darryl cutler | |
73126. | Barbara Manche | |
73125. | Shari Borsuk | |
73124. | Cathy Bock | |
73123. | Jeremy Blankstein | Something like this should be stopped. |
73122. | Maria Bitran | |
73121. | Diana Fishbeyn | this website is an outrage! |
73120. | hilary abramson | |
73119. | albert suissa | |
73118. | Ellen Sotoloff | |
73117. | Eleanor Coffman | |
73116. | Meryl Rizzotti | Please remove this site. It is hate based |
73115. | Lev L. Spiro | |
73114. | Liora Rosen | I hold you to higher standards |
73113. | John Shulansky | |
73112. | CAROL ROVETTI South Africa | |
73111. | Miriam Kolchin | |
73110. | Elizabeth Johnson | This is a horrifying practice. Please stop. |
73109. | Andrea Livingston | |
73108. | Rina Cohan | |
73107. | susan silverman | remove jewwatch from google! |
73106. | Monte Merken | |
73105. | John Forster | |
73104. | E. Herscovitch | should be removed promptly |
73103. | David Leivn | |
73102. | Roy Kaplan | Disgrace |
73101. | Burton A Scherl | |
73100. | David Baldinger | |
73099. | Susan Wheeler | |
73098. | Leslie Cohen | |
73097. | michelle rosenblatt | |
73096. | peja schussler | Seems a very poor choice to have on your search engine. Remove it please |
73095. | Judy Ackerman | |
73094. | Sherri Patak | |
73093. | Nina Fisher | |
73092. | Arnold Henry | |
73091. | Calvin Miller | |
73090. | Lorna D'Onofrio | |
73089. | Leor Weinberger | |
73088. | Rozanne Seelen | Lies are not freedom of speech |
73087. | Evan Dd. Gotlib | |
73086. | Iakov Florentin | Â |
73085. | rabbi malka drucker | |
73084. | Rozanne Seelen | Lies are not freedom of speech |
73083. | Allan H. Hyman | |
73082. | Rene Nissim | |
73081. | Barbara Smiler | |
73080. | sue rollins | |
73079. | Lori Crosley | |
73078. | Jamie | |
73077. | Seymour Levine | |
73076. | Irwin Simms | |
73075. | mike fitzgerald | |
73074. | Jen Klein | People need to start gaining some SELF WORTH/CONFIDENCE so that they don't have to continue to blame other races and creeds for their unwise life-choices. |
73073. | Joseph | |
73072. | Danielle Rothman | |
73071. | Robert Spinner | |
73070. | Samantha Nelson | |
73069. | Evan Levine | |
73068. | Janet Weiner | Please remove this heinous site immediately. |
73067. | Christopher Armstrong-Stevenson | Google is my favorite search engine and forst choice, please don't let this continue. |
73066. | josi wert | |
73065. | Mordechai Lando | |
73064. | Adam Handler | im all for freedom of speech, however i dont think this site provides enough USEFUL info deserving to be the #1 site on google. |
73063. | Irene Zilberman | Remove the site - children can see it |
73062. | Judith Berke | |
73061. | Allison Lampert | |
73060. | dAVE dADOUN | |
73059. | Jamie Adner | |
73058. | betsy robinson | |
73057. | Janina Pleet | |
73056. | Mark & Kaye Berman | Please remove JewWatch.com from Google |
73055. | Kathy Rosenbaum | I am not only horrified at the website, but at googles' insensitiviey |
73054. | David Allen | I find this site disgusting |
73053. | Suzanne Grocki | |
73052. | gina rosenfield | |
73051. | Garry Frenkel | |
73050. | Dr. Vered Delbar | |
73049. | Margo Smith | |
73048. | Bob Zomerplaag | believe in humanity, not in prejudices |
73047. | Laura | |
73046. | Jayson Score | |
73045. | Sharyn Roboz | |
73044. | nora chinn | |
73043. | r. gutterman | |
73042. | Ian Smiler | |
73041. | Barbara | you should be ashamed of this information |
73040. | Paul M. Sod | |
73039. | lorne rosenfield | |
73038. | Laura | |
73037. | Margot Barnet | Actually, it's the second listing now. But it's pretty ugly and clearly has the intent of spreading hate and misinformation. It should be off of there. |
73036. | Larry Cooper | |
73035. | Alexandra Pike | |
73034. | Renee Black | |
73033. | Bernard Cohen | |
73032. | Florence Small | |
73031. | miriam levy | |
73030. | Yael Petretti | |
73029. | Yael Petretti | |
73028. | Hallel-Halevy Dafna | |
73027. | Eric Mills | |
73026. | Jon Deglin | |
73025. | Dawn M. Wolkenfeld | Israel is the apple of God's eye |
73024. | moshe storch | |
73023. | Steven Shpuntoff | |
73022. | Laura Duke | |
73021. | tomer | |
73020. | malka Scheinok | |
73019. | Nancy H. Babbs | |
73018. | kahn | |
73017. | flora menda | |
73016. | thom Hamill | |
73015. | Ruth Herzel | ke every effort to prevent this kind of situation from repeating itself. |
73014. | Bernard Weintraub | |
73013. | Alison Tannenbaum | |
73012. | Estie Fr. | |
73011. | tau ron | |
73010. | Sandi Weber | |
73009. | bjorn sperber | |
73008. | Theodore O'Neill | |
73007. | Hannah Kirschenfeld | |
73006. | Ina Pochtar | A company as popular as Google should focus on contributing to society, instead of feuling hatred and taking away from society ! |
73005. | Wendy Moorhouse | |
73004. | amy bromberg | |
73003. | Yvon |